February 11, 2021
February 19, 2021Here’s the LIFE CHANGING 22/2 intermittent fasting protocol:
Cognitive enhancement
Trinity 1/4 tsp
Autonomous 1/8 tsp (very strong start small)
Seven Sages (sold separately) 1/4 tsp (if you feel good increase to 1/2 tsp)
Matcha 1/4 tsp (too much at once may make you feel nauseous; very strong matcha)
Jing Force 1/4 tsp
Glucose Blocker 1/8 tsp
Anti aging (must be while fasting low insulin for maximum effects)
Senolytic 1/4 tsp
ACB 1/4 tsp
Autophagy 1/4 tsp
In cold brew or hot coffee
💥MIDDAY Pre workout
Energy, Strength, Power
1/4 tsp Nebula
1/4 tsp Thermo
1/4 tsp Anti Adipogenic
1/8 tsp Glucose Blocker
1/4 tsp Matcha
In cold brew or hot coffee
Hair / Skin / Immunity
Super Tonic Hair 1/4 tsp
Pine pollen 1 tbs
Peel 1/4 tsp
Spice 1/4 tsp
Beauty Blend 1/4 tsp
Victorious 1/4 tsp
Shilajit 1/2 tsp
Luteolin 1/4 tsp
Glucose Blocker 1/8 tsp
In fresh grapefruit juice
1/8-1/4 tsp PURGE with low insulin index paleo keto meal.
Quality sleep
1/4 tsp Hypnotic
1/8 tsp Glucose Blocker
In warm chamomile tea
💥22/2 means 22 hour fast with coffee and blends / 2 hour paleo keto low insulin index meal daily (fresh green salad with olive oil vinaigrette is perfect) I prefer Mediterranean Diet (see below)
💵 BEST VALUE 👉 https://dryfasting.com/product/monthlyspecial/
💥Samples are also available here:
💥Why intermittent fasting is important: https://dryfasting.com/2021/02/intermittent-fasting/
💥Time restricted feeding benefits:
💥MTOR: the rapid aging pathway and how and why you want to inhibit it:
💥Autophagy and it’s importance:
💥Oxidative stress:
💥Mediterranean Diet: https://dryfasting.com/2022/02/mediterranean-diet/
💥Blends are best taken in coffee while fasting here’s why: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5611980/ https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/28526373/
💥If weight loss is goal get this: https://dryfasting.com/product/challengecombo/
A great place to begin is TESTIMONIALS; read what others have to say and see if something resonates with you: https://dryfasting.com/testimonials/
💥If you have never fasted before, I recommend a 72 hour (air only) DRY FAST to get acclimated.
TRINITY – stress depression anxiety ⭐️BEST SELLER (great start)
GLUCOSE BLOCKER – anti diabetic, blood sugar, anti aging, SGLT inhibitor
EKG – Cardioprotective, heart
TITANIUM – strong bones, anti osteoporosis
AUTONOMOUS – cognition brain limitless focus clarity
NEBULA / SUPERNOVA- alpha warrior energy, anti fatigue, confidence, stamina
PEEL- Flavonoids, Inflammation, skin issues, oxidative stress, allergies
SPICE- Polyphenols Pain Antioxidant
SEVEN SAGES- all in one (7 blends)
ALZ – anti Alzheimer’s, dementia, Parkinson’s, neuroprotective
ACB – ant cancer, anti aging, mTOR inhibitor
SENOLYTIC- zombie cell killer, removes / prevents senescent cells
ANTI ADIPOGENIC- prevents new fat from forming
PURGE – colon apocalypse, fat burner
THERMO- anti diabetic, glucose disposal agent, pre workout, fat burning
APIGENIN- blood pressure, neurogenesis, testosterone, liver
VICTORIOUS- anti viral, covid
LUTEOLIN- memory, brain, anti cancer
HELICO- heartburn, h pylori
PARASLAYER- parasites, stomach issues
SHILAJIT- electrolytes minerals; energy
PINE POLLEN – youth powder, testosterone
SUPER TONIC HAIR – hair growth / grey prevention
AUTOPHAGY- cell cleaner
NIAGRA – viagra for women, menopause, painful periods, hot flashes
THUNDER- male enhancement, ED
JING FORCE – kidneys
REWIRE- anti addiction
MATCHA- green tea, anti aging, energy
PLUSH-beauty blend, perfect skin, anti wrinkle agent
⭐️Feel free to message me or group with any questions.
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on health, aging, and disease
- Metabolic effects of Intermittent fasting
- Impact of Intermittent fasting on health and disease processes
- Intermittent fasting in cardiovascular disorders—an overview
- Intermittent fasting and human metabolic health
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans
- Intermittent fasting: What questions should we be asking?
- Clinical management of Intermittent fasting in patients with diabetes mellitus
- Intermittent fasting: is the wait worth the weight?
- Cardioprotection by Intermittent fasting in rats
- Beneficial effects of Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction on the cardiovascular and cerebrovascular systems
- Intermittent fasting: A “new” historical strategy for controlling seizures?
- Physiological and chronobiological changes during Ramadan Intermittent fasting
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on metabolism in men
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on glucose and lipid metabolism
- Intermittent fasting: the choice for a healthier lifestyle
- Intermittent fasting: the science of going without
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on health markers in those with type 2 diabetes: A pilot study
- Positive effects of Intermittent fasting in ischemic stroke
- Effect of Intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men
- Intermittent fasting during R amadan: does it affect sleep?
- Caloric restriction and Intermittent fasting: two potential diets for successful brain aging
- Apparent prolongation of the life span of rats by Intermittent fasting: one figure
- Chronic Intermittent fasting improves cognitive functions and brain structures in mice
- Intermittent fasting dissociates beneficial effects of dietary restriction on glucose metabolism and neuronal resistance to injury from calorie intake
- Sleep during Ramadan Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting interventions for treatment of overweight and obesity in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Health effects of Intermittent fasting: hormesis or harm? A systematic review
- Autophagy and Intermittent fasting: the connection for cancer therapy?
- Intermittent fasting and weight loss: Systematic review
- The effectiveness of Intermittent fasting to reduce body mass index and glucose metabolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Gut microbiota mediates Intermittent–fasting alleviation of diabetes-induced cognitive impairment
- Intermittent fasting confers protection in CNS autoimmunity by altering the gut microbiota
- Intermittent fasting vs daily calorie restriction for type 2 diabetes prevention: a review of human findings
- Intermittent fasting: physiological implications on outcomes in mice and men
- Impact of Intermittent fasting on the lipid profile: assessment associated with diet and weight loss
- Intermittent fasting combined with calorie restriction is effective for weight loss and cardio-protection in obese women
- Intermittent fasting in type 2 diabetes mellitus and the risk of hypoglycaemia: a randomized controlled trial
- Intermittent fasting during Ramadan attenuates proinflammatory cytokines and immune cells in healthy subjects
- The impact of Intermittent fasting (Ramadan fasting) on psoriatic arthritis disease activity, enthesitis, and dactylitis: A multicentre study
- Intermittent fasting promotes white adipose browning and decreases obesity by shaping the gut microbiota
- Practicality of Intermittent fasting in humans and its effect on oxidative stress and genes related to aging and metabolism
- Intermittent fasting does not affect whole-body glucose, lipid, or protein metabolism
- Therapeutic use of Intermittent fasting for people with type 2 diabetes as an alternative to insulin
- Energy metabolism and Intermittent fasting: The Ramadan perspective
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on serum lipid levels, coagulation status and plasma homocysteine levels
- Effects of Intermittent fasting, caloric restriction, and Ramadan Intermittent fasting on cognitive performance at rest and during exercise in adults
- Cardioprotective effect of Intermittent fasting is associated with an elevation of adiponectin levels in rats
- Intermittent fasting and caloric restriction ameliorate age-related behavioral deficits in the triple-transgenic mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
- Proteomic analysis of human plasma during Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting attenuates inflammasome activity in ischemic stroke
- Impact of Intermittent fasting on glucose homeostasis
- Effects of Intermittent fasting and energy-restricted diets on lipid profile: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Intermittent fasting prevents the progression of type I diabetic nephropathy in rats and changes the expression of Sir2 and p53
- Intermittent fasting and dietary supplementation with 2‐deoxy‐D‐glucose improve functional and metabolic cardiovascular risk factors in rats
- Scientific evidence of diets for weight loss: Different macronutrient composition, Intermittent fasting, and popular diets
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on sports performance and training: a review
- Intermittent fasting and cardiovascular disease: current evidence and unresolved questions
- Intermittent fasting attenuates lipopolysaccharide-induced neuroinflammation and memory impairment
- Intermittent fasting: a heart healthy dietary pattern?
