“Gavin…you are Truly one AMAZING MAN!! You have a heart of gold and the fact that you just want to help people without any bullshit selling tactics and stupid lies about your products just to get money from people is even more of a reason to know what you’re selling is the real deal as it sells itself!! You are a man of your word and people like you are hard to find these days!! I love that old fashioned bit in you…a good solid handshake means just as much to you as a 300 page contract!! Rock on Gavin…you’re a SUPERSTAR!! You mean what you say and you say what you mean! You’re a straight shooter and people (including myself) love that!!”


—Sandra Hale

“I purchased a sampler pack of Interstellar Blends, and have been enjoying them all and feeling so much better in general. I wanted to write about Nebula in particular, however, because in just a few short weeks of use, it has totally turned my life around.

I have suffered from depression for many years, and while I have tried just about every prescription anti-depressant on the market, I have such severe side effects when taking them that none have been successful or sustainable. From wanting to kill myself to hallucinations to terrible physical symptoms, life with the drugs was worse than without them. On my own, I have days where I can function somewhat normally, but more frequent days when I just lie in bed and cry, stare at the ceiling, and wish I could go to sleep and never wake.


Within a very short window of taking this amazing blend, I feel a rush of calm, focus, and purpose. I have mental and physical energy to take on my day. I am eager to begin my tasks; and in fact look for additional tasks to complete. I feel a sense of positivity towards my life in general as well as specific challenges that previously would have crippled me with stress and worry. I often think to myself “I got this!”, when in the past the negative voice would have whispered, “OMG this will be a disaster”.

Peel and spice are doing wonders for my skin issues and joint pain, Autophagy is helping me control my appetite. But Nebula makes me feel human again, and that makes it my MVP!”


—Allison W

“Day 3 of taking Spice, peel, Thermo, Matcha Tea, Pine Pollen and Niagra while doing the 22/2. Started Luteolin on 10/23/19.

This morning, I woke up with NO pain in my hands. I usually wake up and my pinky finger is usually hurting and I think that it’s arthritis. I would wake up and it would hurt so badly in the morning. But for the first time in about a year NO PAIN!!! I just entered into menopause and would get horrible hot flashes at night. Last night, the amount of hot flashes were cut in half…now mind you this is only on day 3 with the blends, which are Spice, peel, Thermo, Matcha Tea, Pine Pollen and Niagra.

I have noticed today that ALL inflammation is gone in my body. No bloated stomach, hands, legs, and feet. I feel really good. The only thing that’s happening and it’s totally my fault is…I’m waking up in the middle of the night to use the restroom from the 2 hours that I use to re-hydrate. I may have to change the time that I re-hydrate to the middle of the day. I believe that will alleviate the midnight bathroom visits. But other than that…I feel AMAZING!

Niagra!!! Lord HELP ME!!! So now I’ve been taking the blends for 6 days so far. The Niagra blend is a God send (since God created all things). For someone going through the unfortunate stage of menopause and losing her libido…Niagra has put me back in the game of intimacy with my loving husband. This blend has definitely rekindle my sexual desire towards my husband. This blend has given me this orgasmic orgasm that is out of this world…I kid you NOT!!! I mean, it’s simply AMAZING!!! This blend right here is a BIG DOG GAME CHANGER and I can’t thank Gavin enough on creating such a powerful sexual herbal blend for women. Understand, going through the change has been HELL on wheels but with this BLEND, it’s totally doable concerning the bedroom! The lack of interest is gone, my libido is coming back slowly but surely to before I started this cycle of life of menopause.

Sciatic nerve pain. So, I’ve been dealing with sciatica pain for about 10 years on the right side of my butt cheek. I had lower back pain, burning down my leg, difficulty moving around in the bed before I would go to sleep. I would do some exercises to try and alleviate the sciatic pain…which only helped for a short time. At one time, I was going to the chiropractor 3 times a week to get adjusted for 3 months straight. I was even considering getting cortisone injections because the pain was so severe. I even did physical therapy a couple times a week…which didn’t help at all! The doctor prescribed anti-inflammation medication that would stop me from having (my) regular bowel movements. Hell, I had to stop that, because I wouldn’t have a BM for like 5 days and would end up taking a laxative. I just realized last night while lying in the bed, that my pain is GONE!!! I don’t know which blend that’s stopping the pain BUT I’m truly thankful that the pain is gone!!! I would wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain and now…NO MORE BACK PAIN!

Gavin, words couldn’t truly express the thankfulness that I’m feeling being pain free! Thank you so much for all that you and Kristine do!”


—Tammy Bell


“First of all, thanks Gavin for all the information and study links and for your straightforward way to do things. I’m learning a lot reading on your website, it’s a priceless knowledge.
I started the blends 2 weeks ago by mixing it all together and I was not sure what to think about it. After 3 days I took them separately and my energy level raised up and my days became so much easier. I’m working on a farm and it’s physically demanding, but with the blend, especially peel and spice, I feel energized all day long and I can even go for a walk at night. Also, my knee joints are now painless and even my back feels better after putting up with a pain for more than 30 years!
I truly recommend the blends, it is pure energy!!!”
—Sylvain D’arcy

“I have to brag about another blend that is near and dear to me. AUTOPHAGY ACTIVATOR 
I’d planned to break my fast for an event in which I was trying to think of ways to not go to because I was afraid of over indulging. I did my research on what blends could help me mentally and physically during my break and I kept coming across Autophagy Activator. I made my shake and tripled the dose of Autophagy and prior to dinner i took a shot and ordered a nice salad; i didn’t even ieat the entire salad. When i got home my mood was sooooo calm and relaxing; I slept amazing with absolutely no cravings the entire  day. I have started my rehydrating phase and preparing for my 88 hour dry fast and still no cravings. The AUTOPHAGY ACTIVATOR will be my go to blend between cycles.  Gavin I can’t thank you enough for teaching me about these amazing herbs.  The studies of these blends are helping me understand what mistakes I made throughout my life and prepare me for further life longevity.  Thank you”
—Dana Beaurem

“A year and a half ago, my daughter (almost 13 at the time) wrote me a letter describing her anxiety, depression, self harming and suicidal thoughts. It was my worst nightmare. My child wanted to kill herself. Her Dr. wanted to put her on medication right away, but since he was retiring, he couldn’t monitor her. We started looking for a new Dr., but it actually took until 2 months ago to get one locally for her. She never started medication.

At the same time, my husband was diagnosed with anxiety and severe depression. He too was quietly suffering from suicidal thoughts. His Dr. even mentioned that he could be bipolar. This made perfect sense to me! He was prescribed antidepressants. These were not helping him, they actually made him worse.

I had been following Gavin for over a year at this time. Quietly participating in dry fasts here and there. I wasn’t using any of his blends because I was still learning about them and wasn’t sure how they could benefit me personally. Now, all of a sudden I have two family members suffering from severe mental health issues. I started reading more about the blends and asked Gavin 101 questions. I told him my story and he told me which blends to get them on. I listened to everything he said. He’s truly amazing when it comes to listening and helping you.

I started both my husband and my daughter on different protocols that focused mostly on trinity. (My hubby has an assortment of issues, so I put him on EVERYTHING!) Very quickly they both started turning around. Both were calmer and happier. It was a struggle at first because, let’s face it, the blends don’t taste great! My daughter fought me constantly, whining and crying about how gross they were and she didn’t want to take them. So, for a long while they were both on and off of the blends. When they were off, they spiralled into a deep dark negative place. Especially my husband. It was awful. But we all persevered and finally they both recognized that they can’t go off them. Ever. They even ask for them now.

When Gavin came out with Luteolin, I had to try it on them. They were doing ok, but hey, maybe this one will help even more! Boy, was I right! It was instant! The very first dose, my daughter was laying on the couch and told me her arms were too heavy to even take her blends! After forcing her, she took them. Minutes later she jumped off the couch and said she wanted to go for a run! And she did! She said she felt so fantastic! Her biggest struggle is being in social settings. Her anxiety takes over and she just wants to go home. She was constantly turning down invites to stay home. Since regularly taking Luteolin, she has blossomed so much socially! She hosted a party, she goes out with friends all the time, she volunteers 3x a week in the community and just started high school! She takes the city bus by herself without paranoia. She’s a normally functioning teenager! Thank you Gavin for saving my kid and giving her her life back! All this without medications that may cause suicidal thoughts. I am no longer in fear of losing her. She even prepares her own blends every morning and night without a fight! She’ll even prepare my husband’s and mine at night!

My daughter started sleeping better with the Luteolin. She was also suffering from insomnia. She sleeps like a baby now. I was so impressed that I started giving it to everyone at night. I’ve never slept so good. Even my husband, who has tossed and turned his whole life, finally gets a good night sleep!

All the blends are fantastic and serve different purposes. Luteolin is like the icing on the cake. It just makes them all better! Especially if you suffer from anxiety, depression or insomnia.”


—Aubrey Harper

“I cannot believe how well these blends work! You barely feel like you’re fasting and when you finally eat, your hunger is mild. This is great for those of us who struggle with food addiction and binging. We always seem to self-sabotage our efforts once an eating window opens, but the AUTOPHAGY formula stops that from happening. It took me a long time to believe it would happen for me after watching so many people lose huge amounts of weight in such little time but once I gave it a try, I was amazed at how perfectly everything in the protocol works synergistically. I never thought I would be able to go 10 miles or more in one day but now it feels normal! In the beginning I thought 5 miles a day was pushing it.

“I’m a retired (disabled) pharmacist…I’ve been obese my entire life…27 years of hard flooring and standing 12-16 hours/day… plantar fasciitis, and arch pain in my feet drove me to anti-inflammatory meds and steroid injections in my ankles, between my toes, and in my arches so that I could continue to work. Improper alignment of spine from having to lean on pharmacy counter while working produced 2 bulging discs in my lower back, and produced aggravated knee pain from a previous auto injury. Several years ago I tore the ligaments in the arches of both of my feet… I was only able to be on my feet one hour MAX per day… I’ve endured years of physical therapy, (with the refusal to take pain medication), portable TENS unit & biofeedback techniques, ‘REALITY’ … I was unable to resume work, which brought on stress,(loss of income), mental health deterioration with temporary depression… I gained ~138lbs in one year. I chose to have gastric bypass surgery and lost ~137lbs since that time weight has ping-ponged up and down with countless attempts of conventional weight loss methods…As a result, I was left with adrenal fatigue, insulin resistance, a screwed up metabolism, and a host of other physical issues. I found modified Keto March 29,2019 and began my lifestyle change. I’ve experimented with IF, OMAD, water fasts of 24’s, 48’s, 72’s with the longest fast of 14 days. I was averaging a 2-3 lb. loss per week, and by July I hit a weight loss stall (total loss 3 lbs for the entire month). I searched the Internet for solutions and stumbled across a post from someone using Interstellar Blends (Devine intervention)…I began to thoroughly educate myself with the research Gavin provided with each blend…He announced that a new blend called Autophagy Activator was going to become available in October 2019…with my physical issues I thought what a great option to help my body heal itself. I have been taking the Autophagy blend for 10 weeks (with no other blends). My energy levels have greatly increased, my weight loss has increased with an average of 3-4 lbs per week! I used to walk with the aid of a cane with a max of 2,000-3,000 steps per day. I’m currently able to walk without my cane and have been able to increase my distance to 7,000-8,000 steps per day. I have lost 39.8 lbs since beginning the use of the Autophagy blend making my total weight loss to date 131.2 lbs. I’ve just recently purchased several more blends to help with my overall health and longevity. I’m choosing not to do dry fasting and I’m approaching my health and weight loss with a slow and steady approach…Quitting is not an option… been there done that.”
—Lori Chapman

“I started using the Super Hair Blend when Gavin had the first samples and made my first Super Hair Blend purchase and ended up using it for two months. My hairdresser asked what I was doing and said my gray was like 50% less gray and much thicker and healthier and I had noticed I could get by without coloring for 4-6 weeks, normally I had to color every 2 weeks because the gray was so pronounced. I had also started using another product in gel form at the same time that claimed anti aging benefits so I wasn’t really sure which product was giving me this benefit or maybe a combination of both. I finished both products and took a couple of months off and my gray returned with a vengeance. I am approx 80-90% gray. I have dark hair so the gray really shows with new growth 1/2” in a couple of weeks. Once I started using the Super Hair Blend again my hair is now about 30% gray and I color 4-6 weeks apart. Im hoping with continued use the gray will continue to diminish. Gavin has another incredible winner. Thank you Gavin!!!”
—Rhonda Walker-Eckel

“As someone who has suffered from PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome) since 22 (29 now) I am willing to try anything to get my hormone levels more balanced. This definitely has made a world of difference. I have been urged by many doctors to keep taking birth control to keep my estrogen levels up but I really would prefer not to take artificial anything if I can help it.
Recently my car was broken into on a hike and they took my purse which contained my birth control. My partner surprised me with the blends and the timing and results couldn’t be any better. I was lucky to get my period every 3 months and the bleeding was always light which made me feel worried since that was unusual in my past experience. Within a week of getting off the pills and taking niagra I had a heavy and almost detoxifying feeling period. Post period I feel a definitive change in my body and mood. (Things that are affected my my hormone imbalance.) I’m beginning to feel my old self.
I’m planning on going to a doctor after 6 months to confirm that my hormone levels are normal and to do my women’s wellness. It’s all natural stuff and does more than make you a frisky biscuit. It also gives me loads of energy and helps me get deeper with my spiritual practices.  It’s pricey but is worth it given how much it has transformed my body and mind.”
—KT Clouse

“What can I say but BUUUUYY THIS BLEND! It is quite literally my favorite blend of all. This blend coupled with thermo and you will be feeling like a million bucks. My bf has been taking this and its done wonders for him as hes been coming off a medication hes been on for 8 years. This stuff saved him! I really think it’s a must have for everyone who is buying blends! Do not skip nebula! Seriously, its incredible! I don’t even need caffeine when I take it. I can only take it 1-2 times a day or I am just buzzing, my bf can take it more times because his health isn’t as good as mine and he likes to feel amped. I would pair this with thermo for sure. I have also been taking a bunch of other blends and they are doing wonders for my body! I am going to leave reviews for those individually but my favorite blends so far are, nebula, hair tonic, peel, and autophagy (AMAZING). I have so many others I still need to get and try! Thank you Gavin for your continued efforts to make the BEST products in the market. Everyone needs these blends!!!”


— Candace Charee

“I took the Nebula blend for the first time and… holy sh*t muddaf*cka!!! I have been inside the last 11 years due to major illness (Lyme and stage 4 cancer)…. and I was out and about in no time at all. We hiked 5 miles today! I’m mentally kicking myself for not purchasing the blends this time last year! I probably could have been healed by now…. ARRRRGH!!!

If you are on the fence about purchasing blends for fatigue, I HIGHLY RECOMMEND the Nebula blend!!! SUPER AWESOME GOODNESS!!! SO WISH I’d tried Nebula a year ago. Thanks to everyone who posts testimonials. They are SUPER Helpful!! <3”


—A’oi Bartholomew

“I cannot say enough good things about the Interstellar Blends. My life has changed since I first started taking them 2 months ago. In just that short amount of time, the blends have given me new life and make me appreciate life again.

For the past couple of years I have been struggling really badly with severe depression and anxiety. I had been searching for a cure or treatment for the longest time, experimenting with different types of herbs and supplements, but to no avail. When one of my friends at my gym suggested this company to me, I was desperate to try anything that could help, so I gave it a shot and it has been one of the best decisions I’ve ever made.

I started out with the Original and got instantly hooked. I started to mix and match different kinds with it such as Nebula, Thermo, Matcha, Seven Sages, and Trinity. My favorite combo so far is Trinity and Seven Sages hands down. Not only do they offer the countless health benefits just like all the other blends, but they give me this everlasting energy in my mind and body like nothing else I’ve ever tried. I love taking the two together first thing in the morning with some tea, and then again in the evening. I now sleep much better, wake up alert and ready for the day, and beam with positivity and confidence all throughout each week. I have never had results like these with any other treatment I’ve tried, and it doesn’t even come close.

Ever since I started taking Interstellar Blends, my life has changed drastically, for the better. I am the happiest I’ve been in a very long time. Whether you struggle with a mental illness or not, I highly suggest to anyone and everyone to incorporate these blends into their lives. I promise you will not regret it!“


—Dagan Mott

“I ordered THERMO one month ago. It is my first time trying this stuff. I heard a lot about it from my friend but was hesitant to try it. I’m battling my blood sugar in pre-diabetes range. So I decided to give it a try.
I received my blend and started with 1/8  teaspoon dose. I was surprised to see results in three days! My fasting glucose level was about 20% lower! And I didn’t feel any discomfort or bloating in my stomach when I was taking the blend.
I am almost done with my pack now and getting ready to order more. I love the effect of THERMO and feel really good about taking this NATURAL supplement. I will try other products and definitely tell others about it. I already promised my friend a dinner for inspiring me to try it!”
—Vlad Okel

“The past few years, I found my energy declining. Once a marathoner,  I lost all enthusiasm for running, as well as my commitment to follow a training plan. The less I moved, the more unwell I started becoming.. Food stopped being a  fuel for the body  that I had once control over, grazing became an all day, every day event. I had insatiable sugar cravings that I couldn’t resist. Just as unhealthy as the physical changes were  the defense mechanisms I found myself developing to justify my not thriving … I had a lame excuse for everything!  Still, I knew I was out of balance but any attempts I made to correct  it were worthless. Motivational thinking, self help books are rather worthless when your physical self  is out of whack.
Not recognizing myself, I made an appointment for a physical evaluation. I always had scalp psoriasis, now bloodwork revealed borderline Hashimotos (hypothyroid),. and many of my symptoms, brain fog and bloating, suggested celiac….all auto immune disorders. I was looking at a lifetime of pharmaceutical intervention.
Fortunately at that time, a friend reintroduced me to  Interstellar, the original blend. Incredibly, it made it possible for me to commit to a 4 hour daily eating window. Within ten days I began noticing physical changes, scalp psoriasis GONE, my hair looked shiny and felt softer, my skin had a clearer quality, and most significantly, I stopped waking up just as tired as when i went to bed…I began to feel a return  of energy!
I then decided to invest in Trinity and less than a month ago added Thermo. What I’m experiencing can only be described as FREEDOM. My thinking is clear and for the first in a long time I’m able to keep focused on my daily goals. The uncontrollable cravings for garbage food is gone. I’ve started running again and am building up mileage. Even in the Northeast winter weather, I am grateful for every mile I log…I’m feeling like quite a badass, lol. Not to mention, I lost 9 pound. I’m looking forward to my first fast this weekend.
Thank you for your work and product. The blends are restoring my freedom to live life to its fullest again.”
—Molly D

“After following Gavin on Facebook for a few months, I decided to jump in. I purchased the largest package of blends.
I am 61 years young. I have been health minded all of my adult life and I have managed to stay off of all medications.
Still life happens! I have been in several serious auto accidents starting at 6 years old. I have had several closed head injuries, much scaring within the fascia throughout much of my body.
20 years ago I was in auto accident which left me with fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue as well as a host of other issues.
Over time with a healthy diet, fasting, herbs and supplements many of the issues have improved and I have been able to manage.
I am always looking for solutions and improvement!
I began taking the blends just a few months ago, ( May 2019)
Within a few weeks the fibromyalgia symptoms had improved 90%.
A month into taking the blends I began 22/2,44/4 66/6 and 88/8.
I needed to lose 20 pounds to be at my lowest healthy weight. With the blends, fasting is SO easy and I dropped the 20 pounds in 1 month.
About the same time I added Super Nova, with this blend the chronic fatigue became a thing of the past for me.
Next I added Luteolin, I notice within three days of adding Luteolin that my flexibility increased dramatically.
The following month I added Super Hair blend.
I have always been blessed with good hair,
However my hair is the thickest, strongest and shiniest it has ever been.
I added Autophagy blend a few weeks ago.
This blend COMPLETELY takes hunger away.
The first couple of weeks I only took it once a day because that’s all I needed to eliminate hunger. However in the last week I began taking it 4 times a day. I knew this blend did other things besides eliminating hunger so I decided to experiment. After the first day of taking Autophagy 4 times a day, I began feeling areas of my body heating up to the point of slight burning.
It wasn’t painful but enough to take notice.
Every area that I felt this heating up, is an area of internal scaring. So I KNOW healing is taking place!
My skin is softer, smoother and is more toned. Age spots are fading. Wrinkles and lines are diminishing.
My experience with the InterstellarBlends is the Blends rebuild your body from the inside out.
Things within my body that I hoped would be repaired is being  repairing.
Things that I didn’t know needed to be repaired is repairing.
And things that I thought couldn’t be repaired is being repaired.
My friends comments are…
You look great, you looked good before, but you look great now!
Your getting younger!
You glow!
You Sparkle!
The transformation that takes place is not only physical, it’s also mentally, emotionally and spiritually.
In 2017 I had a great and unexpected loss, leaving me experiencing more grief, sadness and sorrow than I thought was possible to endure. I managed to function and continue on with life by focusing on graditute.
A few weeks of taking Interstellar Blends, I noticed that even though I was still experiencing sadness the emotional pain attached to the sadness was gone. This is HUGE. I didn’t even know that this was possible.
Two months into taking Interstellar Blends I attended my twin Grandsons birthday party.
I share these Grandsons with my first husband which was also attending the party.
The ending of my first marriage took place 36 years ago, however it was filled with trauma that continue both for my (now grown) son and myself for several years. Even though much time has past, and much healing and forgiveness has taken place. I still always experienced a sense of dread when I am going to be in the presence of my first husband. After leaving the birthday party I became aware this time there was NO dread.
This is HUGE.

I am SO grateful for Gavin’s BRILLIANCE and his COURAGE to share it with the world, so that we may BENEFIT!”

—DeJa Diana Mitchell Stelzer

Autophagy Activator is Gavin’s most incredible blend yet. If you take this blend and then try and go stuff your face, you’re going to have a bad time. You’re not going to get your money’s worth at all-you-can-eat buffets anymore. If you try and force it, then things get very uncomfortable. Your body simply rejects big meals. I tried to power down a big dinner the other night and forgot I had taken this blend that morning. I felt so sick and uncomfortable trying to force myself to eat more food. Unreal! I’ve always been like Garfield with food, but not with this blend. It’s the first time in my life that I don’t feel like binge eating anymore. Incredible! Take a dose in the morning, eat keto (low or zero carb) and you’ll barely feel hungry. Food just doesn’t interest anymore. I’ve never come across an appetite suppressant blend like this. You’re going to have to plan your daily meal carefully otherwise you won’t be able to finish it. It cuts your food intake by about half.”


—Rich Ryan

“Yesterday I received an order of peel, spice, super hair, and nebula. I got a bonus of a big bag of pine pollen!! Did not expect that awesomeness. Can I just tell you just how obsessed I am with pine pollen? Within moments of drinking it I felt a feeling of well-being. I’ve taken pine pollen twice now and I feel like I’m gonna take it for the rest of my life. I’m excited to see how I feel in a month while taking all these blends! #nextlevel”


—Helena Monica

“I’ve been on permanent 22/2 for nearly 2 months now, I started with Nebula and for the last couple of weeks sometimes I throw in there some Thermo and/or Trinity and/or Seven Sages. I mentioned before how great I felt energy and emotional wise but these past days I noticed something insane: I’ve had the most painful periods since day one. I’ve passed out from the pain before and it’s always a pretty miserable time. Earlier this year I started experiencing pelvic pain, and basically what looked like symptoms of endometriosis or PCOS, I was in pain, skipping periods and feeling like hell. Dr said all the blood panels, hormone tests and ultrasound looked normal but maybe I could have “traits” of PCOS so I accepted that I would feel ongoing discomfort for good since I was already so used to super painful periods. Well since doing 22/2, blends, cutting of dairy and most meats my period has being going regular these last cycles and I haven’t experienced any of the pain I have felt most my life or any of the pain I started experiencing earlier this year ?? I have never ever in my life experienced a normal-super mild pain/discomfort period! I also have chronic- can’t even move- migraines, I was having at least one a week for the last year maybe, and in these last two months I’ve had maybe 2 migraines. I’m so impressed and feel very fascinated now about learning more about healing and helping my body naturally! Much much appreciation for Gavin’s work. I just want to feed blends to all my family and loved ones now!”


