September 21, 2021
December 22, 2021- TIME –Restricted feeding is a preventative and therapeutic intervention against diverse nutritional challenges
- TIME –Restricted feeding without reducing caloric intake prevents metabolic diseases in mice fed a high-fat diet
- TIME –Restricted feeding and risk of metabolic disease: a review of human and animal studies
- TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates age-related cardiac decline in Drosophila
- TIME –Restricted feeding entrains daily rhythms of energy metabolism in mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding and the realignment of biological rhythms: translational opportunities and challenges
- Night-TIME Restricted feeding normalises clock genes and Pai-1 gene expression in the db/db mouse liver
- The effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on lipid metabolism and adiposity
- Influence of a TIME –Restricted feeding schedule on the daily rhythm of abcb1a gene expression and its function in rat intestine
- Diet selection and eating behaviour of lactating goats subjected to TIME Restricted feeding in choice and single feeding system
- Long-term physiological alterations and recovery in a mouse model of separation associated with TIME –Restricted feeding : a tool to study anorexia nervosa …
- TIME –Restricted feeding of rapidly digested starches causes stronger entrainment of the liver clock in PER2:: LUCIFERASE knock-in mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding schedules modify temporal variation of gentamicin experimental nephrotoxicity
- The effect of TIME –Restricted demand feeding on feeding activity growth and feed conversion in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss)
- The effects of feeding TIME and TIME –Restricted feeding on the fattening traits of White Roman geese
- Effect of two-step TIME –Restricted feeding on the fattening traits in geese
- Effects of feeding systems on social and feeding behavior and performance of finishing pigs
- Effect of Restricted feeding schedule on seasonal shifting of daily demand‐feeding pattern and food anticipatory activity in European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax L.)
- Diel feeding activity and the effect of TIME –Restricted self-feeding on growth and feed conversion in European sea bass
- feeding is not a more potent Zeitgeber than the light-dark cycle in Drosophila
- Reduction of anxiety after Restricted feeding in the rat: implication for eating disorders
- TIME –Restricted feeding of pigs: social and feeding behavior
- TIME –Restricted feeding and the realignment of
- Synchronization to light and Restricted –feeding schedules of behavioral and humoral daily rhythms in gilthead sea bream (Sparus aurata)
- TIME Restricted demand feeding of red sea bream, Pagrus major in outdoor tanks
- Quantitative analysis of light-phase Restricted feeding reveals metabolic dyssynchrony in mice
- The suprachiasmatic nuclei are involved in determining circadian rhythms during Restricted feeding
- Digestibility of different fiber fractions of diets with high and low fiber level for broilers on TIME –Restricted feeding
- Manipulation of feeding schedule can modify the circadian rhythms of toxicity and kinetics of theophylline in mice
- Intermittent fasting and human metabolic health
- Influence of the length of the daily feeding period on feed intake and growth of whitefish, Coregonus lavaretus
- Chronotoxicity and chronopharmacokinetics of methotrexate in mice: modification by feeding schedule
- Restricted feeding -induced sleep, activity, and body temperature changes in normal and preproghrelin-deficient mice
- Effects of fluvoxamine on food intake during rebound hyperphagia in rats
- Chronopharmacokinetics of valproic acid following constant-rate administration in mice and influence of feeding schedule.
- Chronopharmacological study of furosemide;(VIII) influence of feeding restriction
- Effects of TIME –Restricted vs. ad-libitum feeding on performance, carcass traits and behavior of finishing pigs
- Diet and feeding pattern affect the diurnal dynamics of the gut microbiome
- Light phase-Restricted feeding slows basal heart rate to exaggerate the type-3 long QT syndrome phenotype in mice
- Growth effects in Arctic charr reared in cold water: feed frequency, access to bottom feeding and stocking density
- Use of a TIME –Restricted access to food diet to achieve and maintain weight reduction in mice.
- Persistence of metabolic rhythmicity during fasting and its entrainment by Restricted feeding schedules in rats
- Circadian rhythm of plasma and adrenal corticosterone in rats: effect of Restricted feeding schedules.
- Glucocorticoid is involved in food-entrainable rhythm of μ-opioid receptor expression in mouse brainstem and analgesic effect of morphine
- Influence of feeding schedule on the chronopharmacological aspects of sodium valproate in mice.
- Effects of intermittent fasting on body composition and clinical health markers in humans
- Influence of feeding schedule on 24-h rhythm of hepatotoxicity induced by acetaminophen in mice
- Restricted feeding schedules phase shift daily rhythms of c-Fos and protein Per1 immunoreactivity in corticolimbic regions in rats
- Individual rainbow trout can learn and anticipate multiple daily feeding TIME s
- Scheduled feeding caused activation of dopamine metabolism in the striatum of rats
- Growth performance of the white shrimp Litopenaeus vannamei reared under TIME -and rate-restriction feeding regimes in a controlled culture system
- Molecular and biochemical modifications of liver glutamine synthetase elicited by dayTIME Restricted feeding
- TIME learning and anticipatory activity in groups of Arctic charr
- Human blood metabolite TIME table indicates internal body TIME
- You Are What and When You Eat
- Nutrients, clock genes, and chrononutrition
- Metabolic adaptations of liver mitochondria during Restricted feeding schedules
- Effects of feeding systems, feeder design and water supply on behavioral traits and performance of pigs
- Circadian regulation of Pai-1 gene expression in obesity and diabetes mice
- Food Restriction and Lipogenesis in the Rat.
- Are hypothalamic oscillators dysfunctional with high fat feeding ?
- Effect of maternal separation on feeding behavior of rats in later life
- TIME -fixed feeding prevents obesity induced by chronic advances of light/dark cycles in mouse models of jet-lag/shift work
- Pharmacokinetic aspects of chronopharmacology
- feeding cues and injected nutrients induce acute expression of multiple clock genes in the mouse liver
- Circadian clocks and feeding TIME regulate the oscillations and levels of hepatic triglycerides
- Influence of feeding schedule on chronopharmacological aspects of gentamicin in mice
- Nucleus-specific effects of meal duration on daily profiles of Period1 and Period2 protein expression in rats housed under Restricted feeding
- Investigation of the effects of long-term nocturnal feeding on blood leptin and lipids values, weight management, and behavior, in elderly wistar rats
- Regulating the temporality of food intake: a potential nonpharmacological intervention for obesity prevention?
- Effects of light on the circadian rhythm of diabetic rats under Restricted feeding
- Demand-feeding rhythm in rainbow trout and European catfish: synchronisation by photoperiod and food availability
- feeding anticipatory activity
- feeding and growth of whitefish fed Restricted and abundant rations: influences on growth heterogeneity and brain serotonergic activity
- White Leghorn production parameters as affected by body weight loss and length of rest period during a force molt
- Restricted daily feeding does not entrain circadian rhythms of the suprachiasmatic nucleus in the rat
- Effects of sequential feeding with low-and high-protein diets on growth performances and plasma metabolite levels in geese
- Differences in locomotor activity before and during the access to food in a Restricted feeding protocol between obese and lean female mice Neotomodon alstoni
- TIME for food: the intimate interplay between nutrition, metabolism, and the circadian clock
- Effects of three‐hour Restricted food access during the light period on circadian rhythms of temperature, locomotor activity, and heart rate in rats
- Response of peripheral rhythms to the timing of food intake
- Meal-eating and lipogenesis in vitro of rats fed a low-protein diet
- Enhanced effect of dayTIME Restricted feeding on the circadian rhythm of streptozotocin-induced type 2 diabetic rats
- On the significance of puzzling behaviours: What do yawning and adult play tell us about horse (Equus caballus) welfare
- A Cage Designed to Improve Coherence of Data from Meal-Fed Groups of Laboratory Rodents
- TIME of day and nutrients in feeding govern daily expression rhythms of the gene for sterol regulatory element-binding protein (SREBP)-1 in the mouse liver
- Effects of feeding TIME constraints on body mass regulation and energy expenditure in wintering dunlin (Calidris alpina)
- The comparison between circadian oscillators in mouse liver and pituitary gland reveals different integration of feeding and light schedules
- Change in Phase Relations of Circadian Rhythms in Cell Proliferation Induced by TIME -limited feeding in BALB/c× DBA/2F1 Mice Bearing a Transplantable Harding …
- Intermittent fasting combined with resistance training: effects on body composition, muscular performance, and dietary intake
- Entrainment of the master circadian clock by scheduled feeding
- Anticipatory changes in liver metabolism and entrainment of insulin, glucagon, and corticosterone in food-Restricted rats
- Prolonged nightly fasting and breast cancer risk: findings from NHANES (2009–2010)
- Highlights From the Latest in Diabetes Research
- Light-Dark and Food Restriction Cycles in Red sea bream, Pagrus major: Effect of Zeitgebers on Demand-feeding Rhythms
- A day in the life of the meta-organism: diurnal rhythms of the intestinal microbiome and its host
- Constant light desynchronizes mammalian clock neurons
- Long-Chain Fatty Acids Regulate GnRH Receptor mRNA Expression Level in the Gonadotrope of the Mouse Anterior Pituitary Gland.
- Abstract P225: TIME of Food Intake is an Important Determinant of Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm
- Search for the feeding -entrainable circadian oscillator: a complex proposition
- grants and awards
- A smartphone app reveals erratic diurnal eating patterns in humans that can be modulated for health benefits
- Prefrontal and striatal dopamine metabolism during enhanced rebound hyperphagia induced by space restriction—a rat model of binge eating
- The effect of differing self-feeding regimes on the growth, behaviour and fin damage of rainbow trout held in groups
- Misaligned feeding impairs memories
- Circadian clocks, feeding TIME , and metabolic homeostasis
- Parathormone Bio-Assay of Plasma in Hypercalcemic Tumor Rabbits.
- Intermittent fasting programs and their effects on body composition: Implications for weight-Restricted sports
- Dietary iron, circadian clock, and hepatic gluconeogenesis
- PER1 phosphorylation specifies feeding rhythm in mice
- Genome-wide analysis of SREBP1 activity around the clock reveals its combined dependency on nutrient and circadian signals
- Circadian rhythm of dry mass and weight-class-pattern of the rat hepatocytes-effects of light-dark and feeding regimens
- Sexual dimorphism of age-related changes in whole-body fat distribution in the obese.
- The adjustment and manipulation of biological rhythms by light, nutrition, and abused drugs
- Influence of dark phase Restricted high fat feeding on myocardial adaptation in mice
- The mammalian circadian clock
- feeding rhythms
- Nutrients and circadian rhythms in mammals
- Relative risk of conversion from normoglycaemia to impaired glucose tolerance or non-insulin dependent diabetes mellitus in polycystic ovarian syndrome
- The cerebellum harbors a circadian oscillator involved in food anticipation
- TIME d high‐fat diet resets circadian metabolism and prevents obesity
- Alternate day fasting increases LDL particle size independently of dietary fat content in obese humans
- Effect of feeding program as a biostimulation method on reproductive efficiency and embryo production in doe rabbits
- Frequency and circadian timing of eating may influence biomarkers of inflammation and insulin resistance associated with breast cancer risk
- The central circadian timing system
- Circadian clocks and energy metabolism in rodents
- Glucocorticoid regulation of 24-hour oscillation in interferon receptor gene expression in mouse liver
- Meal frequency and timing in health and disease
- Effect of intermittent fasting and refeeding on insulin action in healthy men
- Metabolic clock generates nutrient anticipation rhythms in mTOR signaling
- Circadian Rhythms of Self-feeding and Locomotor Activity in Zebrafish (Danio Rerio)
- Light-dark and food restriction cycles in sea bass: effect of conflicting zeitgebers on demand-feeding rhythms
- The dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus is critical for the expression of food-entrainable circadian rhythms
- Meal-feeding rodents and toxicology research
- Gaining insights into diabetic cardiomyopathy from Drosophila
- Circadian and feeding rhythms differentially affect rhythmic mRNA transcription and translation in mouse liver
- Metabolic consequences of TIME d feeding in mice
- Early nocturnal meal skipping alters the peripheral clock and increases lipogenesis in mice
- The effect of intermittent nasogastric feeding on preventing aspiration pneumonia in ventilated critically ill patients.
- Food entrainment of circadian gene expression altered in PPARα−/− brown fat and heart
- The medical home and integrated behavioral health
- Differential entrainment of peripheral clocks in the rat by glucocorticoid and feeding
- Circadian dysregulation disrupts bile acid homeostasis
- Circadian meal timing in relation to lighting schedule optimizes catfish body weight gain
- Nutrition and Diet as Potent Regulators of the Liver Clock
- Food reward without a timing component does not alter the timing of activity under positive energy balance
- Intermittent fasting in athletes: PROs and CONs
- Rev‐erbα and the circadian transcriptional regulation of metabolism
- Factors predicting sleep disruption in Type II diabetes.
- Disrupted circadian rhythmicity of the intestinal glucose transporter SGLT1 in Zucker diabetic fatty rats
- Sirkadiyen ritim ve metabolizma: Obezite üzerine etkileri
- Multifactorial Regulation of Daily Rhythms in Expression of the Metabolically Responsive Gene Spot14 in the Mouse Liver
- Circadian rhythms of rabbits during restrictive feeding
- Altered cortisol levels in relation to Ramadan.
- EGR1 regulates hepatic clock gene amplitude by activating Per1 transcription
- Circadian clock: linking epigenetics to aging
- Hog Feeders?
- Circadian rhythms in liver metabolism and disease
- Temporal modulation of nephrotoxicity, feeding , and drinking in gentamicin-treated rats
- Chronobiology and nutrition
- The Comparison between Circadian Oscillators in Mouse Liver and Pituitary Gland
- Scheduled meals and scheduled palatable snacks synchronize circadian rhythms: consequences for ingestive behavior
- Circadian rhythms of gene expression of lipid metabolism in Gilthead Sea bream liver: Synchronisation to light and feeding TIME
- Circadian rhythms, the molecular clock, and skeletal muscle
- Circadian clock control of endocrine factors
- Fish oil accelerates diet-induced entrainment of the mouse peripheral clock via GPR120
- Long-lived αMUPA transgenic mice exhibit pronounced circadian rhythms
- Effect of beak length on feed intake in pigeons (Columba livia f. domestica)
- Circadian rhythms and obesity in mammals
- Circadian rhythmicity and metabolism: integration of metabolic and environmental signals
- Interaction between dietary cellulose content and food intake in cats
- The circadian epigenome: how metabolism talks to chromatin remodeling
- Effectiveness of the anaesthetic MS-222 in gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata: Effect of feeding TIME and day–night variations in plasma MS-222 concentration and …
- feeding -entrained circadian rhythms in hypophysectomized rats with suprachiasmatic nucleus lesions
- Influence of dietary fat level on feed intake, growth and fat deposition in the whitefish Coregonus lavaretus
- Co Lead Editors
- Beneficial changes in serum apo A-1 and its ratio to apo B and HDL in stable hyperlipidaemic subjects after Ramadan fasting in Kuwait
- The hepatic circadian clock is preserved in a lipid-induced mouse model of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
- Daily expression of mRNAs for the mammalian Clock genes Per2 and clock in mouse suprachiasmatic nuclei and liver and human peripheral blood mononuclear cells
- Food-entrained circadian rhythms are sustained in arrhythmic Clk/Clk mutant mice
- Timing of food intake and obesity: a novel association
- Circadian endocrine rhythms: the hypothalamic–pituitary–adrenal axis and its actions
- Are animal models of diabetes relevant to the study of the genetics of non-insulin-dependent diabetes in humans?