- Potential benefits and harms of Intermittent energy restriction and Intermittent fasting amongst obese, overweight and normal weight subjects—a narrative review of …
- Caloric restriction and Intermittent fasting alter spectral measures of heart rate and blood pressure variability in rats
- The role of Intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on Health, Aging, and Disease. Reply.
- Intermittent fasting—The new lifestyle?
- Intermittent fasting results in tissue-specific changes in bioenergetics and redox state
- Daytime alertness, mood, psychomotor performances, and oral temperature during Ramadan Intermittent fasting
- Short-term, Intermittent fasting induces long-lasting gut health and TOR-independent lifespan extension
- Restructuring of the gut microbiome by Intermittent fasting prevents retinopathy and prolongs survival in db/db mice
- Intermittent fasting: a dietary intervention for prevention of diabetes and cardiovascular disease?
- Intermittent fasting as part of the management for T2DM: from animal models to human clinical studies
- Intermittent fasting and its effects on athletic performance: a review
- The effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on athletic performance: recommendations for the maintenance of physical fitness
- Intermittent fasting increases adult hippocampal neurogenesis
- Interleukin-6, C-reactive protein and biochemical parameters during prolonged Intermittent fasting
- Mechanisms of lifespan regulation by calorie restriction and Intermittent fasting in model organisms
- Limited evidence for the health effects and safety of Intermittent fasting among patients with type 2 diabetes
- Chronic Intermittent fasting improves the survival following large myocardial ischemia by activation of BDNF/VEGF/PI3K signaling pathway
- Repetitive stimulation of autophagy-lysosome machinery by Intermittent fasting preconditions the myocardium to ischemia-reperfusion injury
- Intermittent fasting and Metabolic Health: From Religious Fast to Time‐Restricted Feeding
- Roles of caloric restriction, ketogenic diet and Intermittent fasting during initiation, progression and metastasis of cancer in animal models: a systematic review …
- Islamic fasting leads to an increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis group: A preliminary study on Intermittent fasting
- SIRT3 mediates hippocampal synaptic adaptations to Intermittent fasting and ameliorates deficits in APP mutant mice
- Signalling through RHEB-1 mediates Intermittent fasting-induced longevity in C. elegans
- Ramadan Intermittent fasting and immunity: An important topic in the era of COVID-19
- Could Intermittent energy restriction and Intermittent fasting reduce rates of cancer in obese, overweight, and normal-weight subjects? A summary of evidence
- Late-onset Intermittent fasting dietary restriction as a potential intervention to retard age-associated brain function impairments in male rats
- Effectiveness of Intermittent fasting and time-restricted feeding compared to continuous energy restriction for weight loss
- Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an Intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations
- Intermittent fasting (alternate day fasting) in healthy, non-obese adults: protocol for a cohort trial with an embedded randomized controlled pilot trial
- Effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on aerobic and anaerobic performance and perception of fatigue in male elite judo athletes
- Intermittent fasting promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEGF-mediated alternative activation of macrophage
- Daytime sleepiness during Ramadan Intermittent fasting: polysomnographic and quantitative waking EEG study
- Effects of fasting and Intermittent fasting on rat hepatocarcinogenesis induced by diethylnitrosamine
- Investigating physical and nutritional changes during prolonged Intermittent fasting in hemodialysis patients: a prospective cohort study
- Intermittent fasting improves functional recovery after rat thoracic contusion spinal cord injury
- The growth hormone receptor gene‐disrupted mouse fails to respond to an Intermittent fasting diet
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on lipid and lipoprotein parameters: An updated meta-analysis
- Intermittent fasting: A Heart Healthy Dietary Pattern?
- Intermittent fasting preserves beta-cell mass in obesity-induced diabetes via the autophagy-lysosome pathway
- Intermittent fasting and ‘metabolic switch’: Effects on metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
- Ramadan model of Intermittent fasting for 28 d had no major effect on body composition, glucose metabolism, or cognitive functions in healthy lean men
- The FastDiet-revised & updated: Lose weight, stay healthy, and live longer with the simple secret of Intermittent fasting
- Comparison of Intermittent fasting versus caloric restriction in obese subjects: a two year follow-up
- Impact of Intermittent fasting on human health: an extended review of metabolic cascades
- Intermittent fasting with or without exercise prevents weight gain and improves lipids in diet-induced obese mice
- Targeting glucose metabolism to enhance immunotherapy: emerging evidence on Intermittent fasting and calorie restriction mimetics
- Impact of diurnal Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on inflammatory and oxidative stress markers in healthy people: Systematic review and meta-analysis
- The effects of calorie restriction, Intermittent fasting and vegetarian diets on bone health
- Thermogenesis-independent metabolic benefits conferred by isocaloric Intermittent fasting in ob/ob mice
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on prostate cancer tumor growth in a mouse model
- Intermittent fasting protects against the deterioration of cognitive function, energy metabolism and dyslipidemia in Alzheimer’s disease-induced estrogen deficient rats
- Impact of Ramadan diurnal Intermittent fasting on rheumatic diseases
- Transcriptome analysis reveals Intermittent fasting-induced genetic changes in ischemic stroke
- The effects of diurnal Intermittent fasting on proinflammatory cytokine levels while controlling for sleep/wake pattern, meal composition and energy …
- How does diurnal Intermittent fasting impact sleep, daytime sleepiness, and markers of the biological clock? Current insights
- Circadian pattern of sleep, energy expenditure, and body temperature of young healthy men during the Intermittent fasting of Ramadan
- Intermittent fasting increases energy expenditure and promotes adipose tissue browning in mice
- Intermittent fasting interventions for the treatment of overweight and obesity in adults aged 18 years and over: a systematic review protocol
- Intermittent fasting for microbes: how discontinuous feeding increases functional stability in anaerobic digestion
- Intermittent fasting improves glucose tolerance and promotes adipose tissue remodeling in male mice fed a high-fat diet
- Intermittent fasting modulation of the diabetic syndrome in streptozotocin-injected rats
- Increasing neuroplasticity to bolster chronic pain treatment: a role for Intermittent fasting and glucose administration?
- A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on body weight in healthy subjects aged 16 …
- Intermittent fasting, insufficient sleep, and circadian rhythm: interaction and effects on the cardiometabolic system
- Intermittent fasting could ameliorate cognitive function against distress by regulation of inflammatory response pathway
- The effect of Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on sleep, sleepiness, cognitive function, and circadian rhythm
- Effects of Intermittent fasting diets on plasma concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: fasting …
- Intermittent fasting protects against alzheimer’s disease possible through restoring aquaporin-4 polarity
- Intermittent fasting for Twelve Weeks Leads to Increases in Fat Mass and Hyperinsulinemia in Young Female Wistar Rats
- Comparison of high-protein, Intermittent fasting low-calorie diet and heart healthy diet for vascular health of the obese
- Caloric restriction and Intermittent fasting alter hepatic lipid droplet proteome and diacylglycerol species and prevent diabetes in NZO mice
- A Pesco-Mediterranean Diet With Intermittent fasting: JACC Review Topic of the Week
- Recent evidence on the impact of Ramadan diurnal Intermittent fasting, mealtime, and circadian rhythm on cardiometabolic risk: a review
- Intermittent fasting: the next big weight loss fad
- Impact of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on oxidative stress measured by urinary 15–isoprostane
- Intermittent fasting induces hypothalamic modifications resulting in low feeding efficiency, low body mass and overeating
- … oxygen species may precipitate many of the beneficial alterations in cellular physiology produced by caloric restriction, Intermittent fasting, exercise and dietary …
- The effects of diurnal Intermittent fasting on the wake-promoting neurotransmitter orexin-A
- Intermittent fasting attenuates increases in neurogenesis after ischemia and reperfusion and improves recovery
- Diurnal Intermittent fasting during Ramadan: the effects on leptin and ghrelin levels
- Effects of Intermittent fasting or calorie restriction on markers of lipid metabolism in human skeletal muscle
- Intermittent administration of a fasting-mimicking diet intervenes in diabetes progression, restores β cells and reconstructs gut microbiota in mice
- Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for four consecutive weeks induces anticancer serum proteome response and improves metabolic syndrome
- Intermittent fasting dietary restriction regimen negatively influences reproduction in young rats: a study of hypothalamo-hypophysial-gonadal axis
- Pilot study of novel Intermittent fasting effects on metabolomic and trimethylamine N-oxide changes during 24-hour water-only fasting in the FEELGOOD trial
- Intermittent fasting could be safely achieved in people with type 1 diabetes undergoing structured education and advanced glucose monitoring
- Seizure tests distinguish Intermittent fasting from the ketogenic diet
- Intermittent fasting, Paleolithic, or Mediterranean diets in the real world: exploratory secondary analyses of a weight-loss trial that included choice of diet and exercise
- Intermittent fasting promotes fat loss with lean mass retention, increased hypothalamic norepinephrine content, and increased neuropeptide Y gene expression in diet …
- Impact of Ramadan diurnal Intermittent fasting on the metabolic syndrome components in healthy, non-athletic Muslim people aged over 15 years: a systematic review …