—Ana Torres-Goitia

“Thank you so much! I feel so healthy since beginning to use these supplements!
I am a petite person who has always struggled with maintaining my weight. I have always been physically active, a so to speak gym rat. I can not think of any time in my life that I haven’t had a regular exercise routine. As a 5′ 1″, 44 year old, I have fluctuated from 115 to 145 for most of my adult life.
When I began my Interstellar Blend journey a year ago I was at the top of my weight gain at 145. When I decided to try intermittent fasting, I reached out to Gavin and he suggested I start with Trintity and Thermo. I continued my regular exercise routing but incorporated intermittent fasting and the supplements and within 4 months I was down to 120. I have maintained this weight ever since.
Recently, when preparing for a surgical procedure, I went off of the supplements as suggested by my doctor. I noticed then how much the supplements have helped with my moods. I was suddenly anxious and cranky! Once resuming Interstellar Blends I feel so much more balanced and I am still maintaining my weight!
I feel great, and I’m maintaining a healthy weight without fluctuation for the first time in my life and I owe it all to Gavin and his Interstellar Blends!!
Thank you!!!”
—Catrina W

“This blend is truly a creation. I cannot give enough credit for this blend alone in this review, as it really is something you need to experience for yourselves! The Autophagy blend has changed how I feel since since the first dose, I’ve noticed a huge decrease in my appetite and an intense sense of well-being each day I take it, my sleep is a lot more restful and I’m a lot more in tune, focused and awake during the day, even on days where I may not have slept enough. This blend is really something special and has had such a huge positive impact on me in such a short period of time using it, I can understand why it’s sold out before its been put on sale even! I’ve noticed each day of using the Autophagy blend my appetite is decreasing to a point where fasting is now so much easier to do for extended periods of time, they have minimised the side effects of the first 24hours of the fast, to a point that makes fasting a breeze to maintain. The blends start to work immediately I find and provide me with an uplifting sense of well-being which motivates and pushes me to start my day on the right path! Cannot thank Gavin enough for this amazing blends and I can’t wait for time to unveil the many health benefits this blend will further provide me with.”


—Serhat Dereli


“Ok everyone this Autophagy Blend is life changing. I have been doing extended fasting for the past year. The first 3 days are always the hardest for me as I stay hungry and my moods are awful. The fourth day is when I finally get into the groove and can mellow out for the remainder of my fast. That being said I dont fast as often as I would like because of the mood swings in the beginning. This Autophagy Blend is a game changer. I have been taking it for two weeks, I take it four times a day and my last blend of the day I add an additional 1/8 tsp before going to bed. I never wake up hungry.

Since taking this Autophagy Blend I have gone back to doing 88/8 cycles back to back. No hungry, no mood swings, no cravings, no binges. I think this is Gavin’s best blend to date and I will never be without it. I feel more relaxed, probably because my mood swings have vanished and I am actually enjoying fasting. I have also had more energy during my fast. Not sure if its from the Autophagy blend or if its enhancing my other blends but I look forward to my 4-6 mile walk everyday now and during my walk instead of wishing I was done I find myself thinking about the positive results my walk is giving me , I am feeling stronger and my stamina has increased. I used to walk a mile in 20-22 minutes but now I am walking a mile 16-17.5 minutes and I do several sprints in between each mile. I am definitely experiencing more joy in each day. The only change I have made is adding the Autophagy Blend so I know this is the reason.

Trust me and just get it and try it if you want to up your game when fasting. I promise you will not be disappointed. This is a total game changer and I believe this blend will help me reach my next fitness level I have been struggling to achieve. Thank you Gavin you have outdone yourself on this one!”


– Rhonda Walker-Eckel

“I have been taking Interstellar Blends for three months and I can honestly say I am a different person from when I began taking them. No more forcing myself to get through the day with little joy, focus and motivation.!!

I reached out to Gavin after reading through his website.  I told him I was struggling with depression and had other cognitive and memory issues that were very concerning.

He suggested I start taking his Seven Sages and Trinity blend. I scoured his website and Facebook page and read everything I could about these blends. I was so skeptical that these could work like the people who were  taking them said. But I was desperate to feel better and because my brain seemed to be declining so rapidly I was willing to try anything. Plus he offered a money back guarantee  if all symptoms of depression and anxiety were not gone in 7 days, so I purchased the blends..

Prior to taking the blends I was was barely able to function, no energy, no motivation, no desire, no feelings. In addition to having these very low feelings I also had brain fog, very little short or long term memory and my thoughts were extremely disorganized. When trying to explain to Gavin how I felt I said “I feel like my brain is deaf and blind”.

By the third day of taking Seven Sages and Trinity I was completely depression and anxiety free!! It worked! It really worked!

This has been a miracle for me as I have struggled on and off with depression for 22 years and have researched this subject extensively trying antidepressants, stimulants, natural tinctures, talk therapy, cognitive therapy, healing prayer rooms, acupuncture, niacin therapy, high doses of turmeric,  Myers cocktail and  anything else that was recommended. Some of these did  partially help, but nothing worked as quickly as Seven Sages and Trinity on not only bringing me completely out of my depression, but also helping with my memory and overall brain function.

Before Interstellar blends i would start many projects, but finish hardly anything. My thoughts and actions were all over the place.  I am now able to finish tasks with ease. My thoughts are much more organized and everyday  it  feels like  everything in my brain is working together.

With the encouragement of Gavin I completed a 66/6 challenge and lost 32 lbs in 12 days. Because of Gavin’s generosity I won hundreds of dollars worth of blends that I now incorporate into my daily life. I honestly feel better than I ever have and am eternally grateful to Gavin and Interstellar blends.”

—Lynda K Borden

“First off, Id like to show my appreciation for Gavin and all of the hard work he does to run this operation and provide us a way out from the traditional health system! At first, I was very hesitant and skeptical about the potential of the interstellar herbs and all the positive claims. After doing some research, I realized that all the modes of healing that his approach consists of, comes from years/months of his personal study. The advice he gives helps us restore our body and reclaim our optimal performance. If you follow his protocol without deviating from it, you will achieve your health goals. The problem is that people try to add in their two cents and end up swaying from the result proven regiment!

After studying the website for while, I decided to try the herbs out. I ordered Trinity, Spice, Peel. Within 1.5 weeks of consistent intermittent dry fasting, keto/paleo diet, my inflammation decreased, yellowing of the skin subsided, eyes began to whiten, sleep began to feel as I was a child again, and mood levels/emotions started to balance. I forgot what it felt like to be foggy, groggy and unhealthy.

If you are contemplating trying these out, really sit down and prioritize what health means to you. Do the math, people see the price tag and immediately turn away. How much are you spending eating out? How much are you spending on your daily Starbucks? How much are you spending on junk that you don’t need? Now do some calculations on a couple months of herb supply! Sit down and ask yourself, how much does living a healthy, enhanced, balanced quality of life mean to you? Weight out the pros and cons between your stupid spending and living healthy. Don’t be stupid!”


—Michael James

“I am grateful to be able to have tried most of the blends. My first one was peel. After doing keto faithfully for over a year I was stalled no matter what I did. The peel was a miracle and bumped me to the next level. The weight fell off and I reached my goal. This remains one of my favorites. I added blends for other issues along the way and each really targets something different. Overall my mood, sleeping, brain fog, fatigue etc have all improved so much.
When I lost my job of 23 years my first thoughts were how will I pay my mortgage and how will I afford the blends. May seem like a strange reaction to some but I couldn’t fathom going through such a difficult situation without the blends knowing all those mood swings and anxiety would return. Thankfully I didn’t have to and a year later it all work out awesomely.
Now for the new blend autophagy…OMG what an amazing addition. I have always had to deal with weight issues and binge eating. It will be my life long battle. Sometimes I get off track and struggle to get back. This happened lately and I was having a hard time no matter what I tried. I got autophagy last week and again it proved to deliver success. Normally I always feel hungry, even when sticking to my regimen truth is I could always eat. This blend shut that down. For once in my life I wasn’t hungry. It doesn’t make you jittery or anxious it just shuts down the hunger. In 6 days I was able to lose the 9 pounds I gained falling off track. This stuff is a game changer and I never want to be without it. Thank you Gavin for all the research and guidance it is truly appreciated!!”


—Teri French-Hart


“WOWZA, if you haven’t tried Autophagy Activator yet you have to. I received it as part of the special running now.
I contacted Gavin through facebook thats how I found this magician, my main concern was my pre menopause hot flashes, I would wake up 3/4 times at night sweating really bad; took me a long time to fall back asleep and again woke up sweating, just AWFUL nights; I didn’t wanna reach for hormones that my doctor recommended.
Let me tell you its been 10 days now, no hot flashes anymore, lost 10 lbs, lots of energy I’m not hungry to the point you look at food and think, “Will I ever crave bad food AGAIN??”scary?
My husband think I’m gone die soon cos im not eating like I used to ?but I eat what Gavin recommends- sardines greens, beets and more from the list,
I’ll message him every time I have questions and he answers no mater what time it is.
Cant wait to see what else I will benefit out of the blends!!!!
Thank you very much Gavin !!!”


—Ziva Avitan


“I have been taking Autophagy with Nebula first thing every morning for just over a week now! Wow! It is just amazing.
The autophagy makes my fasting much easier, I regularly just have one meal a day, I have noticed that I don’t need to eat as much in the meal.
Combined with the Nebula in the morning, it really is kick-ass fuel, I am more focussed, brain-fog disappears, more productive… the benefits keep on coming.

I don’t get an afternoon slump, if I feel tiredness creeping in I have some more Autophagy with Peel and I’m back up to speed until my feeding window.
I’m not sure if this is a side-effect of the Autophagy but I have lost around 7lbs weight without even trying. Glad I bought a big bag to keep me going!

Another benefit I have noticed is my hair seems to be growing much faster, again it will be interesting to see if this is because of the Autophagy.
I have been taking Gavin’s blends for over two years now, in that time I have sorted my mental health and now my physical health, feeling better than I have done for 10 years.
I’m 44 years old and still not a grey hair to be found, all my blood results show my body is in top form.

Fasting – Blends – Good Diet

Thank you Gavin for another Interstellar Blend!!!”


—Bex Walker


“Okay so, my pancreatic cancer is gone. I’ve used Peel and Super Nova religiously. I won’t deny that’s it’s been a fight but my doctor doesn’t know what to say. I refused chemo and other meds because I simply couldn’t afford them. When it got really tough, I got a hold of Gavin and he didn’t flinch in setting me up with what he thought could help. It did. I’m getting back to my normal self but I wouldn’t be able to say this without Gavin’s amazing Blends.

What I did, Peel and Super Nova in the morning and dry fasted all day at work. I’d eat a good prepared meal at night then repeat. On days off I always made the goal to only use the blends in tea or coffee and dry fast on days off.

I’m cancer free!”


—Aaron Michael Jauken


I’ve been taking 10-15 mile walks daily as a part of Gavin’s 88/8 challenge regiment and up to cycle 5 I was finding myself having very little trouble energy-wise completing my walks. Some leg and foot pain…but no real fatigue. But cycle 5 brought with it Mother Nature’s monthly calling card and with it a fatigue that blew the wind out of me…until Thermo.

I do my walks first thing in the morning when I work or have lots of things to do and even with the first recommended shot for the challenge I was finding myself dragging…having to stop and take 3 minute breaks dang near after every mile or so. Then came the second shot with Thermo.

I can’t even explain the night and day difference walking those first couple of miles without Thermo vs. walking the last couple of miles with it. I would take the shot…swish it around my mouth for 30 seconds as Gavin recommends…and I swear I would feel my whole body awaken almost instantly!

I’ve now added Thermo to EACH of my shots throughout the day for the crazy clean energy it gives…and I’m ordering another Thermo for backup so that I never run out!!!

As a person who has suffered from low-energy ALL HER LIFE…with that time of the month being a particularly debilitating time for me energy-wise…you have no idea how awesome it is to have something that gives me my life back the way Thermo does! There was a time I would literally have to call off from work during my cycle because of how incredibly fatigued I would be. To be able to go from that to being able to walk 10 miles during my cycle with ease…LIFE CHANGING”


—Tia Riki

“I received the Autophagy and peel blends just a few days ago and all I can say is WOW. I have been suffering from arthritis due to old injuries from years of weight lifting, auto accidents, painting murals, etc… This had caused me to to put ME on the back burner. After seeing so many others benefit from the blends, I finally gave in. I chose the autophagy blend because I read about the appetite suppressant effects it had on others. The Peel blend was chosen bc I want the glowing skin that all blend users are raving about!
The first morning I took it, I mixed both with just a bottle of water. It was an almost immediate rush of energy. Not the nasty stimulant kind either. I went on to complete a full day of working outside in 98 degrees. I actually forgot to eat and was not hungry all day! I had to actually force myself to eat dinner. This is unheard of as I LOVE to eat, lol.
It is now day four since I’ve been using the blends and my appetite has shrunk, my energy levels are through the roof, my aches and pains have drastically gone down, and I am up and at em in the morning with a new zest for life.
I also wanted to point out that I have suffered from tightness in the chest for years now. I chalked it up to anxiety and kind of just expected it to always be there. Especially at night. I would literally feel my heart beat through my ears until I fell asleep. Wellll folks, it’s so weird because that feeling is completely gone! Poof! Even if I try to stress myself out on purpose to emulate it, my heart is just steady as ever. No tightness whatsoever!
I can’t even wait to see what other ailments melt away. These blends are kick ass!
Gavin has put so much thought and research into every single ingredient. There is no way I’d ever be able to afford to buy or even FIND every single one by itself. This blend is a masterpiece, perfectly orchestrated like a piece of fine ass music ?
Bravo Gavin! Bravo”


—Joy Mollnar

“Today is day 14 for me on Autogaphy. Early on I wasn’t sure I was feeling immediately what others felt, I just knew from my first dose I lost my appetite. GONE… just GONE!! Over the past 2 weeks it has had a cumulative effect on me. I’m not hungry, staying on point when I have something to accomplish, clear thoughts, my sleep is more restful, ( in the midst of personal turmoil) which for me is a small miracle in itself. I’m quite surprised how I’m handling it! I don’t know how he blends these, but I understand how he can’t keep it in stock! At times the thought of eating another bite… makes me nauseous. Me??? Not want want to eat? My husband wants to know who took his wife???? No mood swings, no cravings, fasting is much easier, mental clarity.. energy….the list can go on….try this… you seriously will not be sorry.
18 months ago, I had never heard of dry fasting! ( where was my head ?????) I had been doing intermittent fasting/low carb and having small results. A dear friend was a member of Gavin’s group and added me. I was just blown away by what I was reading! Shortly after I joined I asked her if she had used any of Gavin’s blends. She had not…. but I decided to try them. Peel & Spice were the first I tried. Having just had a total hip replacement, I hoped they would help with healing….Damn!! Let just say I’m older than Gavin…. and I felt after 2 days on these 2 I could go to the club and keep up, if my new hip would cooperate of course. At my staple removal my surgeon commented how well I was healing! Could it be… the blends??? ?
I decided after I was released from my surgeon, I was going to try more blends, no 2 ways about it. When I went for my 3 month check up, my Dr could not believe how the incision had healed!
I decided that I was going to try & address my depression. Again … great results..off of anxiety meds and antidepressants after literally YEARS!!!! My only child suffered a near fatal accident when he was 18 and I had been on those meds since that time. He is now 36.. Do the math. In a matter of months I felt I could safely wean myself. I ordered more blends….and could only hope for similar results…. when I had blood work done 4 months after sticking my toe in the” BLEND sea”.. these were my initial results…
Dropped 11 pounds, completely off of blood pressure medication I’d been taking for 15 years, my cholesterol dropped 54 points. My physician attributed that drop to the “new statin” she had prescribed until I told her I never had the RX filled!!!!
When my hubby saw my results he asked if he could try My blends. I wasn’t sure I wanted to share, but relented. ? He has been prediabetic for years.
Wellllll … yep you guessed it.. Our personal PCP as well as his Dr’s at the VA told him he could no longer be considered pre diabetic. SCORE…. Of course we both made changes to our eating habits, small changes, we eat differently, and different foods but the common denominator for us was the blends!!!
This has been a tough year for me… 2 surgeries, my fathers passing, major surgery or hubby ( he had his hip replaced!!.. such a copy cat!) but I’m handling it. Some days more than others, and a friend who kicks my butt when I need it…
And Gavin..
You will never know how much you have helped me personally. I don’t know when the hell you sleep, because no matter when I contact you.. you always answer me. Without missing a beat. Your willingness to help virtual strangers is a gift to all of us, and I will be eternally grateful. Thank you for making this your life’s work. You’ll never completely understand my gratitude.
Thank you, thank you, thank you”


—Judi Plotino Bahr


“My husband’s a1c dropped to the point where he is not considered pre-diabetic any longer taking Peel & Spice.

I was able to go completely off blood pressure meds over a year ago taking the Peel & Spice.

Gavin’s products are THE real deal. We started with the blends for health reasons, weight loss was a bonus.”


—Judi Plotino Bahr



“Thank you Gavin! I have struggled with psoriasis for 20 years and have tried every product on the market. Within the first week of taking Peel, my skin became noticeably clearer. By the second week, my entire body is completely clear! The fine lines around my eyes are gone, my hair and nails are growing stronger and thicker and I feel fantastic! Another amazing product to add to my Interstellar regimen. Smiling from head to toe!”


—Julia Bienkowski

“I am happy, blessed and proud to say that I have been taking Interstellar Herbs since back in 2015, when only THE ORIGINAL blend existed. I had been a holistic personal trainer for years, and tried so many products in an attempt to help, not only myself, but my clients in various areas of their health and wellness. I personally had suffered with anxiety my whole life and had tried every natural product out there! It seemed the older I got, the worse the anxiety and I finally succumbed to trying pharma drugs in order to deal with it. My doctor, and most doctors prescribe depression meds for anxiety. I kept saying I am not depressed, I have anxiety, there is a difference! She told me the antidepressant drugs also treat anxiety, so I tried. Well, I ended up trying 3 different ones and they all ended up making me depressed and actually, feel crazy! They made my brain spin and I began to have depressive melt downs which I had never experienced before.

Enter Interstellar ORIGINAL. After following Gavin and reading about the results others were experiencing I began reviewing all of the ingredients and research from that blend, I decided to give it a try. For the first time in my life I experienced calm clarity and energy that wasn’t manic, or jittery. I was hooked, in a good way!!!! I never looked back. I began Intermittant Fasting, typically doing 3 days twice a month. I did lose some weight but I was mainly doing this to reset my body at a cellular level and rid myself of any damaged cells that could lead to disease. I finally felt normal, strong and amazing.

Gavin introduced Shilajit, Pine Pollen, Ceremonial (Highest Grade) Green Tea and I added those. Boom! Up I rose, feeling better and better all the time. The Pine Pollen helped balance my hormones and made my hair grow like crazy among other things. The Green Tea gave me even more healthy energy and is super anti-aging as well.

Next came SuperNova, a more concentrated version of THE ORIGINAL blend, which was really great because I didn’t have to use as much product and still got the same, if not even more, benefit!!! I really didn’t think that could be improved upon! During that time, without realizing a why, I just naturally dropped to basically eating once a day as I wasn’t hungry all day and had great energy with the combined products so far. The few extra pounds I was still holding just melted off then.

Next was Gavins Thermo, which is also an amazing product! However, I work outside in Florida heat, so I backed off of this one just because it did heat me up and I didn’t need the warmth, or to burn off anymore weight. It is still amazing though for anyone needed those benefits!!

The HOLY GRAIL of all the products for me though was TRINITY!!! Honestly, it still is! If I thought I had calm clarity and less anxiety before, I honestly felt like something in my brain shifted into the Interstellar realm when I added Trinity. I believe I was so used to living with such intense anxiety that the relief I had from the Original and SuperNova had eliminated it and it did reduce it to a level I had never experienced. HOWEVER, TRINITY is my LOVE! TRINITY obliterated the remaining anxiety that I didn’t realize I still had and the total calm, clarity peace came like I had and have never experienced. My thoughts become even more razor sharp and my ability to remain calm in so many intensely difficult situations I have lived through since then has just been priceless!!!! I also have tried Seven Sages and it is incredible as well, for me it is a great addition to Trinity. Trinity seems to make nature come more alive, colors are brighter and everything just shifts in ways you can only experience if you try it!

I have continued to basically do 22/2 ever since and weight has not come back with the exception of a few months I ran out of product and began eating too much. I gained back 15 pounds and started feeling that nagging anxiety creeping back not quite so in love with life and nervous again too much. Once I got back on my herbs and went back to 22/2, the pounds came off fast and I have maintained the same weight within around 4-5 lbs since. Usually, its just around the holidays if I eat more than normal, but it comes right back off very easily.

When PEELZ came out, I added that! I had a small cyst on my wrist for years and this product ridded me of it! My skin looked good before from using all of the other herbs, but it started to glow and my pores shrunk! My energy went up even more and I just felt even more awesome! I couldn’t believe it!!!

Then there is NIAGRA, holy mother of WOW! Um, women, yes, you must try this and men, you must get this for your lady, (but be warned, if you do, you should get yourself some Thunder, unless you have incredible stamina already, even if you do, I’m sure it will be fun for you both!) IT WORKS! Its also great to use in conjunction with Pine Pollen for women for hormonal balancing. You can micro-dose Niagra (if not wanting full on hours of raw passion), with normal amount of Pine Pollen and it balances out hormones beautifully.

Another note on Pine Pollen, it is a superfood, so it does replace the need for too much food and it’s a concentrated superfood, so you get so many benefits without having all of the calories. Its also great if your trying to build some muscle tone. I have always had a hard time building just some muscle tone with my body type. When I use Pine Pollen with working out, I can finally get that definition and strength better than with any Protein powder, eating 10 eggs, or other things I have tried.

I will be 48 in a couple of months. People never believe my age. I still get carded often and even when I go to Doctors appointments for check ups, they ask me what my secret is!!! Just this week my new gynecologist, did a double take when he looked at my chart and looked at me, he said “are you really almost 48?” Same words followed “OMG, you look amazing, what is your secret?” Maybe this is a little TMI, but even the exam, etc., he and his assistant were like you literally are more like someone at least 20 years younger, even as far as, well everything goes. You are healthy inside and out! LOL

My blood work all came back perfect and my primary care doctor (who is the one who originally tried to get me to take a variety of anti-depressants years ago, with horrific side effects) still can’t believe it. She says I’m aging in reverse. LOL I’ve gotten healthier over the years. Now, don’t get me wrong, I still age, but just slower than I know I would be if I wasn’t taking Interstellar Herbs and Intermittent fasting. I just know it! Friends and others ask me how I do it and when I tell them, I wish they would believe me! So many people would benefit in the most amazing ways possible if they would just TRY THEM!!!! Too many people get hung up on the cost. I say, have you been grocery shopping lately? Crap food is expensive, organics and healthy cost more (worth it also but costs more) When I eat once a day, the herbs pay for themselves and I am feeding my cells disease prevention and anti-aging FOOD! How much do most people spend on sugary, fatty coffee drinks? Or, junky snack food daily, never mind all of the meals eaten. It ends up costing less and the benefits cannot be measured in $$. Long term especially, disease, loss of energy, loss of mental capacity, hospitals, no thanks!!!