- Differential roles of breakfast only (one meal per day) and a bigger breakfast with a small dinner (two meals per day) in mice fed a high-fat diet with regard to …
- Differential effects of light and feeding on circadian organization of peripheral clocks in a forebrain Bmal1 mutant
- Practicality of intermittent fasting in humans and its effect on oxidative stress and genes related to aging and metabolism
- In vivo monitoring of peripheral circadian clocks in the mouse
- Refeeding after Fasting Elicits Insulin-Dependent Regulation of Per2 and Rev-erbα with Shifts in the Liver Clock
- BMAL1-dependent regulation of the mTOR signaling pathway delays aging
- Promoting health and longevity through diet: from model organisms to humans
- Synchronization of the mammalian circadian timing system: light can control peripheral clocks independently of the SCN clock: alternate routes of entrainment …
- Relationship between calorie restriction and the biological clock: lessons from long-lived transgenic mice
- Aging signaling pathways and circadian clock-dependent metabolic derangements
- Indirect effects of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptor agonist exendin-4 on the peripheral circadian clocks in mice
- Glycemic control is impaired in the evening in prediabetes through multiple diurnal rhythms
- Hypothalamic clocks and rhythms in feeding behaviour
- Impact of sleep and circadian disruption on energy balance and diabetes: a summary of workshop discussions
- The calcineurin-NFAT pathway controls activity-dependent circadian gene expression in slow skeletal muscle
- The effects of lighting conditions and food restriction paradigms on locomotor activity of common spiny mice, Acomys cahirinus
- Circadian topology of metabolism
- A feeding -entrainable circadian oscillator system in the rabbit
- Melanocortin 4 receptor signaling in dopamine 1 receptor neurons is required for procedural memory learning
- Skim milk compared with a fruit drink acutely reduces appetite and energy intake in overweight men and women
- Palatability can drive feeding independent of AgRP neurons
- High-energy breakfast with low-energy dinner decreases overall daily hyperglycaemia in type 2 diabetic patients: a randomised clinical trial
- Circadian regulation of lipid mobilization in white adipose tissues
- Circadian dysrhythmias in the intensive care unit
- Circadian rhythms in the CNS and peripheral clock disorders: the circadian clock and hyperlipidemia
- Pre-natal development of a hypothalamic biological clock.
- Controlling access TIME to a high-fat diet during the inactive period protects against obesity in mice
- Caffeine alters circadian rhythms and expression of disease and metabolic markers
- Persistence of a behavioral food-anticipatory circadian rhythm following dorsomedial hypothalamic ablation in rats
- Chrono-biology, chrono-pharmacology, and chrono-nutrition
- TIME -specific fear acts as a non-photic entraining stimulus of circadian rhythms in rats
- Modulating factors: challenges to experimental design
- Morning meal more efficient for fat loss in a 3-month lifestyle intervention
- Shifting the circadian rhythm of feeding in mice induces gastrointestinal, metabolic and immune alterations which are influenced by ghrelin and the core clock …
- The effect of meal-eating on egg production and body weight of White Leghorn chickens
- Breakfast and cognition: sixteen effects in nine populations, no single recipe
- Effect of target slaughter weight on production efficiency, carcass traits and behaviour of restrictively-fed gilts and intact male finisher pigs
- A single daily meal at the beginning of the active or inactive period inhibits food deprivation–induced fatty liver in mice
- NightTIME snacking reduces whole body fat oxidation and increases LDL cholesterol in healthy young women
- The German Health Interview and Examination Survey for Children and Adolescents (KiGGS): an overview of its planning, implementation and results taking into …
- Nutrition targeting by food timing: TIME -related dietary approaches to combat obesity and metabolic syndrome
- Circadian secretion of the intestinal hormone GLP-1 by the rodent L cell
- feeding period restriction alters the expression of peripheral circadian rhythm genes without changing body weight in mice
- Circadian variation of human acute phase response.
- The Journal of Romanian Sport Medicine Society
- Effects of insulin and 2-deoxy-D-glucose on feeding in hamsters and gerbils
- DayTIME food restriction influences the circadian rhythms of circulatory hepatic marker enzymes activity in rats
- Does cortisol inhibit pulsatile luteinizing hormone secretion at the hypothalamic or pituitary level?
- Eating two larger meals a day (breakfast and lunch) is more effective than six smaller meals in a reduced-energy regimen for patients with type 2 diabetes: a …
- Sleep and circadian rhythms: key components in the regulation of energy metabolism
- Delayed timing of eating: impact on weight and metabolism
- Osteoclastogenesis by bone marrow-derived macrophages is enhanced in obese mice
- The role of vagal efferents in regulation of gastric emptying and motility in rats.
- Randomized clinical trial of laparoscopic gastric bypass versus laparoscopic duodenal switch for superobesity
- The relationship between nutrition and circadian rhythms in mammals
- Combination of starvation interval and food volume determines the phase of liver circadian rhythm in Per2::Luc knock-in mice under two meals per day feeding
- Exploring Links between Circadian Rhythms and Healthy Aging
- Can turbot, Psetta maxima, be fed with self-feeders?
- High-fat diet-induced hyperinsulinemia and tissue-specific insulin resistance in Cry-deficient mice
- The effect of pre-exposure and recovery type on activity-based anorexia in rats
- Early maternal separation increases symptoms of activity-based anorexia in male and female rats.
- Oxyntomodulin regulates resetting of the liver circadian clock by food
- TIME –place learning and leader–follower relationships in Arctic charr Salvelinus alpinus
- Management of diabetes during Ramadan: practical guidelines.
- Early weaning predisposes rats to exacerbated activity-stress ulcer formation
- Chronopharmacology focused on biological clock
- Association between phase shifts, expression levels, and amplitudes in peripheral circadian clocks
- Circadian gene Bmal1 regulates diurnal oscillations of Ly6Chi inflammatory monocytes
- Circadian timing of single daily “meal” affects survival of mice
- Altered feeding differentially regulates circadian rhythms and energy metabolism in liver and muscle of rats
- Effects of Restricted fructose access on body weight and blood pressure circadian rhythms
- Stress-induced effects on feeding behavior and growth performance of the sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax): a self-feeding approach
- Diet dominates host genotype in shaping the murine gut microbiota
- Circadian control of tissue homeostasis and adult stem cells
- Transcriptional control of circadian metabolic rhythms in the liver
- Effects of feed, feeding regime and growth rate on flesh quality, connective tissue and plasma hormones in farmed Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar L.)
- Real-TIME monitoring in three-dimensional hepatocytes reveals that insulin acts as a synchronizer for liver clock
- Neurohormonal regulation of feed intake and response to nutrients in fish: aspects of feeding rhythm and stress
- Disruption of daily rhythms by high-fat diet is reversible
- Joshua Tyler Smith
- Meal timing influences daily caloric intake in healthy adults
- Nutrition and the clock gene
- Intermittent feeding Schedules—Behavioural Consequences and Potential Clinical Significance
- Effect of prolonged feed restriction on size variation, feed consumption, body composition, growth and smolting of brown trout, Salmo trutta
- Hepatic mTORC1 controls locomotor activity, body temperature, and lipid metabolism through FGF21
- Effects of food deprivation on daily changes in body temperature and behavioral thermoregulation in rats
- Circadian clocks, food intake, and metabolism
- Orexin Regulates Glucose Homeodynamics with Daily Rhythm
- Food anticipation in Bmal1-/-and AAV-Bmal1 rescued mice: a reply to Fuller et al
- Knitting up the raveled sleave of care
- Inflammation: depression fans the flames and feasts on the heat
- For healthy eating, timing matters: limiting mealTIME s to 12-hour period per day helps flies’ hearts
- Chronotherapeutic strategy: rhythm monitoring, manipulation and disruption
- Chrononutrition
- Effect of an acute fast on energy compensation and feeding behaviour in lean men and women
- Exercise attenuates the metabolic effects of dim light at night
- Crosstalk between the AHR signaling pathway and circadian rhythm
- Effect of fasting on the peripheral circadian gene expression in rats
- Is it still possible to reduce the incidence of nephrotoxicity of aminoglycosides?
- The emerging roles of lipids in circadian control
- Meal criterion and feeding behaviour in sheep and goats
- Can turbot, Psetta maxima, be fed with self-feeders?
- The impact of sleep and circadian disturbance on hormones and metabolism
- Circadian rhythms in mice fed a single daily meal at different stages of lighting regimen
- Circadian oscillators in extra-SCN brain sites
- Metabolic consequences of sleep and circadian disorders
- Warm water bath stimulates phase-shifts of the peripheral circadian clocks in PER2:: LUCIFERASE mouse
- Timing of food intake predicts weight loss effectiveness
- Rumen acidosis in dairy cattle: Bunk management considerations
- Corticosteroid-induced lipodystrophy is associated with features of the metabolic syndrome
- Dynamic changes in prolactin promoter activation in individual living lactotrophic cells
- Long-term day-and-night rotating shift work poses a barrier to the normalization of alanine transaminase
- Ontogenetic development of the mammalian circadian system
- Serum and follicular resistin levels in women with polycystic ovarian syndrome during IVF-stimulated cycles
- Physiological effects of feeding
- Cooccurrence of yawning and stereotypic behaviour in horses (Equus caballus)
- Soluble CD40 ligand levels in essential hypertensive men: evidence of a possible role of insulin resistance
- Ventromedial syndrome: The rat’s” finickiness” results from the obesity, not from the lesions.
- Connecting cellular metabolism to circadian clocks
- Manipulating the circadian and sleep cycles to protect against metabolic disease
- Obesity in mice with adipocyte-specific deletion of clock component Arntl
- Repeated light-dark shifts speed up body weight gain in male F344 rats
- Maternal-infant separation impedes changes in feeding behavior during estrous cycle of rats
- Circadian regulation of metabolism
- SIRT1 relays nutritional inputs to the circadian clock through the Sf1 neurons of the ventromedial hypothalamus
- Guidelines for obesity management in companion animals
- Timing of fat and liquid sugar intake alters substrate oxidation and food efficiency in male Wistar rats
- Daily rhythms of clock gene expression, glycaemia and digestive physiology in diurnal/nocturnal European seabass
- Plasma cortisol and faecal cortisol metabolites concentrations in stereotypic and non-stereotypic horses: do stereotypic horses cope better with poor …
- Circadian regulation of adipose function
- The involvement of Cry1 and Cry2 genes in the regulation of the circadian body temperature rhythm in mice
- Cell biology
- Maternal separation impedes the estrous cyclic changes of feeding behavior in female rats
- Food intake during the normal activity phase prevents obesity and circadian desynchrony in a rat model of night work
- Embryonic development of circadian clocks in the mammalian suprachiasmatic nuclei
- Effect of early feed restriction on performance and health status in growing rabbits slaughtered at 2 kg live-weight
- Amino Acid–Induced Activation of mTORC1 in Rat Liver Is Attenuated by Short-Term Consumption of a High-Fat Diet
- In a rat model of night work, activity during the normal resting phase produces desynchrony in the hypothalamus
- Increased expressions of TLR4 and related proinflammatory signaling molecules in the renal tissues of obese mice induced by high-fat diet
- Circadian redox oscillations and metabolism
- Hepatic postprandial transition and very low-density lipoprotein biogenesis
- Changing the dosing schedule minimizes the disruptive effects of interferon on clock function
- Obesity, the deadly quartet and the contribution of the neglected daily organ rest-a new dimension of un-health and its prevention
- Circadian rhythms, aging, and life span in mammals
- Disrupted daily light–dark cycle induces the expression of hepatic gluconeogenic regulatory genes and hyperglycemia with glucose intolerance in mice
- Enhancement of acetaminophen-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in Restricted fed rats: a nonclinical approach to acetaminophen-induced chronic hepatotoxicity in …
- A catalog of the mouse gut metagenome
- Chronobiology and chronotoxicology of antibiotics and aminoglycosides
- Scanning the Global Literature
- Oscillators entrained by food and the emergence of anticipatory timing behaviors
- Physiological responses to food intake throughout the day
- Molecular clocks and the human condition: approaching their characterization in human physiology and disease
- Chronobiology and obesity: interactions between circadian rhythms and energy regulation
- Diet‐induced adiposity alters the serum profile of inflammation in C57BL/6N mice as measured by antibody array
- Disruption of the clock components CLOCK and BMAL1 leads to hypoinsulinaemia and diabetes
- Territorial belonging of the middle hepatic vein in living liver donor candidates evaluated by three-dimensional computed tomographic reconstruction and virtual liver …
- Agents ameliorating or augmenting experimental gentamicin nephrotoxicity: some recent research
- Rodent models to study the metabolic effects of shiftwork in humans
- Chrono‐immunology: progress and challenges in understanding links between the circadian and immune systems
- Sex differences in diurnal rhythms of food intake in mice caused by gonadal hormones and complement of sex chromosomes
- Effects of Ramadan fasting on biochemical and hematological parameters and cytokines in healthy and obese individuals
- Energetics of fasting heterothermia in TRPV1-KO and wild type mice
- Second and third hepatectomies for recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma are justified
- Skeletal muscle functions around the clock
- Rhythmic pattern of growth and nutrient retention in response to feeding TIME in the rainbow trout
- The molecular clock: a focus on chronopharmacological strategies for a possible control of aminoglycoside renal toxicity
- feeding and metabolic consequences of scheduled consumption of large, binge-type meals of high fat diet in the Sprague–Dawley rat
- Meal pattern analysis for effects of compound feed formulation in mid to late lactating dairy cows fed hay and compound feed both ad libitum
- Topography and associations of leu-enkephalin and luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone neuronal systems in the human diencephalon
- Leptin modulates behavioral responses to sweet substances by influencing peripheral taste structures
- Determining the levels of matrix metalloproteinase-9 in portal and peripheral blood is useful for predicting liver metastasis of colorectal cancer
- Clock watchers: meal timing, metabolism, and weight loss
- Impairment of peripheral circadian clocks precedes metabolic abnormalities in ob/ob mice
- Ghrelin and peptide YY in postpartum lactating and nonlactating women
- The midpoint of sleep is associated with dietary intake and dietary behavior among young Japanese women
- The role of Social Media in health crisis management and health promotion activities: Is there such thing as a code of conduct? Evika Karamagioli
- Should we listen to our clock to prevent type 2 diabetes mellitus?
- Update on obesity pharmacotherapy
- Interactions between the circadian clock and metabolism: there are good TIME s and bad TIME s
- Analysis of odorous compounds in swine buildings and their relationship to thermal environment, management and categories of pigs
- Dim light at night disrupts molecular circadian rhythms and increases body weight
- Secretory granules of endocrine and chief cells of human stomach mucosa contain leptin
- Adipose tissue metabolism and inflammation are differently affected by weight loss in obese mice due to either a high-fat diet restriction or change to a low-fat …
- Paraventricular NUCB2/nesfatin-1 rises in synchrony with feeding suppression during early light phase in rats
- JTT-305, an orally active calcium-sensing receptor antagonist, stimulates transient parathyroid hormone release and bone formation in ovariectomized rats
- Diurnal rhythmicity in biological processes involved in bioavailability of functional food factors
- TAK‐875, a GPR 40/FFAR 1 agonist, in combination with metformin prevents progression of diabetes and β‐cell dysfunction in Z ucker diabetic fatty rats
- Body weight in rats: Effects of day vs. night meals
- The role of circadian clocks in metabolic disease
- Potential role for peripheral circadian clock dyssynchrony in the pathogenesis of cardiovascular dysfunction
- Diurnal regulation of lipid metabolism and applications of circadian lipidomics
- Health effects of intermittent fasting: hormesis or harm? A systematic review
- 24-Hour pattern of plasma prolactin in the male rhesus monkey and its relation to the sleep/wake cycle
- Calorie restriction increases fatty acid synthesis and whole body fat oxidation rates
- Impact of insufficient sleep on total daily energy expenditure, food intake, and weight gain
- Attenuating Effect of Clock Mutation on Triglyceride Contents in the ICR Mouse Liver under a High-Fat Diet
- The efficacy of light therapy in the treatment of mood disorders: a review and meta-analysis of the evidence
- Genetics of feeding behavior in growing pigs
- Gastric electrical stimulation parameter dependently alters ventral medial hypothalamic activity and feeding in obese rats
- Modification of immune responses to exercise by carbohydrate, glutamine and anti‐oxidant supplements
- Paraneoplastic thrombocytosis in breast cancer
- Sleep patterns, diet quality and energy balance
- Effects of B vitamin injection on bovine herpesvirus-1 infection and immunity in feed-Restricted beef calves
- Expression of functional leptin receptors in rodent Leydig cells
- Multi-Potential Influence of Gut Microbiota on Human Health
- Refeeding after a 24-hour fasting deepens NREM sleep in a TIME -dependent manner
- Meal feeding improves oral glucose tolerance in male rats and causes adaptations in postprandial islet hormone secretion that are independent of plasma …
- High carbohydrate–low protein consumption maximizes Drosophila lifespan
- Fragmentation and stability of circadian activity rhythms predict mortality: the Rotterdam study
- Metabolic adaptations of liver mitochondria during
- Impact of nutrients on circadian rhythmicity
- Behavioural aspects of feeding constraints: do broilers follow their gut feelings?