- Breaking the fast: Meal patterns and beliefs about healthy eating style are associated with adherence to Intermittent fasting diets
- Protein restriction, epigenetic diet, Intermittent fasting as new approaches for preventing age-associated diseases
- Influence of Intermittent fasting on myocardial infarction-induced cardiac remodeling
- Effect of Intermittent fasting with or without caloric restriction on prostate cancer growth and survival in SCID mice
- Middle age onset short-term Intermittent fasting dietary restriction prevents brain function impairments in male Wistar rats
- Postoperative Intermittent fasting prevents hippocampal oxidative stress and memory deficits in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
- Intermittent fasting Attenuates Exercise Training-Induced Cardiac Remodeling
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on circadian rhythms in mice depends on feeding time
- Impact of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on cognitive function in trained cyclists: a pilot study
- Meal pattern alterations associated with Intermittent fasting for weight loss are normalized after high-fat diet re-feeding
- History of dietary treatment: Guelpa & Marie first report of Intermittent fasting for epilepsy in 1911
- Intermittent fasting Enhanced the Cognitive Function in Older Adults with Mild Cognitive Impairment by Inducing Biochemical and Metabolic changes: A 3-Year …
- Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 consecutive days is associated with anticancer proteomic signature and upregulates key regulatory proteins of …
- Neuroprotective role of Intermittent fasting in senescence-accelerated mice P8 (SAMP8)
- A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on glucometabolic markers in healthy subjects
- Intermittent fasting reduces body fat but exacerbates hepatic insulin resistance in young rats regardless of high protein and fat diets
- Intermittent fasting, a possible priming tool for host defense against SARS-CoV-2 infection: crosstalk among calorie restriction, autophagy and immune response
- Intermittent fasting does not uniformly impact genes involved in circadian regulation in women with obesity
- Intermittent fasting for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Beneficial effects of exercise on growth of rats during Intermittent fasting
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on middle-distance running performance in well-trained runners
- Ramadan diurnal Intermittent fasting modulates SOD2, TFAM, Nrf2, and sirtuins (SIRT1, SIRT3) gene expressions in subjects with overweight and obesity
- SIRT1 gain of function does not mimic or enhance the adaptations to Intermittent fasting
- Multi-omics analysis of the Intermittent fasting response in mice identifies an unexpected role for HNF4α
- Intermittent fasting exacerbates the acute immune and behavioral sickness response to the viral mimic poly (I: C) in mice
- Beneficial effects of Intermittent fasting on steatosis and inflammation of the liver in mice fed a high-fat or a high-fructose diet
- Intermittent fasting modulation of the diabetic syndrome in sand rats. II. In vivo investigations
- Effects of Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on insulin-like growth factor-1, interleukin 2, and lipid profile in healthy Muslims
- Effect of a Six-Week Intermittent fasting Intervention Program on the Composition of the Human Body in Women over 60 Years of Age
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting Combined with Resistance Training on Lean Body Mass: A Systematic Review of Human Studies
- Intermittent fasting up-regulates Fsp27/Cidec gene expression in white adipose tissue
- Genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals Intermittent fasting-induced metabolic rewiring in the liver
- Intermittent fasting, energy balance and associated health outcomes in adults: study protocol for a randomised controlled trial
- Aging and Intermittent fasting impact on transcriptional regulation and physiological responses of adult drosophila neuronal and muscle tissues
- Intermittent fasting and prevention of diabetic retinopathy: where do we go from Here?
- Does the Energy Restriction Intermittent fasting Diet Alleviate Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers? A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Browning of the subcutaneous adipocytes in diet-induced obese mouse submitted to Intermittent fasting
- Arousal and continuous attention during Ramadan Intermittent fasting.
- Intermittent fasting pretreatment prevents cognitive impairment in a rat model of chronic cerebral hypoperfusion
- Intermittent fasting is neuroprotective in focal cerebral ischemia by minimizing autophagic flux disturbance and inhibiting apoptosis
- Health benefits of islamic Intermittent fasting
- Periodic and Intermittent fasting in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
- Intermittent fasting, adipokines, insulin sensitivity, and hypothalamic neuropeptides in a dietary overload with high-fat or high-fructose diet in mice
- Intermittent fasting alleviates the neuropathic phenotype in a mouse model of Charcot–Marie–Tooth disease
- The impacts of ramadan Intermittent fasting on oxidant/antioxidant stress biomarkers of stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease male patients
- Ketone production by ketogenic diet and by Intermittent fasting has different effects on the gut microbiota and disease progression in an Alzheimer’s disease rat model
- The synergism of high-intensity Intermittent exercise and every-other-day Intermittent fasting regimen on energy metabolism adaptations includes hexokinase …
- Interferon‐γ is up‐regulated in the hippocampus in response to Intermittent fasting and protects hippocampal neurons against excitotoxicity
- The influence of Intermittent fasting on the circadian pattern of melatonin while controlling for caloric intake, energy expenditure, light exposure, and sleep …
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on age-related changes on Na, K-ATPase activity and oxidative status induced by lipopolysaccharide in rat hippocampus
- The effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on the underlying mechanisms of force production capacity during maximal isometric voluntary contraction
- Intermittent fasting improves metabolic flexibility in short-term high-fat diet-fed mice
- Adipose tissue CLK2 promotes energy expenditure during high-fat diet Intermittent fasting
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting on Glycemic Control and Body Composition in Adults with Obesity and Type 2 Diabetes: A Systematic Review
- Intermittent fasting applied in combination with rotenone treatment exacerbates dopamine neurons degeneration in mice
- Intermittent fasting Improves Cardiometabolic Risk Factors and Alters Gut Microbiota in Metabolic Syndrome Patients
- Intermittent fasting uncovers and rescues cognitive phenotypes in PTEN neuronal haploinsufficient mice
- Dynamic Remodeling of White Adipose Tissue by Intermittent fasting
- Metabolic impact of Intermittent fasting in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies
- Preventing mutant huntingtin proteolysis and Intermittent fasting promote autophagy in models of Huntington disease
- The effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on lipid peroxidation in healthy young men while controlling for diet and sleep: a pilot study
- Intermittent fasting combined with supplementation with Ayurvedic herbs reduces anxiety in middle aged female rats by anti-inflammatory pathways
- Intermittent fasting as a nutrition approach against obesity and metabolic disease
- The sex-and duration-dependent effects of Intermittent fasting on lifespan and reproduction of spider mite Tetranychus urticae
- A nonrandomized controlled clinical pilot trial on 8 wk of Intermittent fasting (24 h/wk)
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on experimental autoimune encephalomyelitis in C57BL/6 mice
- Intermittent fasting and high-intensity exercise elicit sexual-dimorphic and tissue-specific adaptations in diet-induced obese mice
- Intermittent fasting 5: 2 diet: What is the macronutrient and micronutrient intake and composition?
- Role of Intermittent fasting on improving health and reducing diseases
- Bone microstructure and metabolism changes under the combined intervention of ketogenic diet with Intermittent fasting: an in vivo study of rats
- Effect of diurnal Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on ghrelin, leptin, melatonin, and cortisol levels among overweight and obese subjects: A prospective …
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on Specific Exercise Performance Outcomes: A Systematic Review Including Meta-Analysis
- Intermittent fasting, Dietary Modifications, and Exercise for the Control of Gestational Diabetes and Maternal Mood Dysregulation: A Review and a Case Report
- Metabolic and immunological effects of Intermittent fasting on a ketogenic diet containing medium-chain triglycerides in healthy dogs
- Intermittent fasting during winter and spring affects body composition and reproduction of a migratory duck
- Metabolic adaptation to Intermittent fasting is independent of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
- The effects of Intermittent fasting during the month of Ramadan in chronic haemodialysis patients in a tropical climate country
- Subjective perception of sports performance, training, sleep and dietary patterns of malaysian junior muslim athletes during ramadan Intermittent fasting
- Rationale and protocol for a randomized controlled trial comparing daily calorie restriction versus Intermittent fasting to improve glycaemia in individuals at increased …
- Time-Restricted Eating, Intermittent fasting, and fasting-Mimicking Diets in Weight Loss
- Effects of Intermittent fasting and chronic swimming exercise on body composition and lipid metabolism
- Intermittent fasting during Ramadan causes a transient increase in total, LDL, and HDL cholesterols and hs-CRP in ethnic obese adolescents
- Objective assessment of drowsiness and reaction time during Intermittent Ramadan fasting in young men: a case-crossover study
- Intermittent fasting: is there a role in the treatment of diabetes? A review of the literature and guide for primary care physicians
- PROFAST: A Randomized Trial Assessing the Effects of Intermittent fasting and Lacticaseibacillus rhamnosus Probiotic among People with Prediabetes
- Is Intermittent fasting a scientifically-based dietary method?