I feel I am doing the best possible thing I can for myself and my family by continuing using the products. I am a single mother, with 2 teens still at home and starting a new business from the ground up in the last few months. There is no way I would be able to handle the stress of everything with the anxiety I used to suffer from. I want to perform at my peak and be the best I can be in every area, stay focused, grounded, clear thinking, have the energy and drive to make all my dreams come true and set an example for my kids. I’m developing a new product and service to help the environment, I want to leave this gift for all of our children and generations to come! Interstellar Herbs gives me that ability and edge to believe its possible and the confident drive to GO FOT IT!!!! Give yourself and those you love the biggest GIFT you could ever give them, which is the best, healthiest, calmest yet energetic, supportive, loving, present version of you,… and this will be possible with these products I PROMISE YOU THAT!

Finally, I want to be around for many years DISEASE FREE, and I also believe that the products Gavin produces give us all that chance. I have known him since 2015 and watched, read the research he provides, done trials on myself and read what the products have done for so many people through the years! You can’t argue with science or the results! I am next adding Spice, ACB, and Apigenin. I will be back in a few months to review these products!

Just really want to say a huge THANK YOU to Gavin for stepping up and spending countless hours, days, weeks, months and years doing the research and creating such life giving gifts really! And to Kristine also for being there and such a huge part of making it all work! You two are Angels! ❤”


—Teri Graham

“I have been taking luteolin for just over a week and I have felt a huge improvement! I am so excited to share that my memory is completely back! I had been struggling with memory issues because of a concussion from a car accident a year ago. Within a week of adding in luteolin, my memory is back on point and I have zero brain fog at all!! This is a huge win!! I was already taking Seven Sages, Trinity, Peel and Spice and had great results, so when I added in luteolin that was the magic bullet I needed to expedite the improvements in my brain functioning! I am so grateful for Gavin and the blends, I can’t wait to see what else improves with continued use!! <3”

—Elaine Lopez-Bogard

“Being an adult is not an easy thing to pull off day in and day out. I am a full-time-working single mom of three beautiful children and a law school student, as a cherry on top. Running operations at my house is a full-on production on daily basis and I constantly have to be on top of my game, or everything will crumble with the domino effect. I have been struggling for many years not only with my physical health, but also with excess weight and emotional problems, all until I found out about Gavin’s magic blends. I have tried all of them (with the exception of Thunder lol) and I must say that Trinity is my favorite blend of all. Some of its effect can be felt almost instantly, after taking the first dose, but you will feel the most after taking it consistently for about 2-3 days. I’m sharing my personal experience below:

As we age, most people start accepting health problems as part of a normal aging process, when it is far from the truth.

For about two years in a row my Hair started thinning out, it turned dry and brittle. I have tried every supplement on the planet internally, and every mask and oil topically, to no avail. But once I started taking Gavin’s blends, Hair stopped falling out and breaking. My Hair dresser is not having to chop off as much of the ends, each time I get my Hair done. I’m still planning on trying the anti-gray blend, in hopes that it will help turn my grays back to normal Hair color.

My skin has been very dry for as long as I can remember. I had eczema, with cracking and sometimes bleeding skin, on my hands. Being a mom of three, my hands were often times wet throughout the day, which caused me a great deal of discomfort and even pain, at times. A dermatologist prescribed a steroid cream, but it only made things worse, if used for prolonged periods of time. Since I started taking the blends, eczema had completely cleared and my skin tone is even and healthy.

Most women, and many men will relate to the problem of mood swings. There were many moments throughout the day when I felt my mood was elevated, just to find myself stressed out, irritated or seriously upset about something shortly after. My mood is more stable now ever since I became a mom. I often find patience to kiss one more bruise, and to listen to one more never-ending story, and to give one more hug before bed to my kindergartener, when I was often short-tempered in the past. I surprise myself lately, when I find more patience and humility for my 2 teenagers, than ever before. And I surprise myself the most, when I am able to give kindness to myself. I used to be pretty hard on myself, placing unreasonable expectations and pressing forward, no matter the cost. Now I am being a lot more realistic and find fun and interesting things that I actually enjoy doing, which helps me have a better quality of life and a better mom for my children. Don’t get me wrong, I still have plenty of stress in my life, but my reaction to it is much different. I have a sense of calmness and peace, and it is in this state that I am able to make better decisions and have better interactions with everyone around me.

I’ve had an issue with blood sugar levels for a while, although I was never diagnosed with diabetes (but both of parents have). I have attempted intermittent fasting, but found it difficult because I often felt strong hunger pangs, shakiness and dizziness, combined with being moody and irritable. After many attempts, I gave up on the idea of fasting and watched my waistline expand. But with the blends, I found it to be almost easy to stay away from food for 66 hours at a time. I am still preparing for the 88 hour fast, and I am confident that with the right mindset and Gavin’s blends in my kitchen cabinet, I will achieve that goal soon enough.

Thank you Gavin for your hard work, dedication, patience, and kindness!”


—Oksana K

“I am blown away by the results from these blends. I purchased just three weeks ago, and every day I take them, the benefits just get better and better. From clear, focused energy, to better sleep, blood sugar regulation, and a noticeable difference in my skin and eye health. Just amazing! My whole family has been taking the blends every day, and I just recommended them to my mother and sent her home with a seven day supply of most of the blends in the Super Ultimate Sampler. I’m ordering again, and this time adding the ACB. I love having all of these blends in my house and available at all times, as I keep giving them out to family to try when they visit! Many thanks to Gavin and his healing work”


—Melissa Kendell

“My initial order included the combo of Spice and Peel. I can already tell a difference in my mood throughout the day. In the past, I’ve had some anxiety and mild depression and am confident that this combination, along with Trinity, is already leveling me out. What’s also great is the amount of product you get. I was amazed at how big the bags were for Spice and Peel. That says a lot, it’s worth the price knowing that you only need a small amount so it should last you for quite a while. I also enjoyed the samples that were added to my order which prompted me to place a second order for said samples. Try the products, I highly doubt you’ll be disappointed.

I received a sample of Matcha with my first order and it really does pack a punch! It has helped with my fasting immensely. I take the Matcha, Nebula and Thermo in separate “shots” of either decaf green tea or decaf coffee, before a workout. I sail through the workout, feeling like I can do even more. I am a firm believer in these blends.

Trinity was part of my first order. I ordered this based on the reviews of it’s calming effect. I’ve only been using the blends for five days but I’m noticing a huge difference in such a short amount of time. I combine Trinity with Spice and Peel and it’s like it sets the tone for my day. I have noticed I’m sleeping deeper. I’ve had sleep issues ever since I was pregnant and sometimes wake up in the middle of the night and am up for hours. Trinity is definitely helping with that issue. If you’re on the fence as to what to order, read the reviews of each one and just pick a starting point. I feel Trinity should be part of your first order.”

—LF Carter


“I am grateful to be taking these blends!

I’d been so fed up with being in pain.

Doctors told me it was depression and injuries that may never heal.

I’d tried many natural products

with little or no relief.

My intuition made me feel that there must be a natural remedy.

Recently I came across Gavins page.

I saw one of his product reviews and was drawn to look further.

I enquired about his products he was very kind, helpful and informative told me what I could take that was vegetarian and would help my back pain and anxiety.

He suggested the blends Spice and Peel and told me that after 3 weeks I’d have zero back pain! He said I would also like the blend Thermo too.

I ordered the combo pack of Spice and Peel and started taking the blends the last week of August.

I am now completely back pain free!

This is like a miracle, because I was injured as a child thrown from my horse and was stepped on several times also, I’ve had two car accidents causing serious impact and back pain.

I’ve also suffered from migraines since I was a child and haven’t had one since I started the blends!

I feel amazing!

I feel New life!

After nearly 30 years of pain I am now feeling full relief!

Thank you Gavin for what you do, and for the time and support you have shown me!”


—Sudevika Kealani Okeahi

“I am the sole caretaker of my handicapped husband and my energy, strength, and mood were deteriorating. I had to take a nap everyday as I was up all day and night caring for him. My Rolfer introduced me to the Interstellar Blends…”Give them a try,” he said. I agreed and he ordered the products for me.
I was skeptical at first but took the blends everyday. It was probably a week later that I noticed I wasn’t taking the daily naps I needed before. My strength increased and my whole mood seemed to lighten up. Facing each new day became easier and I continued with the blends and looked forward to enjoying them every morning.
I love the taste as I drink them in hot water as my daily tea and am amazed at how long the products last. I will be placing my third order and have informed friends and family to also try using the Interstellar Blends.
Never in my wildest dreams could I ever have imagined that such natural products could work so well.
Thank You Gavin for giving me my life back!”


—Cyndy B

“This is my third time ordering interstellar blends. The first time I took the blends I lost 18 lbs in 1 month. I noticed, while fasting, the only thing I could think about was water. This will pass after the first week. After taking his products I cured my asthma.

This is huge for me because I was told I would die with asthma and its incurable. I used to use my inhaler 4-5 times a day for 30 years. I have not needed albuterol for 3 months and I fully believe it has been cured. No prescription drug has attempted to cure me. Rather, I believe the rx market is designed for profit. I believe ACB, Spice, and Apigenin were the difference. The best way I have found to stay consistent is to pre-mix them in small water bottles (Dasani is my choice because the bottle is wider and better to shake) and write numbers on them to take in a planned and science based order.

Gavin’s products may be expensive but they are worth every penny. Each and every blend has a specific purpose and role to make a healthier and more fulfilling lifestyle. The blends are the real deal and anyone who says else wise simply has not tried them. Science ma constantly be evolving and changing but these blends do not lie. They work!

Blends 5 stars
Customer satisfaction 5 stars (Heres why)

Most online businesses are a joke as far as customer service goes. Gavin has answered every question I have had and has even left me inspired with a Thunder fist.

When I called the number on the business card I was expecting a transfer or to leave a message. Gavin personally answered the phone and answered all of my questions. This to me is rare and shows he is genuinely a caring and growing business man. You cannot fake passion and you cannot fake success. These blends are all the above.

Thank you Gavin and Interstellar Blends”


—Steve Greenwood

“First I would like to say that I have been on a life long quest for health, I am 60 years of age, I hope that gives folks an idea of what I may or may not have tried over the years in this quest. It has been far and few between in finding quality supplements to help stem the tide of age related maladies for both the mind and body.

I came upon Gavins blends a number of years ago and have been a loyal client ever since, of the listed product line I have utilized 13 different blends and none of them have disappointed. I am pleased that I was able to meet Gavin in person that many years ago. At the time I was feeling a bit down and out, my energy levels were waining and my emotional mindset was all over the place. I started out on the “Original Blend”, It was a godsend and over the years, each time Gavin create a new blend I made sure I was one of the first in line to receive and utilize these magnificent creations of his.

I will have to say that of all the blends it was “Trinity” that put me in the mindset I had hoped to find in that lifelong quest of health and happiness. It was at that time, that for me personally, I no longer had to jump from one product line to the next in the hopes of finding an effective remedy to those maladies of aging. I feel I am at my best after a dose of Trinity in my morning coffee. I’ll be a lifelong client as long as “Interstellar Blends” are available to purchase.”

—Robert Patrick

“Interstellar Blends is nothing but quality from their products to customer service. First starting out with not taking any supplements for my health in the past 2-3 years these are a game changer. From the first time taking these products I have noticed a difference on the quality of my mind and health. My mind is able to be very clear and stay focused on what ever the task at hand is. My memory is on point, my energy is always high, and the time it takes for me to regroup and attack the day is short. My gym routines are laser focused and am able to preform more repetitions.

With taking any of the blends I have also noticed it keeps me in the present. Being in the present has helped me become even more aware of how I feel about any situation at any given time. The blends have been a catalyst for me to dive deeper, and remain relaxed, on any thing that comes up. This is great because I enjoy reading and it helps me really understand what the author is writing and feel their emotions when they were writing, much easier then before.

The customer service of Interstellar Blends has been top notch. The response time to hear back from them is short if not instant. The love and guidance on how you should be taking each supplement makes it the easiest to make sure that you get the most out of your supplements. Interstellar you have a customer for life. Thank you”


—Joe Pacenka

“I’ve been taking the blends since 2017. I’m in my late twenties, thin, I don’t fast and I don’t work out. I started because I was starting to think I had chronic fatigue or something. I would get off work in the after noon and take 3-4 hour naps, no energy drink could keep me awake. This is on top of sleeping atleast 9-10 hours at night. I was also feeling extremely emotional, literally ANYTHING could make me cry. I couldn’t look at a picture of a cute animal without bursting into tears. I decided to just spend the money and see what all the fuss was about. Almost immediately I saw a difference. I stopped needing to nap completely even when I wanted to take a nap in the middle of the day I just couldn’t. My emotions are controlled now. Anxiety and depression are kept at bay.
Sometimes I get lazy and stop taking them and about a week later I start feeling all my old symptoms again. Currently I take Trinity, Spice and ACB. I have not gotten sick this whole winter season even though I’ve been around multiple people with colds and the flu. What I found extremely weird though is that normally I get crazy horrible miserable cedar allergies dec-March and usually I have to take Allegra EVERY SINGLE DAY during these months. I have only had to take Allegra a handful of times during these past months. It’s so bizarre because I’ve always struggled with severe cedar allergies my whole life except for this past season!
My mom has always had high blood pressure but recently it got bad enough that the doctor put her on meds. She didn’t like the side effects so I told her about how I thought the Peel blend might help her. A few days into taking the Peel her blood pressure was normal, she says she feels great and has more energy. My dad has even noticed a difference in her mood and will ask her if she’s taken her Peel if she’s acting cranky. She’s about to be on her third bag of Peel!
Thank you so much Gavin. I look forward to trying out Apigenin and Nebula next!”
—Stacy Silva

“So I first started taking blends when Gavin introduced Peel in April of 2018 in his Facebook group. He was talking about this amazing combination of ingredients that helped bring down blood sugar readings. As someone with Gestational Diabetes when I had my daughter and also someone whose body shape screamed INSULIN RESISTANT (apple shape with larger middle), I knew I needed to try this blend and begin to regain control of my health. I was already doing daily 22:2 fasts, but my blood sugar readings were still too high. I was on board for trying this new product. I ordered before it even hit the website and had my first Peel package within a few days. Gavin’s turnaround with orders is crazy fast.

So I tried my first Peel order. I ordered the 20:1, lower concentration, so I was taking a 1/2 tsp about every 4-6 hours with a swig of water. At first the taste of it gave me the shivers but soon I started loving the flavor – craving it even. At the same time, since I still had my blood sugar monitor from when I had gestational diabetes I decided to keep a more careful eye on my morning blood sugar readings. Within a week it was down 30 points! From about 130 to about 100 in the morning. After another week I was consistently in the 90’s! Okay, I was a believer! But the extra benefits were what kept me taking my Peel. Suddenly I had more energy to tackle my chore list. And a haze of “blues” (perhaps mild depression) seemed to suddenly lift and my family noticed I was smiling more. In the summer I was feeling so good that I allowed my PeelS to run out, thinking I would be fine. After about a week my husband started asking me what was wrong. I just seemed “down.” I realized the only thing that had changed was my Peel had run out. Oh geez! Time to reorder and rely on Gavin’s quick shipping!

Since that time I have never let my Peel run out. If I get close to the end of my jar I reorder to make sure that I don’t have any days without it. My husband is now a believer in how much it helps my energy and mood and even reminds me to take my blends. I added Spice and Pine Pollen to my days and now, from trying the samples Gavin includes in orders at times I am deciding on what next to add. Thermo, Seven Sages and Trinity are all in my next shopping cart! With the encouragement of his Facebook group I have now moved to 44:4 fasting for enhanced insulin resistance healing and my Peel and Spice make fasting much easier. Weight is falling off that mid-section and I am moving toward more of an hourglass shape rather than an apple shape. My husband is not only seeing my mood shift but my body shape shift and is becoming a great fan of Interstellar Blends! Blends will be a permanent part of my routine for my physical and mental well-being. I am so happy that I found Gavin, Kristine and all of the research and science that goes with these products.”


—KD Darby


“I have been taking several of the blends for 6 months now. I have been practicing intermittent fasting for years but wanted to look into the health benefits of longer fasts and dry fasting. I stumbled onto Interstellar Blends Website and I knew I needed to learn more so I joined Gavin’s social media page. I was impressed with his interactions when he received questions. He goes out of his way to present his scientific research and gives FREE help to anyone who asks. I don’t know if people understand what a blessing that is. He wants to help people live a healthy lifestyle and heal their bodies. He answers the questions on his social account and creates relationships with the individuals that enter his Weight Loss Challenges. Gavin not only provides generous incentives to lose weight and get healthy but he will be your biggest cheerleader. He also provides the tough love that people need for the gentle push. He will not give up on you! Gavin is the real deal and he will help people achieve their individual goals. He has integrity as a business owner and it reflects in his customer service as well as the quality of the blends that he creates.

I purchased the blends because I believe in the fasting lifestyle and I knew my health could be improved by taking things up a notch. My life is pretty hectic, like everybody’s, and I found myself “white knuckling” every single day. I was tired no matter how much sleep I got and my fuse with my children and others was growing shorter. I am a stay at home Mom. I homeschool my 6 kids. My triplet boys (my last 3 of the 6) require energy and stamina that I just could not muster. I eat healthy and workout, cardio and strength training. However, I just could not keep up with all of my responsibilities and it took a toll on my mental health. Interstellar Blends to the rescue. Gavin to the rescue.

I love Matcha, Seven Sages, Peel, and Spice. They are all fantastic. However, Trinity, Thermo, and Nebula are so far my favorites. But they all work together and I am working on completing my Interstellar Blends stash. I love Thermo because I can tell a difference in my workouts. I sweat very quickly and have increased my weight in every single lift after YEARS of trying. Personally, I burn more calories and have more intensity. I don’t have to make myself work harder, I just do it. Does that make sense? Trinity has helped calm the sea of “crazy” in my head. The frantic feeling that I had everyday has been released. My life is a circus but I can handle things when they start spiraling out of control. And they will. But I no longer fall into a deep depression when things go awry. Trinity helps me remain calm and helps me breathe during the storm. It’s a God send. And last but most certainly not least is my baby Nebula. She is beautiful in every way. Nebula allows me to make it through the dreaded afternoon droop time. In fact, I no longer have a droop time. Nebula gives me the energy to accomplish and take on my very long days. Nothing has ever done this for me. I’ve always fought my low energy levels. Always! I figured it was just me. This fantastic blend has given me super powers, I swear! I am so productive and enjoy my life because I don’t feel like I am dragging my feet every where I go. It is life changing. Thank you Gavin for your research and your science. You are changing lives. Thank you for your hustle and love of your clients. God Bless You!.“


—Sarah Hawkins



“When reflecting on the value that Interstellar Blends has added to my life the words that come to mind are: Life Changing, phenomenal, blessing, thankful, magic, exceptional, extraordinary, outstanding, amazing…and I could go on and on.

I am 38 years old, with a little girl and a set of twin boys, all together 3 kids 4 years old and under. My husband is deployed overseas. Being able to perform at my best is a must, not just for survival purposes but so I can shape and form my kids in a way that sets them up for as much success as possible, I must not just survive but be present. After having 3 babies in 2 years I found myself having to lose weight, correct the insulin resistance I seemed to have developed along with blood pressure issues and figure out a way to clear the clouds in my brain. This started my research and foray into intermittent fasting and eventually extended fasting. I was able to muscle my way through the fasts but let me tell you a lot of discipline was required.

Enter Interstellar Blends. I became a member of the group long before my first purchase. Dry fasting was something I had heard of but usually disregarded. As I began to read more and more and hear the testimonials of others, I decided to jump in. My first experience with the blends was a 66-hour dry fast, I was prepared for it to be hard, but with the blends I breezed right through, my workouts unhindered if not superior and my mental clarity better than ever. Since the first time there have been many more 24, 48- and 66-hour dry fasts accompanied by the blends. Each day I take them I am more and more convinced I have found a resource that will allow me to be my best, I have found something that allows me a profound edge.

I love to be active, lift heavy, work hard, raise my kids in an active life style and work daily to achieve the best results in life I can. I want to leave this world better than I found it. Sure, to accomplish these goals there are many factors necessary, but I truly believe Interstellar Blends are one of the major components to the success of my goals. With the blends I have experienced mental clarity, discipline amplified like never before, better sleep, more patience, a profound improvement in my ability to process, plan and accomplish goals, thoughts and desires. And all the results from my Internal Medicine doctor came back normal. If you are on the fence about making an investment to purchase the blends, I encourage you to make the jump, you will not be disappointed.

What Gavin has been able to accomplish with these blends is truly a gift to anyone willing to accept it. The blends have changed my life in the best way possible thus changing the lives of those around me as I am able to be the best version of myself possible for each person that I love and interact with. Thank you Gavin. Thank you for taking the time to invest your heart, soul and mind in to these life changing blends.”


—Sarah Ashleigh

“Gratitude is what comes to mind when thinking about Interstellar Blends. What Gavin has done to enhance the lives of so many is how this world is able to change for the better. I’ve always believed that everything the human body needs to thrive has already been put on this earth. Gavin’s extensive research, knowledge and experience has brought my belief to an accessible reality. Life is hard and last year I had fallen on very hard times like losing my father and almost my home. Stress and grief certainly took a toll on my body and mind. After a few months of learning and reading all about what Gavin and Interstellar Blends preached, I had decided I was worth the investment and bought Trinity and Thermo. Needless to say, I am happily a customer for life. The blends have given me back my happy. I’m more patient and energized, making me the mother my kids deserve and the wife that my husband adores. Do yourself a favor and decide to invest in yourself with the help of Interstellar Blends.”


—Jenny Pfaff

“Be yourself, but BETTER!

Have you ever walked into a room and forgotten what you were looking for? Or have you ever been in the middle of telling a story and suddenly realize you don’t remember the point you were trying to make? What about when you have a task to complete, do you procrastinate or get distracted easily when you finally sit down and get started making it impossible to complete quickly? Do you ever feel so overwhelmed by all that you have to do that you can’t focus long enough to get even one project on your to do list completed? For me, I experienced all of those things, maybe not every day but often enough that it frustrated me.

I found this site when researching fasting and decided to purchase a Sampler pack to enhance my fasting experience and improve my health. I’m pretty healthy as it is but let’s be honest, I’m an overachiever and am always looking for ways to be better, feel stronger, have more positive energy and be able to keep up with my very energetic 8 year old twins.

I have been using the blends for about 3 weeks now and here is what I love and what I’ve experienced so far:

1. I love that there is a blend for every day of the week (Seven Sages)-Everyone knows Mondays are different from Saturdays. I love that I can be mentally ready for anything-and maybe even a little sharper on days when I need it most.

2. The description of Shilajit-DESTROYER OF WEAKNESS-doesn’t that just sound COOL? When I take this one, I find myself saying DESTROYER OF WEAKNESS out loud. I know that may sound silly but this little affirmation helps me to believe it is working!

3. I haven’t used many of the blends independently of one another so I can’t tell you specifically which one is doing what for me besides generally helping me feel healthy and keep a positive outlook, the exception, however is with Nebula. When I take Nebula, my already motivated, positive, energetic personality is amplified. I am OVERFLOWING with FOCUSED energy. I don’t mean “scattered, let me start a list for all that I want to do today but then I lose the list” kind of energy. I’m talking about laser focused, procrastination busting energy. I DO NOT feel tired, I do not drag my feet in the morning, I don’t get distracted easily or have to slowly get my day started. I take my blends with Nebula and I am at 100%. I can run 12 miles and feel great (I’m a runner anyway-I am not saying you’ll be able to start from zero and go run 12 miles) or I can sit down to work and check 10 things off my to do list before 9am. Nebula increases my productivity and ability to stay on track. Even if a distraction comes up (a phone call or a person walking in interrupting me) I can easily pick back up where I left off and work projects to completion. I NEVER WANT TO BE WITHOUT Nebula, this has to be my favorite.

4. Overall-I feel confident, powerful, positive, energetic, rested, calm, and AMAZING! My combo included samples of: Peel, Matcha, Spice, Trinity, Nebula, Pine Pollen, Shilajit, Seven Sages, Thermo and Niagra. Through the combination of these blends, I am sleeping well and I’m waking up easily. I feel strong and motivated before my workouts and have endurance and power during the workouts. I’m confident and I find myself complimenting others-something I didn’t often do in the past, probably because of my own self-consciousness. I don’t feel hungry when I shouldn’t and I’m able to fast longer which is helping me work toward my goal weight (or to just maintain).