- Methylation of the MGMT gene is frequently detected in advanced gastric carcinoma
- Physical activity: benefit or weakness in metabolic adaptations in a mouse model of chronic food restriction?
- Effectiveness and toxicity of gentamicin in an experimental model of pyelonephritis: effect of the TIME of administration
- feeding Young Adult Dogs: Before Middle Age
- Adipose circadian clocks: coordination of metabolic rhythms by clock genes, steroid hormones, and PPARs
- Mismatch of sleep and work timing and risk of type 2 diabetes
- Cortisol reduces gonadotropin-releasing hormone pulse frequency in follicular phase ewes: influence of ovarian steroids
- Blog
- Circadian Rhythm and Food/Nutrition
- Understanding and preventing subacute ruminal acidosis in dairy herds: A review
- Wheel-running activity modulates circadian organization and the daily rhythm of eating behavior
- PPARs integrate the mammalian clock and energy metabolism
- Preparation of chylomicrons and VLDL with monoacid-rich triacylglycerol and characterization of kinetic parameters in lipoprotein lipase-mediated hydrolysis in …
- Endocrine and metabolic effects of physiologic r-metHuLeptin administration during acute caloric deprivation in normal-weight women
- Effect of age, sex, genotype and environment on fat deposition in broiler chickens—a review
- Circadian disruption leads to insulin resistance and obesity
- Circadian metabolism in the light of evolution
- L-Carnitine intake prevents irregular feeding -induced obesity and lipid metabolism disorder
- Circadian rhythms in glucose and lipid metabolism in nocturnal and diurnal mammals
- Leptin enhances insulin sensitivity by direct and sympathetic nervous system regulation of muscle IGFBP-2 expression: evidence from nonrodent models
- Energy contributions of volatile fatty acids from the gastrointestinal tract in various species
- Rhythmic messenger ribonucleic acid expression of clock genes and adipocytokines in mouse visceral adipose tissue
- Myocardial contractile reserve: a global approach by combining cardiopulmonary exercise test with exercise-echocardiography
- Measuring meals: structure of prandial food and water intake of rats
- Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 and the circadian clock in metabolic disorders
- Diet choice by goats as effect of milk production level during late lactation
- Relevance of animal models to human eating disorders and obesity
- Lactation in relation to long-term maternal weight gain in African-American women
- Adipose clocks: burning the midnight oil
- Circadian disruption and SCN control of energy metabolism
- Chromatin dynamics of circadian transcription
- Weight cycling promotes fat gain and altered clock gene expression in adipose tissue in C57BL/6J mice
- Circadian misalignment and metabolic consequences: shiftwork and altered meal TIME s
- Reprogramming of the circadian clock by nutritional challenge
- Obesity alters the expression profile of clock genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells
- Dietary protein level alters gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
- Intermittent fasting improves functional recovery after rat thoracic contusion spinal cord injury
- The hypothalamic arcuate nucleus and the control of peripheral substrates
- Chronological study on changes in luteinizing hormone release during fasting and refeeding in ovariectomized estrogen-primed rats
- The effects of dietary polyunsaturated fatty acids and the anx+/-mouse in the activity-based anorexia mouse model
- Erythrocyte plasma membrane redox system in human aging
- Increase in percutaneous muscle biopsy yield with a suction-enhancement technique
- Reverse feeding suppresses the activity of the GH axis in rats and induces a preobesogenic state
- The use of animal models to decipher physiological and neurobiological alterations of anorexia nervosa patients
- The use of larval stages of Drosophila in screening for some naturally occurring mutagens
- Feed delivery and bunk management aspects of laminitis in dairy herds fed total mixed rations
- Obesity alters circadian expressions of molecular clock genes in the brainstem
- Effects of spaced feeding on gene expression of hepatic transaminase and gluconeogenic enzymes in rats
- Applications of circadian metabolomics
- Genetics of circadian rhythms
- Combination of meal and exercise timing with a high-fat diet influences energy expenditure and obesity in mice
- Glucocorticoids and the circadian clock
- Aminoglycosides: nephrotoxicity
- Light rhythm and diet differently influence facets of the metabolic syndrome in WOKW rats
- Eating meals before wheel-running exercise attenuate high fat diet-driven obesity in mice under two meals per day schedule
- Hypothalamic orexin prevents hepatic insulin resistance via daily bidirectional regulation of autonomic nervous system in mice
- Prognostic significance of high mobility group box 1 (HMGB1) expression in patients with colorectal cancer
- Chronobiology in hematology and immunology
- Caloric restriction and intermittent fasting alter hepatic lipid droplet proteome and diacylglycerol species and prevent diabetes in NZO mice
- Parabiotic transfer of cancer anorexia/cachexia in male rats
- A focused review of the role of ketone bodies in health and disease
- Contribution of daily and seasonal biorhythms to obesity in humans
- FGF21 regulates metabolism and circadian behavior by acting on the nervous system
- Translational geroscience: emphasizing function to achieve optimal longevity
- Prevention of displaced abomasum
- Per3 length polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Effect of feed presentation on feeding patterns of dairy calves
- Leptin modulates the daily rhythmicity of blood glucose
- Overexpression of polycomb protein BMI-1 in human specimens of breast, ovarian, endometrial and cervical cancer
- Changes of dietary fat and carbohydrate content alter central and peripheral clock in humans
- miR-200a, miR-200b and miR-429 are onco-miRs that target the PTEN gene in endometrioid endometrial carcinoma
- The search for antiaging interventions: from elixirs to fasting regimens
- Comparison of magnetic resonance imaging–fluorodeoxy-glucose positron emission tomography fusion with pathological staging in rectal cancer
- Dim light at night exaggerates weight gain and inflammation associated with a high-fat diet in male mice
- Implications of Circadian Rhythms on Metabolic Disorders
- Chronic mild stress alters circadian expressions of molecular clock genes in the liver
- The response of some blood constituents after administration of two different diets in goats
- Circadian disruption in the pathogenesis of metabolic syndrome
- Association of Western and traditional diets with depression and anxiety in women
- Metformin opposes impaired AMPK and SIRT1 function and deleterious changes in core clock protein expression in white adipose tissue of genetically‐obese db/db …
- Stereotactic body radiation therapy for stage I non-small cell lung cancer patients with chronic respiratory insufficiency requiring domiciliary oxygen therapy
- Postindustrial metabolism: Fat knowledge
- Pressed for TIME : the circadian clock and hypertension
- Mechanism of the circadian clock in physiology
- Pre-exposure and recovery in activity-based anorexia
- Medically supervised water-only fasting in the treatment of borderline hypertension
- Caloric restriction in humans: impact on physiological, psychological, and behavioral outcomes
- Biomedical effects of circadian rhythm disturbances
- Smad3 and Snail show circadian expression in human gingival fibroblasts, human mesenchymal stem cell, and in mouse liver
- Circadian rhythms and food entrainable oscillators: Behavioral, molecular, and gene expression analyses
- Effect of intermittent feeding on metabolic symptoms of chronic stress in female NMRI mice
- Chronopharmacological strategies: Intra-and inter-individual variability of molecular clock
- Circadian control of bile acid synthesis by a KLF15-Fgf15 axis
- Circulating tumor cell (CTC) count and epithelial growth factor receptor expression on CTCs as biomarkers for cetuximab efficacy in advanced colorectal cancer
- MRI and ultrasound-guided prostate biopsy using soft image fusion
- Acute food deprivation and chronic food restriction differentially affect hypothalamic NPY mRNA expression
- Dietary carbohydrate dictates development of Type 2 diabetes in the Nile rat
- Ontogeny of apoptosis during lung development
- Fluvoxamine attenuated endoplasmic reticulum stress-induced leptin resistance
- How to fix a broken clock
- Changes in the daily rhythm of lipid metabolism in the diabetic retina
- Hypocretin (orexin) biology and the pathophysiology of narcolepsy with cataplexy
- Reduced antioxidant status in obese children with mulTIME tabolic syndrome
- Scheduled Interruption
- High carbohydrate intake from starchy foods is positively associated with metabolic disorders: a Cohort Study from a Chinese population
- Epigenetic crosstalk: a molecular language in human metabolic disorders
- Diurnal variations in myocardial metabolism
- The use of 51Cr as a dietary marker in rats for the determination of 59Fe absorbability in terms of mucosal uptake and mucosal transfer of 59Fe
- Design and methodology of choice feeding experiments with ruminant livestock
- TGF-b superfamily cytokine MIC-1/GDF15 is a physiological appetite and body weight regulator
- Nutritional management and disease prevention in healthy dogs and cats
- Konrad Dabrowski, Sergiusz Czesny1,* and
- Dim light at night disrupts molecular circadian rhythms and affects metabolism
- The influence of insulin on circulating ghrelin
- VEGF contributes to mammary tumor growth in transgenic mice through paracrine and autocrine mechanisms
- T315I mutation in Ph-positive acute lymphoblastic leukemia is associated with a highly aggressive disease phenotype: three case reports
- A comparative proteomic analysis of the rat brain during rebound hyperphagia induced by space-restriction
- The gut microbiota suppresses insulin-mediated fat accumulation via the short-chain fatty acid receptor GPR43
- Energy intake and adiponectin gene expression
- Circadian oscillations of protein-coding and regulatory RNAs in a highly dynamic mammalian liver epigenome
- Some considerations for the study of TGFβ in medium of irradiated T98G cells: activation, release and consumption
- Fatty acid transport proteins in disease: New insights from invertebrate models
- Circadian rhythms in infectious diseases: do they matter?
- Long-term survival in uterine clear cell carcinoma and uterine papillary serous carcinoma
- Effects of the sequence of isocaloric meals with different protein contents on plasma biochemical indexes in pigs
- Disruption of the circadian clock within the cardiomyocyte influences myocardial contractile function, metabolism, and gene expression
- Growth performance of the white shrimp, Litopenaeus vannamei, fed on practical diets with increasing levels of the Antarctic krill meal, Euphausia superba, reared in …
- Sonodynamically induced cell damage using rose bengal derivative
- Redox rhythmicity: clocks at the core of temporal coherence
- Circadian misalignment and health
- Predictive role of CEA and CYFRA 21-1 in patients with advanced-stage NSCLC treated with erlotinib
- The expression of sialic fibronectin correlates with lymph node metastasis of thyroid malignant neoplasmas
- INAUGURAL ARTICLE by a Recently Elected Academy Member: Hepatic mTORC1 controls locomotor activity, body temperature, and lipid metabolism …
- Circadian Clocks and Metabolism
- Cardiovascular changes during daily torpor in the laboratory mouse
- Abnormal expressions of circadian-clock and circadian clock-controlled genes in the livers and kidneys of long-term, high-fat-diet-treated mice
- Metabolism as an integral cog in the mammalian circadian clockwork
- Fasting urine pH is independent of insulin sensitivity
- Exogenous administration of spermine improves glucose utilization and decreases bodyweight in mice
- A novel approach to continuous glucose analysis utilizing glycemic variation
- Altered clock gene expression and vascular smooth muscle diurnal contractile variations in type 2 diabetic db/db mice
- HF diets increase hypothalamic PTP1B and induce leptin resistance through both leptin-dependent and-independent mechanisms
- Interaction of circadian and stress systems in the regulation of adipose physiology
- Spatial analysis of gut microbiome reveals a distinct ecological niche associated with the
- Validity of sentinel lymph node biopsy by ICG fluorescence for early head and neck cancer
- Effect of glucocorticoid status on clock gene expression in components of the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis
- Pair feeding -mediated changes in metabolism: stress response and pathophysiology in insulin-resistant, atherosclerosis-prone JCR: LA-cp rats
- The effects of light at night on circadian clocks and metabolism
- Chronopharmacological study of an antimicrobial agent, norfloxacin, in the rat
- Effects of the number of animals per automated feeder and length and TIME of access on feed intake, growth performance, and behavior of yearling Boer goat wethers
- Inter-subject differences in constitutive expression levels of the clock gene in man
- Intestinal microbiota in patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Short-term calorie restriction improves glucose homeostasis in old rats: involvement of AMPK
- Adiponectin directly improves endothelial dysfunction in obese rats through the AMPK–eNOS Pathway
- Severe NAFLD with hepatic necroinflammatory changes in mice fed trans fats and a high-fructose corn syrup equivalent
- Chronopharmaceutics: pharmaceutics focused on biological rhythm
- Microsatellite instability analysis for the screening of synchronous endometrial and ovarian cancer in Lynch syndrome
- Macronutrients and caloric intake in health and longevity
- Dietary ascorbic acid raises iron absorption in anaemic rats through enhancing mucosal iron uptake independent of iron solubility in the digesta
- Supplemental Information for
- Stimulation of net muscle protein synthesis by whey protein ingestion before and after exercise
- When you eat matters: 60 years of Franz Halberg’s nutrition chronomics
- Biological rhythms: a neglected factor of variability in pharmacokinetic studies
- Effect of dietary vitamin D and calcium on the growth of androgen-insensitive human prostate tumor in a murine model
- Exploratory metabolomic analyses reveal compounds correlated with lutein concentration in frontal cortex, hippocampus, and occipital cortex of human infant …
- Multiple visceral resection for giant non-secretory adrenocortical carcinoma in an elderly patient: a case report
- Torpor and hypothermia: reversed hysteresis of metabolic rate and body temperature
- Evidence for presribing exercise as a therapy for treating patients with type 2 diabetes
- Botulinum toxin for salivary disorders in the treatment of head and neck cancer
- The bright-nights and dim-days of the urban photoperiod: implications for circadian rhythmicity, metabolism and obesity
- Dietary iron controls circadian hepatic glucose metabolism through heme synthesis
- Energy intake and exercise as determinants of brain health and vulnerability to injury and disease
- Rat models of caloric intake and activity: relationships to animal physiology and human health
- Correlation of HIWI and HILI expression with cancer stem cell markers in colorectal cancer
- Estrogen directly modulates circadian rhythms of PER2 expression in the uterus
- Caloric restriction leads to regional specialisation of adipocyte function in the rat
- Progression-free survival is accurately predicted in patients treated with chemotherapy for epithelial ovarian cancer by the histoculture drug response assay in a …
- Metabolic adaptations to training
- Repair-associated inflammation in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Diurnal variation in P-glycoprotein-mediated transport and cerebrospinal fluid turnover in the brain
- Circadian clocks as modulators of metabolic comorbidity in psychiatric disorders
- Circadian variations in exsorptive transport: in situ intestinal perfusion data and in vivo relevance
- Aminoglycoside nephrotoxicity: do TIME and frequency of administration matter?