- Three days of Intermittent fasting: repeated-sprint performance decreased by vertical-stiffness impairment
- The effect of Intermittent fasting on blood pressure variability in patients with newly diagnosed hypertension or prehypertension
- Influence of Intermittent fasting and high-fat diet on morphological changes of the digestive system and on changes of lipid metabolism in the laboratory mouse
- Impact of Intermittent fasting on body weight in overweight and obese individuals
- The effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting (RIF) on spirometric data of stable COPD patients: A pilot study
- Intermittent fasting increases SOD2 and catalase immunoreactivities in the hippocampus but does not protect from neuronal death following transient …
- Intermittent fasting and Muscle Lipid MetabolismCommentary on: Liu et al “Effects of Intermittent fasting or calorie restriction on markers of lipid metabolism in human …
- Studying the Relationship of Intermittent fasting and β-Amyloid in Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review
- Intermittent fasting ameliorates PM2. 5 exposure-induced abnormalities in glycaemic control
- Markers of adipose tissue inflammation are transiently elevated during Intermittent fasting in women who are overweight or obese
- Effect of prolonged Intermittent fasting in Ramadan on biochemical and inflammatory parameters of healthy men
- Intermittent fasting during Ramadan improves insulin sensitivity and anthropometric parameters in healthy young Muslim men
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on inflammatory and biochemical biomarkers in males with obesity
- Impacts of Calorie Restriction and Intermittent fasting on Health and Diseases: Current Trends
- Preservation of blood glucose homeostasis in slow-senescing somatotrophism-deficient mice subjected to Intermittent fasting begun at middle or old age
- Influence of high-intensity interval training and Intermittent fasting on myocardium apoptosis pathway and cardiac morphology of healthy rats
- Enhanced weight and fat loss from long-term Intermittent fasting in obesity-prone, low-fitness rats
- The autumnal fattening of the long-distance migratory garden warbler (Sylvia borin) is stimulated by Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting and gut microbiota
- Considerations for the Optimal Timing, Duration, Frequency, and Length of an Intermittent fasting Regimen for Health Improvement
- Autophagy induction contributes to the neuroprotective impact of Intermittent fasting on the acutely injured spinal cord
- The effect of 10 days of Intermittent fasting on Wingate anaerobic power and prolonged high-intensity time-to-exhaustion cycling performance
- Maternal Intermittent fasting before mating alters hepatic DNA methylation in offspring
- The role and its mechanism of Intermittent fasting in tumors: friend or foe?
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on physiology and gut microbiota in presenium rats
- Effectiveness of Intermittent fasting to potentiate weight loss or muscle gains in humans younger than 60 years old: a systematic review
- Effect of Linguizhugan decoction on hyperlipidemia rats with Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting modulates IgA levels in the small intestine under intense stress: a mouse model
- Effects of diurnal Intermittent fasting on daytime sleepiness reflected by EEG absolute power
- Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting benefits on alpha-and beta-cell arrangement in diet-induced obese mice pancreatic islet
- Intermittent fasting in mice does not improve hindlimb motor performance after spinal cord injury
- Impact of Intermittent fasting (5: 2) on ketone body production in healthy female subjects
- Intermittent fasting prompted recovery from dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
- Massive obesity treated by Intermittent fasting: A metabolic and clinical study
- Intermittent fasting decreases oxidative stress parameters in Wistar rats (Rattus norvegicus)
- Optimising Intermittent fasting: Evaluating the behavioural and metabolic effects of extended morning and evening fasting
- Intermittent fasting After Spinal Cord Injury Does Not Improve the Recovery of Baroreflex Regulation in the Rat
- Protective effect of Intermittent fasting on the mortality of gamma-irradiated mice.
- Intermittent fasting induces weight loss, but the effects on cardiometabolic health are modulated by energy balance
- Daily Intermittent fasting in mice enhances morphine-induced antinociception while mitigating reward, tolerance, and constipation
- Intermittent fasting for obesity and related disorders: unveiling myths, facts, and presumptions
- Effectiveness of an Intermittent fasting diet versus continuous energy restriction on anthropometric measurements, body composition and lipid profile in overweight …
- Assessment of enhanced endothelium-dependent vasodilation by Intermittent fasting in Wistar albino rats.
- Intermittent fasting compromises the performance of eutrophic rats submitted to resistance training
- Autophagy-induced degradation of Notch1, achieved through Intermittent fasting, may promote beta cell neogenesis: implications for reversal of type 2 diabetes
- Ramadan Intermittent fasting Affects Adipokines and Leptin/Adiponectin Ratio in Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus and Their First-Degree Relatives
- Effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on body composition and neuromuscular performance in young athletes: a pilot study
- Effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on selective fitness profile parameters in young untrained Muslim men
- Intermittent fasting During Ramadan and Its Effects in Individuals With Metabolic Syndrome
- Intermittent fasting promotes anxiolytic-like effects unrelated to synaptic mitochondrial function and BDNF support
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on postural control in judo athletes
- Intermittent fasting modulation of the diabetic syndrome in sand rats. III. Post-mortem investigations
- Critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on healthy children’s physical capacities
- Cardiovascular benefits of Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting increases the expressions of SODs and catalase in granule and polymorphic cells and enhances neuroblast dendrite complexity and …
- Brief report: Ramadan as a model of Intermittent fasting: Effects on body composition, metabolic parameters, gut hormones and appetite in adults with and without type …
- Intermittent fasting Alleviates Cognitive Impairments and Hippocampal Neuronal Loss but Enhances Astrocytosis in Mice with Subcortical Vascular Dementia
- Intermittent fasting: a Promising Approach for Preventing Vascular Dementia
- The Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent fasting for Weight Loss
- The beneficial effects of Intermittent fasting: an update on mechanism, and the role of circadian rhythm and gut microbiota
- Failure to inhibit the formation of mammary carcinoma in mice by Intermittent fasting
- Implications of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on maternal and fetal health and nutritional status: A review
- Intermittent fasting Ameliorated High-Fat Diet-Induced Memory Impairment in Rats via Reducing Oxidative Stress and Glial Fibrillary Acidic Protein Expression in …
- Intermittent fasting contributes to aligned circadian rhythms through interactions with the gut microbiome
- Organic Diet and Intermittent fasting are Associated With Improved Erectile Function
- Intermittent fasting Reverses an Advanced Form of Cardiomyopathy
- Electronic cigarettes’ withdrawal severity symptoms among users during Intermittent fasting: a cross-sectional study
- Effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on cognitive, physical and biochemical responses to strenuous short-term exercises in elite young female handball players
- Patient Intermittent fasting and Adding More days to Life
- Distraction, not hunger, is associated with lower mood and lower perceived work performance on fast compared to non-fast days during Intermittent fasting
- Can Intermittent fasting be helpful for knee osteoarthritis?
- The effects of infantile stimulation and Intermittent fasting and feeding on life span in the black‐hooded rat
- Intermittent fasting programs and their effects on body composition: implications for weight-restricted sports
- The safety and efficacy of weight loss via Intermittent fasting or standard daily energy restriction in adults with type 1 diabetes and overweight or obesity: A pilot study
- Dietary protein intake from different animal and plant sources plays a minor role in the bone health of adults with or without Intermittent fasting for decades
- Intermittent fasting Improves Lipid Metabolism Through Changes in Gut Microbiota in Diet-Induced Obese Mice
- Intermittent fasting
- Short-term Intermittent fasting for Weight Loss: A Case Report
- Effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on haematological parameters, lipid profile, and renal markers in young Muslim males of Kolkata, India
- Impact of Intermittent dietary restriction on the health-related outcomes of faith-based fasting
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on markers of body composition and mood state
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting and pattern of nutrients intake on BMI and MUAC of a population consisting of Indian Muslims
- Intermittent fasting alleviates the increase of lipoprotein lipase expression in brain of a mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease: possibly mediated by β …
- Intermittent fasting promotes adult hippocampal neuronal differentiation by activating GSK‐3β in 3xTg‐AD mice
- Intermittent fasting promotes prolonged associative interactions during synaptic tagging/capture by altering the metaplastic properties of the CA1 hippocampal …
- Assessment of the metabolic effects of isocaloric 2: 1 Intermittent fasting in mice.