To circle back to the questions I asked above-I didn’t buy the blends thinking I needed to fix those little moments of forgetfulness or distraction because they just seemed like a normal part of life, but I believe the blends HAVE fixed them!! Besides all the energy and productivity I experience with Nebula, I believe the combination of all the other blends has eliminated those moments of forgetfulness that seemed normal to me before. I notice others around me having those moments and I’m able to help them remember what they were doing or saying. It makes me feel mentally strong not having those distractions. I may still start a to do list but now I’ve noticed that even if the list is in the house and I’m out at the store, I can remember 99% of the items on the list where before, I couldn’t function without a list in front of me telling me what I was supposed to be doing and even with the list in front of me, I could get easily distracted making a 10 minute project become something that takes hours to complete. This has to be the most unexpected benefit I have experienced with the blends. I can’t wait to see how I feel in 3 months-I expect the benefits will just keep growing. Thank you!!”


—Kelly Morgan

“I know without a doubt that Trinity and Seven Sages combined are my favorite blends that I have tried so far. Before those I tried the Original Interstellar blend, Super Nova and Nebula, which are all great blends as well. I’ve had issues with anxiety and depression for as long as I can remember and as soon as I took my first dose of Trinity + Seven Sages in the morning, it’s like all of my mental issues were obliterated almost instantly!

These herbs have changed my life for the better. Throughout the day I feel alert, energized, focused, and my self-confidence is through the roof! I work an 8 hour shift at my job where a lot of movement and heavy lifting is required, and while I’m on these herbs I never feel tired which is amazing after only taking one morning dose. My thoughts are crystal clear- Seven Sages does a great job neutralizing brain fog, while increasing memory ability. Its a much better alternative than taking Adderall because you can feel energized and focused all day without feeling cracked out and jittery. Trinity works great for mental clarity as well, I feel an inner peace, my mind is at ease, and the things I worry about in life aren’t so scary any more!

Thank you Gavin so much for creating these blends and getting the herbs from the best sources! I truly feel revitalized while taking these herbs, they definitely work together very well, and I feel like I can be the best version of myself while on them. Trinity also curbs hunger, which is great because I like to dry fast in the morning between 8am and noon. I have nothing but love for these herbs, and I would definitely recommend them to anyone looking to transform into the best version of themselves.”

—Derrick Jeter

“Before I started the (Interstellar) blends/herbs… I had two test that said I had Lyme Disease. After I started the blends/herbs… Lyme Disease test came back negative. Doctor blamed it on some of the tests giving inaccurate readings? Before I started the blends/herbs.. I was told I had high cholesterol and needed medication rest of my life… After the blends/herbs… Cholesterol fine… No medication needed. I eat pretty healthy and one meal a day… How the hell did I get high cholesterol.. amazing!

Actually, the Lyme Test results were the last straw for me… More medications! With some Surgeries that started the whole downfall… on many medications (7), tests results going haywire/positive on many things, no energy, sick all the time, weight gain, sleeping all the time, negative, not getting better. I, finally, listened to a friend telling me to get on your blends. So I got on your blends… Cold turkey stopped all medications, tests results all came back negative, weight drop, energy back, feeling good, positive again, etc. I think the medical field works to keep you sick and on medication. I see this all the time. I had a few surgeries and, actually, needed the medications afterwards… But I didn’t need to be on any of them for life like I was told! The surgeries put me down and the medications kept me down! The natural blends/herbs took my body back to health! I had, always, love herbs and taken them before. But just one herb was very expensive and you really need knowledge of what not to mix and how much to take… just like anything else. Your packages that contain tons of herbs, the right amount and proper mixture are a total deal and cover/address so many issues with the whole body. It is a no brainier for me!??

I was taking antibiotics, anti-inflammatory, muscle relaxers, pain pills after the surgeries and had severe stomach problems… So they put me on stomach medicine. Was itching all the time, itch medications. Got dizzy/nausea easy, dizzy/nausea medication. Now that my test were coming in positive.. I needed Lyme medication, Cholesterol medication and Calcium medication. Went to specialist and he told me any of those medications would have hurt your stomach… All of them almost destroyed your stomach. It will take a year for your stomach to recover from this damage. Now they wanted to put me on more medications and I was feeling like crap and never improving… Just getting worse! Finally said enough .. everything they were doing was destroying my body… I was like a guinea pig! I have come to the conclusion that the government and medical field use us as guinea pigs to test everything… Surgeries, treatments, medications, chemicals, vaccinations, tests, food, drinks, games, movies, technology, etc. To see how it affects us, controls us, what it does to our minds and bodies. It is all about controlling us and putting money in their pockets!

Oh, and I forgot to mention that my thyroid was off and needed lifetime medication for that too! After the blends… Thyroid was fine! Amazing!!”


—Barbara M. Poitras

“I am 60 yrs old and I have had a lifetime of trying to lose weight and be healthy. I was Vegetarian from 18 yrs. old and for many, many years. I became grain free, practiced intermittent fasting and and water fasting for the past 10 yrs. and although my blood results have always been good for being overweight, I still was unable to lose any significant weight.
My Mother came to live with us 10 yrs ago at the age of 89 with the life expectancy of 2 yrs. She had been formally diagnosed with Alzheimer’s. In the first 6 months. that she lived with me, I weaned her from her drugs and she went on to the same way of eating as my family. My Mother is now 98 1/2 yrs old. She has lived 10 years beyond what the Dr. said she would live. Still with dementia but, never had anything more than a slight cold in 10 years.
In the winter of 2018, I first started hearing about dry fasting. I had done two 30+ day water fast in my life and many juice and water fast but, had never heard of dry fasting before.
At the end of Jan. 2019 I did my first 44/4 dry fast. Loved it! I found it easy to do and I lost 14 lbs. on the first cycle. I continued on with more cycles of dry fasting and then on March 10th. my Mother unfortunately had aspiration pneumonia and ended up in the hospital for four days. I took her out because they or of course were taking us down a road of death purely because of her age.
I brought her home and she started doing very well the next day. While, I was at the hospital with her I Messaged Gavin to ask him a couple of questions about my dry fasting experiences, at this point I was not using the blends. Gavin being the extremely Special & generous person that he is, offered to send me some samples of his blends. They could not have come at a better time! Because I chose to bring my Mother home early, I ended up having to do a lot of her life-saving needs that kept me up a few nights and my days became extremely busy with having visits from nurses, bathers, Social workers etc. I was on the blends at this point and even though I was going through a very trying time trying to help my Mother survive, I chose to continue on with my dry fasting cycles. I have read from other people about having so much more energy on the blends but, unfortunately where I didn’t feel an abundance of energy, I think they were saving me from becoming the next hospital victim. I have heard all the stories about Caretakers and how they would die even before the person they were caring for. I promised myself when we took in my Mom that I would not let that happened to me. I have too much to live for.
Trinity” seemed to keep me even keeled and capable of handling all the stress that I was bombarded with. It helped me sleep very peacefully at night and ready to take on the next day. “Matcha” definitely gave me energy enough to get through another trying day. I have done 14 dry fasts since Jan and I have lost 44 lbs. Losing the weight obviously helped me to care for my Mom as well.
Peel” has also helped to improve how I feel while dry fasting. My nails are growing quickly and my skin is looking healthier instead of tired.
I know for sure if it weren’t for the blends I never would of been able to keep up the stamina of caring for my Mom, Husband, Grandchildren or myself.
I’m so grateful for the Dry Fasting group board and all the advice and support. I am inspired by all the others who are successfully becoming their true selves. But, most of all so blessed to have come across Gavin and all of his wonderful gifts of knowledge and wisdom that he is so graciously sharing with the world.
I am also glad to be putting my Husband’s health and mine back together, instead of falling apart. We will definitely continue to use Interstellar blends to help mend and repairing ourselves for happier & healthier Senior years to come. Thank you Gavin!!!!”
—Roberta Jackson

“The Interstellar product line is truly amazing. In today’s age, many large corporations spend huge amounts of money creating monopoly’s in the market, swarming the product space surrounding supplementation and personal health upgrades. Many of these products are counter productive to actually increasing one’s health. What Gavin has been able to do with Interstellar is truly phenomenal. Through immense research, and deep learning, Gavin has created a superior line of products that genuinely better the well being of any person who consumes them. The fact that majority of North America drinks 1 coffee per day makes his products even more of a necessity, as it blends perfectly with caffeine. My wife took Gavin’s entire line of products during the pregnancy of our first child, and she turned out magnificent. Her name is Laila, and she is one happy baby – always glowing, a perfect bill of health, and energized with a smile. I have personally benefited from taking the products. Many upgrades in my health have been realized over the last 2 years, which is when I started taking the products. Being the CEO of a large company, father of a newborn, and training to play professional hockey, I need to have the best supplements on the market – and that is exactly what the Interstellar products are – the best. I always say, you can’t put a price on your health – and it should be everyone’s #1 priority in life. Thank you Gavin for making this world a better place, one persons health at a time. “

~ Founder,
The Beard Club
Chris Stoikos

”Man, I love a good healing story and this time it is mine. Four years ago I was diagnosed with fibroids and the doc said we would keep an eye on it to see when/if I needed surgery. Bleeding, pain, no fun…

Three years ago I started fasting. Still experiencing fibroid symptoms. Year and a half ago I started blends. Today? No fibroid symptoms. No pain! No bleeding! At my newest checkup the gynecologist said there was no evidence of fibroids. HOLY CRAP!”


—KD Darby


“OMG!!!!! I Realized this morning that ALL of the little skin tags on my neck are GONE!!!!! I hadn’t even noticed them diminishing… I just looked in the mirror this morning and they’re GONE!! Interstellar Blends did this!! I haven’t been doing the best on the fasting/weight loss, but the effects of just taking the herbs is changing my skin!! WOW. I am in shock right now-Those little buggers were spreading like wildfire on my neck… Now they are just GONE. GONE!!!”


—Sonya Dee



“What makes a good song? Is it the melody, the sequence of notes, the beat, the words, the breaks, the stops? I’d say it’s balance of all these thing in synchronistic proportion to one another. When all of the elements are there complementing each other, creating synergy, its transcendent and outstanding. I like a good song, who doesn’t , right? Well I feel like that philosophy applies to many things in life not just music, an amazing meal, an innovative idea, a product.

I have been interested in health, well being and finding a way to bring out the resonance of my existence into clear and self evident vibrancy for most of my adult life. I have searched, experimented with different diets, supplements and products for years searching for the right combination of substance to pronounce with definition the resonance I desire for my body.

I started using Gavins Blends a few years ago and when I first started it was a clear and undeniable positive effect. I stopped using and taking a plethora of different supplements and products that I feel were redundant in addiction to Interstellar blends. There was no comparison. No need to pop open all these containers and take all these tablets and mix all these powders in smoothies everyday when I could just mix this easy to use, ready to go formula into my coffee or tea in the morning and throughout the day. So again, like I wrote earlier these blends are an amazing and balanced combinations of all the right stuff that makes up a masterpiece. Well, done Gavin. You keep me coming back for more, please don’t ever stop. Thank you.”


—Chauntawe Hubbard

“Finding out about Gavins blends was life changing for me. For years I suffered from PCOS, anxiety/depression, and constant lower back pain. Over the summer I followed the 22/2 program mega dosing with Trinity, Nebula, Shilajit, Peel & Spice, Seven Sages, and Pine Pollen. The chronic back pain I had for years was gone within a week. I finally was able to sleep through the night.

I’ve always had issues with anxiety, depression, and mood swings. Taking the blends has changed me into a much happier, emotionally stable person. Trinity has had such a calming effect on my moods without leaving me feeling tired or depressed. Nebula has also been another favorite of mine! It gives the extra energy boost I need and leaves me feeling motivated. My job as a nurse can be very stressful, so Nebula gives me what I need to make it through tough shifts.

Another unexpected blessing was the blends helping with my PCOS. I became pregnant when doctors told me I never would have another child. I believe the blends played a huge role in my pregnancy and its such a blessing. As of right now I am only taking small doses of Trinity, Peel & Spice, Shilajit, and Pine Pollen. I have had no morning sickness and fatigue has rarely been an issue. My pregnancy has been healthy thus far and I will continue to take the blends. His product is truly amazing and worth the cost. I recommend this for any woman out there going through anxiety, depression, and fertility issues.”


—Alexandria Carrington

”Well I have to be honest and say I am a creature of habit. Throughout my endless effort to lose weight I came across a dry fast video on Youtube (can’t remember the young lady’s name) who described her journey mentioning “the blends” repeatedly never really giving full detail of what they were. No link in the description box, nothing. From there I made a full court dash to Google to see what the heck she was talking about. After finding all of nothing related to weight lose with the abbreviated search, I expanded it to dry fasting and, Voila… Enter Interstellar.

Now to keep it real I was aghast at the prices given that that’s the conditioning of my prefrontal cortex. But then I began to read, and read, and read only imagining that this is how it must’ve been learning in the 18th and early 19th century before humans where dumbed down to the state that exists today. Intimidated yet filled with intrigue, I thought to myself who is this guy?? Who has such intense detail of each and every product and each and every ingredient? No research necessary, hardcore facts right at your fingertips. After days of reading, it was time
for my entire body to be taken to the levels described… Enter The Blends.

I can’t speak for everybody, but you’d be hard pressed not to want to try them all immediately.
However Gavin manages to keep it simply and honest if you ask him where to begin. So I started with Super Nova and Trinity to get a head start on what was then an upcoming 44:4 challenge for 2019 (something I’d never accomplished by the way). I had been OMAD with a 20:4 window for 4 months and thought I had done pretty well losing 19 lbs. But to catapult my inner badass I needed something more and man did those 2 blends take me there! HAD NO PROBLEM doing 44:4’s back to back and lost 10lbs before the challenge even began. But could I possible achieve a 66:6? As much as I’d been hearing about Seven Sages and Thermo
I figured I couldn’t possible lose. I’m going to get on Thermo in a minute, but Seven Sages! Man, talk about a Kundalini Effect! I have NEVER been more energetic, had more clarity, and a Spiritual Awakening about who I am and the direction my Life is headed EVER. I feel so FREE!
Unstoppable. Negative Energy from ANY source backs the Hell UP! Its crazy, but I thank Gavin immensely for this alone. I don’t even know if he realizes what he’s brought to the table here and my gratitude it ENDLESS!

Ok, let me end with Thermo. I don’t know about you guys but this blend and freshly squeezed grapefruit juice are my match made in Heaven and I will not live without it. It is the destroyer of cravings of any kind, and I can say ending the 4th week of this challenge I am down 30lbs THIS MONTH!!!!! Gavin, continue to stay laser focused on your mission because you are changing lives for the better and even though I don’t know you personally, I believe this is just your beginning! One Love…”


—Michelle Beckford

“This is the fourth blend I’ve used/use. First started with Trinity. Which helped clear my brain fog that would not go away and gave me energy. I then bought more and started my parents on as well. Both of my parents feel sharper and have more energy. They drink it in their coffee every morning. My mother said her inflammation in her hands went away. My father unfortunately does drink alcohol or more than a regular basis and starting to effect his memory. However after two weeks of being on Trinity he 1 started drinking less and 2 wasn’t asking the same questions over and over again (that was while sober).
I have adenomyosis and endometriosis which has just been a huge drag on my energy level, plus the hormonal imbalances it creates caused me headaches all the time.
I decided to buy ACB for a friend who actually died with in a short two months of brain cancer and I was never able to give the blend to him (hospital wouldn’t allow it, he went blind etc etc). So I decided to try it myself. I noticed on the first try my energy level increasing and the inflammation in my abdomen lessen. Adenomyosis is very uncomfortable. I also take Peel with it (which is my favorite). I feel mentally clearer and my headaches that I’ve had for the last 5 years are gone. I’m guessing my body was just overloaded with toxins, inflammation and my liver wasn’t flushing out my estrogen very well previous too which was giving me headaches.
I think cancer is in all of us but if our bodies are functioning correctly is has a lesser chance of progressing. As it stands right now I feel much better and will continue to stay on the blends. Same with my parents. Thank you!”




“Hi Gavin – Im utterly amazed how well the autophagy blend is working. I have read different reviews and I must say that the actual blend exceeds my expectations. But I shouldn’t be surprised because I have only experienced very high quality when buying your products. Greetings from Denmark….”
—Eve A

“Am a believer, thank you Gavin. I was dealing with low energy and bad mood swings and cramping during my period having to take Motrin at least twice a day. Since I started taking Niagra I don’t experience cramps and my mood is pretty stable. These blends sure work.”
—Zipporah Kamau

”I was introduced to the Interstellar Blends 2 years ago by a friend upon discussing various types of fasting and what has worked the best for him up until the time. The concept of dry fasting made sense to me instantly and I was super keen to give it a shot. I spent a lot of time researching the principles of complete dry fasting alongside fasting with herbs and small amounts of water throughout the day… reading Gavin’s materials posted in his FB group along with all of the information he gives free of charge over on his website.

I have fasted with water in the past… Juices too and as I was a complete novice in the realm of dry fasting, I chose to keep it simple at first with my first herbal order being a packet of Trinity. At the time I was very stressed out, exhausted and mentally drained as my son was born & my business was starting to take off. I needed MORE power, I felt like I needed to detox, but I did not have the 7-10 days ‘OFF’ time necessary to do a prolonged juice/water fast and to get my mind right so I could once again be in full control!

I did my first ever 36 hours dry fast to start with. I stopped eating by 6 pm, drank 1 liter of lemon water/baking soda and went to bed by 10 pm. I woke early – 6 am and mixed my first serving of Trinity with a small coffee and I was now mentally prepared for a day with minimal water intake. My next mix was around 3 pm.. just the Trinity with 200ML of boiling water, instantly I felt a splash of euphoria rush over me, and I was no longer feeling “hungry’ as I believe the blends also suppress the appetite to allow the dry fasting to be much softer so to speak. My last 200ML dose of water and herbs was at 8 PM then I was asleep again by 10 pm.

The next morning I woke up feeling well rested around 7 am, had the Trinity with some coffee then set my alarm to break the fast at 12ish noon. I cut the dry fast with half a liter of distilled lemon water/baking soda…. The same again at 2 pm then I ate some basic foods at 3 pm. It was only then I had an intense rush of energy run through my body, and I immediately felt the impact of the fast… better still the day afterwards. (That’s just my routine I made work for me)

After one 36 hours dry fast it felt like my brain had been instantly rejuvenated, feeling happier, lighter and more energised. I then went into extending the fasts & experimenting with various other blends purchased from Gavin (Longest being 3 days). The herbs and fasting knowledge has allowed me to release emotional blockages in the past, completely cure me of panic attacks and will enable me to always pull myself out of any hole in order to take back my power and direct it into whichever direction I wish.

Now I have just started a strict routine of 20 hours dry/with the blends (4 HOUR EATING WINDOW) – Trinity, ACB, Matcha, Shilajit COMBO thought the day… Eating a small meal at 4 pm with a teaspoon of Pine Pollen & grapefruit juice into a 45 MIN calisthenics workout into another small meal. I am looking forward to the results of this over the long term. I need to be functioning optimally going forward, and the fasting with the blends is definitely the way to go.“


—Shaun Lee



“I truly wish I could give this blend a higher rating than 5 stars. If I would have know how impactful this blend would be, I would never have waited to purchase!
A little back story. I have PCOS, that has caused 10 years of infertility, and extreme insulin resistance. Because of the insulin resistance, controlling my blood sugar has been a huge struggle. I was waking up every morning so puffy and lethargic. Mid way through the day I would crash with mood swings and exhaustion. Night time would come, and I was up with crazy insomnia. It was a vicious cycle. I never felt good unless I was fasting. Even eating a ketogenic diet wasn’t helping.
With in the first 24 hours of taking peel I started feeling better. For the first time in a long time I woke up and wasn’t puffy and miserable! Then came time for my normal mid day crash, and it didn’t happen!! I have now been sleeping great, and overall feeling better and better each day. I understand the science behind this product, and it truly amazes me that everyone isn’t running to buy this. With PCOS being the new epidemic effecting 1 in 10 women, this could be key to helping reduce insulin resistance and start to heal their bodies! Thank you Gavin for putting in the work to change lives!”
—Bri Ryma


“I’m 47 years old, and I haven’t been to the doctor for a full battery check-up since I was 39. Long story short I had been very out of shape, unhappy and living a pretty miserable life. At one point I was very heavy for my height and even had a heart attack at age 36.

I lost a lot of weight initially by adjusting my diet. Plateaued of course (as most of us do) around 208 and wasn’t progressing, nothing was changing and I actually began to notice I was starting to get sick all the time and was always tired and sluggish, just blah. I also started to notice some decline in thinking and reaction times and wasn’t happy about that either. Had a serious sugar scare (drank a Mexican coke and nearly passed out) the emergency room dr. said I had pre diabetes and through research and sheer luck, I was introduced to Interstellar Blends and Intermittent Dry Fasting.

After 3 years, and dropping from 208 to 175, and then building back up with lots of exercise and the blends, Trinity for mind (and Pine Pollen helped in the beginning the most with muscle growth) I am now a decent 190. Still a work in progress but the real news is: I went to my Dr. last week (had a kidney stone stuck in my bladder that was making me think something else more serious was happening, scary) and aside from having a really high level of iron in my blood, (a side effect I’m told of keto diet?) my Dr. said my numbers were like that of a 30 year old. Zero indicators of diabetes at all, all hormone levels at 30 year old levels, everything, in the best possible state anyone can ask for! Between the blends and a low level of ketosis (I’m super low carb now, but not no carb) the brain fog is 100% gone and I attribute every bit of it to Trinity, Interstellar Blends, a superb diet and 22/2 intermittent fasting.. I 100% feel the best I ever have, these blends and this lifestyle are amazing!!”


—Tibbett Hayward III

”This product really does work wonders. Gavin produces something that’s really one of a kind and you actually get results! I tried the Original formula a while back. My friend bought some and I immediately noticed the difference after I took it 30 minutes later. Some time has passed and I saw that they Seven Sages was available. I was curious to give it a try. I felt amazing the entire month I was taking it. I didn’t feel fatigued. I was getting a full night’s rest. I even stopped drinking coffee. I always felt so naturally aware and energized. I although recommend that you go one day on one day off with the Seven Sages. That way your body doesn’t get entirely used to it. I want to look into getting more of the Seven Sages. And I totally recommend that everyone gives this at least one try. Gavin is the man. Keep doing what you’re doing.”


—Colby Gomez

“It’s really hard to tell which blend is doing the most good, since I started taking Trinity, Seven Sages, Thermo, Peel, and Spice all at the same time about 3 months ago to support my effort to do an overall overhaul of my physical, psychological, and emotional well-being.

I’ve been a chronic pot smoker on and off all my adult life, and I know that it has contributed greatly to creating bouts of depression, sometimes suicidal – to say nothing of the general lethargy I experience after months on end of daily use. The first thing I noticed after I began taking the blends is that the depression lifted and the lethargy gave way – even before I stopped smoking!

Then I stopped smoking and kept taking the blends, and holy cow – now I wake with energy, I have energy all day, and even when I flag in the afternoon, I’ll take a little nap and wake up refreshed.

Now that I’m out of the weed-fog, the next obstacle I’m tackling is my eating habits; I’m attracted to fasting but haven’t had consistent good luck with it in the past, since I’m the cook in my family and nobody else is interested in going even 22/2, much less 72 hours without food. At some point, though, I’ll take that on and I’ll already have the blend habit in place to make it that much easier.

All that to say, I’m sold on the effectiveness of these blends, and look forward to seeing even more amazing results!”