- Enhanced metabolic efficiency contributes to weight regain after weight loss in obesity-prone rats
- Entrainment of peripheral clock genes by cortisol
- The effects of Ramadan fasting on endothelial function in patients with cardiovascular diseases
- Estrogen deficiency worsens steatohepatitis in mice fed high-fat and high-cholesterol diet
- Effects of fasting on temporal variations in nephrotoxicity of gentamicin in rats
- Predictive and prognostic value of the TauProtein in breast cancer
- Leptin-sensitive neurons in the arcuate nuclei contribute to endogenous feeding rhythms
- Food deprivation induces adipose plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1) expression without accumulation of plasma PAI-1 in genetically obese and diabetic db/db …
- Effects of food deprivation on hunger motivation in golden hamsters (Mesocricetus auratus).
- Increased uncoupling proteins and decreased efficiency in palmitate-perfused hyperthyroid rat heart
- β-hydroxybutyrate: much more than a metabolite
- AGO score as a predictor of surgical outcome at secondary cytoreduction in patients with ovarian cancer
- Macrophage migration inhibitory factor (MIF) knockout preserves cardiac homeostasis through alleviating Akt-mediated myocardial autophagy suppression in …
- Liver, but not muscle, has an entrainable metabolic memory
- Anabolic signaling and protein deposition are enhanced by intermittent compared with continuous feeding in skeletal muscle of neonates
- Need for measures of satellite cell activation along with muscle protein synthesis?
- The nuclear receptor Rev-erbα controls circadian thermogenic plasticity
- Loss of mitochondrial pyruvate carrier 2 in the liver leads to defects in gluconeogenesis and compensation via pyruvate-alanine cycling
- Expression and localization of e-cadherin in epithelial ovarian cancer
- Circadian variation in hepatic toxicity of the immunosuppressive agent “Mycophenolate Mofetil” in rats
- Impact of short‐term, repeated water fasting on the weight of mice
- Detection of fish-food pellets in highly-cluttered underwater images with variable illumination
- Fractal dynamics of human gait: stability of long-range correlations in stride interval fluctuations
- Potential anticancer properties and mechanisms of action of curcumin
- Intestinal dysbacteriosis contributes to decreased intestinal mucosal barrier function and increased bacterial translocation
- Physiologic and health consequences of circadian disruption (in animal models)
- Density-Dependent Spacing Behaviour and Activity Budget in Pregnant, Domestic Goats (Capra hircus)
- Physiological modulation of circulating FGF21: relevance of free fatty acids and insulin
- Effect of adaptation to meal-feeding on insulin, glucagon and the cyclic nucleotide-protein kinase system in rats
- Incidence of venous thromboembolism during chemotherapy for breast cancer: impact on cancer outcome
- Less activation of the left dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in response to a meal: a feature of obesity
- Circadian Clocks for all Meal TIME s: Central and Peripheral Correlates of Anticipation to Multiple Daily Meals in Rats
- Unequal division of food resources suggests feeding hierarchy of signal crayfish (Pacifastacus leniusculus) juveniles
- Regulation of metabolism by long, non-coding RNAs
- Protein-rich diet attenuates cyclosporin A-induced renal tubular damage in rats
- Geometric morphometrics as a tool for improving the comparative study of behavioural postures
- Weight loss and wrestling training: effects on nutrition, growth, maturation, body composition, and strength
- Dual attenuation of proteasomal and autophagic BMAL1 degradation in Clock Δ19/+ mice contributes to improved glucose homeostasis
- Calorie restriction or exercise: effects on coronary heart disease risk factors. A randomized, controlled trial
- A high-fat, ketogenic diet induces a unique metabolic state in mice
- Single nucleotide polymorphisms of integrin alpha-2 and beta-3 genes are not associated with relapse-free and overall survival in colorectal cancer patients
- The Pittsburgh Fatigability scale for older adults: development and validation
- The role of the neural sympathetic and parasympathetic systems in diurnal and sleep state-related cardiovascular rhythms in the late-gestation ovine fetus
- National Medical Spending Attributable To Overweight And Obesity: How Much, And Who’s Paying? Further evidence that overweight and obesity are contributing to …
- Relevance of circadian rhythm in cancer
- Approaches for quantifying energy intake and% calorie restriction during calorie restriction interventions in humans: the multicenter CALERIE study
- Chronopharmacokinetic study of gentamicin in dogs
- E6/E7 mRNA expression of high-risk HPV types in 849 Greek women
- High basal fractional cholesterol synthesis is associated with nonresponse of plasma LDL cholesterol to plant sterol therapy
- Combination chemotherapy with itraconazole for treating metastatic pancreatic cancer in the second-line or additional setting
- Serotonin and feedback effects of behavioral activity on circadian rhythms in mice
- Cardiac atrophy in women following bed rest
- Histone-modifier gene expression profiles are associated with pathological and clinical outcomes in human breast cancer
- African American women exhibit similar adherence to intervention but lose less weight due to lower energy requirements
- The circadian clock in the regulation of renal rhythms
- Sleep loss: a novel risk factor for insulin resistance and Type 2 diabetes
- Post-chemotherapeutic CEA and CA19-9 are prognostic factors in patients with colorectal liver metastases treated with hepatic resection after oxaliplatin-based …
- Effect of increased radiotoxicity on survival of patients with non-small cell lung cancer treated with curatively intended radiotherapy
- Conversion from calcineurin inhibitors to sirolimus reduces vascularization and thickness of post-transplant cutaneous squamous cell carcinomas
- Effect of high-fat diet during gestation, lactation, or postweaning on physiological and behavioral indexes in borderline hypertensive rats
- Regulation of the hypothalamo-pituitaryadrenal axis, chronic stress, and energy: the role of brain networks
- Examination of cognitive function during six months of calorie restriction: results of a randomized controlled trial
- Resistance to abiraterone in castration-resistant prostate cancer: a review of the literature
- Regulation of glycogen synthesis from glucose and gluconeogenic precursors by insulin in periportal and perivenous rat hepatocytes
- Effect of high-fat diet prior to pregnancy on hepatic gene expression and histology in mouse offspring
- Significant association of Interleukin-10 genotypes and oral cancer susceptibility in Taiwan
- Wide-field pulsed reduced dose rate radiotherapy (PRDR) for recurrent ependymoma in pediatric and young adult patients
- Postoperative functional evaluation of gastric tube after laparoscopic proximal gastrectomy for gastric cancer
- Mitochondrial hormesis and diabetic complications
- Energy-Metabolism Oscillation in the Living Organisms with Circadian Rhythms
- Chromatin landscape and circadian dynamics: Spatial and temporal organization of clock transcription
- The Role of Hypothalamic Inflammation in Dim Light at Night and High Fat Diet Induced Metabolic Disturbance
- Lipids around the clock: focus on circadian rhythms and lipid metabolism
- Sleep-wake regulation is altered in leptin-resistant (db/db) genetically obese and diabetic mice
- Appetite and feed intake
- Long-term effects of caloric restriction or exercise on DNA and RNA oxidation levels in white blood cells and urine in humans
- Aging enhances pressure-induced arterial superoxide formation
- Extrathyroidal thyroid hormone synthesis?
- Differential effects of omega-3 fatty acid docosahexaenoic acid and palmitate on the circadian transcriptional profile of clock genes in immortalized hypothalamic …
- Tumor budding, EMT and cancer stem cells in T1-2/N0 oral squamous cell carcinomas
- Negative impact of surgical site infection on long-term outcomes after hepatic resection for colorectal liver metastases
- Ketone bodies as signaling metabolites
- Comparisons of late vaginal mucosal reactions between interstitial and conventional intracavitary brachytherapy in patients with gynecological cancer: Speculation on …
- Serum leptin is not correlated with body fat in severe food restriction
- The circadian clock: a framework linking metabolism, epigenetics and neuronal function
- Induction treatment for diffuse intrinsic pontine glioma, experience of MD Anderson Cancer Center
- Circadian deficits and therapies in mouse models of Huntington’s disease
- Identification of the circadian transcriptome in adult mouse skeletal muscle
- Dietary sodium restriction reverses vascular endothelial dysfunction in middle-aged/older adults with moderately elevated systolic blood pressure
- Liraglutide activates AMPK signaling and partially restores normal circadian rhythm and insulin secretion in pancreatic islets in diabetic mice
- Over-expression of monoacylglycerol lipase (MGL) in small intestine alters endocannabinoid levels and whole body energy balance, resulting in obesity
- Metabolism and Circadian Rhythms-Implications for Body Weight
- PPARα via HNF4α regulates the expression of genes encoding hepatic amino acid catabolizing enzymes to maintain metabolic homeostasis
- Characterization and cDNA cloning of a hemoprotein in the salivary glands of the blood-sucking insect, Rhodnius prolixus
- Brain circadian oscillators and redox regulation in mammals
- Circadian rhythms in liver physiology and liver diseases
- Chronic mild stress alters circadian expressions of
- A method of achieving physiological plasma levels of melatonin in the chicken by oral administration
- Influence of clofarabine on transcriptional activity of PTEN, APC, RARB2, ZAP70 genes in K562 cells
- Huachansu, containing cardiac glycosides, enhances radiosensitivity of human lung cancer cells
- Mouse resistin modulates adipogenesis and glucose uptake in 3T3-L1 preadipocytes through the ROR1 receptor
- Circadian-clock system in mouse liver affected by insulin resistance
- 13 Physical Conditions
- Effects of fee ding methods, season and production level on lactation performance and fee ding behaviour of dairy cows
- Dietary restriction and the pursuit of effective mimetics
- Combination efficacy of Astragalus membranaceus and Curcuma wenyujin at different stages of tumor progression in an imageable orthotopic nude mouse model of …
- Mutation analysis of IgVH genes in splenic marginal zone lymphomas: correlation with clinical characteristics and outcome
- Splanchnic bed metabolism of glucose in preterm neonates
- Daily regulation of hormone profiles
- Hyperfractionated radiotherapy with concurrent docetaxel for advanced head and neck cancer: a phase II study
- Increased basal level of Akt-dependent insulin signaling may be responsible for the development of insulin resistance
- Hepatocyte senescence in vivo following preconditioning for liver repopulation
- Synergistic cytotoxic activity of treosulfan and gemcitabine in pancreatic cancer cell lines
- Circadian regulation of mTOR signaling via BMAL1 dependent mechanism
- Therapeutic ketosis with ketone ester delays central nervous system oxygen toxicity seizures in rats
- Daily rhythm and heat shock protein expression in obese ob/ob mice
- Pediatric patients with refractory central nervous system tumors: experiences of a clinical trial combining bevacizumab and temsirolimus
- Gastrointestinal stromal tumor with chondroid differentiation
- Light-limited access to fructose alters metabolic function and adipose tissue catecholaminergic activity in mice
- The molecular clock as a metabolic rheostat
- Uterobrush method in the detection of endometrial pathology
- Characterization of Circadian Rhythms in the Mouse Intestine
- Hepatotoxicity and the Circadian Clock: A TIME ly matter
- Acute administration of leptin produces anxiolytic-like effects: a comparison with fluoxetine
- Liver but not adipose tissue is responsive to the pattern of enteral feeding
- Impaired oxidative metabolism and inflammation are associated with insulin resistance in ERα-deficient mice
- Multicolor analysis of cell surface marker of human leukemia cell lines using flow cytometry
- GRP78 up-regulation leads to hypersensitization to cisplatin in A549 lung cancer cells
- Dietary composition alters gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats
- Palmitate inhibits SIRT1-dependent BMAL1/CLOCK interaction and disrupts circadian gene oscillations in hepatocytes
- Effect of social rank on pig performance and feeding behavior with conventional and electronic feed intake recording equipment
- The molecular circadian clock and alcohol-induced liver injury
- Invited review: Animal-based indicators for on-farm welfare assessment for dairy goats
- Expression of E-cadherin, β-catenin and APC protein in canine colorectal tumours
- Cancer/testis antigen PASD1 silences the circadian clock
- Leptin: at the crossroads of energy balance and systemic inflammation
- Postoperative concurrent daily low-dose cisplatin-based chemoradiation improves the prognosis of patients with pathologic T2b or N1 cervical cancer
- Interactions between metabolism and circadian clocks: reciprocal disturbances
- Effect of weight loss on VLDL-triglyceride and apoB-100 kinetics in women with abdominal obesity
- Diurnal variation in probability of death following self-poisoning in Sri Lanka—evidence for chronotoxicity in humans
- Timing of amino acid-carbohydrate ingestion alters anabolic response of muscle to resistance exercise
- Innate Immune Regulation of Metabolic Physiology & Inflammatory Rhythm
- Identification of polymorphisms associated with hypertriglyceridemia and prolonged survival induced by bexarotene in treating non-small cell lung cancer
- A prospective study of sedentary behavior and changes in the BMI distribution
- Regulation of the Circadian Clock and Appetite by O-GIcNAc Transferase
- Effects of prolonged fasting and sustained lipolysis on insulin secretion and insulin sensitivity in normal subjects
- Effect of dietary protein level on gentamicin-induced nephrotoxicity in rats and on the circadian rhythms of food ingestion
- Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 directly induces human vascular smooth muscle proliferation
- Correlation of metallothionein expression with clinical progression of cancer in the oral cavity
- The feeding entrainable system of the herbivorous rabbit, oryctolagus cuniculus
- In vitro chemoresponse in metachronous pairs of ovarian cancers
- Invited review: aging and human temperature regulation
- Imaging and antitumoral effect of a cyclo-oxygenase 2-specific replicative adenovirus for small metastatic gastric cancer lesions
- Ingestion of a tea rich in catechins leads to a reduction in body fat and malondialdehyde-modified LDL in men
- Influence of feeding and social behaviors and the use of sodium bicarbonate on ruminal pH of beef cattle fed high concentrate diets
- Tryptase-positive and CD117 positive mast cells correlate with survival in patients with liver metastasis
- HER2/neu gene determination in women screened for breast carcinoma: how screening programs reduce the skyrocketing cost of targeted therapy
- Facilitated physiological adaptation to prolonged circadian disruption through dietary supplementation with essence of chicken
- Targeted expression of HGF/SF in mouse mammary epithelium leads to metastatic adenosquamous carcinomas through the activation of multiple signal …
- Daily and seasonal encoding of rhythm in brown adipose tissue activity
- Protein supplementation increases postexercise plasma myostatin concentration after 8 weeks of resistance training in young physically active subjects
- Quantifying stochastic noise in cultured circadian reporter cells
- The mouse liver displays daily rhythms in the metabolism of phospholipids and in the activity of lipid synthesizing enzymes
- Effect of a low-fat versus a low-gycemic-load diet on inflammatory biomarker and adipokine concentrations
- The Level of Circulating Octanoate Does Not Predict Ghrelin O-Acyl Transferase (GOAT)-Mediated Acylation of Ghrelin During Fasting
- Effects of aging, immobilization and high fat diet on alternative splicing of fast Troponin T in rat gastrocnemius muscle
- A novel tool to assess systolic asynchrony and identify responders of cardiac resynchronization therapy by tissue synchronization imaging
- A Prader–Willi locus lncRNA cloud modulates diurnal genes and energy expenditure
- Plasticity of circadian clocks and consequences for metabolism
- Effect of dietary crude protein level on the reproductive performance and growth of New Zealand White rabbits
- Physical activity protects the human brain against metabolic stress induced by a postprandial and chronic inflammation
- The role of mammalian circadian proteins in normal physiology and genotoxic stress responses
- The social and feeding behaviour of growing pigs in deep-litter, group housing systems
- Induction of caspase-dependent apoptosis by apigenin by inhibiting STAT3 signaling in HER2-overexpressing MDA-MB-453 breast cancer cells
- Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity
- Dawn-and dusk-phased circadian transcription rhythms coordinate anabolic and catabolic functions in Neurospora