- Intermittent fasting and probiotic yogurt consumption are associated with reduction of serum alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase and increased urinary excretion …
- Biochemical, Metabolic and Clinical Effects of Intermittent fasting
- Effect of Intermittent fasting before pregnancy upon maternal fasting as a teratogen in mice
- Diabetes-like action of Intermittent fasting on sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca2+-pump ATPase and myosin isoenzymes can be prevented by sucrose
- Influence of Intermittent fasting or protein-free feeding on lipid metabolism in young cockerels
- The impact of Intermittent fasting and exercise on resting metabolic rate and respiratory quotient
- The effect of Intermittent fasting on cancer prevention: a systematic review
- The complete guide to fasting: Heal your body through Intermittent, alternate-day, and extended fasting
- Intermittent fasting favored the resolution of Salmonella typhimurium infection in middle-aged BALB/c mice
- The effects of high-intensity Intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women
- Intermittent fasting as a trigger of ketoacidosis in a patient with stable, long-term type 1 diabetes
- Intermittent fasting Promotes Bacterial Clearance and Intestinal IgA Production in Salmonella typhimurium‐Infected Mice
- The differential response to Intermittent fasting diet versus low calorie diet with exercise based on-866 G/A UCP2 gene variation in adults with overweight/obesity
- Intermittent fasting (IF): An Approach to a Healthy body
- White adipose tissue coloring by Intermittent fasting
- Effects of alternate-day fasting, time-restricted fasting and Intermittent energy restriction DSS-induced on colitis and behavioral disorders
- Lysosomes mediate benefits of Intermittent fasting in cardiometabolic disease: the janitor is the undercover boss
- Intermittent fasting for Weight Loss: Pros and Cons for People With Diabetes
- Impact of Intermittent fasting on the body weight of overweight and obese individuals
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on brain neurotransmitters, neutrophils phagocytic activity, and histopathological finding in some organs in rats
- Intermittent fasting: Current Evidence in Clinical Practice
- Effects of Intermittent fasting and Physical Activity on Salivary Expression of Reduced Glutathione and Interleukin-1β
- Intermittent fasting for cardiovascular disease risk factor reduction: A narrative review of current evidence.
- Reversal of severe hypertriglyceridemia with Intermittent fasting and a very-low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet: a case series
- The effects of Modified Intermittent fasting in Psoriasis (MANGO) trial: a two-arm pilot randomized controlled open cross-over study
- What Is the Best Intermittent fasting Food Plan?
- Intermittent fasting on the Ekadashi Day and the Role of Spiritual Nutrition
- Intermittent fasting and Metabolic Switching: A Brief Overview
- Experiments with Intermittent fasting
- Selecting Intermittent fasting Type to Improve Health in Type 2 Diabetes: A Machine Learning Approach
- The combined effect of high-intensity interval training and Intermittent fasting on lipid profile and peroxidation in Wistar rats under high-fat diet
- Calorie Restriction and Intermittent fasting: Impact on Glycemic Control in People With Diabetes
- The effect of Intermittent maternal fasting on human fetal breathing movements
- Best Intermittent fasting Window for Beginners
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on Gut Hormones and Body Composition in Males with Obesity
- Does Intermittent fasting improve microvascular endothelial function in healthy middle-aged subjects?
- The influence of protracted and Intermittent fasting upon growth
- Intermittent fasting; The 5: 2 Diet
- Exercise Training, Intermittent fasting and Alkaline Supplementation as an Effective Strategy for Body Weight Loss: A 12-Week Placebo-Controlled Double-Blind …
- A systematic review of the literature on Intermittent fasting for weight management
- Effect of Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on Visfatin, Adiponectin and tumor necrotizing factor-alpha in healthy Muslim individuals
- A reason for Intermittent fasting to suppress the awakening of dormant breast tumors
- A Conceptual Model for Designing a Gamified Intermittent fasting Mobile App
- Intermittent fasting on health, aging and disease: what about sleep?
- Safety and Feasibility of Intermittent fasting During Chemotherapy for Breast Cancer: A Review of the Literature
- The safety and impact of a model of Intermittent, time-restricted circadian fasting (“ramadan fasting”) on hidradenitis suppurativa: Insights from a multicenter …
- Intermittent fasting Alleviates Diabetes-induced Cognitive Decline via Gut Microbiota-metabolites-brain Axis (OR32-04-19)
- The Buzz on Intermittent fasting
- Changes in the Gut Microbiota During a Weight Loss Intervention of Daily Caloric Restriction Versus Intermittent fasting: The DRIFT2 Randomized Clinical Trial
- Intermittent fasting
- MON-LB125 Dka From a Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent fasting or Ketosis-Prone Diabetes?
- Dietary Restriction, Physical Activity, and Metabolism; Potential Role of Intermittent fasting for Reducing Obesity
- Intermittent fasting exerts beneficial metabolic effects on blood pressure and cardiac structure by modulating local renin-angiotensin system in the heart of mice fed …
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on North African children’s heart rate and oxy-haemoglobin saturation at rest and during sub-maximal exercise
- The effect of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on dynamic postural control in judo athletes
- A Literature Review on Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting for Treatment of Metabolic Disorders
- Therapeutic use of Intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet as an alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes in a normal weight woman: a 14-month case study
- Effects of Intermittent fasting and thermotherapy on the obese
- Intermittent fasting in mice promotes histone acetylation in the promoter regions of mitochondrial activating genes in the muscle and improves exercise endurance
- Intermittent fasting causes metabolic stress and leucopenia in young mice
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on Performance in US Military Personnel While Operating OCONUS-A Review.
- Adaptation to Intermittent fasting as a factor modifying the radiation resistance of mice
- HMB For Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent feeding and fasting reduces diabetes incidence in BB rats
- Intermittent fasting Aggravates Lupus Nephritis through Increasing Survival and Autophagy of Antibody Secreting Cells in MRL/lpr Mice
- Four weeks of acute Intermittent fasting enhances body composition and decreases stress levels in healthy individuals: a pilot study
- Physiological and biochemical alterations in Sprague-Dawley female rats subjected to high fat diet and Intermittent fasting.
- Abstract C107:[Advocate Abstract] Intermittent fasting for cancer patients
- Intermittent fasting effects on the central nervous system: how hunger modulates brain function
- The Efficacy of Intermittent fasting in Weight Reduction in Non‐obese and Obese Rats
- Do Adults Utilizing Intermittent fasting Improve Lipids More Than Those Following a Restricted-Calorie Diet? A Clin-IQ
- Intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic diet can help
- Intermittent fasting and Adding More Days to Life
- Intermittent fasting
- The effect of four-week Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset on circulating brain-derived neurotrophic factor levels in subjects with metabolic syndrome and …
- Correction and control of intractable obesity: practicable application of Intermittent periods of total fasting
- Ramadan Intermittent fasting and Its Beneficial Effects of Health: A Review Article
- Intermittent fasting—What Is It and Does It Work?
- Integrative Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Robust Metabolic Switching in the Brain During Intermittent fasting
- Protection, risk and dieting: Intermittent fasting diets and disordered eating
- 141. Autophagy induction contributes to the neuroprotective effect of Intermittent fasting in experimental spinal cord injury
- Modulation of Anti-Oxidant, Anti-Inflammatory and Metabolism-Controlling Genes Expressions by Ramadan Intermittent fasting: A Prospective Observational Study
- The Role of Intermittent fasting and Meal Timing in Weight
- Intermittent fasting 101
- Intermittent fasting–is it all its hyped up to be?
- Long-term effects of very low-carbohydrate diet with Intermittent fasting on metabolic profile in a social media-based support group
- Intermittent fasting-a potential approach to modulate the gut microbiota in humans? A systematic review
- Effect of Intermittent fasting followed by cold on growth, formation of reserves and energy metabolism in the golden hamster.
- Does the energy restriction Intermittent fasting diet alleviate metabolic syndrome biomarkers? A randomized controlled trial
- Effect of protracted Intermittent fasting on the activities of enzymes involved in energy metabolism, and on the concentrations of glycogen, protein and DNA in skeletal …
- Intermittent fasting vs Continuous Caloric Restriction for Weight and Body Composi-tion Changes in Humans
- The effects of Intermittent fasting on liver physiology and metabolism in mice
- Intermittent and periodic fasting, longevity and disease
- Intermittent fasting: A solution for metabolic disorders?
- Intermittent fasting in Diabetic Patients.
- Intermittent fasting–Dietary Restriction as a Biological Hormetin for Health Benefits
- Knockdown of angiopoietin-like 2 mimics the benefits of Intermittent fasting on insulin responsiveness and weight loss
- The Intake and Composition of Intermittent fasting, the 5: 2 Method
- Intermittent fasting: a health panacea or just calorie restriction?
- The Impact of Intermittent fasting on Energy Balance and Associated Health Outcomes
- Daytime Distribution of Mood During Ramadan Intermittent fasting.