—Shawn Madden

“My Hair was falling out by the handful. I took the Hair, nails and skin pills, collagen and some liquid supplement, but nothing worked. I had even stopped washing my Hair as often just trying to slow the Hair loss. I started taking the Peel blend sold and this site, and was LOVING that product. I tried the Pine Pollen. Not only did it stop the Hair loss, but I actually had Hair regrowth. My Hair line had receded so bad that I had gap between my bangs and Hairline. The Pine Pollen filled the gap. I was thrilled that the Hair loss had stopped, but I never expected Hair regrowth. I LOVE this product and highly recommend it. Will take it for life.”

– Dee Dee

“One of my friends has been raving about the blends for years. It seems whenever he thinks he is getting sick he will up his intake of the blends (some magic blend of Pine Pollen, Trinity, 7 Sages etc) and go on a dry fast. The man never stays sick! I’m all into natural remedies but everything I seem to try to combat a cold or flu is so slow and mild to work, it hardly seems like it is working at all. So I was curious about Interstellar for a long time before I ever tried it for myself.

I started by buying the sample pack. The effect on my mood and appetite was immediate. My sugar cravings went away over night. I was easily able to avoid bread (which my naturopath had advised I do for years) which had always been a challenge before. And most significantly I was waking up in the morning with a positive outlook on life. The blends helped me be able to see how much my mood was related to my body chemistry and the effects of eating foods that made me feel awful.

Next I tried a modified/less intense version of intermittent fasting with the support of the blends. At this point I am using Trinity, Thermo, Machta, Peel in black coffee 3x a day, with Nebula and Shalijit 1x a day. I would eat two times during a 6 hour window, which included a late breakfast/early lunch around 11am and an early dinner by 5pm. If I was hungry in the evening I would make a tea with Shalijit, Peel and Thermo. Wow! The fat came off my tummy area in a noticeable way. I easily dropped 20 lbs in about 4 months. My body is functioning more efficiently. I’m eating with more purpose. Now I orient my eating activities on this schedule, meeting friends for breakfast or lunch instead of going out to a late dinner and I feel so much better in every way. I am more in control of my life now, feeling youthful and vibrant. My naturopath has reviewed the blends and approves! I’m not getting sick, losing weight and feeling happy. Thank You ! I am so grateful!!”


—Michele Caskey

“I am truly thankful I found out about these blends I have been taking. I have lost 40 pounds that I thought I would never get off,. My blood pressure is normal and I am off medication. I can truly say I never crave anything anymore. I never dreamed that I could get all my body needs thru these blends. My Hair is coming back by using the Pine Pollen. I will never go without my Spice, Peel, Thermo, Trinity, ACB, Seven Sages, Nebula, Pine Pollen, Shilajit and Matcha. I am 60 years old and feel great. Thank you Gavin for all you do!”


—Penny Pittman

“Gavin, I’m a newbie to your site and of dry fasting. I’ve done plenty of water fasts in the past. I’m presently committed to IF (18:6, 20:4 or OMAD). But for some reason, moving into OMAD, I hadn’t been able to stop snacking after my feeding window closes at night. I certainly was not ready for your 44:4 challenge. I was WRONG. Thanks to me trying Trinity and Seven Sages, for the first time, I’ve fasted for 44 hrs.–it was a breeze!! I had 3 ozs of black coffee with the herbs: in the a.m. and again in late afternoon. Now it’s dinner time and I’m still not hungry. However, I’ll roll back my enthusiasm and continue taking the herbs with OMAD until my body adjust. Thanks again for creating such great products!!! With your products success is assured.


—Maxine Downs


“Hey Gavin, I use to be skeptical about herbs and other alternative medicines. From experience your Trinity, Spices, and Peel are awesome. This combination has done wonders for my mental health. Way back I use to take anti depressants and I was taking them for a couple of years, I felt crap all the time. I have been enjoying your products for a year now and never looked back. It’s easy to criticize anyone or product but it’s humbling to try it and finding out it works.”


—Rusty Shackelford



“I came across the Blends a little over a year ago and it changed my life I did the IF 22:2 and had lost about 30 lb my lowest weight since 2010. I never thought that I could fast but it was very easy with the blends. I had energy, clarity and lost my cravings for crap. I simply felt amazing. I fell off the wagon a bit with the holidays and so I am stocking up my pantry for 2019. Thanks Gavin your blends are amazing!!!”


— Virginia Wilson



“So I must say its effortless to give this product a 5 star review and write 3 paragraphs. I could literally talk until the world ends about how absolutely life changing this is.
So I want to start out with a disclaimer that the person I bought these blends for is literally crying that he’s almost completely run out of his Spice and Peel (I purchased Trinity as well and will be replenishing all three).
My father is a complete non believer in Chinese anything unless it comes in the form of takeout with complimentary fortune cookies (some of the herbs are common in Traditional Chinese Medicine). The fact that he’s the one in full blown panic because he’s about to run out is almost hard to take seriously.
I can remember the day he laughed at me and called it “witchcraft”?. He refused for an entire year to try the blends until one day he had reached his breaking point.
He had gotten to the end of his line and was about to change his mind just long enough to change his life. In agonizing pain unbearable and completely suffocating to the point of wanting to die; in his desperation for relief and the will to try anything and I mean anything!
He suffers horribly from gout; was so crippled in his right hand from pain that it would cause nausea and make him throw up. This was horrendous for me to watch my pillar of strength be such a victim to this condition. My dad is a mechanic connoisseur, if you will, and lives in his garage working on his 69 Camero so this was destroying not only his physical self but everything he loved to do as well. He came to me and asked if I could order him some of that “intestinal hippy dust” he called it. Haha!
So I ordered it through Gavin who personally without a second delay —no I’m not exaggerating, he literally responded to my request within seconds of the message being sent along with personalizing my order to meet my budget and preferences. He answered all of my questions and provided me with any information I needed [IM REALLY ANNOYING WITH QUESTIONS). I felt like as if I had my own personal on call herbalist and I was his only client— in this day and age of factory line customer service for half assed cheap inadequate products you can only imagine how much of a relief that was.
So the big day was here faster than I could shake a stick; my package came promptly and it couldn’t have been a better time considering the flare up of my dad’s worst nightmare was once again happening . My dad, I must say was a trooper and really gave it the gallant effort. He took the blends religiously everyday, same time, in his coffee or in cherry juice plain . He did this once in the morning and that’s it! Yes just once a day!
After 4 days I saw him at the dinner table opening and closing his hand with a perplexed look on his face when all of a sudden he said, “Well I’ll be damned… I don’t know what’s in that dirt but I haven’t closed my hand in almost a year! I hate to admit I was wrong but that shit really works!” It was the most incredible feeling I’ve ever had to see my efforts of persuasion and belief in Gavin’s products result in my dad’s complete obliteration of his pain and suffering.
Fast forward to now and he’s like a totally new man; pain free and finally a believer! My dad hasn’t had one, not one, flare up of gout since taking the blends! He’s energetic, lively and said he doesn’t feel as old anymore. LOL I cant express my gratitude or my appreciation for Gavin’s hard work and dedication. It must have been a difficult road in obtaining these perfectly proportioned pungent particles of perfectly priced products.
I’m so obsessed with knowing that Gavin has changed my dad’s life and continues to change so many others. These blends were his calling and he was born to do this! If you’re going to invest in anything in life invest in yourself, the rest will follow! Invest in your state of mind, your happiness, your health, your body; invest in someone like Gavin and his blends who is invested in you and has made helping others his life’s passion! Invest in your ability to view the world as you should with an INTERSTELLAR outlook. Buy these blends— you’ll only regret not doing it sooner.
I personally take Peel and Trinity twice daily. I have been diagnosed with Wilson’s disease; an autoimmune disease that effects the liver due to the body not eliminating copper and essentially poisoning the liver with too much. I was advised my liver is not gonna make it to the other half of my birthday’s; I’m 27 years old and the only solutions countless doctors could come up with is a transplant. I will keep an update on my experience but so far my last doctor visit caused some raised eyebrows at how much my levels had changed to reflect liver regeneration taking place. Yes my liver was in fact healing itself and the blends are to thank.
So I will continue the blends and reap the benefits of Gavin’s dedication. I’m now thinking I still have skin in this game, “Put me in coach! I’m INTERSTELLAR and I’m not going down without a fight!!!!” BEST supplement out there !!!!!!!!!!!”
—Katelyn Schroeder

Thunder is a one of a kind blend. After taking it, I’ve felt recharged and ready for action in all aspects of my life. Thank you for your hard work and dedication with all your herbs blends, it has changed my life.”


—Gordon Fenty

“I am recovering from several years of raw veganism which resulted in my health being totally destroyed especially very weak digestion, chronique fatique, muscle wasting, fungal overgrowth, interstitial cystitis; dry skin. I first started to heal with embarking on a ketogenic diet but it was not enough to heal many of my long term health issues. Fortunately I discovered Interstellar blends from Gavin and have been using them for a few months now—Trinity, ACB, Peel and Spice. I have already seen a huge improvement in my chronic fatique symptoms; fungal overgrowth is slowly in decline and pain from interstitial cystitis has also lessened. I also suffer from insomnia and always when I wake up and take Trinity during the night I fall asleep very soon again and can sleep till morning. I did not have such success with any other supplements before. I am really excited about future development while being on the herbs and I am planning to now buy more to further deepen my recovery including – Nebula and Seven Sages.”


—Rut Schreiberova

“Since taking Gavin’s Pine Pollen, Super Nova and Trinity, I can’t believe how much happier I feel! I used to be depressed and didn’t want to leave the house. Now I’m walking around the city daily, dumped a jerk and don’t even feel that upset about it, and finally had the courage to hit a class at Orangetheory! It’s like this “positive” attitude and “no longer embarrassed to go out” mentality came out of nowhere – my insecurity is fading. Now if you’ll excuse me, I’m going to walk the city streets and flirt with men…???”


—Julie Tafilaw

“65 years old and feeling fantastic!!! No prescription drugs and only take Gavin Robert McGowen, herbs everyday! Last three years, had huge neck surgery… metal plate with 10 screws put in my neck replacing 4 disc (bed ridden 4 months), extensive broken foot surgery (bed ridden 3 months), extensive nose surgery to remove huge bone spur blocking nose cavity causing, constant, nose bleeding and ear pain (bedridden 2 weeks). Broken 30 year old bridge/20 year old crown in mouth, tons of work to repair. Off and on tons and tons of prescription drugs during all surgeries… felt lousy!!! No energy, fatigue, tired all the time, sleep all the time, gaining weight. High cholesterol, thyroid problem, stomach problems and blood pressure up and down. Doctors wanted to put me on all these life long prescription drugs and I said no way. Started researching and friend, Becky Barr, recommend Gavin herbs. Started taking them… And here I am today!!! Brand new, kicking butt at 65! Natural… It works!!! Prescription drugs, totally, had my body destroyed and I went from bed to sofa back to bed, everyday, with, absolutely, no energy and sick all the time. Emailed Gavin with symptoms and started herb program that he recommended. Got off all prescription drugs, started taking herbs… Hair changed, nails changed, body changed, skin changed, attitude changed, energy changed, health changed, weight changed, all test results changed… All symptoms gone… Tests results excellent! Doctor said… Whatever you are doing, keep doing it… Because it is working. You are in excellent shape for 65 years old!! Just went on a month long vacation, in British Columbia, putting on 200 miles a day enjoying all the sites (Rental car mileage.. 6000 new miles)… Pure Energy!!! Again…. Natural… It works!!!! Some of my friends are starting the herbs too… After seeing all the changes in me!! One friend just ordered over $1000 in herbs after she told me.. you looked horrible.. can’t believe how you look now… I was worried about you!”


—Barbara M. Poitras


“I’ve struggled with fibromyalgia for over 25 years. Many people and Dr’s have little clue how to treat it or what it is or how it’s caused. I was treated in California, England U.K., and Hawaii.
I’ve been given so many different medications for it each one I stopped because of side affects or that they made it worse. I was told I would just have to live with the pain and manage it best I can.
However after trying the combo blends Spice and Peel I have had the most relief ever with absolutely no side affects or unnatural ingredients harming my body!These blends are truly a blessing and amazing!
There have been times I couldn’t walk or swim or move parts of my body without being in unbearable pain, when sleep was nearly impossible and I was drained and feeling completely hopeless. After taking these blends I’ve been able to get my own self employment on the rise and attend to many other things I’d been putting off due to stress from the pain and anxiety.
I’m beyond grateful for these blends and will continue to take them. They have also cured cold sores I would get every year when I was sick or dehydrated I can say now they are gone completely! Yet another thing the dr’s said couldn’t be cured!
Thank you Gavin McGowen for all your hard work and effort in helping others heal themselves!”
—Sudevika Okeahi

“Just went to doctor for my yearly exam. I am 72 years old. Most men my age have prostate issues. Each year, my PSA score had been climbing. Last year it was 2.6. This year it had gone down to 1.9. Great to know that it reduced thanks to Gavin’s herbs.”


—Paul Kitchen


Seven Sages and Trinity ended my depression in 3 days.

I have struggled on and off for 22 years using prescription meds, natural tinctures/vitamins , vitamin therapy, cognitive therapy, acupuncture …”


—Lynda Kearney Borden



”Okay folks …

I have not shared this publicly, but this is precisely … the time to do it!!!

Back in July … I succumbed to visiting the Hospital, because I was getting “nowhere … fast!” with my Doctor. Fourth-one years with excruciating heartburn, and no promise or investigative studies recommended by my G.P. I instinctively knew … that it was more than just a “Tums” or “Roland’s” fix!!! Then … was finally given med’s! They worked for a while, until I was immune to them. So … here I am at the Hospital, waiting to be diagnosed … finally! I had suspected that I had an ulcer, or possibly a Hiatus Hernia. After being there for hours … and being cared for appropriately, they ordered up a CT Scan, along with a Gastric throat Scan, plenty of bloodwork requisitions too. Next … was an X-ray as well as an Ultrasound of what seemed … like my whole anatomy! Kudos to the Hospital!!! … I suspected, that answers … would be coming!

Ends up … that I was overwhelmed with my prognoses as I sat there alone, bewildered and frightened … by the news!

My initial self prognoses was right, I had a Sliding Hiatus Hernia. Then came the more devastating news!!! Two ulcers and inflammation in my esophagus … Fibroses in both bottom lobes of my lungs, and a 1.5 cm mass on the head of my Pancreas! I sat there motionless … my eyes welled up with tears, my head aching and bewildered by the news!

All of these diagnoses I felt were relatable to the ongoing heartburn. The acid was destroying everything it came in contact with!It was so bad … that it had spilled over into my lungs, creating scar tissue. It had literally burned and creating ulcers, in my throat … that by the way if not addressed, could easily have turned into esophageal cancer!!!! Now … I about fell apart with the the news regarding my Pancreas. We all know … probabilistic mindsets about that. Patrick Swayze and others … like him, my heart sank!

I cried all the way home, had to pull over at one point … because I was a wreck! I cried for two days straight. Then … I spoke to my closest family members/friends, as they consoled me. Thankfully … and most appreciatively, one of my family members … immediately was in touch, with Gavin!

Within a short week span … “ACB” was delivered to my door! I was elated!!!!!

Especially after spending hours on the internet … reading about and giving credence to my fears.

GAVIN TO THE RESCUE … and the ANGEL that prompted this action!

It’s been the scariest time in my life, a time of great reflection with mortality … as well.

This morning … after five long months of waiting, I received my results of my MRI!

Keep in mind … that I started my “ACB” immediately, after receiving it!

Drum roll … please!!!!!!!

Throat is clear … ulcers gone! Fibroses on the continuous mend from acid damage! That scary mass … completely “GONE!” Like it “NEVER” existed!!!!!!!

I have never felt so liberated, happy, ecstatic and free! Thanks to Gavin, my Sister-in-law, my Family … and friends! Those of you … who cared the most, and subsequently came to my aid. Those that held me … supported me, and called me daily … my heartfelt appreciation, love and mention. You all know … who you are! ❤️✝️❤️

I realize that this is obviously a very long post … it’s partly the “Chatty Cathy” personality known about me, but more importantly … wanting to give my personal accolades of joy and appreciation, as well as making others aware of grave prognoses … that”CAN” and”WILL” be reversed!!!

PLEASE consider your livelihood … realize that your prognoses can be eradicated, with starting on and proceeding with “ACB!” I think you “ALL” are worth “LIVING” the good life!!!

Once again … I would like to extend my utmost LOVE and APPRECIATION to my LOVES … GAVIN and KRISTINE … without both of YOU, and your BLENDS … your AMAZING and LOVING concern, well … we just won’t go there! To my Sister-in-law Deb … my heartfelt gratitude, for initiating my Cure. To the rest of my Family/Friends who stood by me … you all know who you are, my sincerest love and gratitude!

I NEVER air my personal “anything” on “Social Media” but I am also, a very loving and compassionate person!, who feels compelled to SHARE my HAPPY and GRATEFUL journey.

PLEASE … if this Post can impress those of you suffering, and hoping for “LIFE” PLEASE put your FAITH in GOD … and in GAVIN!!!


—Trudy Faraci-Keim


“I have been healing Lyme disease and adrenal fatigue the last 11 years. I have tried many different healing modalities, including a raw diet, cannabis oil, CBD oil, and Amazonian plant medicines. While I highly recommend these healing modalities bc they are tremendously healing, I HIGHLY recommend taking the blends (along with doing an intermittent fasting routine). I have experienced INCREDIBLE results in the last week, on the blends alone.

Guys, this is an incredible combination. I take these blends (along with Peel and Spice, so it’s hard to say which blends are creating these amazing results), but it STOPS schizoaffective (schizophrenia + bipolar) meltdowns almost immediately. It also prevents them (which is HUGE). I’ve never experienced that outcome with anything I’ve ever tried. If anything, some adaptogenic herbs induce psychosis…. These blends calm the inner storm. They also create an awesome firestorm of goodness in your brain (very much the way Gavin described), making you feel very mentally alert.

The blends also prevent you from feeling hungry while fasting. I’d struggled to get off my fruit sugar addiction for about a year (preventing me from reliably and easily intermittent fasting). I started on the blends and fasting has been a cinch since! It makes fasting SO easy to do.

The blends also elevate mood tremendously. Interestingly, after about a week of taking the blends everyday, 4x per day, I felt my brain ‘reset’ after about a week of taking the blends. I’ve been struggling with insomnia the last 11 years and I fell asleep very quickly and had the best night’s sleep I’ve had in over a decade. My under-eye baggage (which I’ve had the past 11 years) has lifted tremendously in that time, as well! (Under-eye baggage signifies struggling kidneys and adrenals.) Very exciting stuff!

I HIGHLY Recommend taking these blends! Thank you, Gavin, for this SUPER Awesome Goodness!! <3”


—A’oi Bartholomew



”Hey Gavin!

Just wanted to give you an update since we have not chatted in a while!

Ive been really loving the blends…and seeing/feeling the results!

Im so grateful for your kick ass work!

For real, I didn’t realize how much “social anxiety” I had, since I was young really, I was a shy kid.

Ive always been passionate and did my best to do what I wanted to do, but it was with a shakiness inside of me that I no longer experience. My son is also benefiting. I started my daughter on them as well, since she has a case of being a 12 year old girl.

She’ll be spending more time with her father, hopefully the days i give it to her will have enough of an impact on her well being to help her navigate teenage hood.

I feel more comfortable in my relationships and with myself. Darks thoughts are very rare…even considering my truck is without a transmission and I need to figure out an other of life’s curve ball.

Ive been investing in dance classes (salsa and bachata) and because I Followed my passion landed a dream job in the art world that has good possibilities for advancement. Soon maybe adding teaching to it dance as well.

Much love,

Marie xx


The most interesting part is that i used to get a lump on my left breast about a week before my period and

pms/cramps were very bad. Last month there was no lump! And pain was totally manageable!”


—Marie-France Jobin

“I started all of the blends you recommended for the fracture and surgical repair healing.  I did not have them with me so could not start until the 14th break occurred on the 4th and surgery the 5th, – 2 weeks later – 3 weeks and 2 days post op the Xray looks great, strength and Range of motion are excellent – I have permission to drive and I am starting to walk with a cane instead of a walker.  I am pain free, most of the swelling is gone except for a slight bit of dependent edema around my ankle, if my leg is down for too long.  The typical recovery time after an event like this is 8-12 weeks depending on the health the person.  Looks like I will be totally recovered in 6 weeks or less and I am certain the blends, Peel spice Shilajit and Matcha are responsible for the rapid healing.  Thank you and I can’t wait for your new products!”
—Karen Vizer

“I’ve always had thin Hair and after about age 40 I started getting more and more Hair in my combs and brushes. I wasn’t going bald, but my Hair was breaking very easily. Haircuts became optional as my Hair would only grow to shoulder length before breaking off. My Hair and beard felt brittle and dry, and the skin underneath my beard dried out and itched constantly unless treated with something. Also most of my beard is grey now. I can see Super Tonic Hair slowly improving all these things. There’s less Hair in my comb, my Hair and beard feels softer and less brittle, and my scalp and facial skin under the beard feels healthier and itches considerably less. The grey hasn’t reversed yet, but I’ve only been on the blend for a couple weeks. I’ll post an update in a year or so when the blend has had a chance to work. Once again, an incredible product from Interstellar Blends!”


—Rich Ryan

“When I found interstellar blends, I have to admit, I was taken aback by the prices. I almost clicked away from the website but there was so much research and other people sharing about how the blends had helped them, I couldn’t ignore it. So I decided to go with the Original blend. My hope was that it would help me with fasting. I’ve been fasting off and on for years but I have some type of metabolic issues so I can never go beyond around 23+ hours before I become hypoglycemic. Like dangerously hypoglycemic (I’m not diabetic but purchased a blood sugar machine because I wanted to confirm that my sugars were getting low And they were each time). This frustrated me so much as I wanted to get the benefits of long fasts but low blood sugar is a dangerous thing. I thought maybe the blends would help.
Because I’m never one to do things slowly, as soon as I got my package, I figured I try a 3 day dry-fast following the instructions on the site and in the Facebook group. That first morning I took the Original, I felt more energy within a few hours. I thought maybe it’s in my head. But I fasted that entire day, and the next, and the next and felt great. And I went walking every single day. Yes, there were times I felt thirsty and imagined food and fluids. But it was totally doable. Absolutely ZERO low blood sugar (I checked). I worked during the fast. I walked. Did all my normal stuff. I eat very low carb, anyway, and I think that may have helped a tiny bit leading up to it. But I have no doubt the blends helped me get through the fast (and two more 3-day fasts the following 2 weeks). Gavin, you’re definitely on to something. This stuff is amazing. Now I understand the cost. I can’t thank you enough.”



“Another score for the blends! Last year I was diagnosed with bilateral optic nerve atrophy and at the rate it was progressing, was told to expect a severe vision impairment within the next 8-10 years. I also was developing a cataract and borderline glaucoma (I’m only 37 years old). I also get an MRI every six months to look for signs of MS (optic nerve damage can be an early sign). For the last six months I’ve been faithfully using the blends, transitioning from 20:4 intermittent fasting to 22/2 dry fasting. Today’s appointment results? Absolutely no dymylenation of the myelon sheaths on my optic nerves, vision acuity testing shows total stability, and my pressure levels have dropped from the low 20’s to 14. My doctor’s CMA told me I should be dancing! No more drops and he doesn’t want to see me for six months for rechecking my visual acuity and no MRI for a year (I’ve been doing monthly pressure checks and MRI’s and acuity testing every six)! I just started Spice and Peel and am working up to 44/4 dry fasting… I’m exciting for my next visit in October and even better results!!”