- The clinical significance of activated p-AKT expression in peripheral T-cell lymphoma
- Long-term impact of maternal substance use during pregnancy and extrauterine environmental adversity: stress hormone levels of preadolescent children
- Cardiovascular regulation during long-duration spaceflights to the International Space Station
- Exercise elicits phase shifts and acute alterations of melatonin that vary with circadian phase
- A test of TIME -place learning in fish living in a public aquarium
- Plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 has a circadian rhythm in blind individuals
- Roberto Vettor, Roberto Fabris, and Marco Rossato
- The evolution of an inflammatory response
- Lysosomes mediate benefits of intermittent fasting in cardiometabolic disease: the janitor is the undercover boss
- A new method for detection and quantification of heartbeat parameters in Drosophila, zebrafish, and embryonic mouse hearts
- Retinoid acid-related orphan receptor γ, RORγ, participates in diurnal transcriptional regulation of lipid metabolic genes
- Nutrigenomics of body weight regulation: a rationale for careful dissection of individual contributors
- Psychological stress and cardiovascular disease
- Variants in glucose-and circadian rhythm–related genes affect the response of energy expenditure to weight-loss diets: the POUNDS LOST Trial
- Pattern of failure following chemoradiation for locally advanced non-small cell lung cancer: potential role for stereotactic body radiotherapy
- Interplay between cellular redox oscillations and circadian clocks
- Ceramide synthase 6 knockdown suppresses apoptosis after photodynamic therapy in human head and neck squamous carcinoma cells
- The circadian clock and glucocorticoids–interactions across many TIME scales
- Carbon-ion radiotherapy for prostate cancer: analysis of morbidities and change in health-related quality of life
- New treatment paradigm for patients with anaplastic oligodendroglial tumors
- Multiple roles of the ERCC1-XPF endonuclease in DNA repair and resistance to anticancer drugs
- Combined colonic cancer treatment with vitamin D analogs and irinotecan or oxaliplatin
- Mechanistic links between gut microbial community dynamics, microbial functions and metabolic health
- Fish-oil supplementation enhances the effects of strength training in elderly women
- Zeranol enhances the proliferation of pre-adipocytes in beef heifers
- Adaptive reciprocity of lipid and glucose metabolism in human short-term starvation
- Adaptation to experimental jet-lag in R6/2 mice despite circadian dysrhythmia
- Adenoviral therapy is more effective in gemcitabine-resistant pancreatic cancer than in gemcitabine-sensitive cells
- Randomized controlled trial of the effect of daily supplementation with zinc or multiple micronutrients on the morbidity, growth, and micronutrient status of young …
- The Lou/C rat: a model of spontaneous food restriction associated with improved insulin sensitivity and decreased lipid storage in adipose tissue
- Catabolic and Compensatory Metabolic Events in Mice during Conditions of Cachexia and Food Restriction
- Added value of physical performance measures in predicting adverse health‐related events: results from the Health, Aging and Body Composition Study
- Nut consumption on all-cause, cardiovascular, and cancer mortality risk: a systematic review and meta-analysis of epidemiologic studies
- Association of slow acetylation profile of NAT2 with breast and gastric cancer risk in Brazil
- Tumor immune systems in esophageal cancer with special reference to heat-shock protein 70 and humoral immunity
- Regulation of Energy Intake
- /docs/longevity/Directory Listing
- Folate and vitamin B-12 status in relation to anemia, macrocytosis, and cognitive impairment in older Americans in the age of folic acid fortification
- Relationship between metabolic reprogramming and mitochondrial activity in cancer cells. Understanding the anticancer effect of metformin and its clinical …
- Annual Medical Spending Attributable To Obesity: Payer-And Service-Specific Estimates: Amid calls for health reform, real cost savings are more likely to be achieved …
- Tumor-specific localization of self-assembled nanoparticle PET/MR modalities
- Aminoglycosides: Nephrotoxicity
- trainee Professional Development Day
- Coupling circadian rhythms of metabolism and chromatin remodelling
- Meal Timing & Its Effects on the Pathogenesis of Metabolic Syndrome
- Increased mitochondrial H2O2 production promotes endothelial NF-κB activation in aged rat arteries
- The presence of P-glycoprotein in L1210 cells directly induces down-regulation of cell surface saccharide targets of concanavalin A
- Expression of cytokeratin 20 indicates invasive histological phenotype in poorly differentiated colorectal adenocarcinoma
- Amplitude metrics for cellular circadian bioluminescence reporters
- Too Fat Part Two!…
- The Cardiovascular Clock
- Disruption of Circadian Rhythms Adversely Impacts Gastrointestinal and Reproductive Physiology and Promotes Pathological Transformation
- Hindlimb unloading rodent model: technical aspects
- Antiproliferative effect of a novel nitro-oxy derivative of celecoxib in human colon cancer cells: role of COX-2 and nitric oxide
- Brighten Up Syllabus
- The changes they are a-TIME d: metabolism, endogenous clocks, and the timing of puberty
- The Y of hYperactivitY in Anorexia Nervosa: Role of neuropeptide Y in hyperactivity associated with Anorexia Nervosa
- Changing the metabolism of dogs (Canis familiaris) and cats (Felis catus) at rest and during exercise by manipulation of dietary macronutrients: a thesis presented in …
- Fiber intake and glycemic control in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review with meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Arctic char, Salvelinus alpinus
- The dorsomedial hypothalamus: a new player in thermoregulation
- Hierarchy of individual calibration levels for heart rate and accelerometry to measure physical activity
- Expression of the inclusion body myopathy 3 mutation in Drosophila depresses myosin function and stability and recapitulates muscle inclusions and weakness
- Role of intestinal circadian clock in epithelial transport, proliferation, and tumourigenesis
- Regulation of metabolism and inflammation in liver and skeletal muscle
- The effects of dietary iron on hepatic glucose metabolism and circadian rhythm
- Aging and the mammalian regulatory triumvirate
- Cellular and Molecular Mechanisms of Adipogenesis in Obesity
- Prevalence and correlates of simultaneous heroin and methamphetamine injection in two parallel cohorts of PWID in San Diego, CA, and Tijuana, BC, Mexico
- New developments in the treatment of metastatic melanoma: immune checkpoint inhibitors and targeted therapies
- The Role of the Clock-NAD+ Feedback Loop in Metabolic Pathophysiology
- Interconnections of Reactive Oxygen Species Homeostasis and Circadian Rhythm in Neurospora crassa
- Transcriptional regulation of N-acetylglutamate synthase and its clinical relevance
- Everyone’s been through the dreaded sleepiness that comes after a huge meal at lunch. Here’s how to avoid that and stay alert.
- DRP1 inhibition rescues retinal ganglion cells and their axons by preserving mitochondrial integrity in a mouse model of glaucoma
- CREBH, a novel liver clock keeper for energy metabolism
- Inhibitory effect of somatostatin peptide analogues on DNA polymerase activity and human cancer cell proliferation
- Bortezomib therapeutic effect is associated with expression and mutation of FGFR3 in human lymphoma cells
- Rab5 activity regulates GLUT4 sorting into insulin-responsive and non-insulin-responsive endosomal compartments: a potential mechanism for development of insulin …
- The biological clock and its resetting by light
- Click to follow this blog.
- Mitochondrial fatty acid oxidation in obesity
- Plasma membrane redox system in the control of stress-induced apoptosis
- Iron and colorectal cancer: evidence from in vitro and animal studies
- A neurotoxic lesion of serotonergic neurones using 5, 7-dihydroxytryptamine does not disrupt latent inhibition in paradigms sensitive to low doses of amphetamine
- Disruption of circadian rhythm impairs pancreatic islet function and increases susceptibility to beta-cell failure, while pathological complications of Type 2 Diabetes …
- Sleep and Circadian Rhythms in the ICU, An Issue of Critical Care Clinics
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) activity score and the histopathologic diagnosis in NAFLD: distinct clinicopathologic meanings
- clusterProfiler: an R package for comparing biological themes among gene clusters
- OneTIME party drug hailed as miracle for treating severe depression
- Impact of Rictor Deletion in Adipocytes and Brain on Gene Expression in Perivascular Adipose Tissue and Blood Pressure Regulation
- Algae or yeast supplementation for lactating dairy cows
- Prolonged daily light exposure increases body fat mass through attenuation of brown adipose tissue activity
- Overweight and obesity in Australia
- PI3K/PTEN signaling in liver diseases
- Circadian rhythms in Djungarian hamsters (Phodobus sungorus) with an attenuated ability to synchronize
- Effects of insulin gene dosage on murine obesity and lifespan
- In vivo studies on muscle protein turnover in ageing
- GCN5L1 Functions as a Mitochondrial Acetyltransferase that Regulates Mitophagy
- Chronobiology of Micturition
- SelecTed pOSTerS frOm 467-p ThrOugh 724-p
- Behavioral, Neurobiological, and Genetic Analysis of the Circadian Mutant Duper
- Pharmacology, metabolism and nutrition
- How Diet Influences Breast Cancer Risk: Analysis of Tissue Fat, Nutrients, and a Dietary Pattern among High-Risk Women
- Host and microbial factors influencing the gut microbial community structure
- Polymorphisms in The Human PERIOD Genes
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding for prevention and treatment of cardiometabolic disorders
- TIME –Restricted feeding in young men performing resistance training: A randomized controlled trial
- Fasting, circadian rhythms, and TIME –Restricted feeding in healthy lifespan
- Circadian rhythms, TIME –Restricted feeding , and healthy aging
- Effects of eight weeks of TIME –Restricted feeding (16/8) on basal metabolism, maximal strength, body composition, inflammation, and cardiovascular risk factors …
- TIME –Restricted feeding reduces adiposity in mice fed a high-fat diet
- TIME –Restricted feeding improves insulin resistance and hepatic steatosis in a mouse model of postmenopausal obesity
- TIME –Restricted feeding shifts the skin circadian clock and alters UVB-induced DNA damage
- TIME –Restricted feeding on weekdays restricts weight gain: A study using rat models of high-fat diet-induced obesity
- Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding and dawn-to-sunset fasting on circadian rhythm, obesity, metabolic syndrome, and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Relationship between FGF21 and UCP1 levels under TIME –Restricted feeding and high-fat diet
- Anticonvulsant effect of TIME –Restricted feeding in a pilocarpine-induced seizure model: metabolic and epigenetic implications
- Serotonin suppresses food anticipatory activity and synchronizes the food-entrainable oscillator during TIME –Restricted feeding
- Interactive effects of dorsomedial hypothalamic nucleus and TIME –Restricted feeding on fractal motor activity regulation
- TIME –Restricted eating in women-a pilot study
- Effect of 8‐Hour TIME Restricted feeding on Body Weight in Obese Subjects
- TIME Restricted feeding (TRF) enhances weight loss efficiency in dietary Restricted women with metabolic syndrome
- Restricting feeding to the active phase in middle-aged mice attenuates adverse metabolic effects of a high-fat diet
- Variation in Individual Responses to TIME –Restricted feeding and Resistance Training
- Metabolic Alteration Induced by TIME Restricted feeding at Different Points in the Circadian Cycle
- TIME –Restricted feeding Alters the Innate Immune Response to Bacterial Endotoxin
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding of a high‐fat diet reduces adiposity and inflammatory cytokine production in mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding Role in Attenuation of Obesity-Induced Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in a Drosophila Model
- TIME Restricted feeding of a High Fat Diet protects against Adiposity, but not Liver Steatosis or increased Systemic TNF‐α levels
- TIME –Restricted feeding Prevents Obesity, but not Atherosclerosis in Apoe-Deficient Mice Fed High Fat Diet
- … TIME on Markers of Muscle Metabolic Flexibility Following Acute Aerobic Exercise in Trained Mice Undergoing TIME Restricted feeding . Nutrients 2021, 13, x
- Altered central and peripheral circadian clocks affecting energy metabolism in congenitally blind mice show differential entrainment by TIME –Restricted feeding
- Comparison of TIME –Restricted and ad libitum self-feeding on the growth, feeding behavior and daily digestive enzyme profiles of Atlantic salmon
- Health benefits of islamic intermittent fasting
- Prepuberal light phase feeding induces neuroendocrine alterations in adult rats.
- Complex interaction between circadian rhythm and diet on bile acid homeostasis in male rats
- Effects of circadian-Restricted feeding and low energy intake, on risk of cardiovascular disease and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Impact of intermittent fasting on glucose homeostasis
- feeding immunity: The regulation of circadian immune responses by mealTIME s
- Calorie restriction regulates circadian clock gene expression through BMAL1 dependent and independent mechanisms
- Daily eating patterns and their impact on health and disease
- Complex interactions of circadian rhythms, eating behaviors, and the gastrointestinal microbiota and their potential impact on health
- Effects of intermittent fasting on glucose and lipid metabolism
- Circadian physiology of metabolism
- Dietary restriction with and without caloric restriction for healthy aging
- Metabolic effects of intermittent fasting
- TRiC/CCT chaperonins are essential for maintaining myofibril organization, cardiac physiological rhythm, and lifespan
- Effect of dietary fat and the circadian clock on the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF)
- Modeling convergence of circadian clocks and metabolism
- Differential entrainment susceptibility of central and peripheral circadian clocks affecting energy metabolism in Pitx3-deficient Aphakia mice
- Daily fasting blood glucose rhythm in male mice: a role of the circadian clock in the liver
- Whey protein-hydrolyzed peptides diminish hepatic lipid levels in rats consuming high-sucrose diets
- Disturbances of sleep and circadian rhythms: novel risk factors for obesity
- The acute effects of TIME -of-day-dependent high fat feeding on whole body metabolic flexibility in mice
- Bidirectional regulation of circadian disturbance and inflammation in inflammatory bowel disease
- Impact of intermittent fasting on health and disease processes
- Short-term feeding at the wrong TIME is sufficient to desynchronize peripheral clocks and induce obesity with hyperphagia, physical inactivity and metabolic disorders …
- Circadian clock, nutrient quality, and eating pattern tune diurnal rhythms in the mitochondrial proteome
- Nutrition and the circadian system
- The circadian clock, metabolism and obesity
- Fractal regulation in temporal activity fluctuations: a biomarker for circadian control and beyond
- Circadian rhythms and Metabolism
- Cardiac regulatory mechanisms: new concepts and challenges
- Human Gastrointestinal Microbes Vary Throughout the Day
- The potential of circadian realignment in rheumatoid arthritis
- Ketone bodies signal opportunistic food-seeking activity
- Global rise of potential health hazards caused by blue light-induced circadian disruption in modern aging societies
- Adiponectin mediates metabolic feedback to the mediobasal hypothalamic circadian clocks
- Prolonged nightly fasting and breast cancer prognosis
- Circadian clocks, diets and aging
- Long-term energy deficit in mice causes long-lasting hypothalamic alterations after recovery
- A camera-phone based study reveals erratic eating pattern and disrupted daily eating-fasting cycle among adults in India
- Activity-based anorexia reduces body weight without inducing a separate food intake microstructure or activity phenotype in female rats—mediation via an …
- iTRAQ-based proteomic analysis reveals alterations in the liver induced by Restricted meal frequency in a pig model
- Rev-erbα in the brain is essential for circadian food entrainment
- Determination of reference genes that are independent of feeding rhythms for circadian studies of mouse metabolic tissues
- aging [version 1; peer review: 3 approved]
- Circadian metabolism: from mechanisms to metabolomics and medicine
- Lipidomics analyses reveal temporal and spatial lipid organization and uncover daily oscillations in intracellular organelles
- Intermittent fasting reduces body fat but exacerbates hepatic insulin resistance in young rats regardless of high protein and fat diets
- Matching meals to body clocks—impact on weight and glucose metabolism
- Circadian rhythm and the gut microbiome
- Is intermittent fasting a scientifically-based dietary method?