- Establishment of a mouse model of Intermittent fasting and characterization of its effect on glucose homeostasis
- Popular Diets: Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting Attenuates Apoptosis, Modulates Autophagy and Preserves Telocytes in Doxorubicin Induced Cardiotoxicity in Albino Rats: A Histological Study
- Corrigendum to “Metabolic adaptation to Intermittent fasting is independent of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha”[Mol Metab 7 (2018) 80–89]
- The effect of replicated Intermittent fasting on type 2 diabetic and non-diseased human skeletal muscle myoblasts
- Benefits of Intermittent fasting: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
- Intermittent fasting: five quick questions with fasting expert Brad Pilon. Interview by Roger Collier.
- Regular eating, not Intermittent fasting, is the best strategy for a healthy eating control
- Intermittent fasting-Dietary Restriction as a Geroprotector
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on taste modulation and perception
- The benefits of Intermittent fasting and why we do it
- Evidence-based Review on Intermittent fasting Diet
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- Intermittent fasting and Weight Loss
- Is Intermittent fasting Good For Us?
- Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting & IBS
- Intermittent fasting: What is it All About Anyway?
- What You Need To Know About Intermittent fasting–Part 1/2
- Intermittent fasting in chickens: Physiological mechanisms and welfare implications for broiler breeders
- The Benefits of Intermittent fasting on Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
- What is Intermittent fasting?
- Yes! Intermittent fasting Works
- Intermittent fasting and its Effect on Weight Loss
- The Effects of fasting Program on the Concept of Intermittent fasting according to Buddhist Integration
- Intermittent fasting: Not Just Another “Diet”
- Influence of long-term fasting and Intermittent fasting on the cognitive abilities
- Intermittent fasting reduces hypertriglyceridemia and protects against atherosclerosis progression in males and females APOE-/-mice, only under chow diet
- The Science Behind Intermittent fasting and Isagenix
- The Intermittent fasting-dependent gut microbial metabolite indole-3 propionate promotes nerve regeneration and recovery after injury
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- Intermittent fasting 101–Beginner’s Guide
- Study of Beneficial Impact on Specific Biomarkers in Type 2 Diabetes During Ramadan fasting (Unintentional Intermittent fasting).
- Interaction of Intermittent fasting on the cytotoxic effects of nickel in rats at puberty
- The health benefits of Intermittent fasting
- The Science Behind Intermittent fasting Benefits
- Carotid body denervation prevents fasting hyperglycemia during chronic Intermittent hypoxia
- Is Intermittent fasting Safe for Women? Is Intermittent fasting Safe for Women?
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- Metabolic and Redox Effects of Intermittent fasting
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting on Weight Loss for Overweight and Obese Men and Woman in Saudi Arabia
- Physiological and biochemical effects of Intermittent fasting combined with hunger-resistant food on mice
- Intermittent fasting for women–Is it really that bad? 2013-09-19/43 kommentarer
- The effects of Intermittent fasting on liver physiology and metabolism in mice
- Case report: Intermittent fasting and probiotic yogurt consumption are associated with reduction of serum alpha-N-acetylgalactosaminidase and increased urinary …
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- Intermittent fasting modulation of the diabetic syndrome in streptozotocin-injected rats: post-mortem investigations
- What are the Clinical Implications on the Effects of Intermittent fasting on Human Health: A Literature Review
- Activation of the Crtc2/Creb1 transcriptional network in skeletal muscle enhances weight loss during Intermittent fasting
- Tag: Intermittent fasting
- Eat, Fast, Slim: The Life-Changing Intermittent fasting Diet for Amazing Weight Loss and Optimum Health
- What is Intermittent fasting?
- The Health Benefits of Intermittent fasting
- Cyclic Intermittent fasting Influences the Structure of Hepatocyte Nuclear Membrane in Young and Old Rats
- Intermittent fasting: Benefits, Ways to Practice, and Side Effects
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting on Chronic Disease in Adults: A Systematic Review
- Intermittent fasting: Where Are We Now?
- Metabolic effects of Intermittent fasting.
- Intermittent fasting 101 By Weight in Mind September 13, 2020 October 14th, 2020 Health
- EFFECTS OF Intermittent fasting ON THE BODY
- Intermittent fasting Cohort Study “InterFast”
- Intermittent fasting Benefits: Exploring Emerging Research and Clinical Applications
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- A Practical Guide to Intermittent fasting
- The effects of Intermittent fasting on body composition in resistance trained males: A review of the literature
- Intermittent fasting Ameliorates Delayed-Type Hypersensitivity in NC/Nga Mice
- Intermittent fasting And Athletic Performance
- Intermittent fasting
- What is Intermittent fasting?
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- Ask Rudy: Intermittent fasting
- Favorable inflammatory status following Intermittent fasting in patients with atherosclerotic coronary heart disease after revascuralization
- A Woman’s Guide to Intermittent fasting
- The impact of Intermittent fasting on body composition and cardiovascular biomarkers: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Intermittent fasting in Weight Management
- Intermittent fasting interventions for treatment of overweight and obesity in adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- The Health Benefits of Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting: Effective or just a fad?
- Comparison of Metabolic Effects between High Aerobic Capacity and Low Aerobic Capacity in Rats Subjected to Intermittent fasting and Caloric Restriction Diets
- Randomized Controlled Trial of Once-Per-Week Intermittent fasting for the Reduction of Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol
- Intermittent fasting: The Facts
- Intermittent fasting: Proven Health Benefits and Plans
- Effects of Ketones from Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting for Longevity
- Should You Do Intermittent fasting When Stressed Out
- Intermittent fasting induces chronic changes in the hepatic gene expression of Red Junglefowl (Gallus gallus)
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- The duration of Intermittent access to preferred sucrose-rich food affects binge-like intake, fat accumulation, and fasting glucose in male rats
- Intermittent fasting: The Choice for a Healthier Lifestyle
- Does Intermittent fasting Have A Role In Cancer?
- Intermittent fasting, and the Rabid Rantings of Martin Berkhan
- Intermittent fasting–Healthy Lifestyle and Nutrition Series
- Intermittent fasting: Fad or Fact?
- Effect of Intermittent fasting in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes
- To fast or not to fast? Intermittent fasting and cancer
- Abstract WP138: Intermittent fasting Prevents Ischemic Progression and Promotes Long-Term Recovery
- Will Intermittent fasting Help You Lose Weight?
- Effect of 5+ 2 Intermittent fasting Mode on Body Weight of Chinese Overweight/Obese Adults Under Meal Replacement Mode: A Randomized Controlled Study
- Intermittent fasting and laboratory findings in patients with prosthetic valves/Protez kapakli hastalarda aralikli aclik ve laboratuvar bulgulari
- The immunomodulating action of Intermittent fasting under temperature, toxic and food loads
- # Trending: Intermittent fasting Is a Global Discussion on Twitter: 1036
- Intermittent fasting and low-carbohydrate diet to improve cardiovascular risk factor in obese adolescent
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- Intermittent fasting May Benefit Health
- The Benefits and Risks of Intermittent fasting
- Ahead of the curve: Intermittent fasting
- … roaming Earth, therefore deeming us perfectly capable of functioning without food for extended periods of time. Intermittent fasting promotes health, physical …
- Abstract P241: Intermittent fasting Lowers Blood Pressure In A Rat Model Of Hypertension By Modulating The Gut Microbiota
- Intermittent fasting–5 Science-Based Benefits Intermittent fasting–5 Science-Based Benefits
- Tag Archives: Intermittent fasting
- Is Intermittent fasting Good For Performance? Nov 12, 2020| 2 comments
- Intermittent fasting for Health & Weight Loss
- Intermittent fasting & Time-Restricted Feeding
- Metabolic Flexibility: Interplay of Diet Composition and Intermittent fasting on Healthspan (P08-053-19)
- Effect of high carbohydrate, fat and Intermittent fasting diet on experimental ulcerative colitis.
- Emergentology: Intermittent fasting and Shift Work: Not the Oxymoron You Think
- Intermittent fasting: A Simple, yet Powerful Technique to Promote Health and Wellness
- Demystifying Medicine Video Intermittent fasting: Effective or just a fad?
- Is Intermittent fasting Bad for People with Thyroid Issues? By admin March 4, 2020 No Comments
- fasting in diabetes treatment (FIT) trial: study protocol for a randomised, controlled, assessor-blinded intervention trial on the effects of Intermittent use of a …
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- Jainism, Science, and Intermittent fasting
- Spinning the Spatiotemporal Profile of Transcription Factors Via Intermittent fasting
- The effect of Intermittent fasting and water restriction on myocardial ischemia/reperfusion-induced arrhythmia in rats
- Does Intermittent fasting Play A Role in Weight Loss?