—Debra Rogers

“I have been on these awesome blends now for quite a few months.. I havnt done well with the fasting yet but that’s me not the blends cause I have started and it worked.. but wow before these blends I would always obsess over my weight and my looks because of my weight.. I had ppd, I would be in the bathroom bawling my eyes out while brushing my teeth.. I was on ppd meds that gave me headaches.. yes it worked for ppd but I was scared of those headaches.. and then I kept on seeing all these testimonies on this group and I kept thinking to myself.. what is this? (I joined this group for fasting support not realizing what this group DRY FASTING: REVERSING CANCER, DIABETES, OBESITY, DEPRESSION & AGING really was all about!) and then I saw a post about depression and these blends and the weight loss from these blends.. and so I decided to give it a try.. I loved it the from the first day! The difference in myself is amazing! I’m not obsessing over my weight! I am actually happy with myself.. even tho I’m at the highest I been (while
Not being pregnant) (and it’s sugar my choice) -I need to stop that and I know) but my mental health is wow! My libido is wow! I now have Gavin Robert McGowen business cards in my purse to hand out to anyone who mentions anything that they would help for.. because I’m always mentioning the blends somehow! But I am just amazed.. like the other day I went shopping and yes I had to get a bigger size than what I was before I got pregnant with my last child but I felt good I still felt pretty.. I have taken that next step with myself and have finally started loving myself! “


—Jennifer Froese Huttema



“This blend is absolutely INCREDIBLE! I have noticed several things from taking spice regularly…consistent digestion, clearer skin, healthier nail growth, regulated hunger and weight loss. I have had ridges in my nail for years, and they are virtually gone (about 90% at least). This is from taking spice for a little less than 3 months. After this period of going to my doctor, my cholesterol was reduced by about 35 points total. Of all the products and natural remedies being sought out from naturopaths, accupuncturists, nutritionists and more, this is by far the most incredible investment I have made toward my health and well being. Uncertain if this is coincidence or not, but my immunity seems to be stronger and capable of fighting off infections quicker and resistant to bacterial and viral infections. I am now taking spice along with other blends and I feel incredible energy, alertness and restful sleep at night better than I have in several years. I just feel well! Thank you for this blend, I am officially a lifetime and exclusive customer!”
—George Osarrah


“Thanks again for all your help with advice for my dad, he loves the blends and his blood sugars are well within a manageable range now! He even had a blood test and his A1C was a 7 compared to the 11 he had been only a few months earlier! My mom has also been using the sample of Trinity you included in their first order and in her words it’s life changing, and she could feel the difference immediately!”


—Lindsay Burnett

“Seems like fate brought Julio, my boyfriend, and Gavin together for my benefit in New York City in 2015. I was diagnosed with colon cancer, which had spread to my liver on December 2016. Doctors went in for exploratory surgery and I woke up with my cancerous intestine cut out. Soon after, I started chemo and was lucky that Julio brought me some tea that would help with prevention and recovery.
While taking chemo, which as we all know can make one tired, the tea actually gave me energy. I would take my freshly made bottle of tea when I would wake up in the morning on an empty stomach to cleanse my healing intestine and hoped it would help my liver wash out any mysterious little cells trying to hinder my battle. I also took a bottle of tea to chemo or on my days off, I would have it by my side.
I understand all the benefits of what is put into the tea: nutrients, natural cancer blockers, but I believe the boost of energy helped me the most. I didn’t get depressed or we can say that the energy that I was given by the tea helped me think cleaner, when chemo naturally makes you foggy, down, and exhausted- just different.
On October 12th it will be my year anniversary of being tumor free after doing liver re-sectioning, which is a procedure that takes out your cancerous liver with hopes that your liver will grow back healthy. Mine did.
So when I heard Gavin would be coming out with his INTERSTELLAR ACB September 30th, I decided to purchase it- OF COURSE, and do a little Interstellar Tea celebrating. Just need that confidence that something is working for me and if it is as simple as tea, bring it on! “


—Margaret O’Brien

“Hi Everyone

Just wanted to come and leave a quick testimonial on the blends!

I myself have been taking all 9 blends for about 2 months – and feeling so much better! And finally seeing some movement in my weight as well as a huge difference in mood/mental clarity and energy levels.

So when I heard my dad, who has been a type 2 diabetic for over 20 years, was being pressured by his doctor to go on insulin I contacted Gavin for his advice. He suggested Peel and Thermo; my dad started taking them last Friday and has seen an incredible improvement in his numbers in only a week that I had to share with the group and all the new members.

Examples of the difference is his numbers are from as high as around 16 before the blends, and he hasn’t seen a number above 10 all week. Even with numbers as low at 5.5 an hour after eating! This is unheard of for him even while taking his prescribed medications

It’s amazing to see such great results in a short period of time, we are hopeful they will be down to a normal range consistently in no time!”


—Lindsay Burnett


“Hi Gavin,

I would like to take a little of your time to say a few things to you.

In 2011 I was diagnosed with squamous cell carcinoma and had the malignant tumor removed surgically. In the next year and a half I researched everything I could find in alternative cancer treatments. While doing dry fasting research in 2013, I serendipitously found you.

Since then, you have been a much appreciated constant in my dry fasting experience. You have shared endless amounts of information on fasting, nutrition, supplements, exercise, genetics, health, fitness and more. You have been paramount in motivation to me over the years.

I struggle to imagine something that I could do for YOU, some way to say thank you for all that you do.

You see, it isn’t just being cancer free for 8 years, dry fasting has cured my psoriasis and fibromyalgia. I no longer suffer pain from lateral and medial epicondylititis in both arms, or bursitis in both hips. I no longer have high blood pressure or high triglycerides. And not only do I no longer need BP or triglyceride medication, I no longer need antidepressants, anti anxiety medication, or pain medication.

Thank you for Interstellar Blends. Trinity has given me peaceful sleep, literally, for the first time in my adult life. Peel gives my skin the most beautiful glow. Thermo gives me amazing energy all day, even while fasting! In addition, Original and Matcha are a perfect combination of blends that have improved every aspect of my life.

I can not say thank you enough for helping me take back control over my health, body and mind. Thank you for being the wonderful human being that you are. Thank you for caring enough for others that you share the wealth of information that you have acquired from your years of research.

Your enthusiasm is infectious and I am blessed to call you friend. I hope to be able to give back to you some day. Until then, know that you are appreciated more than I could possibly put into words and that you make a positive difference in this world every day.

With my entire heart I say thank you Gavin!

With my deepest sincerity,”



—Stephanie Bryant



“This is an incredible company. Gavin Robert McGowen, Interstellar Blends…. specializes in Chinese herbs. He mixes them for optimal health. I have gone to Chinese healers before and purchased just one small bottle of just one herb for $80. Gavin herb packets contain an incredible amount of herbs mixed together. If you have any health issues or know of anyone with health issues, write him on his Facebook site, Gavin Robert McGowen, and tell him everything you are going through and he will advise you of what products you need to order and how to take them.

Prescription drugs are chemicals with side effects that mask/bandaid the Illness/disease. Most vitamins don’t fix the body either and can cause even more problems if taken wrong. Chinese herbs have been around for thousands and thousands of years healing people. Herbs heal the body even if you are still not eating healthy or not exercising.

Everyone that knows me… Knows I am a very positive, happy, healthy upbeat person. I had neck surgery (bedridden 4 months) and a year later broken foot surgery (bedridden for 3 months) and found that I had no energy, gained weight, labs show high cholesterol for the first time in my life and, also, thyroid problems, was put on many prescription drugs. I started taking Gavin herbs and feel like a million dollars, energy back, feel great again, all my labs are, once again, coming back excellent for 65 years of age. Cholesterol getting good again and no thyroid problems, losing weight.. and no (none) prescription drugs or vitamins in my system… Just the small combination of herbs I take in my coffee every morning and whatever herbs I take at night.

What I really love about his herbs is all the health benefits and how they heal the body. Now for over a year I have been doing a daily fast where I, only, eat/drink one meal midday… A day. Small snack/drink at night. Coffee in the morning. Nothing for the rest of the day. All my labs are excellent… My Doctor said whatever you are doing… Keep doing it.. for 65 years of age… You are in excellent shape!

I really feel Gavin’s herbs have completely straighten out my body after neck surgery/foot surgery/tons and tons of prescription drugs because of surgeries/inability to function/bedridden/weight gain/thyroid/cholesterol issues. And remember I, only, eat one meal (drink)/small snack (drink) a day.

I highly recommend taking Gavin’s herbs for maximum health, clarity, energy, removing illness/disease and removing yourself from prescription drugs. Remember one small bottle of one Chinese herbs can cost $80 (I know this). Gavin’s packets are tons of herbs in one package that he has studied and mixed together for optimal health. The cost is so worth the investment of optimal health, clarity of mind, removal of pharmaceutical drugs and excellent lab reports and feeling incredible again.

Study his site, read all the testimonies (he is healing people of every illness/disease), write him with your concerns (don’t try and figure it out yourself) and start taking his herbs even if you are in good health… (He has herbs for people who eat healthy and exercise daily to increase their health even more). I can’t say enough good things about this company and his herbs products and I highly recommend taking them for an over all feeling of optimal health.

You can’t put a price on health… Without health… Nothing else matters… Nothing! Gavin started studying Chinese herbs when the medical system killed his healthy mother that started having a health problem of just not feeling good. He truly believed that there was a better way than all the prescription drugs, tests, treatments, illness, sickness that we are all going through that don’t make sense.

I have a incredible pantry full of vitamins that I no longer take now that I take his herbs. Give him a try and, especially, pass his site to anyone that is suffering with their health and needs another option other than what they are being sold to them by our medical and pharmaceutical fields.”


—Barbara M. Poitras

“I’ve purchased a couple of different blends (along with getting few samples) & love them all. I really adore how Thermo makes me feel all warm & fuzzy inside. Along with the other blends I have energy like never before but this, Super Nova & Peel are my FAVES!

In the past three weeks, I’ve done mostly 88/8 and a couple 44/4 & 22/2 and I was able to drop more weight than ever all while feeling great.

I have the energy to workout dry fasted! My thoughts are so clear & my mind is so sharp. I don’t feel ANY hunger at all. Struggle with food is GONE! I look & feel better than I felt in years.

Most of all, I have a skin condition (annulare granuloma) which is starting to look so much better with less inflammation, less noticeable & I’m really HOPEFUL that the blends & dry fasting will help the appearance of my skin without steroids!

Friends & family are noticing the changes and starting to ask questions, I’m raving about these blends to EVERYONE! I was on the fence at first (I’m a total & utter skeptic) but I’m so thrilled I gave this a chance. LIFE CHANGING”


—Aga M

“Have been type 2 diabetic for 25 years, until spring 2018 managed to do a reasonable job controlling blood sugars with diet, exercise and prescribed medication. My blood sugar levels had started to not react anymore with medication and Doctor was discussing insulin options.

Under the advice of my daughter (who has taken blends for sometime), , started taking Peel blends and within first week had already noticed a drastic difference in lowering blood sugar levels. Returning 3 months later for doctors visit, after taking Peel blend, she was amazed with my extremely lowered A1C.

My wife and I both take Peel, Trinity and Thermo on a daily basis, the improved overall health benefits from the Interstellar blends have honestly been life changing!”


—Robert Burnett

“Night and day! 6 weeks ago I was virtually housebound and in agony with auto-immune arthritis. Thanks to the genius of Gavin Robert McGowen’s protocol I can do most things I have been unable to do for the past 8 years without crippling pain – actually without any significant discomfort. I’m going on my dream holiday to Florence and Venice at the end of this week and would not have even contemplated undertaking such a trip a few short weeks ago. I take all the blends every day and am just waiting to start Apigenin and ACB. if anyone had told me 2 months ago that my mobility, depression and general feeling of utter hopelessness would be a thing of the past in a few short weeks I wouldn’t have believed them. But here I am – a person transformed. And I’ve lost 16lbs without exercise and kept it off.
To be honest, I’m a cynical, down-to-earth Northern lass who doesn’t suffer fools gladly and can spot a phony at 20 paces! I was very dubious about Interstellar and it’s claims initially but I was desperate and was persuaded by a friend who had read all of Gavin’s posted articles. In fact she paid for my first Peel and Spice blends. And, in the words of The Monkeys, “Now I’m a Believer”!(lol).
Anyway, ridiculously long post but this is my testimony.”


—Marlene Brown


“I will start off by saying how pleasantly surprised and absolutely amazed I was literally after ten minutes of taking the matcha, peel and spice blends. I felt like a switch came on in my head. I had been suffering adrenal fatigue and lack of motivation for quite a number of years now; within ten minutes of taking the products all of that changed and I was back to doing housework and not dwelling on all that could go wrong. My outlook on life immediately changed for the better again as of taking these products four days now.
I was referred to Gavin by a friend of mines to see if he would be able to help with some health issues my daughter is facing as well. As of the past four days I have renewed hope for health recovery for my daughter. She has suffered chronic constipation ever since she was a baby and on first day taking the above mentioned products and luteolin she had a  bowel movement on her own and another that night. I kid you not; she has also been way more calm and sleeping great. I have started telling so many other people about Gavin’s products just based on the experiences of my daughter and I over the past four days. these products trump any and every supplement I have tried for either of us. Worth its weight in gold these products are.
I would also like to add that Gavin has been very kind to my daughter and myself. After spending lots of money by many specialist with not much improvement in my daughter it was quite a shock to me to have someone whose motivation was not money but rather to help. It was on one of my lowest days that I reached out to Gavin and after speaking with him I felt great relief. He is quite a no nonsense straight shooting type of guy and lets his products speak for themselves. I cannot begin to fathom how much time he spends doing proper research to develop and back his products.
I keep saying to others I have found a new way to live rather than walking around depressed I truly feel like I got my youthful vitality and energy back. I am at peace knowing with these products and others I intend to add that our lives are going to be great and I do not say that lightly but rather genuinely. Hats off to you Gavin and thanks again for choosing to care when so many others have made the choice to take advantage of those who are seeking to better their health.”
—Jis Regis

“This is a HUGE shoutout to Gavin McGowen!!!
I gifted my Son … with my own “Trinity” Blend, as I felt … he needed it more than me!
It’s what we do … as loving parents, and with great morals and intentions … for loved ones. My Son … was taking it regularly for anxiety and self-esteem. For a little bit … he stopped taking it, as he figured that he no longer needed to. On Sunday … while visiting him, he told me “Mom … I’ve got to get back, on my Blends … the difference, has been like night and day!!!” “I’ve never felt sOooOoo encouraged and hopeful, so confident and alive … while taking “Trinity!” It’s a life changer, the encouragement that brings about change and hope, for my future.” I couldn’t have felt more blessed, than I did at that moment! I can’t quite put into words … my sincerest appreciation to Gavin, for his Blends … but mostly for his love and genuine support, in producing the very best medicine in the most healthy way possible. Please … I wholly encourage ANYONE out there, who wants a better and more productive HEALTHY life … to consider these AMAZING BLENDS!!!
It is very hard to contain the excitement of success, and not wish it for everyone else. PLEASE … at the very least, consider it … and give it a try! I just KNOW … that I will be reading your own proclamation of success, no matter the BLEND … that you choose!
Thank You again GAVIN … “YOU” never disappoint! ❤️❤️❤️“


— Trudy Faraci-Keim

“Gavin to me is an intuitive self trained master herbalist I’ve experienced his Original interstellar blend which is an amazing overall health tonic I’ve also used Trinity over time which is a wonderful universal helper for all that ails the mind body spirit harmonizing the mental emotional body in a way that is unsurpassed by anything I’ve ever tried and I’ve tried it all. It seems he has a relationship to the plant world with herbs that goes far beyond a mere education. Though I have nothing major that has debilitated me recently I’ve read testimonials from people that have and have had unusual if not miraculous results from taking his herbs regularly. I highly recommend his genius to my friends and I believe his products are very universal and can and do help the world at large. We all have a gift to bring to this world and herbalism Is obvious to me is one of his. Thanks Gavin for your contribution to my own journey.”
-Rob Helfrick
“13 years ago.. my husband was KIA in Afghanistan. 5 years ago I fell in love again. We had a baby girl who will be 3 in September.. we lost her daddy last September to suicide. Burying 2 of your loves is something I wouldn’t wish on anyone. The past 13 years I have battled heavy depression. I have always picked myself back up to be strong for my kids. The blends have given me hope for life again.. I feel amazing.. I no longer feel depressed. I no longer fight the urge to stay in bed all day. For the first time my self esteem is through the roof. I never thought I would feel this way about life again.i can’t say enough about these blends”
— Amber Diaz

“So I just wanted to leave a review on the products that I’ve been taking; Trinity, Peel and Spice 200:1

Ever since I’ve been taking Peel and Spice I’ve been getting compliments about how my skin glows and how I look 10 years younger; people are amazed at it and ask me what am I doing and what I’m putting on my face; I tell them I simply drink black coffee with my Peel extra Virgin Olive oil and it takes me there.

The Trinity is Anti anxiety, Anti-stress it makes you feel relaxed and with no worries; it’s amazing what Trinity does! I tell all my friends that are on prescription drugs to drop them and buy these blends especially these 2. I am convinced and it is proven that they work miracles; I’m 57 years old and I’m being told I look fortyish… AND I’m always in a good mood full of energy—This is my testimony .?”


—Mychael Maldonado


“This blend is a potent supercharger of s e x u a l energy! Every aspect of my life benefits when I take it, and my lady partner couldn’t be more satisfied ?
I’ve had 10+ of the most reputable male l i b i d o supplements on the market, but this one is a league above the rest.
Shortly after ingestion, I can feel its pure, potent nutrition being gladly greedily and magnetically pulled in and put to good work.
Not only have my s e x u a l escapades benefited from this blend, but my spiritual practices have been bumped into a higher gear too, as I have more energy to channel up the spine into the higher centers of consciousness.
Supercharge your life!”

“I am a very busy Mom of 4,… 2 are married with children with a total of 6 grandkids from that brood,. and 2 still home 11 & 9 ,. I started out with Interstellar blend,. needed an energy pick me up and to loose those extra pounds that just didn’t want to leave my side ,. What a life changer these herbs have made for me, with in 3 days I noticed a mark able change in the structure of my body, I had curves in the hip area !!! my skin was noticeably glowing and liver spots on my hands starting to fade by day 6 ,. ( nearly all are gone now ,. ) I also “had” a mass that was on my leg quite sizable maybe the thickness of a pencil eraser and the circumference of a dime,. dark brown in color,. I had used Black suave on it once a couple years back it was very painful so I terminated the attempt,. since drinking the Interstellar blend herbs this mass is nearly flat now and extremely smaller in size faded in color to a more pink fleshy color,. ,. I continue to notice changes as I take with the blends,. I sleep better than ever my dreams are delightful ,. my overall attitude about life is different ,. Day 2 I WANTED to go for a walk outside,. I rarely ever want to go outside I just have too much to do , and “had” PTS from trauma after my youngest son was born,. but My mindset has changed I actually follow through with a thought now without spacing off,. and enjoy nature like I used to when I was younger,. This is a wonderful blend would highly recommend to anyone ,. and have My entire family takes the herbs from the oldest down to the youngest.”
-Tina Marie

“I’ve always hated the flavor of Green Tea products, whether it be the tea itself or Green Tea ice cream, crackers, mocha whatever. I’m a chocolate and vanilla person.
But this stuff is great! First Green Tea product I’ve liked. Totally different than the cheap stuff. Great flavor, goes down smooth and gives you energy and calmness. I mix 1/2 tsp of this with 3/4 tbsp each of both Pine Pollen and Original and it blazes my afternoon with energy. Good stuff!”
-Rich Ryan

“I love Thermo! I take a slightly heaping 1/4 teaspoon in the morning with my coffee and it cleans me out and gives me a steady euphoric smooth energy all day long. When I take it I find myself working dawn to dusk getting all kinds of stuff done around the house inside and out. It was real nice having it when I tilled and planted my garden! ? I also add the scoop provided of Shilajit on some days. Also I seem to sleep better when taking it. Nebula is awesome too!”
-Kim Martinez

“You want serious weight loss? Serious stamina to help you push through a workout with stable, relaxed, focused energy?? You want to literally watch the fat melt off of you and feel good while you’re doing it!?
Not to be super cheesy, but this is seriously the product for you, if you do.
I’m a busy single momma, raising my daughter on my own; trying to do it all. I work 50+ hours a week and bellydances twice a week. I don’t have time or money for bullshit that doesn’t work.
Let me just say… THIS …stuff …works. And it feels good in my body. There’s no jittery, hyper feeling. Only good, balanced stamina and power that lasts through my workout and beyond!!
I love this stuff.”
-Shanna Flint

“So it took me, almost, forever to, finally, buy some blends from Insterstellar. The craziest part is that, when I, finally, took them, I wondered why I took so long.  I joined the page about a year ago and watched as so many people posted about the amazing benefits that every single blend provided them , including my friend that suggested them to me.  She had already been taking different blends to alleviate some major and minor ailments.  She ranted and raved about how responsive and helpful Gavin was (and still is) about any questions or concerns you may have pertaining to what you are trying to achieve.
     As I look back at when I added the page, I can, honestly, say I never became skeptical or doubtful at the results people were getting because Gavin is THE EXAMPLE of what can be achieved. He lives it!!! In addition, there are so many better alternatives to the crap that we are prescribed every day.   I knew this was the real deal and knew I was going to order some as soon as I could.
      Fast forward to 2019…..Autophagy Activator and the “88/8” is shown to be nothing short of amazing. I reached out to Gavin a couple of times for questions and concerns and there he was in such quick fashion.  To have that kind of response time from someone that was, surely, busy “saving the world” one blend at a time was FREAKING AWESOME!!!  After a couple of questions answered, getting my priorites and money saved, I ordered PEEL, SPICE and TRINITY for my allergies and post nasal drip (I am a singer that works at a karaoke bar 5 nights a week) and Autophagy Activator for easier intermittent fasting. After taking these for a couple of weeks now, I must say, I have seen improvements in so many aspects in my body, mind and soul in leaps and bounds!!!!!  My post nasal drip is, pretty much, nonexistent and I find fasting to be a cinch.  I have been, gradually, working myself up to the “88/8” and can, positvely, say that I am getting there very quickly with the help of the Autophagy Activator.  I can’t praise Gavin and his Interstellar blends enough.   Thank you, Gavin, for everything you are doing to help this world and the people in it to be better.  I can’t wait to see and implement into my life the new blends you will be releasing in the near future. “
—Adrian Medina

Trinity puts you on an intellectual plane; it’s truly an o r g a s m of the mind. It’s an enchanting frequency to achieve mind, body and spiritual connection. You get a momentary loss of self; you move beyond the divine and recognize all your chakras as one. Your very being becomes shimmering light, a multitude of sparks joining with a billion stars in the universe above. It’s like growing wings where you defy gravity and your soul slips quietly across the sky like a shooting star.

Trinity infuses me with electric pulses where it starts in my core and then surges through my body and soul. Kind of like a million nerve endings suddenly flashing like exploding fireworks. It’s as though your vision becomes a movie projector in high definition. Nature becomes as perfect as to be distinguishable from reality—as if you are in an astral dimension.

It’s like nothing I have ever experience before in a full conscious state. The exhilarating feeling is clearly undeniable. Any fear, anxiety, and sadness all seem to diminish to the back and nothing but calmness, joy and love simply become dazzling bright.”