- Influences of breakfast on clock gene expression and postprandial glycemia in healthy individuals and individuals with diabetes: a randomized clinical trial
- Metabolic Effects of Intermittent Fasting
- Endocrine regulation of circadian physiology.
- Effects of feeding TIME with betaine diet on growth performance, blood markers, and short chain fatty acids in meat ducks exposed to heat stress
- Adipose tissue CLK2 promotes energy expenditure during high-fat diet intermittent fasting
- Performance and eating behaviour of crossbred goats in Mediterranean climate of Turkey
- Silent Disease
- Mice under caloric restriction self-impose a temporal restriction of food intake as revealed by an automated feeder system
- The circadian NAD+ metabolism: impact on chromatin remodeling and aging
- Metabolic impacts of altering meal frequency and timing–does when we eat matter?
- Circadian rhythms, metabolism, and chrononutrition in rodents and humans
- A mathematical model of the liver circadian clock linking feeding and fasting cycles to clock function
- Response to:” If the Metabolic Winter Is Coming, When Will It Be Summer?”(Metab Syndr Relat Disord 2017; 15: 3).
- Hepatic gene therapy rescues high-fat diet responses in circadian Clock mutant mice
- Modulation of circadian clocks by nutrients and food factors
- Intestinal farnesoid X receptor and Takeda G protein couple receptor 5 signaling in metabolic regulation
- Circadian rhythms of liver physiology and disease: experimental and clinical evidence
- What’s next for chronobiology and drug discovery
- The changing microbial landscape of Western society: Diet, dwellings and discordance
- Circadian regulation of lipid metabolism
- Period-independent novel circadian oscillators revealed by TIME d exercise and palatable meals
- Fiber-enhanced, light foods for cats
- Effects of feeding TIME on daily rhythms of neuropeptide and clock gene expression in the rat hypothalamus
- When to eat? The influence of circadian rhythms on metabolic health: are animal studies providing the evidence?
- The effects of total mixed ration and separate feeding on lactational performance of dairy cows
- Regulation of mammalian physiology by interconnected circadian and feeding rhythms
- The Impact of the Circadian Clock and feeding TIME on Skin Function
- Daily rhythms of locomotor and demand-feeding activities in Schizothorax pelzami (Kessler, 1870)
- WITHDRAWN: The use of enteral access for continuous delivery of levodopa-carbidopa in patients with advanced Parkinson’s disease
- Meal frequency and timing are associated with changes in body mass index in Adventist Health Study 2
- The emerging role of epigenetics on dietary treatment for epilepsy
- Timing of meals: when is as critical as what and how much
- Chronic metformin treatment facilitates seizure termination
- The future of dementia risk reduction research: barriers and solutions
- PROSPERO International prospective register of systematic reviews
- Late feeding in the active period decreases slow-wave activity
- Circadian control of metabolism and pathological consequences of clock perturbations
- Age-related circadian disorganization caused by sympathetic dysfunction in peripheral clock regulation
- Capromorelin oral solution (ENTYCE®) increases food consumption and body weight when administered for 4 consecutive days to healthy adult beagle dogs …
- Clock gene dysregulation induced by chronic ER stress disrupts β-cell function
- Liver-derived ketone bodies are necessary for food anticipation
- Circadian clock control of liver metabolic functions
- The limits of exercise physiology: from performance to health
- The synergistic role of light-feeding phase relations on entraining robust circadian rhythms in the periphery
- Intermittent fasting effects on the central nervous system: how hunger modulates brain function
- Response to Wood re:“Oxidative Priority, Meal Frequency, and the Energy Economy of Food and Activity: Implications for Longevity, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic …
- Circadian regulation of metabolic homeostasis: causes and consequences
- The mammalian circadian clock and its entrainment by stress and exercise
- Persistent organic pollutants in adipose tissue should be considered in obesity research
- Circadian clocks and metabolism: implications for microbiome and aging
- Fasting and feeding signals control the oscillatory expression of Angptl8 to modulate lipid metabolism
- The Buzz on Intermittent Fasting
- Nutrition and fasting mimicking diets in the prevention and treatment of autoimmune diseases and immunosenescence
- Clock-enhancing small molecules and potential applications in chronic diseases and aging
- System-wide benefits of intermeal fasting by autophagy
- Clock regulation of metabolites reveals coupling between transcription and metabolism
- Dosing-TIME makes the poison: circadian regulation and pharmacotherapy
- Influencing factors of thermogenic adipose tissue activity
- Food deprivation, body weight loss and anxiety-related behavior in rats
- The effect of diurnal distribution of carbohydrates and fat on glycaemic control in humans: a randomized controlled trial
- Caloric restriction and exercise “mimetics”: Ready for prime TIME ?
- Loss of circadian rhythm of circulating insulin concentration induced by high-fat diet intake is associated with disrupted rhythmic expression of circadian clock genes in …
- Timing of food intake is associated with weight loss evolution in severe obese patients after bariatric surgery
- Circadian microRNAs in cardioprotection
- Comparative circadian metabolomics reveal differential effects of nutritional challenge in the serum and liver
- Growth performance, feed digestibility, body composition, and feeding behavior of high–and low–residual feed intake fat-tailed lambs under moderate feed restriction
- Circadian rhythms and clocks in adipose tissues: Current Insights
- Sirkadiyen Ritim, Sağlık ve Beslenme İlişkisi
- Circadian reprogramming in the liver identifies metabolic pathways of aging
- The Circadian System and Aging of Drosophila
- Practical alternatives to chronic caloric restriction for optimizing vascular function with ageing
- Metabolic disturbances: role of the circadian timing system and sleep
- Melanocortin-3 receptors expressed in Nkx2. 1 (+ ve) neurons are sufficient for controlling appetitive responses to hypocaloric conditioning
- Intermittent fasting promotes adipose thermogenesis and metabolic homeostasis via VEGF-mediated alternative activation of macrophage
- Mammalian circadian clocks and metabolism: navigating nutritional challenges in a rhythmic world
- Circadian influences on dopamine circuits of the brain: regulation of striatal rhythms of clock gene expression and implications for psychopathology and …
- Activity-based anorexia activates nesfatin-1 immunoreactive neurons in distinct brain nuclei of female rats
- Metabolic impact of light phase-Restricted fructose consumption is linked to changes in hypothalamic AMPK phosphorylation and melatonin production in rats
- Dietary fat and corticosterone levels are contributing factors to meal anticipation
- Diurnal oscillations in liver mass and cell size accompany ribosome assembly cycles
- Microbiome restoration diet improves digestion, cognition and physical and emotional wellbeing
- High-fat feeding does not disrupt daily rhythms in female mice because of protection by ovarian hormones
- Dream big and keep moving—the Liver, Microbiome and Academic Skills Workshop cosponsored by Hepatobiliary Surgery and Nutrition and AME Publishing …
- Is there an optimal diet for weight management and metabolic health?
- International society of sports nutrition position stand: diets and body composition
- Circadian control of oscillations in mitochondrial rate-limiting enzymes and nutrient utilization by PERIOD proteins
- Laura K. Barré, MD, RD
- Circadian regulation of metabolism in health and diseases
- Intermittent fasting promotes white adipose browning and decreases obesity by shaping the gut microbiota
- Desynchronization of circadian clocks in cancer: a metabolic and epigenetic connection
- DayTIME increase in caloric intake without change in total 24-h caloric intake can increase adiposity but not total bodyweight in rats with inverted feeding pattern
- Circadian rhythms in diet-induced obesity
- How we eat may be as important as what we eat: eating behaviour and heart rate variability
- Synchronization of the mammalian central and peripheral circadian clocks
- The small molecule nobiletin targets the molecular oscillator to enhance circadian rhythms and protect against metabolic syndrome
- Diurnal regulation of RNA polymerase III transcription is under the control of both the feeding –fasting response and the circadian clock
- Characterization of Circadian feeding Rhythms in Drosophila Using the Fly Liquid-Food Interaction Counter (FLIC) Assay.
- Circadian clock-gastrointestinal peptide interaction in peripheral tissues and the brain
- Molecular mechanisms of heart failure: insights from Drosophila
- Quantitative systems pharmacology: a framework for context
- EGCG ameliorates diet-induced metabolic syndrome associating with the circadian clock
- Re:“Oxidative Priority, Meal Frequency, and the Energy Economy of Food and Activity: Implications for Longevity, Obesity, and Cardiometabolic Disease” by …
- Inflammaging and ‘Garb-aging’
- Circadian metabolomics in TIME and space
- 8. H. Workshop: Ageing society: implications for the workforce–an international perspective on worker health
- Dementia. active. life–a health initiative for physical activity in people with dementiaEva Mir
- If the Metabolic Winter Is Coming, When Will It Be Summer?
- Social jet-lag potentiates obesity and metabolic syndrome when combined with cafeteria diet in rats
- Equity in dementia care focusing on immigrants in Sweden: a nationwide register-based studyEmma Lindgren
- The circadian coordination of cell biology
- Increased bone marrow adiposity in a context of energy deficit: the tip of the iceberg?
- Maternal circadian eating TIME and frequency are associated with blood glucose concentrations during pregnancy
- Circadian phenotyping of obese and diabetic db/db mice
- Consequences of circadian dysregulation on metabolism
- Hypercholesterolemia causes circadian dysfunction: A potential risk factor for cardiovascular disease
- The Effect of Intermittent Caloric Restriction on Weight Loss and Maintenance in Overweight College Students
- Gut microbiota directs PPAR γ‐driven reprogramming of the liver circadian clock by nutritional challenge
- A role for circadian clock in metabolic disease
- Later circadian timing of food intake is associated with increased body fat
- The circadian clock in the ventromedial hypothalamus controls cyclic energy expenditure
- Peer2Peer-A consultation program for psychosocial crises and health promotion for medical studentsMagdalena Czernin
- Capromorelin increases food consumption, body weight, growth hormone, and sustained insulin‐like growth factor 1 concentrations when administered to healthy …
- Neural clocks and Neuropeptide F/Y regulate circadian gene expression in a peripheral metabolic tissue
- Regulation of metabolic health and aging by nutrient-sensitive signaling pathways
- White adipose tissue and circadian rhythm dysfunctions in obesity: pathogenesis and available therapies
- Development of health-promoting and sustainable leadership: follow-up of an intervention studyAndrea Eriksson
- Regulation of the clock gene expression in human adipose tissue by weight loss
- Circadian TIME signatures of fitness and disease
- Modeling fatty liver disease in animals: Is there an optimal approach, and is the effort worthwhile?
- Neural and molecular mechanisms involved in controlling the quality of feeding behavior: diet selection and feeding patterns
- Alternative Treatment Modalities and Its Effect in Older Populations
- Dietary tea polyphenols ameliorate metabolic syndrome and memory impairment via circadian clock related mechanisms
- Circadian rhythm in mammals: TIME to eat & TIME to sleep
- The circadian clock regulates adipogenesis by a Per3 crosstalk pathway to Klf15
- The weight loss blogosphere: an online survey of weight loss bloggers
- Dopamine D 2 receptors and the circadian clock reciprocally mediate antipsychotic drug-induced metabolic disturbances
- Lung adenocarcinoma distally rewires hepatic circadian homeostasis
- Aging and Dieting: an overview of dietary interventions and their role in lifespan and health span
- Selected in-season nutritional strategies to enhance recovery for team sport athletes: a practical overview
- Measuring health promotion capacity building in schools–Finnish comprehensive schools as an exampleKirsi Wiss
- Keeping fat on TIME : circadian control of adipose tissue
- Increased energy intake following sleep restriction in men and women: A one‐size‐fits‐all conclusion?
- P1438 Implementation of a strict X-Ray reduction protocol leads to zero fluoroscopy in the majority of patients undergoing 3-D mapping guided catheter ablation for …
- Targeting of the circadian clock via CK1δ/ε to improve glucose homeostasis in obesity
- Calorie restriction in rodents: caveats to consider
- Circadian and metabolic effects of light: implications in weight homeostasis and health
- Circadian system and glucose metabolism: implications for physiology and disease
- Circadian clock and the onset of cardiovascular events
- Sleep duration and diabetes risk: population trends and potential mechanisms
- Segmental peri-coronary epicardial adipose tissue volume and coronary plaque characteristics
- Chronobiology of aging: a mini-review
- Relation between hypermetabolism, cachexia, and survival in cancer patients: a prospective study in 390 cancer patients before initiation of anticancer therapy
- Neural mechanisms of circadian regulation of natural and drug reward
- Unraveling the metabolic health benefits of fasting related to religious beliefs: A narrative review
- Timing of renal replacement therapy in AKI
- Nutrition and other lifestyle influences on arterial aging
- CLOCK and BMAL1 regulate muscle insulin sensitivity via SIRT1 in male mice
- Pulse width-dependent effects of intestinal electrical stimulation for obesity: role of gastrointestinal motility and hormones
- Assessing Basal and Acute Autophagic Responses in the Adult Drosophila Nervous System: The Impact of Gender, Genetics and Diet on Endogenous …
- Alternating diet as a preventive and therapeutic intervention for high fat diet-induced metabolic disorder
- Exercise and protein intake: a synergistic approach against sarcopenia
- TIME of day and eating behaviors are associated with the composition and function of the human gastrointestinal microbiota
- Mouse models of ageing and their relevance to disease
- Dancing to circadian rhythms: Microbes and metabolism
- The circadian clock and human health
- Impaired sleep, circadian rhythms and neurogenesis in diet-induced premature aging
- Implementation of sleep and circadian science: recommendations from the Sleep Research Society and National Institutes of Health workshop
- Differential impact of type-1 and type-2 diabetes on control of heart rate in mice
- Circadian disruption of ICU patients: a review of pathways, expression, and interventions
- Intermittent food restriction initiated late in life prolongs lifespan and retards the onset of age-related markers in the annual fish Nothobranchius guentheri
- Metabolic signals in sleep regulation: recent insights
- Green tea (‐)‐epigallocatechin‐3‐gallate counteracts dayTIME overeating induced by high‐fat diet in mice
- The ketone metabolite β-hydroxybutyrate attenuates oxidative stress in spinal cord injury by suppression of class I histone deacetylases
- Using a Functional Nutrition Approach
- Diet-microbiome interactions in health are controlled by intestinal nitrogen source constraints
- Current and future strategies for the nutritional management of cardiometabolic complications of androgen deprivation therapy for prostate cancer
- Branched-chain amino acid supplementation restores reduced insulinotropic activity of a low-protein diet through the vagus nerve in rats
- The microRNA machinery regulates fasting-induced changes in gene expression and longevity in Caenorhabditis elegans
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VI. Impact of short-term graded calorie restriction on transcriptomic responses of the hypothalamic hunger …
- Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine Recognizes the Importance of Circadian Rhythms–Remembering Franz Halberg and His Everlasting Legacy
- Skipping breakfast and risk of mortality from cancer, circulatory diseases and all causes: findings from the Japan Collaborative Cohort Study
- The association between meal timing and frequency with cardiometabolic profile in patients with bipolar disorder
- Nocturnal but not diurnal hypertension is associated to insulin resistance markers in subjects with normal or mildly elevated office blood pressure
- Short-term stress: effects on cortisol levels and carotenoid spots in Arctic char (Salvelinus alpinus)
- Microbiota-gut-brain axis: modulator of host metabolism and appetite
- Prolonged Overnight Fasting as a Novel Intervention Strategy for Reducing Breast Cancer Risk
- Monocyte chemotactic protein-1 deficiency reduces spontaneous metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice fed a high-fat diet
- Effects of meal timing on changes in circulating epinephrine, norepinephrine, and acylated ghrelin concentrations: a pilot study
- Ketogenic diet induces expression of the muscle circadian gene Slc25a25 via neural pathway that might be involved in muscle thermogenesis
- Insulin restores an altered corneal epithelium circadian rhythm in mice with streptozotocin-induced type 1 diabetes
- High-fat diet and palmitate alter the rhythmic secretion of glucagon-like peptide-1 by the rodent L-cell
- TFEB regulates PER3 expression via glucose-dependent effects on CLOCK/BMAL1
- Age-Dependent Neuroendocrine Signaling from Sensory Neurons Modulates the Effect of Dietary Restriction on Longevity of Caenorhabditis elegans
- Food during the night is a factor leading to obesity
- Warming the mouse to model human diseases
- Does Ramadan Fasting Increase Duodenal Ulcer Perforation?