- The effect of Intermittent maternal fasting on computerized fetal heart tracing
- Intermittent fasting for PCOS
- Intermittent fasting: Clarifying Facts from Fad
- How Intermittent fasting Affects Sleep
- The Benefits of Intermittent fasting For Weight Loss
- Intermittent fasting for a healthy lifestyle: Weight loss and fat burning program
- Proteomic analysis of plasma after 4 weeks of Intermittent fasting in mice
- The role of Intermittent fasting in brain health: Prevention (nonpharmacological)/Lifestyle factors (eg, smoking, etc.)
- Comparison of Intermittent fasting and exercise on skeletal muscle autophagy activation and fat reduction
- Intermittent fasting-For Longevity and Weight loss
- Intermittent fasting–Just another fad?
- Energetic and Gluconeogenic Response in Intermittent fasting (IF)
- An Objective Look at Intermittent fasting
- The effect of starvation and Intermittent fasting in heart failure: a fastidious eating of the heart
- Intermittent fasting 101 2019-01-30T15: 44: 05-07: 00 January 30th, 2019| Weight Loss, Weight Management|
- Intermittent caloric restriction with a modified fasting-mimicking diet ameliorates autoimmunity and promotes recovery in a mouse model of multiple sclerosis
- The effect of Intermittent feeding on the pre-slaughter fasting response in rainbow trout
- Is Ramadan Intermittent fasting good for your health?
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- Intermittent fasting Benefits: More Than Just Weight Loss
- Does fasting Lower Thyroid Functioning–Intermittent fasting and Thyroid Health
- Intermittent fasting 101| Schedules and Health Benefits
- Intermittent fasting and Centralized Adiposity.
- Intermittent fasting: for your gut’s sake
- An Objective Look at Intermittent fasting, Part 2
- Is Intermittent fasting simply another fad diet?
- Intermittent fasting for Weight Loss: Hope or Hype?
- Intermittent fasting as an Early Intervention in Diabetes and Obesity
- The Effect of Intermittent fasting on Resting Metabolism
- Intermittent fasting-check out how it works!
- Late-Onset Intermittent fasting Decreases Aging-Related Frailty
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on Blood Insulin Levels and Insulin Sensitivity: A Literature Review, The
- Does Intermittent fasting affect glycemic biomarkers in adults?: a narrative review
- The effect of Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy men
- Is Intermittent fasting Bad for People with Thyroid Issues?
- Effects of Intermittent fasting and energy-restricted diets on lipid profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Food Addiction and Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting in athletes: PROs and CONs
- A Cost Analysis of Three Popular Diets: The Mediterranean Diet, a Modified Paleo Diet and Intermittent fasting
- Clinical characteristics of cephalalgia at patients with arterial hypertension during Intermittent fasting.
- 4 Common Types of Intermittent fasting
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on Weight Loss and Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: A Systematic Review
- The Mini-fast Diet: Burn Fat Faster Than Ever with the Simple Science of Intermittent fasting
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on sciatic neurofilaments in acrylamide administered rats
- 01 Aug Intermittent fasting
- The Role of Intermittent fasting and Exercise in the Reduction of Diabetes Risk Factors; A Narrative Review
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on Middle-Distance Running Performance in Well-Trained Runners: Erratum
- Intermittent fasting on the Ketogenic Diet
- Histological and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of the Ameliorating Role of Propolis and/or Intermittent fasting on Induced Oral Mucositis in Albino Rats.
- Intermittent fasting and the Ketogenic Diet
- The role of Intermittent fasting on Drosophila melanogaster longevity, stress response, and neuronal health
- Intermittent fasting: A Potential Effective Strategy for Preventing Obesity and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Detox and Renew Your Body with Autophagy and Intermittent fasting
- A13158 Intermittent fasting promotes fat oxidation and suppresses of blood glucose and body weight
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting on Weight Loss and Mood among College Students
- Obtaining insights into how Intermittent fasting affects people with type 2 diabetes through interactive visual dashboards
- Effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting (RIF) on spirometry in healthy young adults
- Intermittent fasting does not influence the circadian pattern of melatonin when controlling for meals, light exposure and sleep schedules
- Intermittent fasting: five quick questions with fasting expert Brad Pilon
- The Mediterranean diet pattern with Intermittent semi-fasting may facilitate weight loss: randomised controlled trial
- Serum levels of prolactin, thyrotropin, thyroid hormones, TRH responsiveness, and male reproductive function in Intermittent Islamic fasting
- Effectiveness of an Intermittent fasting diet versus continuous energy restriction on anthropometric measurements, body composition and lipid profile in overweight …
- The effects of continuous and Intermittent aerobic exercise on lipid profile and fasting blood sugar in women with a body mass index more than 25 kg/m2: a …
- Three-days of Islamic Intermittent fasting negatively impact repeated-sprints performance of active young healthy adults
- Comparing the effects of Intermittent fasting and Continuous Calorie Restriction on eating disorder and mood symptoms in healthy dieters
- How Intermittent fasting Benefits Your Health and Assists With Permanent Weight Loss
- Impact of Intermittent fasting duration on diabetes mellitus type 2: a systematic review/IMPACTO DA DURACAO DO JEJUM INTERMITENTE NO DIABETES MELLITUS …
- Effect of Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent fasting on Complete Freund’s Adjuvant Induced Inflammation in Rats.
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting on Muscular Strength and Endurance
- Intermittent fasting: kick-starting metabolic flexibility
- Intermittent fasting in Ramadan in patients on maintenance hemodialysis: Relation to malnutrition, inflammation, body composition and quality of life
- The Impact of Six Weeks of Intermittent fasting, With and Without Aerobic Exercise, on Serum BDNF in Young Adult Males
- Intermittent fasting and Probiotics in the Management of Prediabetes: A randomised controlled trial
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting on Endurance Performance
- Intermittent fasting on Keto–A Match Made in Heaven
- Intermittent fasting (and Feasting) At the Holidays: 6 Ways to Do It
- Comparing the effects of 5: 2 Intermittent fasting and continuous energy restriction when combined with resistance training on body composition, muscular …
- Effect of Intermittent fasting during acrylamide exposure on blood copper, zinc and lead levels in rats
- Intermittent fasting: A Potential Weight-Loss and Wellness Strategy
- Effects of Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent fasting on Health and Lifespan
- Analysis of Intermittent fasting on the Reduction of Body Fat Compared to Total Weight Loss in the Treatment of Obesity: Systematic Review
- Intermittent fasting: Is breakfast still the most important meal of the day?
- Hexokinase: A central player in the synergism of high-intensity Intermittent exercise and every-other-day Intermittent fasting regimen on energy metabolism …
- 10 Benefits To Supercharge Your Health With Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting and Hypocaloric Diets: A study for emerging trend in Weight loss
- Cellular Rejuvenation: The Science Linking Intermittent fasting and Longevity
- Intermittent fasting: What It Is, Benefits And The 16/8 Type In this type of diet the person goes through different fasting cycles to lose weight
- Abdominal and organ fat content quantification in PROFAST trial (Probiotics and Intermittent fasting to improve pre-diabetes)
- Effect of exercise on erythrocyte osmotic fragility in high fat diet fed rats during Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting beneficial effects on the steatosis and inflammation of the liver in mice fed a high-fat or a high-fructose diet
- Implications of Intermittent fasting on Placental Function
- The Facts About Intermittent fasting, Fat Loss, And Muscle Growth
- 1942-P: Intermittent fasting in Mice Improves Exercise Endurance through Enhancement of Mitochondrial Activating Genes in the Muscle
- Intermittent fasting: is it a valid treatment option for obesity and diabetes prevention?
- Cardioprotective potential of Intermittent fasting in rats
- Long-term Intermittent fasting (IF) Initiated at Night Prevents Development of Diabetic Retinopathy by Restoration of Bile Acid Metabolism in db/db Mice
- The Physiological effect of Intermittent fasting (fasting the month of Ramadan) on anthropometerics and blood varaibles
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on prostate cancer tumor growth in a mouse model
- Guitar Forums> General> Open Discussion> Intermittent fasting.
- Replicating Intermittent fasting in Human Skeletal Muscle Cells: A Pilot Study
- Want To Be Running Marathons at 100? Then Try Intermittent fasting..!
- Islamic fasting leads to an increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis group: A preliminary study on Intermittent fasting
- Intermittent fasting (IF) Promotes Longevity through Alterations of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) and the Epigenome
- What when Wine: Lose Weight and Feel Great with Paleo-style Meals, Intermittent fasting, and Wine
- Breakfast may not be the most important meal of the day: The Benefits of Intermittent fasting on Health, Exercise, and Muscle Growth
- Intermittent fasting: Fat-Burning Blitz
- Intermittent fasting: fly in the oatmeal
- Investigating Anthropometric Measurements and Nutritional intake Changes after Intermittent fasting Accompanied by Exercise in Adult Women
- 10 Intermittent fasting Schedules for Weight Loss 10 Intermittent fasting Schedules for Weight Loss
- The effect of Intermittent fasting on insulin sensitivity-mechanism for exercise?