– K Fontenot

“With Instersteller herbal blends, I consider these times very exciting to be alive. Every individual just has to try for themselves as I cannot fully articulate what it feels like to be on these, but I’ll try. I got my first blends (Ultimate combo) sometime towards the end of last year and have been fine tuning the dosages and combinations to find what best suites me and it wasn’t until a month or two ago when I upped my dose to ½ tsp once a day with coffee that I finally effortlessly hit the G-spot of my existence
Am like a kid in a candy store and cannot quite choose one of these blends over the other but if I could only afford one, that would be Trinity.
I get transformed into a super Woman 30mins after taking these each morning and the feeling stays with me all day till about 4 or 5pm when I DECIDE to break and eat my first and last meal of the day. I could go on fasting if I wanted to cos I feel calm, no hunger, and just sweet within. No anxiety, no desire. That I can now effectively and effortlessly go into an 18 to 22 hours fast daily without even a thought, is simply f..cking amazing and the singular most important health enhancing achievement in my entire life. Am now not only saving money by how little I eat but am even more deliberate in the quality of what I choose to eat. Geez!!! Could life be any f…cking better than this??? . I had my 80yr old mum try out my blends and by the end of the day she was speaking in tongues hahaha  this is how incredible this stuff. I just ordered my Intersteller Saven Sages and can’t wait to see what new miracles await me. Life just keeps getting better. In addition to finally getting my mind in a good place, my skin now practically glows all over and my Super Tonic Hair seems to be sprouting off my scalp. What more can I ask for?? Thank you Gavin, you are the best. Keep doing you!”
-Laika Evelyn

“This singular blend has fixed more issues for more people than I can count. The FB posts about this blend from people are just incredible! If you have a health or body/mind issue, then it’s very likely that this blend will drastically improve it. If you’re unsure, then send a message and ask! They’re very responsive and take customer service seriously.
This is the highest quality most comprehensive herbal blend on the planet (except for Seven Sages which is still in beta). If you try just one blend this is the one to start with!
No matter how bad a bad day is, it turns into a good day with Trinity. Just 1/8 to 1/4 tsp a day is plenty for most. Helps me to feel calm, clear, buoyant, naturally joyful and light, helps remove those feelings of depression, doom and gloom, where the world is caving in on you.
Tired of life? Every day pretty much sucks? Can’t think, can’t focus, tired all the time, can’t do family time at home or perform on the job anymore? Just wanna get away from everybody and be alone so you can sulk and eat ice cream and watch movies? Then get Trinity and feel joyful and young again! I take Trinity with Thermo everyday, and add Pine Pollen with Super Nova or the Original Blend on those days when I really need to rock and roll. Face wrinkles and skin issues are lessening. I look younger and have that inner glow again. No more sallow, tired, wrinkled, energyless, lifeless, deadbeat zombie face anymore. How many people out there look like zombies to you? Like they would rather curl up and die than live? Half if not most? Are you one of them? Tired of it? Then invest in yourself and buy these blends and get the show on the road! These herbal blends combined with 22/2 or 21/3 intermittent fasting are the most valuable life and health improvement tools I’ve ever come across. I’ve been taking these blends for over a year and doing intermittent fasting for a month and it’s the best health change I’ve ever made. It’s anti-cancer too! So stop dilly dallying and just do it! (I’m not a salesmen and have never made a dime from these blends, and don’t want to!)”

“After having taken the Original Interstellar Blend for several months (I am a huge fan of tonic herbs and this is my new staple herb blend!), I ordered sample sizes of Trinity and Thermo to use with some fasting I was planning to do. After a little while I hadn’t done the fasts yet, and after a very stressful day I got a tooth infection in a weak tooth. My jaw swelled up and was uncomfortable and painful. I have healed tooth infections before on my own, but it usually takes some time. This time, I decided to go into a deep fasting state (almost a dry fast, but with Trinity and Thermo and minimal amounts of water). I fasted and rested deeply for 44 hours. I was in deep level ketosis halfway into the fast. By the time I finished, the puffy, swollen tooth infection had literally dried up! The Autophagy process had eaten up the infected tissue, and my tooth and jaw were back to normal. I know this fast would have been significantly harder if I didn’t have Trinity – I would be having really rough moments, and within several minutes of having Trinity in a little water, my body would feel relaxed and calm, and my brain and nervous system returned to balance and ease. I am going to keep Trinity around and alternate it with my other Interstellar herbs. It has a calming, balancing feeling that helps me ride through daily life challenges with so much more ease.”
-Courtney Taylor

“I think Trinity is my “Go-To” blend. A 1/4 teaspoon 1st thing in the morning and I am alert, focused, grounded and overall calm. I have been battling primary progressive multiple sclerosis for almost 30 years and am a little worn out from this ongoing battle. About a year ago I met Gavin and was introduced to his special blends of herbs. While I am regrouping and regaining my energy to fight again, Trinity has helped me maintain a level ground. This blend works better for me than the blends and acupuncture I received from my Chinese doctor. Trinity is excellent for anxiety, depression, emotional eating, brain fog, to name a few! Thank you!”
-Lori B

“This is one of the first blends I tried from Gavin and I LOVE it.
It makes me brim and hum with clean energy from the cells up.
I am very active, doing gymnastics, climbing, martial arts, and programming, so I need to be at the top of my game mentally and physically all day long.
I invest in the best quality nutrition I can find, and this is no doubt some of the best I’ve ever found!
You won’t regret it.”

“Amazing, amazing, amazing!
Talk about focus, balance and appetite control!! This stuff is amazing. I did the week long dry fast with this and I not only did it (which I thought was impossible beforehand) but I did it WELL!! Trinity made it easy on me. It gave me balanced blood sugars and boosted my mental focus and kept me going strong though the fast!! After the week was done I was down nearly 20 lbs and I felt better afterward than I have felt in years!! I couldn’t have done it without Trinity and Gavin’s guidance! Not only did I get my product right away, but he was there to answer my questions right away and encourage me through the difficult parts.
I am so impressed with this blend and use it regularly now.”
-Shanna Flint

“Gavin I appreciate you and your knowledge with the blends. Every single time I purchase a new blend through your site you never disappoint, I play soccer for a living, and I like to take some Trinity before my games why because I feel like it brings me to the optimum level with my mental focus. Not only is my brain at peak but my body, the muscles can feel the difference as the blood flows through them with the richest of natural herbs. Thanks again for showing the world what your body should feed on.”


-Hector De La O

“As a mental health professional seeking viable alternatives for individuals suffering from a wide range of symptoms including depression, anxiety, trauma and grief, I have yet to find a product more succinct and efficient at calming nerves, promoting clarity and sharpening the senses than the Trinity blend. I have witnessed patients who have struggled with lifelong challenges turn their thinking and actions around in record time as a result of making these herbs a part of their daily regime. I have seen exponential growth in attaining goals, overcoming personal challenges and creating a more healthy, conscious and whole hearted approach to their physical, mental and spiritual wellness.”



C.M.T, LLPC, Ordained Interfaith Minister

Clinton Twp, MI

“I’ve suffered from anxiety and panic attacks most of my adult life. I took daily meds to control it. After starting Trinity, I slowly eased myself off them and am doing great! Normally if I was even late taking my anxiety meds I’d be able to feel it coming on. But, since I’ve been on Gavin’s herbs I stopped my anxiety without meds. I have so much more control over my mind, body and soul! Trinity is a Godsend!”



Amarillo, TX

“I have been suffering with gout for over 7 years, at first it would come and go sporadically (after taking NSAID’s ), then around 2 years ago I started to get attacks frequently and when I say frequently I mean 2-3 times a week. It got to the stage I would have to take 210 mg at the first ‘twinge’ otherwise i would run the risk of not waking up and not being able to walk. BTW doctors recommendation is 150 a day. I stumbled upon Gavin’s Interstellar website off a Facebook group, since starting with Trinity, Shilajit and Thermo once in the morning in my black Coffee I have had no gout at all!! In addition to the Gout about a year ago I started having knee problems that turned out to be ligament tears and would keep me awake at night. Since the herbs my pain has reduced by at least 70% I no longer rely on taking sleeping pills to make sure I sleep through the night. These herbs are nothing less than a miracle!! I have also sent my Mum some (she lives in England with all sorts ofhealth problems and wait with baited breath on her pain relief). Gavin is an inspiration and motivational Genuis who belies his 44 years and is living proof these work!! Try the herbs, what you gotta lose? Pills from a doctor that make your stomach bleed and puts you at higher risk of liver and kidney damage?”



Hong Kong, China

“Before the Holidays last year I was really feeling bla ,sluggish and tired, I was not happy. Then I crossed paths with Gavin Robert McGowen and with the help of his post and videos I just had to order the Interstellar Blends and I also got off the sugar and carbs and I felt like a kid again . I felt so good, I was clear headed and I felt so happy and I had so much energy , and a child like joy I haven’t felt in ages ,Not to mention I went from 159-139 in a lil over a month with out even trying . I’ve learned so much from you Gavin and I’ve dry fasted a couple times and I continuing to learn more and more about how to treat my body and live life to the fullest . I’ve never felt so positive in my life . Im so great full to God for guiding me to cross paths with You and your Blends. Change my Life for the better in so many ways. Thanks again for everything you do”



Dana Point, CA

“I have a lot of fears and insecurities that I am working on. I use a certain method to release my fears. I will never forget the first time that I took Thermogenesis. I went to work to release my fears and realized that I did not have any. I did not have a care in the world. People could do and say things that used to upset me and I was immune. Another amazing thing about Thermogenesis is that it ignited my metabolism. For a while, I played around with a vegan diet and then a fruitarian diet. BIG MISTAKE! My body was never the same after that. I started gaining weight I could not stop. No matter what I did, I could not seem to lose weight. I do my best to follow Gavin’s diet plan and incorporate the blends, in particular, Thermogenesis, and the weight is falling off. Yesterday was my first time taking Trinity. When I got up this morning, I was excited about life. When I consistently take the blends, I am in a perpetual state of bliss and feel gratitude for everything. This is how life should be. Many thanks and love to Gavin for helping me live life the way it should be lived!”



Fairfax, VA

“I am a fighter. Those who know me well, know that life has thrown me some real shit-tests… But I ALWAYS pull MYSELF out of whatever shit has been dealt… without asking for help. My baby sister calls me her hero. The strongest person she has ever known.

This year (I’m 43) it became harder, when the shit storm hit! And I’m not whining, or complaining. I am simply stating the facts. I broke away from a really bad two year relationship, my self esteem was at it’s lowest point… something I was not used to… I left an AMAZING job to be with my mom, who has cancer… and when I came back, I took a job quickly… and left it 6 months later because of severe hostility from one of the other employees. That was six months ago… This is NOT a “feel bad for me” sob story… just the facts. Everything in life is a lesson, to make us better. About a month and a half ago, I think I had a nervous breakdown. Im sure I have never cried THAT hard, for that many straight hours ever!!! I was facing eviction, possibly losing my car and I had no support system. I am used to over-coming… so I really couldn’t grasp this new desperation. It FUCKING SUCKED!! I had passed the point of what I could handle at that point. There was no light at the end of the tunnel… there was no safety net… there was no where to turn… so I started thinking dark and desperately.

I reached out to Gavin Robert McGowen after seeing some of his posts about how his herbs can help pull you out of the funk… and even though I know how much he hates crybabies and depressedoids… I also felt that for some reason it was meant to be that we somehow were connected… and I still had this tiny spark in me… one that said “Don’t you dare fucking give up bitch!!” I started the herbs, then stopped to get through holidays (I.e. Drinking and bad food) then started them again… and I can honestly, and with every ounce of “spark” that I thought I had fucking lost, say…THESE HERBS WORK!!! I notice a difference when I don’t have them just for a few days… and then when I have them… I am SUPER WOMAN! Full of energy and hope!

I have been putting a more positive vibe into the universe…and it is coming back around! I start a new job next week. I am back on the “UP-SWING! ”

Thank You Gavin and to your Interstellar Blends!!”



Boca Raton, FL

“It’s so hard to believe that just two months ago I started the blends. I went from 60mg of prozac a day for over 12 years to 0 mg a day!!!! I was deeply depressed, I couldn’t hardly function, to thriving! I feel alive, alert, engaged, as where I felt the life was leaving my body. What I had sought in Dr’s & Rx’s for anxiety & depression I have found in Trinity! I feel exactly how I AM SUPPOSED TO FEEL!!!! HAPPY”



Canton, NC

Trinity and Thermo has given me the fucking confidence and energy and realisation that i can do all these things and focus on positivity for myself and the few others that do the same for me, MY thoughts matter and the things that i want and love matters more than any fucking negative idiots i thought i had to deal with. the world is nothing but a canvas that YOU paint on if you simply stop thinking that anything has power over you and your life, and pick up the fucking brush and start painting what your life should be like because its under your control and your perception not others or their opinions or negativity or stupidity, suddenly you realise life has nothing but positivity and precise manifestation for you as long as you put yourself up and not anymore have to deal with shitty unchangable pessimistic idiots who make their world just as shit as they are just because theyre your ‘friends’ or relatives and family. Existence is nothing but what you make it to be, and now i have the fucking confidence to apply myself into it and not deal with anything that goes against my grain!”



Auckland, New Zealand

“After a year of following Gavin’s Facebook database, watching testimonials, reading up on the ingredients in these herbal supplements, and watching videos about dry fasting, I eventually became mentally ready to ease my way into self-experimentation. I tried dry fasting with prep alone and felt spiritually and mentally refreshed. I decided to try Trinity alone (at first) after researching the ingredients and reading many awesome testimonials. The first time I took it, I noticed an extra burst of clarity, focus, and peace. Two weeks later I started to notice I had not experienced my seldom spouts of anxiety and depression. (I’m typically a happy, funny, upbeat person, but do have moments). I’ve known it had to with nutritional deficiencies. I could not recall having the “bad” moments and it took me a bit to connect the dots because I didn’t suffer from severe issues anyway. In general, I was simply HAPPIER. I used to smoke cigarettes off and on. Right before Trinity I was having 1-2 daily. Not until I realized that I lost a pack of cigarettes that the urge disappeared without a struggle! Trinity keeps me in a deeper state of mind and body than prior to it, so I assume it is why every time I notice I’m healthier, Trinity pops into my head…like my afflictions became epiphanies, rather than struggles! Amazing. I get a cold like clockwork this time of year, and have been around several sick people. That suffrage was skipped and I am convinced the factors are the herbal essentials in Trinity. My skin is clearer. I could go on but this a testimony on my behalf, not a biography! My next step is combining it with dry fasting. Do your research, apply it to yourself, and get ready to thrive. I’m still on my way. We have the key!”



McDonough, GA

“I haven’t suffered from anxiety or depression in quite some time, and I usually feel pretty darn great. That said, since I received my 7 day challenge pack at the beginning of the year, and have been sampling the herbs, I’ve been insanely productive! I’ve had a job interview, I’m 1/3 way through an intricate art project, I’ve cleaned and organized my garage, and my studio, and am ready to start painting it a fresh new color.

I’m on fire!”



Austin, TX

“A close friend of mine lost over 30 pounds by dry fasting along with a few different blends, using Gavin’s instructions. She had high praise for the herbs, so I started reading into them and decided to try Trinity. After 4 days of taking ~3/8th tsp of Trinity in the mornings with coffee, I feel generally calmer and more positive, more focused and able to complete tasks, and have noticeably improved digestion. It has really been too short of a time to even convince myself – everyone wants to believe they can find a relatively cheap cure for tons of their problems. But based so far on the experience of a close friend, my positive interactions in dealing directly with Gavin, and my very limited time of taking it myself, my skepticism is fading. And I’m feeling great.”



San Diego, CA

“All I can say if you have doubts about Trinity like I did erase them from your mind. Within hours of taking this blend my energy level shot up and my mind seemed more clear. I also found myself being able to have conversations with coworkers that usually get under my skin within minutes. Gavin has really struck gold here!! Love this product!!”



Minot, ND

“I have been taking Interstellar Blend since the Original formula. There are so many benefits to taking the blends, I don’t know where to begin. When I started taking the blends I could tell a difference within hours. The first day, I just felt better in general, I seemed to have more energy, improved mental clarity and focus. Within a few days, I definitely noticed an increase of steady energy and also noticed I was less anxious. My work out improved and I also slept better at night. Since I have started taking the blends, these are my long term improvements; I no longer have anxiety (was daily) or depression (few times per year), my blood pressure has gone down, my vision has improved, I retain muscle mass easier, I look younger, and I have a new found rejuvenated energy and youthful vitality. Heres a benefit I sometimes forget about, I used to get cramps from nerve damage as a residual affect from chemo therapy and radiation treatments (I am a stage 4 cancer survivor…13 years out). When I would get anxious or nervous, my jaw and tongue would cramp up and I wasn’t able to speak. It was quite embarrassing and also very painful. I cannot remember the last time I cramped up and that’s a good thing! When I first found IB, I felt right away it was something special, but I had no idea there were so many positive benefits. You are only a by-product of what you put into yourself, no matter where you are currently on the health spectrum the blends will simply help elevate you to a higher level.”



Twin Lakes, WI

“Just would like to share I had been on pharmaceutical medication for over 5 years, June last year the doors open for me to have natural medicine then just over 2 weeks ago I started on Intersteller Blend ,I ordered your ultimate combo package. Well what can I say I am alive, I feel bloody amazing such a polar opposite to where my body, mind and emotions were. So amazing just a true connection to oneself -Balance. The best investment I have ever spent on myself. All our life we search and spend trying to find true connection to oneself, to feel that bliss within. Well I can truly say these natural herbs work. I am living it. They are the real deal. Thank you so much!”



Gunnedah, New South Wales

Trinity has made a difference in my life. It along with all the positive post from Gavin and the people in that group. I used to take Zanax every day. Since being in Trinity it’s been 9 months since I took it. For anyone that experiences anxiety or depression it is worth it to try it. For some it’s not an overnight fix all, but give it time. I may have a moment now and then but I used to have many sometimes on a daily basis. The problem with Zanax and other pharmaceuticals you become dependent on them not with the blends. I’m grateful that I was introduced to these herbs by Gavin. Thanks”



Austin, TX

“I have been fasting for years, and began dry fasting at some point. Trinity is one of the greatest aids to not only fasting but life in general. It dissipates hunger and drowsiness, and makes you feel like a million bucks. Its opens all your senses and generally puts you in a state of clear and manageable euphoria. This blend is one of the most versatile and use full combinations I have ever come across, the benefits to body and mind are almost too many to mention. It’s a nootropic, a rejuvenator, a mood enhancer and a relaxer. All anxiety depression are history with this stuff especially when combined with dry fasting. It is also an appetite suppressant that actually works…..”

Thermo has aided my weight loss and blood sugar control, being insulin resistant means that too many carbs can have a devastating effect on my energy and weight, and I have definitely felt that Thermo aids with that…..”

Nebula is dangerously good stuff, providing inner strength, clarity and rejuvenation. I find this has helped my workouts so much and also life in general. Not being a very assertive person, this has definitely helped me sort that out. Be careful not to take to much as drive can turn into aggression. But in the right doses this turns you into a force of nature, a driven focused machine, ready to take on anything and anyone who stands in your way. For workouts, it has helped my recovery significantly, and my drive to exercise, not in an angry way but a calm focused way. It has also removed anxiety and depression. S e x drive through the roof, virility through the roof. Nebula is the magic bullet to bring out the primal.”

“Gavins products are in a league of their own, the quality, prices and work ethic is all 10/10. It is always an absolute pleasure to do business with Gavin, and I would highly recommend all his products to anyone who wants to live a better life…..”



Pretoria, South Africa

“My journey for optimal began many years ago. I have tried more products than most and have been at it now for 58 years. I became acquainted with Gavin a number of years ago through his writings and posts on fasting and bio-hacking us humans. Gavin reignited my passion for optimal potential and I just had to meet this guy in person, so I took a trip to Austin Texas and sat down for lunch with this unique individual, we discussed our mutual love of all things in human potential and optimal living. This was prior to him launching Interstellar Plan or his creation of the blends.

So, I have been here from the beginning and have used or tried almost all of his blends. Each was a building on the successes of the past and not one of his blends have disappointed. I am presently taking Trinity, Super Nova, and Thermo, with adding in some Pine Pollen, Shilajit and his most excellent Matcha green tea. I can work a full day of hard labor, for me its a labor of love working in my gardens, building furniture and running a commercial mushroom farm. I highly suggest if your looking to up your game, you have come to the right spot.”


—Robert Patrick

Master Gardener / Master Naturalist

Cold Spring, TX

“So I’ve had tremendous benefits from taking Gavin Botanical herbal blends. My entire endocrine system and nervous system was really screwed up from some long-term water fasting

(21 days) followed by some intense hot yoga that I did a few years back!

After discovering all the research that Gavin has tirelessly put together and implementing quite a few of his protocols I’m happy to say that anxiety and depression I struggled with for so long have lifted. If you’re thinking about getting on the 7-Day Interstellar challenge think no more. What Gavin has to offer works and it doesn’t turn you into a zombie like the Pharmaceuticals do. Good luck!”



San Diego, CA

“I can definitely tell the difference on days I take the Trinity. My mood is more balanced and I have waaaay more stamina. I always like to do double the dose on days when my job requires more physical endurance from me.”


—Joy Mollnar

“For a few years now, I have been experiencing fatigue, depression, and full blown anxiety episodes. By episodes I mean beyond mental thoughts of woe, actual physical manifestations of heavy breath, pain in chest and even falling down on the ground and curling into a ball. This was alarming to me, because the only solutions that were available was the pharmaceutical d r u g s. D r u g s was not an option for me. I am straight edge, that is to say a very natural person. As much as it is within my ability to do so, I consume cruelty free, natural, organic, non GMO foods. For a short time I was even Vegan.

I sought out the council of doctors and ran some tests, but my resolve was to have a natural solution. I have suffered for years with no ease.

Gavin, the creator of Interstellar Blends became a specific interest to me because they are all natural. I had a few brief conversations with Gavin beyond the usual social media chatter on a more serious note aboutA my circumstance. He sent me Trinity to try. I thought what the heck? I put a small measured amount in my coffee and went about my day and my week. I noticed a considerable amount of ease and difference. The first notation was more energy. I was able to put in a full day, thus creating a more productive week for my personal and business. I did not take my usual nap. I had clarity of thought as in, if I misplaced something, within seconds I could recall where I left it, instead of my usual frantic panic re tracing my steps. The most significant result was my relief from anxiety. I did not experience one attack or episode in seven days. I must note that I did have thoughts, but they did not take hold of me…they were fleeting, moments and then I regained my composure and didn’t loose myself. My overall moral and spirit is lifted as well. I can’t wait to try all of the other blends and even embark on the 7 Day Challenge everyone is talking about. If you are experiencing anxiety and depression, confusion, and want a natural solution with herb healing, I encourage you to give Interstellar a try. And tell them Chelleby Starr sent you!”


—Chelleby Starr

“You know, even without dry fasting or fluid restriction, your blends make intermittent fasting during the day ridiculously easy. I’ve been doing 1/8th teaspoon each of Seven Sages, Thermo, Trinity, Peel, and Spice in 8 oz hot water in the morning, and I can easily go until dinner time with no hunger and not even a thought of food. Trying to do that without blends is impossible during a stressful work day, which often has me reaching for carbs. I am now certain that stress (oxidative and otherwise!) is what causes the ravenous carb-hunger through a complex hormonal cascade, and your blends block that cascade from happening.”

—Beth Halle

“So I’m totally floored! I got Peel, Spice, and Thermo delivered on Tuesday (added to Original, Trinity, and Matcha that I usually take). 22 hour dry fasts, no extra exercise, no diet change except adding the longevity shake with the blends I have, really stressful week doing nights at work… weighed in today and I dropped from 251 to 243… since Tuesday morning. ? I’ve always been too scared to go longer that 22 hour dry fasts (I’m a nurse… years of training are hard to ignore) but am going to work on 44 hour fasts this week and for once, it feels doable!”


—Debra Rogers


“One more,…after my long previous post,…this is an honest thank you with much gratitude.

I must give a big shout out to Gavin Robert McGowen his most amazing Interstellar Herb Blends. I’ve been using them for years now, before that I suffered terribly with anxiety and my brain would flood, especially in stressful situations. I suffered from PTSD and ADD really. The blends have really reworked my brain and keep me from having total panic meltdowns like I used to have. I know all too well what it feels like living with Anxiety and Depression your whole life. It’s like a dark trapped hole that no matter how much motivational stuff you read, affirmations you do, blah, blah blah,….sometimes it only makes you feel worse because you don’t feel better.