- Effect of peripheral circadian dysfunction on metabolic disease in response to a diabetogenic diet
- Central and peripheral circadian clocks and their role in Alzheimer’s disease
- Opposite regulation of insulin sensitivity by dietary lipid versus carbohydrate excess
- Molecular targets for small-molecule modulators of circadian clocks
- The significance of circadian rhythms and dysrhythmias in critical illness
- On the analysis of complex biological supply chains: From process systems engineering to quantitative systems pharmacology
- RAI1 overexpression promotes altered circadian gene expression and dyssomnia in Potocki–Lupski syndrome
- PPARα downregulates hepatic glutaminase expression in mice fed diets with different protein: carbohydrate ratios
- Demonstration of a day-night rhythm in human skeletal muscle oxidative capacity
- Clinical features and treatment outcomes in patients with extragonadal germ cell tumors: a single-center experience
- Metabolic effect of fluvoxamine in mouse peripheral tissues
- Effects of dim light at night on food intake and body mass in developing mice
- Short term stress: effects on cortisol and carotenoid spots in Arctic charr (Salvelinus alpinus L., 1758)
- Higher neonatal growth rate and body condition score at 7 months are predictive factors of obesity in adult female Beagle dogs
- NightTIME eating and breast cancer among Chinese women in Hong Kong
- Associations among metabolism, circadian rhythm and age-associated diseases
- Diet-induced obesity and weight loss alter bile acid concentrations and bile acid–sensitive gene expression in insulin target tissues of C57BL/6J mice
- Molecular aspects of circadian pharmacology and relevance for cancer chronotherapy
- Within-day protein distribution does not influence body composition responses during weight loss in resistance-training adults who are overweight
- Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Weight Loss and Risk Factors for Cardiovascular Disease and Diabetes: A Systematic Review
- The epigenetic and metabolic language of the circadian clock
- Voluntary running of defined distances reduces body adiposity and its associated inflammation in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet
- Characterization of the novel protein KIAA0564 (Von Willebrand Domain-containing Protein 8)
- Different age-dependent performance in Drosophila wild-type Canton-S and the white mutant w1118 flies
- Developing Circadian Therapeutics Against Age-Related Metabolic Decline
- The Rationale for a Role for Diet and Nutrition in the Prevention and Treatment of Cancer (Full Text)
- Calorie restriction effects on circadian rhythms in gene expression are sex dependent
- Molecular mechanisms of circadian clock entrainment by daily regime in food intake
- Swine models, genomic tools and services to enhance our understanding of human health and diseases
- Drosophila in the heart of understanding cardiac diseases: modeling channelopathies and cardiomyopathies in the fruitfly
- Daily NO rhythms in peripheral clocks in aging male Wistar rats: protective effects of exogenous melatonin
- Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables
- TIME d food availability affects circadian behavior but not the neuropeptide Y expression in Indian weaverbirds exposed to atypical light environment
- Note: Page numbers followed by f and t indicate figures and tables respectivelyA
- Widespread dysregulation of the circadian clock in human cancer
- Intermittent fasting preserves beta-cell mass in obesity-induced diabetes via the autophagy-lysosome pathway
- Exploring the impact of food on the gut ecosystem based on the combination of machine learning and network visualization
- Fibroblast growth factor 21, assisted by elevated glucose, activates paraventricular nucleus NUCB2/Nesfatin-1 neurons to produce satiety under fed states
- Altered circadian feeding behavior and improvement of metabolic syndrome in obese Tac1-deficient mice
- Global microRNA expression profiling identifies unique microRNA pattern of radioresistant glioblastoma cells
- When less may be more: calorie restriction and response to cancer therapy
- Host–microbiota mutualism in metabolic diseases
- Diet-induced phenotypic plasticity during aging
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VII. Topological rearrangement of hypothalamic aging networks
- Exploring symmetric and asymmetric bimanual eating detection with inertial sensors on the wrist
- Circadian transcription from beta cell function to diabetes pathophysiology
- Quantitative proteomics of rat livers shows that unRestricted feeding is stressful for proteostasis with implications on life span
- Administration of melatonin and metformin prevents deleterious effects of circadian disruption and obesity in male rats
- Free-choice high-fat diet alters circadian oscillation of energy intake in adolescent mice: role of prefrontal cortex
- Intestinal SGLT1 in metabolic health and disease
- The human microbiome and obesity: moving beyond associations
- Metabolic control of longevity
- Timing of food intake: Sounding the alarm about metabolic impairments? A systematic review
- Energy restriction combined with dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor exerts neuroprotection in obese male rats
- Distinct circadian signatures in liver and gut clocks revealed by ketogenic diet
- Ketogenic diet reduces midlife mortality and improves memory in aging mice
- Timing the day: what makes bacterial clocks tick?
- Glucose modulates Drosophila longevity and immunity independent of the microbiota
- Loss of endothelin B receptor function impairs sodium excretion in a TIME -and sex-dependent manner
- Ghrelin: A link between energy homeostasis and the immune system
- Best (but oft-forgotten) practices: intention-to-treat, treatment adherence, and missing participant outcome data in the nutrition literature
- Dietary and nutritional regulation
- Glucose metabolism during rotational shift-work in healthcare workers
- Effects of Diet Restriction on Diurnal Variation in Indices of Glucose and Lipid Metabolism in Rats
- Comparison of re-irradiation outcomes for charged particle radiotherapy and robotic stereotactic radiotherapy using cyberknife for recurrent head and neck cancers: a …
- Antioxidant and antiproliferative properties of the essential oils of Satureja thymbra and Satureja parnassica and their major constituents
- Frequency of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in the peripheral blood reflects the status of tumor recurrence
- Are the gut bacteria telling us to eat or not to eat? Reviewing the role of gut microbiota in the etiology, disease progression and treatment of eating disorders
- The SCN clock governs circadian transcription rhythms in murine epididymal white adipose tissue
- CREBH couples circadian clock with hepatic lipid metabolism
- Altered glucose and lipid homeostasis in liver and adipose tissue pre-dispose inducible NOS knockout mice to insulin resistance
- Exercise Metabolism
- Commentaries on Viewpoint: A TIME for exercise: the exercise window
- Pu-erh tea extract ameliorates high-fat diet-induced nonalcoholic steatohepatitis and insulin resistance by modulating hepatic IL-6/STAT3 signaling in mice
- The role of mitochondria in diabetic kidney disease
- Progression of dementia assessed by temporal correlations of physical activity: results from a 3.5-year, longitudinal randomized controlled trial
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: VIII. Impact of short term calorie and protein restriction on basal metabolic rate in the C57BL/6 mouse
- Potential benefits and harms of intermittent energy restriction and intermittent fasting amongst obese, overweight and normal weight subjects—a narrative review of …
- Visceral adiposity and expression of clock genes in peripheral blood mononuclear cells: A pilot study
- Bone mineral density after weight gain in 160 patients with anorexia nervosa
- Effect of two‐year caloric restriction on bone metabolism and bone mineral density in non‐obese younger adults: a randomized clinical trial
- Can a diet that mimics fasting turn back the clock?
- New insights in anorexia nervosa
- A systems theoretic approach to analysis and control of mammalian circadian dynamics
- A pilot characterization of the human chronobiome
- The impact of nutrients on clock genes and metabolism: their role for the prevention and treatment of metabolic diseases
- TIME d Inhibition of Orexin System by Suvorexant Improved Sleep and Glucose Metabolism in Type 2 Diabetic db/db Mice
- The sedentary (r) evolution: Have we lost our metabolic flexibility?
- The clock is ticking. Ageing of the circadian system: from physiology to cell cycle
- A randomized pilot study comparing zero‐calorie alternate‐day fasting to daily caloric restriction in adults with obesity
- Role of PTEN in oxidative stress and DNA damage in the liver of whole-body Pten haplodeficient mice
- Neurobiology of sleep and microbiomics in aging
- Dietary Intake of AGEs and ALEs and Inflammation: Nutritional Aspects
- Calorie Restriction Effect on Circadian Clock Gene Expression
- Amelioration of metabolic syndrome-associated cognitive impairments in mice via a reduction in dietary fat content or infusion of non-diabetic plasma
- Cytogenetic biomonitoring in buccal mucosa cells from women submitted to chemotherapy after mastectomy for breast cancer
- Oxidative priority, meal frequency, and the energy economy of food and activity: implications for longevity, obesity, and cardiometabolic disease
- Gut microbiota: the brain peacekeeper
- Circadian feeding patterns of 12-month-old infants
- Dissociation of muscle insulin sensitivity from exercise endurance in mice by HDAC3 depletion
- Plant-based nutrition for healthcare professionals: implementing diet as a primary modality in the prevention and treatment of chronic disease
- Aging and the biological clock
- Attenuating the biologic drive for weight regain following weight loss: must what goes down always go back up?
- The genetics of circadian rhythms, sleep and health
- Unravelling multiple clock mechanisms in vertebrates
- Circadian clock is involved in regulation of hepatobiliary transport mediated by multidrug resistance-associated protein 2
- Intermittent calorie restriction largely counteracts the adverse health effects of a medium-fat diet in aging C57BL/6J mice
- High fat diet-induced changes of mouse hepatic transcription and enhancer activity can be reversed by subsequent weight loss
- Estimation methods for human circadian phase by use of peripheral tissues
- Glycyrrhizin ameliorates oxidative stress and inflammation in hippocampus and olfactory bulb in lithium/pilocarpine-induced status epilepticus in rats
- Regulation of ketone body metabolism and the role of PPARα
- Nutritional and Environmental Influences on Cardiac Metabolism and Performance
- Distinct but complementary contributions of PPAR isotypes to energy homeostasis
- Poster Abstracts, Neuroscience Across Scales 2017 National Centre for Biological Sciences Bangalore 560065, India
- Defining new colorectal cancer syndromes in a population-based cohort of the disease
- Three-dimensional visualization of intrauterine conceptus through the uterine wall by tissue clearing method
- Protective effects of short-term dietary restriction in surgical stress and chemotherapy
- Glucocorticoid receptors in lung cancer: new perspectives
- Maternal night-fasting interval during pregnancy is directly associated with neonatal head circumference and adiposity in girls but not boys
- A simple dietary questionnaire correlates with formal dietitian evaluation and frequently identifies specific clinical interventions in an outpatient gastroenterology clinic
- Circadian rhythm disruption in the critically ill: an opportunity for improving outcomes
- Daily rhythms in mosquitoes and their consequences for malaria transmission
- Increased circulating adiponectin in response to thiazolidinediones: investigating the role of bone marrow adipose tissue
- Reversal of obesity: The quest for the optimum dietary regimen
- The flexible clock: predictive and reactive homeostasis, energy balance and the circadian regulation of sleep–wake timing
- Nutrigenetics and nutrimiromics of the circadian system: The TIME for human health
- Carbohydrate-restriction with High-intensity interval training: an optimal Combination for treating Metabolic diseases?
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XI. Evaluation of the main hypotheses underpinning the life extension effects of CR using the hepatic …
- Transient inactivation of the nucleus accumbens (NAc) shell prominently ameliorates responses to acute stress in female rats
- Membrane currents, gene expression, and circadian clocks
- The ketogenic bible: The authoritative guide to ketosis
- Drosophila tools and assays for the study of human diseases
- Reduced intestinal lipid absorption and body weight-independent improvements in insulin sensitivity in high-fat diet-fed Park2 knockout mice
- Metabolic therapy and pain
- Lower core body temperature and greater body fat are components of a human thrifty phenotype
- Regulation of adipose differentiation and adipose recovery from obesity
- The effect of alternate-day caloric restriction on the metabolic consequences of 8 days of bed rest in healthy lean men: a randomized trial
- The optic lobes regulate circadian rhythms of olfactory learning and memory in the cockroach
- Meal Timing as a Synchroniser of Tthe Human Circadian System
- Professional Boundaries
- Body weight loss, effective satiation and absence of homeostatic neuropeptide compensation in male Sprague Dawley rats schedule fed a protein crosslinked diet
- NAD+ as the link between oxidative stress, inflammation, caloric restriction, exercise, DNA repair, longevity, and health span
- Perturbed rhythmic activation of signaling pathways in mice deficient for Sterol Carrier Protein 2-dependent diurnal lipid transport and metabolism
- Factors associated with achievement of clinically significant weight loss by women in a national nonprofit weight loss program
- FAD regulates CRYPTOCHROME protein stability and circadian clock in mice
- Vitamin D3 Treatment Influences PGE2 and TGFβ in Normal and Increased Breast Cancer Risk Women
- Shifts in the light-dark cycle increase unpredictability of the cardiovascular system
- Cold-sensing TRPM8 channel participates in circadian control of the brown adipose tissue
- Highly potent antiobesity effect of a short-length peptide YY analog in mice
- miR-155 deletion in female mice prevents diet-induced obesity
- Meal Timing as a Synchroniser of the Human Circadian System
- Circadian Regulation of Renal Function
- Chronotherapy: intuitive, sound, founded… but not broadly applied
- Phylogeny of sleep
- Systems biology derived discoveries of intrinsic clocks
- Immune modulation of brown (ing) adipose tissue in obesity
- Effects of pre-weaning plane of milk replacer and feeding frequency on glucose metabolism in dairy calves
- Pathogenesis of NAFLD and NASH
- Polluted pathways: mechanisms of metabolic disruption by endocrine disrupting chemicals
- Role of folate in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Intermittent fasting prompted recovery from dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis in mice
- Reduced tolerance to night shift in chronic shift workers: insight from fractal regulation
- Elimination of Cigarette Smoke-derived Acetaldehyde in Saliva by Slow-release L-Cysteine Lozenge Is a Potential New Method to Assist Smoking Cessation. A …
- A novel earphone type sensor for measuring mealTIME : consideration of the method to distinguish between running and meals
- Hypothalamic dysfunction in obesity and metabolic disorders
- Rapamycin alleviates oxidative stress-induced damage in rat erythrocytes
- The ATP-sensitive K channel is seizure protective and required for effective dietary therapy in a model of mitochondrial encephalomyopathy
- Chronobiology of Mood Disorders
- Fasting and “Fasting mimicking diet”(FMD) an effective intervention to promote longevity and health span
- The interplay of central and peripheral circadian clocks in white adipose function and metabolic homeostasis
- Asymmetry in signal oscillations contributes to efficiency of periodic systems
- The impact of a 48-h fast on SIRT1 and GCN5 in human skeletal muscle
- Meal timing and frequency: implications for cardiovascular disease prevention: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association
- Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 as a regulator of fibrosis
- Neurogenetics of Drosophila circadian clock: expect the unexpected
- Molecular aspects of circadian pharmacology and relevance for cancer chronotherapy
- Characterization and expression pattern analysis of the T-complex protein-1 zeta subunit in Musca domestica L (Diptera)
- Is the relationship between lifestyle factors and physical activity mediated by psychological needs and motivation?