- The Effects of Intermittent fasting and a High Protein Diet in Individuals with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- What Boosts More Growth Hormone: Intermittent fasting or HIIT (High Intensity Interval Training)?
- Effects of Intermittent fasting on respiratory capacity of mitochondria and activity of aconitase in cerebral cortex of C57BL/6 mice
- The Man Diet: Intermittent fasting to Boost Testosterone, Burn Fat, and Build Muscle
- The effect of Intermittent fasting diet on the hippocampus of adult male mice after ethidium bromide induced demyelination
- Original Research Article Effect of Prolonged Intermittent fasting in Ramadan on Biochemical and Inflammatory Parameters of Healthy Men
- What’s The Deal With Intermittent fasting?
- Intermittent fasting (IF) Prevents Development of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR) by regulating low-grade inflammation through changes in lipid metaobolism
- Effects of Four-week Intermittent fasting on Skeletal Muscle Mass and Autophagy in Rats
- Corrigendum to’A Nonrandomized Controlled Clinical Pilot Trial on 8 Wk of Intermittent fasting (24 h/wk)’Nutrition. 2018; 46: 143-152. e2
- The Acute Effect of Intermittent fasting on Resting Energy Expenditure in College-Aged Males
- The Acute Effect of Intermittent fasting on Resting Energy Expenditure in College-Aged Males
- The effect of single and Intermittent fasting on cholesterolemia in rats of various ages
- The Acute Effect of Intermittent fasting on Resting Energy Expenditure in College-Aged Males
- Build Lean Muscle with Intermittent fasting, Carb and Calorie Cycling
- Intermittent fasting Improves Survival In Lipotoxic Cardiomyopathy By Attenuating Protein Aggregate Pathology
- Long-term Intermittent fasting prevents development of diabetic retinopathy and is associated with an increase in tauroursodeoxycholate (TUDCA) in db/db mice
- Effect of Intermittent fasting on markers of oxidative stress and serum biochemical markers of cellular damage in healthy subjects
- Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Mass Index and Functional Performance in Diabesity Women under Intermittent fasting 16/8 Protocol
- Health 7 days ago 16: 8 Intermittent fasting Schedule and Meal Plan
- Is Intermittent fasting more effective than daily calorie restriction for weight loss in otherwise healthy overweight adults?
- Diet and cardiovascular risk: The effects of Intermittent fasting on the systemic and artherial wall inflammation in murine a model of accelerated atherogenesis
- Eat Stop Eat| Intermittent fasting| Weight Loss| The pursuit of happiness
- Impact of Maternal Intermittent fasting During Pregnancy on Fetal Growth and the System L Amino Acid Transporter in a Rat Model
- The combined e?? ect of high-intensity interval training and Intermittent fasting on lipid profile and peroxidation in Wistar rats under high-fat diet
- Long-term Intermittent fasting (IF) Protects db/db Mice from Development of Diabetic Retinopathy (DR)
- Severe hyperammonemic encephalopathy requiring dialysis aggravated by prolonged fasting and Intermittent high fat load in a Ramadan fasting month in a patient …
- The real-world outcomes from high intensity interval training, Intermittent fasting and whole-food diets
- Letter to the Editor: Critical analysis of the published literature about the effects of Ramadan Intermittent fasting on healthy children’s physical capacities
- Intermittent fasting during Ramadan causes transient loss of body fat and improvement in insulin sensitivity
- The effects of Intermittent fasting during Ramadan on performance related to football
- Daily Intermittent fasting in Mice Enhances Morphine Induced Anti‐Nociception while Mitigating Multiple Side Effects
- Intermittent fasting reduces fat infiltration in the pancreas and prevents diabetes in NZO mice fed a high-fat diet
- SUN-LB014 Intermittent Complete fasting for Complicated Severe Obesity in Older Diabetic Subjects: Preliminary Evidence for Massive Fluid and Fat Loss with …
- Impact of Maternal Intermittent fasting During Pregnancy on Fetal Growth and Cardio-Renal Function in Adult Rat Offspring
- Recurrent Intermittent restraint delays fed and fasting hyperglycemia and improves glucose return to baseline levels during glucose tolerance tests in the Zucker …
- Abstract# 313: Effect of Intermittent fasting on prostate cancer tumor growth in a mouse model
- 5 reasons Intermittent fasting is a Fad Diet and Not a Lifestyle Change
- Intermittent fasting Reverses Age-Related Vulnerability of Retinal Ganglion Cells to Pressure-Induced Oxidative Stress
- Age-dependent effects of short-term Intermittent fasting and rapamycin treatment in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio) brain
- Intermittent fasting of High‐Fat Diet Increases Hypothalamic Norepinephrine and Improves Metabolic Parameters in Obese Mice
- Meal‐replacement shake and Intermittent fasting combined with herbal beverage leads to healthy weight loss
- Intermittent fasting After Spinal Cord Injury Does Not Improve the Spontaneous Recovery of Baroreflex Regulation in the Rat
- Intermittent fasting prevents lacrimal hypofunction in rat visual display termin user model: a pivotal role of endogenous D-3-hydroxybutyrate
- Signalling through Rheb mediates Intermittent fasting-induced longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans
- Improvement in coronary heart disease risk factors during an Intermittent fasting/calorie restriction regimen: Relationship to adipokine modulations
- Intermittent fasting prevents diabetic retinopathy by correcting the circadian clock and affecting monocyte infiltration and inflammation in the retina
- Periodic (Intermittent) fasting and caloric restriction cure major age related diseases and extend lifespan. Scientific evidence
- Late-onset Intermittent fasting dietary restriction as a potential intervention to retard age-associated brain function impairments in male rats Rumani Singh …
- Intermittent fasting with a High Fat Diet Reveals the Contribution of Mitochondrial Free Radicals to the Endothelium‐Dependent Relaxation of Mouse Aorta
- … as Intermittent fasting. More and more people are starting to jump onto this bandwagon, seeing for themselves what it’s all about. Benefits of Intermittent fasting …
- Intermittent fasting prevents retinal degeneration in Rat Optic nerve and Artery Transection Model: a pivotal role of endogenous D-3-hydroxybutyrate
- The Effect of a Highly Saturated Fat Diet and Intermittent fasting Diet on Experimental Colon Cancer Development and Some Serum Inflammation Markers in Rats, 1 …
- Knockdown of angiopoietin‐like 2 mimics the benefits of Intermittent fasting on weight loss and insulin sensitivity in mice
- Long-term Intermittent fasting Treatment Improves Cardiac Function and Inotropic Reserve by Restoration of Cardiac Beta-adrenergic Signaling in an Experimental …
- Negative Influence of Intermittent Ramadan fasting and Unhealthy Lifestyle on Body Composition, Sleep, Physical Fitness and Iron Indices in School Boys
- The 5: 2 Intermittent fasting diet: feasibility and dieters’ eating disorder pathology, psychological functioning and experiences
- Effects of fasting, Intermittent feeding, or continuous parenteral nutrition on rat liver and brain energy metabolism as assessed by 31P-NMR
- Abstract P3-09-01: Intermittent fasting in breast cancer risk and survivorship: Insight from the women’s healthy eating and living study
- … of the fasting In diabetes Treatment (FIT) trial: a randomised, controlled, assessor blinded intervention trial which examines the effect of Intermittent use of a fasting …
- Intermittent protein-sparing fasting with abdominal belting.
- Reaction to cold of rats adapted to Intermittent feeding and fasting.
- Intermittent hypoxia as an interventional strategy for impaired fasting blood glucose: A systematic review
- fasting Conditions and Intermittent Loading on a Fixed-Film Biological Reactor
- Intermittent disturbances of perception during fasting in a 46-year-old female patient
- Intermittent modified total-fasting in the treatment of obstetric obesity
- The effect of Intermittent feeding and fasting on the non-specific excitability level of the central nervous system in the rat.
- The effect of Intermittent feeding on the pre-slaughter fasting response in
- Intermittent Administration of a Modified fasting-Mimicking Diet Reduces Intestinal Inflammation and Promotes Repair to Ameliorate Inflammatory Bowel Disease in …
- 2085-P: Effects of Intermittent Caloric Restriction on Body Composition and Glucose Tolerance after fasting and Refeeding
- Body composition, liver glycogen and blood sugar of white rats on two types of discontinuous feeding: Intermittent total fasting or protein deprivation.
- The effects of high intensity Intermittent exercise training on fat loss and fasting insulin levels of young women E. Gail. Trapp, Donald J. Chisholm 2, Judith …
- 945-P: The Characteristics of Patients with Intermittent Large Positive Spikes in the Morning fasting Glucose (FG),“Hyper-Spikers”