You still feel lost, panicked, confused, afraid and sometimes paralyzed by it all. Sometimes you feel like you are going to die. I know. I’ve been there. PTSD is very real too and the source is different for each person. But trauma rewires your brain to experience it over and over when those “triggers” are set off. That causes anxiety/panic and/or depression over time. You cannot “talk” or “talk therapy” your brain back to proper functioning, as your brain works on chemical processes.

an aside: some people think because I’ve set out and done the things that I have that I never had the reasons to hold back, or demons to fight,” like them. Nope, I’ve had plenty. I was just never going turn those “reasons” into “excuses”. So, I felt the fear and panic all along but I was just crazy enough to do the “ITS” anyway. I’ve messed up a lot along the way but no one ever succeeds in life without a wake a failures. I digress,…
I still feel it from time to time but the blends have helped.

Healing Trauma and Dis-ease:

Nature has provided us with cures for nearly everything.

We have just been cut off from that knowledge by Business aka Big Pharma, ah-him that’s a whole other rant I won’t get into.

But Gavin has made it his life’s mission to rediscover and discover even more ways to use the cures of herbs and plants, how they work also which ones work synergistically with others to heal our brains first, organs, muscles skins etc. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s not. He’s literally one of MOST SCIENCE based people I’ve ever encountered. (With exceptions of some of my clients here who are Engineers for NASA)

If you have read this far let me just say,…
(I am not an affiliate, I am not getting paid or anything and he didn’t not ask, nor know I am posting this, so please don’t go there.) I ain’t, I don’t,…keep reading ? lol

I also have several friends lately that I know the blends could help and “would actually be open minded enough” to at least fully check into them.

Why don’t I don’t post about this more often? Because unless someone’s asks, they usually won’t care to listen. Or if I suggest the blends, then they often think I’m just trying to sell something. I’m not. I have nothing to do with the company, other than using the herbs most of the time since 2016. (I’m pretty sure around then)

There are many different blends now since the single Original formula available when I started. What I love besides the FACT that they WORK,…is that he has spent years doing and documenting all of science based research as to how and why each ingredient is in each new blend and how they work so you can read it for yourself. Honestly, you won’t believe it until to experience it. But still do your research.

I’ve watched so many lives been changed over the years by the blends not just anxiety & depression but diabetes, heart disease, skin issues, inflammation, weight loss (big time) even cancer,…no, I am not lying. He’s got some new ones now I haven’t tried YET, but most I have and I love them all-def have my personal favorites. When people ask me why I look like I don’t age,. or can’t believe my age,… it’s gotta the herbs and intermittent fasting,…there’s many anti-aging herbs in the blends.

Thank you Gavin.

I would recommend “liking” the Interstellar Blends FB page and contacting him via there with any questions vs. his personal FB.

Final mention: before you look and immediately disregard because they cost money. If you truly need help each out to Gavin and be nice, tell him your health situation and he will be able to recommend what and where to start. He even does special bundles and different ways he can help…so if you would like to try something and don’t know what or how (there are a lot more options now) just ask him.

But be cool. Don’t be rude please. Should be a given but well,…it apparently isn’t always.

1. Calculate how much money per day your life is worth to you. Can you even out a price on that?

2. How much money are you spending on pharmaceuticals?? I’ve seen so so so many get completely off pharma drugs.

3. How much are you spending on junk food and bad habits?

4. Would you rather spend money on being healthy? Or spend money on being sick? ?

I know which one costs more and sucks way more, bet you do too!

There’s more but I will leave it at that. I gotta get back to work.

Have a Grateful Day. If ya have any questions you would rather ask me DM me.

Love to all! ???”


—Teri Graham


“First I want to say that I am fortunate to take a large majority of the blends offered. It is therefore difficult to pinpoint one specific result to one specific blend, but I do believe that ALL of the blends have contributed to the great results which I am about to share.

I think often times we notice more when things are wrong or bad rather than taking notice when things are good. But if you are aware and present, if you start to pay attention, you will see that these blends impact SO MANY areas of your life.

Here are a few examples of how these blends have impacted me. Perhaps Gavin can comment on the specific blend associated

1. I used to struggle with cold sores on my mouth and nose (herpes virus). I would get them every month or two due to stress or too much sun. I believe it has almost been a year since having one. Even when the conditions arose to get one I might feel the sensation of one but magically they would never appear and the feeling would dissipate quickly.
2. My skin has greatly improved. I had an age spot on my hand (I WISH I would have taken a before and after picture because it is incredible). I was self conscious about it because it made me look and feel older than I was. It is now gone. In addition, the sun spots and freckles on my arms and legs are much less. Even my aesthetician has had to increase my facial frequency because she said my cell turnover is just so much higher than it used to be. Another interesting thing that happened – and this would have to do with rapid healing but I recently had to have stitches. When I went in to have them removed the doctor commented that he had never seen anything like it. My skin and wound had healed so quickly and nicely that it had completely healed OVER the stitches. He had to access them for removal with an incision. ?
3. I stopped taking thyroid medicine when I started taking blends. This has probably been two years now. I recently started taking Luteolin from Interstellar and after a new blood test, my Thyroid levels are the best they have ever been (although borderline) and quite honestly I feel no side effects of Hypothyroidism
4. I am happier and less stressed. This is subtle but noticeable. Even my husband has commented that I have a new energy and peace about me. And truthfully I just feel like smiling and laughing more.

There is more that I can say but these reviews can get lengthy.

….I did take Autophagy this morning. I’ve been doing longer fasts and plant based feeding windows to improve my gut bacteria and I’ve struggled a bit with hunger. Today is different. I am not hungry per usual.
Also just a little tip: Make a Matcha smoothie!! Wow! It’s my new staple. Nut milk, Stevia, flaxseeds, spinach, and a good scoop of Matcha. It’s life changing ?”

—Tanya Boldoczki

“I just have to share this. I went home for a short vacation. I always have my niece cut my Hair. I never told her about the Pine Pollen and Apigenin. Kelly says to me. What’s going on with your Hair? I said what do you mean? She says there’s a shit load of new Hair that’s about 4″ long and millions of tiny newer Hairs coming in. I WAS ECSTATIC! It’s always nice to hear it from a Hair professional. So I gave her some interstellar business cards and told her about the new product coming out.”


—Christiana Rees

“I love this Matcha!! I came to the blends at 60 years of age looking to enhance the change in lifestyle I had implemented a year before that. I lost about 30 pounds, started hitting the gym and lifting weights but always fell like I was dragging myself around, could never feel “normal” levels of energy. Out of desperation I started on adderall, small dose, every other day and it worked but left me feeling wired. Within one day of starting this Matcha I was done with the adderall!

With such success on one of the blends I wanted to know what other benefits I could derive from other blends so I started with the Sampler pack figuring I could get the most help and the best bang for my buck. Once I started them I was hooked! Starting with Pine Pollen. It seemed completely counterintuitive to take these huge doses of pollen given my extreme allergy history to all pollens but I began taking it before the heavy allergy season in my location and once the pollen really began showing up naturally I noticed no allergy problems!! NONE! I used to experience seasonal asthma that required me to constantly carry and use a rescue inhaler. No MORE!!!

Seven Sages – the name alone made me want it since it promised to help expand my pre-established spiritual practice and boy did it!!! Meditation became easy, I can experience deeper levels of relaxation which allows me to receive higher level energies so my visions and communication with spiritual energy is so much easier, more fluent, and clear now. I can’t wait to take it every morning!

Trinity makes me feel sharp and alive. My health is excellent, my blood work is perfect. I also typically practice a 22/2 eating schedule and the blends make it super easy to go the day without eating or hunger. I feel soooo good to be a 61 year old female in the best shape of my life! I take no prescription medications and have put several friends and family members on the blends with great success.

But I saved the best story for last! I have a daughter who had a medical history of chronic pancreatitis who had her pancreas, gall bladder, spleen, duodenum, and appendix removed in a massive surgery that made her insulin dependent overnight. She experienced severe complications from the surgery that had her hospitalized literally every other week for over 18 months while her body tried to adapt to the changes. She had a mesh hernia repair six months after the first surgery and was plagued with infections for a year. She lost 60 pounds lost enormous time with her only child who was 18 months old at the time and was so sick I was terrified she was going to die. I started her on the Sampler pack this July and she has been healthy for over a month, the first time she has gone that long without hospitalization since January 2018. This is solely due to the blends!!! They truly create miracles!”


—Kim Cunningham Dragotta

“I joined the facebook page some time ago. But it was a while before i mustered the courage to approach Gavin to try the blends for myself. So many people were having amazing results and Gavin was fantastic in advising me which combination of herbs to try. I developed acne rosacea (suddenly and severely at the age of 49 and had lived with it for nearly 2 years, I tried most of the topical medications prescribed by my dermatologist but none worked, i changed my skincare, my makeup but nothing helped. I had previously fasted and eaten very clean ( so there wasn’t any explanation as to why the rosacea had triggered). The blends were my last resort. The shipping was quick (to the UK) and the results have been stunning. My skin has cleared completely, I have not had a new spot develop in over a month, my pores and skin feel as they did before i developed the rosacea. (No bumps or roughness). I barely wear makeup and people think i do not look my age at all. The blends and dry fasting have literally changed my life. I was never an anxious person but people (my children and husband) have noticed that i am more laid back and less stressed. Nothing gets me down. If you are thinking should i invest in the blends? Try them you will not be disappointed.”


—Dal Mistry


“It’s challenging to pick a favorite blend, since they all seem to work together so well! I have done many fasts in my life and up until incorporating these herb blends I had varying degrees of difficulty and success with each of those experiences. Sometimes even dangerous results. I had put the idea of fasting aside for many years after ending up in the cardiac ward for an expensive hospital stay. When I decided to give it another shot I researched all the information that was currently being shared and I eventually came across Gavin’s Interstellar Blends by way of his Facebook group. I had been incorporating keto, bulletproof and intermittent fasting with some success and I was also always on the lookout for potentially better ways to improve my health. The promise of these herbs seemed great and compelled me to give them try.

The first time I tried them the effects were instant, uplifting and like I had energized focus to do whatever needed to be done! I would say that Seven Sages is my favorite, as I take it first thing and can feel the difference right away. For months I used the blends with daily fasting and I felt great, like being happy was effortless. A real testament to the blends effectiveness is when I stopped taking them. For several months I didn’t buy blends and I have to say it was one of the hardest times for me emotionally and mentally, coupled with a gray and long winter. I knew that as soon as I could afford to, I would be buying these blends again.

When I did get the blends again I bought them at the best value offered and the largest size available because I know how valuable they are! And this time I was reinvigorated to challenge myself with the extended fluid restricted fasting challenge using the blends. And I will say that it has been the most effective way I have ever released excess weight and moved toward the healthiest version of myself that I have ever done. It’s surreal to think about how much I have changed in a short amount of time. And using these blends has made that possible, not only in a way that i have been able to release weight, it’s also in the way that I have been able to remain functional in my life while doing these fasts. In the past when i have done water fasts and dry fasts, at some point i would basically be in bed, just trying to sleep it off. With the use of these blends i can do what i need to do. Yes, sometimes it is challenging and most of the time it is almost too easy. And it has been one of, if not the best decision I have ever made. Thank you, Gavin, for making this product and for the generosity of your time in supporting customers in your Facebook groups.“


—Kaitlin Kincaid


“I have become more healthy, disciplined and sure of myself just by following Gavin all these years. His never-say-die attitude has been my most treasured gift asides the incredible science info and the blends. Thank you Gavin Robert McGowen!”


—Laika Eve


“Before I started taking Luteolin, I was experiencing intense depression and anxiety. I had recently been laid off from work, and my previous methods of dealing with depression, ie regular 5htp doses and walking outside, were just not helping this time around. I reached out to Gavin and he recommended Luteolin in conjunction with Trinity Blend. The Trinity Blend I had used before, and I loved the way it enabled me to easily fast, but I had never tried Luteolin before.

When I took my first dose of Luteolin, in about 10-15 minutes it started kicking in. The first thing I noticed was that my body relaxed big time. In fact I was surprised to find out just how tense my body was because apparently I had gotten used to it. An hour after the dose, not only did I notice that I was still relaxed, but I also noticed that my anxiety/depression were gone. I was able to do constructive work again on fixing my situation.

After two weeks on Luteolin, I landed an audition for a role in a small movie, something which had been a dream of mine forever, but that I had never had the energy to pursue. I am also lined up for part time work, and actively and happily engaged in finding full time work. Luteolin is a complete game changer for me, and I highly recommend it for any anxiety or depression symptoms. Also, I noticed that my memory dramatically improved. I can remember phone numbers and account numbers easily now.”


—Stephen Shuman


“This stuff is amazing!!! I have never seen such a good combo of nootropics and Chinese herbs in my life but here it is. This is my favorite blend to start off the day ? it has a brightening and broadening effect on your mind and consciousness which is quite nice! I am on an 88/8 and this is essential to my fast. This one and the Thermo are my absolute favorites so far I still have some to try though. All these herbs are so well put together it blows my mind! Thank you for these awesome products! They’re dope to say the least ?”


—Curran Coughlin


“My boyfriend and I were attracted to the variety of the blends because of the the health benefits offered through a more natural option. We joined the Facebook group and read the testimonies and did research for about a year before we dove in.

We purchased the SUPER ULTIMATE Sampler PACK. We took the Seven Sages daily and Matcha / Trinity / Shilajit twice a day and Pine Pollen about once a week for about 3 months. My boyfriend was taking Nebula and Trinity and he loved it! He was focused and more determined at work.

I noticed I was able to complete my 12 hour nursing shifts without the burn out at the end of the day. My body was able to recover from the emergency cases a lot smoother. I had over all an improvement in my body. I felt alert and not as hungry throughout the day. We both started doing 18/6 and worked our way to 22/2 daily for about 3 months. With the blends we were able to do two cycles of 44/4 without the intense mood swings or headaches.

The real change is when we ran out. Wow!!, within a week I felt sluggish, not as focused and overall crummy.

I will most definitely order a larger quantity and try a few new ones!

Thanks Gavin!”


—Yuber Parra


“Hey Gavin….im on day 5 of taking my stack of Seven Sages Trinity and Nebula…at first I was a little questionable and expected it to work like magic like taking Xanax but I didn’t get discouraged. I began to feel better every day and worked on keeping a positive mind state. I’ve been struggling with depression. anxiety, panic disorder, depersonalization and depression…..today I woke up and I felt a little shitty cuz I was out drinking from 8 to 3 in the morning, I went to bed at 5 and woke up at 10, after about being up for 10 minutes and feeling slightly crappy I realized I felt normal, no anxiety/depression and all that. I was motivated felt the passion in life like ‘I once had, and normally I would of been hungover and sleeping till 1 or 2. I just wanted to thank you.”


—Kardo Korindt



“Wanted to share that I’ve experienced a significant decrease in my heart disease symptoms over the last year since I doubled my Spice/Peel intake. I can tell the main blockage on my Widow Maker artery on the back of my heart, that I’ve been carrying for over 15 years, has shrunk significantly. The proof is that when I have a bad day and eat all kinds of crap that I shouldn’t eat, I experience almost no symptoms from it. A year ago I would’ve almost died from eating all that garbage. Now, almost nothing.
Also, my depression is pretty much gone since starting Apigenin, Luteolin, and supplementing with Mag, Zinc and Lithium. 1/4 tsp API, 1/2 tsp Lut, 4 caps Mag and Zinc, 10 drops Lithium. Twice a day for all.
My Spice/Peel intake is 2 tsp 20:1, 1/2 tsp 200:1. I alternate between 20:1 and 200:1. Usually do one of them 20:1 and the other 200:1, and switch it up every month or two. Take one in the morning, the other in the evening.
So Gavin has hit on the cure for arterial blockages as well. Amazing stuff!”


—Rich Ryan

“Good Evening Gavin. I’ve been meaning to write you for 6 or 7 weeks now. I wanted to let you know that I love your blends. This summer my Dad got a secondary CDiff infection after his triple bypass and took a turn for the worse. He was intubated and fighting for his life for 8 weeks. I had to balance his needs along with my 6 kids. I know that your blends not only kept me sane but also gave me the stamina to keep going from day to day. Even with very little sleep. Thank you for your research and commitment to quality. You literally kept me sane this summer. Bless you!!!! I just hustled and got myself some more cash to invest in some of the blends I don’t have yet. Right now – I can’t live without Nebula. But it’s so hard to pick one. I know you get messages like this regularly but I wanted to thank you with a message as well as my patronage. You have a customer for life. Have a great evening.”


—Sarah Hawkins


“Finished 7 cycles 22/2 and I’m taking Nebula 1-2 times per day. I’m a believer now; easier time waking up in the morning, fewer instances of high anxiety, beast mode in the gym, my heart rate rests around 45 beats per minute at night (which I’m assuming is a good thing). I stay active throughout the entire day and don’t get tired. When I have training or presentations to give I’m way more energetic and engaged, everyone at work has noticed the 7 lbs I lost in a week.

I hit 14 years of active duty naval service last month and I have not felt this good and healthy since I was 19, I turn 33 in a few months. Also Gavin, thank you for Thunder– My wife approves!”


—William Boyd


“One more,…after my long previous post,…this is an honest thank you with much gratitude.

I must give a big shout out to Gavin Robert McGowen his most amazing Interstellar Herb Blends. I’ve been using them for years now, before that I suffered terribly with anxiety and my brain would flood, especially in stressful situations. I suffered from PTSD and ADD really. The blends have really reworked my brain and keep me from having total panic meltdowns like I used to have. I know all too well what it feels like living with Anxiety and Depression your whole life. It’s like a dark trapped hole that no matter how much motivational stuff you read, affirmations you do, blah, blah blah,….sometimes it only makes you feel worse because you don’t feel better.

You still feel lost, panicked, confused, afraid and sometimes paralyzed by it all. Sometimes you feel like you are going to die. I know. I’ve been there. PTSD is very real too and the source is different for each person. But trauma rewires your brain to experience it over and over when those “triggers” are set off. That causes anxiety/panic and/or depression over time. You cannot “talk” or “talk therapy” your brain back to proper functioning, as your brain works on chemical processes.

an aside: some people think because I’ve set out and done the things that I have that I never had the reasons to hold back, or demons to fight,” like them. Nope, I’ve had plenty. I was just never going turn those “reasons” into “excuses”. So, I felt the fear and panic all along but I was just crazy enough to do the “ITS” anyway. I’ve messed up a lot along the way but no one ever succeeds in life without a wake a failures. I digress,…
I still feel it from time to time but the blends have helped.

Healing Trauma and Dis-ease:

Nature has provided us with cures for nearly everything.

We have just been cut off from that knowledge by Business aka Big Pharma, ah-him that’s a whole other rant I won’t get into.

But Gavin has made it his life’s mission to rediscover and discover even more ways to use the cures of herbs and plants, how they work also which ones work synergistically with others to heal our brains first, organs, muscles skins etc. I know it sounds crazy, but it’s not. He’s literally one of MOST SCIENCE based people I’ve ever encountered. (With exceptions of some of my clients here who are Engineers for NASA)

If you have read this far let me just say,…
(I am not an affiliate, I am not getting paid or anything and he didn’t not ask, nor know I am posting this, so please don’t go there.) I ain’t, I don’t,…keep reading ? lol

I also have several friends lately that I know the blends could help and “would actually be open minded enough” to at least fully check into them.

Why don’t I don’t post about this more often? Because unless someone’s asks, they usually won’t care to listen. Or if I suggest the blends, then they often think I’m just trying to sell something. I’m not. I have nothing to do with the company, other than using the herbs most of the time since 2016. (I’m pretty sure around then)

There are many different blends now since the single Original formula available when I started. What I love besides the FACT that they WORK,…is that he has spent years doing and documenting all of science based research as to how and why each ingredient is in each new blend and how they work so you can read it for yourself. Honestly, you won’t believe it until to experience it. But still do your research.

I’ve watched so many lives been changed over the years by the blends not just anxiety & depression but diabetes, heart disease, skin issues, inflammation, weight loss (big time) even cancer,…no, I am not lying. He’s got some new ones now I haven’t tried YET, but most I have and I love them all-def have my personal favorites. When people ask me why I look like I don’t age,. or can’t believe my age,… it’s gotta the herbs and intermittent fasting,…there’s many anti-aging herbs in the blends.

Thank you Gavin.

I would recommend “liking” the Interstellar Blends FB page and contacting him via there with any questions vs. his personal FB.

Final mention: before you look and immediately disregard because they cost money. If you truly need help reach out to Gavin and be nice, tell him your health situation and he will be able to recommend what and where to start. He even does special bundles and different ways he can help…so if you would like to try something and don’t know what or how (there are a lot more options now) just ask him.

But be cool. Don’t be rude please. Should be a given but well,…it apparently isn’t always.

1. Calculate how much money per day your life is worth to you. Can you even out a price on that?

2. How much money are you spending on pharmaceuticals?? I’ve seen so so so many get completely off pharma drugs.

3. How much are you spending on junk food and bad habits?

4. Would you rather spend money on being healthy? Or spend money on being sick? ?

I know which one costs more and sucks way more, bet you do too!

There’s more but I will leave it at that. I gotta get back to work.

Have a Grateful Day. If ya have any questions you would rather ask me DM me.

Love to all! ???”


—Teri Graham



“If any of you are on the fence about getting the blends, don’t be. I started them back in March and have had many things improve. I’m going to be 61 years old next month and I feel confident that some issues that have developed over the past few years are now reversible. I’m happy with the progress I am making and can’t thank Gavin enough for all the help he has given my husband and myself. The sooner you get started, the sooner you’ll be better ?”


—Roberta Jackson


“I started with Seven Sages and Trinity for depression, after having such quick results I added Spice, Peel and Super Nova. Then I won the $600 blends which added to my regime. I love them all… depression and brain fog completely gone. I also have so much energy. I use to have to take a nap to get through the day, but not anymore.”


—Lynda Kearney Borden


“Hyellow! So… my husband ordered Nebula and we received it today in the morning. I’ve slowly started 22:2 earlier this week so this morning I immediately made coffee and got my 4Oz shot with Nebula after around 40 minutes I started feeling this crazy energy! I jumped in my work out clothes and got a great work out, I usually have to drag myself to work out. My energy is usually lowish and after doing a few things I have to pause and take a break and then continue. I’ve felt sluggish for so long and like I have this sort of cloud/fog in my brain. I feel anxiety often and over think a lot, I usually feel like a 90 year old inside but today after taking Nebula I feel like a 20 year old inside. No brain fog, no pausing every few hours between activities, not dragging myself to work out, I feel so damn great! I have around 50 lbs to lose, had major medical issues since the age of 19 with a chronic, weird autoimmune condition so I’m super excited to see future changes, since today it’s only been my first time trying the blends.

I don’t know how you Gavin Robert McGowen have accomplished all this work with the blends, how long it has taken you to have all the science behind them and all your work, but I’m so impressed and thank you for your work! I can’t even explain properly how great I feel and I just want to feel like this everyday of my life from now on! I’ve truly felt super powerful! (Now I just wish a lot more people could experience this!) ????”


—Ana Torres-Goitia


“I haven’t had time write a formal testimony but A spot on my lung that was discovered in March on a X-ray had grown. I was scheduled with a follow up CT scan and the area had increased and had gotten more dense. A pet scan on August 14 showed a high uptake value which points to cancer so I was scheduled for a biopsy September 3rd. I ended up in ER August 30th and another X-ray was done and the spot was gone!! I have ongoing lung issues due to a drug resistant bacteria so seeing junk in my lungs seems common now for me. I have been on the Blend’s now for 10 weeks now and that’s the only thing I have done differently. You cannot imagine how happy I was. I went through cancer treatment twice and the thought of doing it again literally made me sick. Thank you Gavin for what you do it’s not only the blends but it’s literally saving some of us.”


—Sally Wolfe Reed



“My husband had prostate cancer which metastasized to his bones, doing research we ran across Intersteller blends and reached out to Gavin for advice and also read up on the different blends..
In February we both started doing the blends and fasting. It is now August and we are happy to say at my husbands last visit to his doctor he is cancer free. Of course we know cancers are tricky so will continue on with the blends.
A big thanks to Gavin for all his advice and patience with both my husband and myself.”


—Debbie Hamilton