- Cardiovascular, inflammatory and circadian aspects of metabolic regulation in humans
- Chronobiology of Mood Disorders
- Prophylactic role of taurine and its derivatives against diabetes mellitus and its related complications
- Metformin alleviates altered erythrocyte redox status during aging in rats
- Nutrition modulation of human aging: the calorie restriction paradigm
- Inside out: Bone marrow adipose tissue as a source of circulating adiponectin
- Mutual Interactions Between Circadian Clocks, Inflammatory Signaling Pathways and Fatty Acid Metabolism
- Effect of zinc supplementation on serum zinc concentration and T cell proliferation in nursing home elderly: a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled trial
- The Bone Broth Miracle Diet: Lose Weight, Feel Great, and Revitalize Your Health in Just 21 Days
- New and revisited approaches to preserving the reperfused myocardium
- Effects of TMR and Separate feeding System on Ruminal Methane Production, Total Digestibility, Rumen Metabolic and Microbial Profile
- Ethobehavioral Studies of Fear, Sex, and Biological Rhythms
- Emerging molecular pathways governing dietary regulation of neural stem cells during aging
- How Magazines for Young Women Present Profiles of Anorexics
- Buddha’s Diet: The Ancient Art of Losing Weight Without Losing Your Mind
- Non-parametric photic entrainment of Djungarian hamsters with different rhythmic phenotypes
- Metabolic Control of Longevity
- Changes in Organ Systems Over the Lifespan
- A Cost Analysis of Three Popular Diets: The Mediterranean Diet, a Modified Paleo Diet and Intermittent Fasting
- Genomic insights into ayurvedic and western approaches to personalized medicine
- Influence of evening preference on dayTIME variation of autonomic nervous system activity, gastric motility, and appetite sensations in young women
- Ketogenic Diet in a Hippocampal Slice
- The Effect of Chronic Overfeeding on Physical Activity in Mice
- Bone marrow adipose tissue as an endocrine organ: close to the bone?
- Regulation of stem cell aging by metabolism and epigenetics
- Ambizione: List of Recipients/Grantees
- Pre-germinated brown rice prevented high fat diet induced hyperlipidemia through ameliorating lipid synthesis and metabolism in C57BL/6J mice
- Modulation of Circadian Gene Expression and Metabolic Compensation by the RCO-1 Corepressor of Neurospora crassa
- Introduction to the new statistics: Estimation, open science, and beyond
- Metabolic regulation of intestinal stem cell function in Drosophila melanogaster
- A new method to characterize function of the Drosophila heart by means of optical flow
- Research advances in metabolism 2016
- Deciphering Chronometabolic Dynamics Through Metabolomics, Stable Isotope Tracers, And Genome-Scale Reaction Modeling
- Effects of age and environment on locomotor performance in adult Drosophila melanogaster
- Hypogonadism in Male Sexual Dysfunction
- Human fatigue risk management: Improving safety in the chemical processing industry
- Potential Mechanisms Underlying Adaptive Thermogenesis in Lean and Obesity-Prone Rats
- Creation of databases of ageing-related drugs and statistical analysis and applied machine learning for the prioritization of potential lifespan-extension drugs
- The Role of the Retinol-Binding Protein Receptor STRA6 in Regulation of Diurnal Insulin Responses
- Effects of Obesity on Function and Quality of Life in Chronic Pain
- Dissecting out the mechanisms to longevity through eating less
- Dietary and Cellular Mechanisms Regulating Hepatocyte Prolifeartion and Cancer
- Fasting-mimicking diet and risk factors for aging, diabetes, cancer, and cardiovascular disease
- and Chronic Diseases (ICOCD-2017)
- The protective role of melatonin in small liver graft transplantation
- Exploring athletes’ perceptions of group flow in team performance
- Dietary determinants of fat mass and body composition
- How to get fat. Adipose tissue expansion and metabolic health
- The Circadian Clock Generates Anticipatory Insulin Secretory Cycles by Regulating Beta-cell Enhancers
- Physical Exercise as an Effective Antiaging Intervention
- Glucocorticoid-Dependent Circadian Modulation of Prefrontal Cortex Molecular Clocks and Functioning
- Prevalence of epidemiological influence, risk factors of type-2 Diabetes Mellitus and analysis of hypertension as a complication among the relatively newly diagnosed …
- The effect of intermittent fasting during Ramadan on energy expenditure and substrate oxidation in healthy men
- Genetic Analysis and Suppression of Cardiac Laminopathy in a Drosophila Model
- Multigenerational effects of pre-conception circadian disruption by light at night
- Neuroanatomical Studies of Hypothalamic Connections Involving the Midbrain and Hindbrain
- Chronobiological related factors and weight loss evolution in severe obese patients undergoing bariatric surgery
- Preventing and treating obesity and metabolic dysfunctions with antioxidants
- Scientific rationale for integrative and personalised strategies for pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma management
- Hormetic induction of antioxidant defenses for promotion of healthy aging
- Characterizing the function of CLOCKWORK ORANGE in the circadian feedback loops in Drosophila melanogaster
- The Diet Detox: Why Your Diet Is Making You Fat and What to Do About It: 10 Simple Rules to Help You Stop Dieting, Start Eating, and Lose the Weight for …
- Early TIME –Restricted feeding improves insulin sensitivity, blood pressure, and oxidative stress even without weight loss in men with prediabetes
- Effects of 8-hour TIME Restricted feeding on body weight and metabolic disease risk factors in obese adults: A pilot study
- TIME –Restricted feeding influences immune responses without compromising muscle performance in older men
- TIME –Restricted feeding improves circadian dysfunction as well as motor symptoms in the Q175 mouse model of Huntington’s disease
- TIME –Restricted feeding alters the innate immune response to bacterial endotoxin
- TIME –Restricted feeding of a high-fat diet in male C57BL/6 mice reduces adiposity but does not protect against increased systemic inflammation
- TIME –Restricted feeding mitigates high-fat diet-enhanced mammary tumorigenesis in MMTV-PyMT mice
- Benefits of TIME –Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding suppresses excess sucrose-induced plasma and liver lipid accumulation in rats
- Short-term TIME –Restricted feeding during the resting phase is sufficient to induce leptin resistance that contributes to development of obesity and metabolic disorders in …
- TIME –Restricted feeding prevents ablation of diurnal rhythms in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity observed in high-fat diet-induced obese mice
- Restricted feeding for 9 h in the active period partially abrogates the detrimental metabolic effects of a Western diet with liquid sugar consumption in mice
- Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Weight Loss and Sleep: A Randomized, Cross-Over Trial
- TIME –Restricted feeding : A dietary intervention to treat breast cancer in postmenopausal obese mice
- 334 Influence of Meal Periodicity and TIME Restricted feeding Under Limit feeding Regime on Sow and Subsequent Litter Performance.
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding Attenuates Breast Cancer Growth in a Mouse Model of Postmenopausal Obesity
- 16 Quantitative Evaluation of Stress in Pregnant Sows in Response to TIME Restricted feeding and Meal Frequency Under Limit feeding Regime.
- TIME –Restricted foraging under natural light/dark condition shifts the molecular clock in the honey bee, Apis mellifera
- Melanocortin‐3 Receptors Expressed on Agouti‐Related Peptide Neurons Inhibit feeding Behavior in Female Mice
- A Comparison of Dietary and Caloric Restriction Models on Measures of Body Composition and Physical Performance in Young Mice
- Aging and Chronic Disease
- The importance of meal TIME s on weight loss
- A TIME to fast
- Differential effects of diet composition and timing of feeding behavior on rat brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle peripheral clocks
- Watch the clock, not the scale
- Limiting feeding to the active phase reduces blood pressure without the necessity of caloric reduction or fat mass loss
- Carnitine acetyltransferase in AgRP neurons is required for the homeostatic adaptation to Restricted feeding in male mice
- Effect of soybean meal supplementation during gestation on piglet quality
- Applied Nutritional Investigations
- Fasting imparts a switch to alternative daily pathways in liver and muscle
- Obesity, Diabetes and Energy Homeostasis: Limiting feeding to the active phase reduces blood pressure without the necessity of caloric reduction or fat mass …
- New approaches for weight loss: experiments using animal models
- Chrononutrition applied to diabetes management: a paradigm shift long delayed
- Food intake rhythm and its implication on obesity, and related comorbidities among adolescents: a mini review
- Intermittent fasting, insufficient sleep, and circadian rhythm: interaction and effects on the cardiometabolic system
- # Trending: Intermittent Fasting Is a Global Discussion on Twitter: 1036
- Intermittent Fasting Suppresses Activity‐Associated Energy Expenditure and Enhances Weight Loss in Obesity‐Prone Rats
- Intermittent fasting and cardiovascular disease: current evidence and unresolved questions
- Exploring the effect of diet composition in calorie restriction interventions
- Circadian-based treatment strategy effective in the BACHD mouse model of Huntington’s disease
- Mature Minipigs Seek and Prefer Novelty
- Epigenetics and nutrition
- 333 Evaluating the Effects of Fish Solubles in Whole Fish Meal on Nursery Pig Performance.
- Separation of circadian-and behavior-driven metabolite rhythms in humans provides a window on peripheral oscillators and metabolism
- Influence of an intervention program promoting voluntary fasting practices and its perceived barriers among overweight or obese Muslim women working in the …
- Sleep and Association With Obesity
- Sex differences in the response to dietary restriction in rodents
- Intermittent versus continuous energy restriction on weight loss and cardiometabolic outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized …
- Intermittent administration of a fasting-mimicking diet intervenes in diabetes progression, restores β cells and reconstructs gut microbiota in mice
- Differential effects of the circadian system and circadian misalignment on insulin sensitivity and insulin secretion in humans
- CRISPR-Cas9 mediated HMGCL KO in 3xTg AD mice reduces the cognitive deficit improvement seen in an intermittent metabolic switching regimen
- Training the circadian clock, clocking the drugs, and drugging the clock to prevent, manage, and treat chronic diseases
- An ultradian feeding schedule in rats affects metabolic gene expression in liver, brown adipose tissue and skeletal muscle with only mild effects on circadian clocks
- How much protein can the body use in a single meal for muscle-building? Implications for daily protein distribution
- Fasting and Caloric Restriction Show Promise for Reducing Type 2 Diabetes Biochemical Risk Markers
- Entrainment of the mouse circadian clock: effects of stress, exercise, and nutrition
- Delayed first active-phase meal, a breakfast-skipping model, led to increased body weight and shifted the circadian oscillation of the hepatic clock and lipid …
- A context-specific circadian clock in adipocyte precursor cells modulates adipogenesis
- A nonrandomized controlled clinical pilot trial on 8 wk of intermittent fasting (24 h/wk)
- Flipping the metabolic switch: understanding and applying the health benefits of fasting
- Caloric restriction study design limitations in rodent and nonhuman primate studies
- Impact of intermittent fasting on the lipid profile: Assessment associated with diet and weight loss
- Night eating model shows TIME -specific depression-like behavior in the forced swimming test
- The emerging link between cancer, metabolism, and circadian rhythms
- The importance of endogenous opioids in feeding behavior
- Day-night oscillation of Atrogin1 and timing-dependent preventive effect of weight-bearing on muscle atrophy
- Modeling clock-related metabolic syndrome due to conflicting light and food cues
- Redox clocks: TIME to rethink redox interventions
- Timing of eating in adults across the weight spectrum: Metabolic factors and potential circadian mechanisms
- Sex differences in circadian food anticipatory activity are not altered by individual manipulations of sex hormones or sex chromosome copy number in mice
- Clinical chronobiology: a TIME ly consideration in critical care medicine
- Skin as a window to body-clock TIME
- Natur, Naturheilkunde, Naturwissenschaft: Vom Monte Verità zur Molekularmedizin
- Yo-yo dieting is better than none
- The endogenous circadian clock programs animals to eat at certain TIME s of the 24-hour day: What if we ignore the clock?
- Mathematical analysis of circadian disruption and metabolic re-entrainment of hepatic gluconeogenesis: the intertwining entraining roles of light and feeding
- Sleep, health, and metabolism in midlife women and menopause: food for thought
- Intermittent fasting: is the wait worth the weight?
- Microbiota modulation by eating patterns and diet composition: impact on food intake
- Mild suppression of hyperinsulinemia to treat obesity and insulin resistance
- The biological clock: a pivotal hub in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathogenesis
- Temporal control of metabolic amplitude by nocturnin
- Dietary interventions for the prevention of type 2 diabetes in high-risk groups: current state of evidence and future research needs
- Impact of intermittent fasting on human health: an extended review of metabolic cascades
- Metabolic and molecular framework for the enhancement of endurance by intermittent food deprivation
- Intermittent fasting for cardiovascular disease risk factor reduction: A narrative review of current evidence.
- Midday meals do not impair mouse memory
- Epigenetics and epigenomics: implications for diabetes and obesity
- Environmental regulation of metabolism through the circadian clock
- A rotating light cycle promotes weight gain and hepatic lipid storage in mice
- Protein restriction, epigenetic diet, intermittent fasting as new approaches for preventing age-associated diseases
- Intermittent metabolic switching, neuroplasticity and brain health
- Gut microbiota-derived short chain fatty acids induce circadian clock entrainment in mouse peripheral tissue
- Low-carbohydrate, ketogenic diet impairs anaerobic exercise performance in exercise-trained women and men: a randomized-sequence crossover trial
- Fasting and TIME of day independently modulate circadian rhythm relevant gene expression in adipose and skin tissue
- The role of low-calorie diets and intermittent fasting in the treatment of obesity and type-2 diabetes
- Malaria makes the most of mealTIME s
- Employing proteomics to understand the effects of nutritional intervention in cancer treatment
- The role of the daily feeding rhythm in the regulation of the day/night rhythm in triglyceride secretion in rats
- Of mice and men and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
- The circadian clock drives mast cell functions in allergic reactions
- Circadian regulation of metabolism and healthspan in Drosophila
- Healthy lifestyle-based approaches for successful vascular aging
- Aberrations in the female reproductive organs and a role of telocytes in a rat model of anorexia nervosa
- Timing of food intake impacts daily rhythms of human salivary microbiota: a randomized, crossover study
- Restoring NAD (+) levels with NAD (+) intermediates, the second law of thermodynamics, and aging delay
- Circadian- and Light-driven Metabolic Rhythms in Drosophila melanogaster
- How does diurnal intermittent fasting impact sleep, dayTIME sleepiness, and markers of the biological clock? Current insights
- Calorie restriction and its impact on gut microbial composition and global metabolism
- Keynote lecture: strategies for optimal cardiovascular aging
- Mechanisms of Effects on Sleep Disruption on Adipocyte/Obesity Metabolism and Their Relation to Other Metabolic Disease: Mathematical analysis of …
- Desynchrony between brain and peripheral clocks caused by CK1δ/ε disruption in GABA neurons does not lead to adverse metabolic outcomes
- Intermittent fasting: the choice for a healthier lifestyle
- Hepatic JARID1a ablation disrupts the transcription adaptation to feeding and alters systemic metabolism
- Identification of GPR120 as a novel target to activate brown adipose tissue
- Draw Your Dinner: Examining Perceptions of Meal Size Using Incrementally Reduced Plate Sizes in College Students
- The Dopamine Transporter (Slc6a3) is Required for Diet-Induced Obesity but not for Entraining Circadian Activity to Scheduled feeding
- Exploring the Importance of Healthfulness Among Food Truck Operators
- Meal TIME s can reset body’s internal clock
- Short-term, intermittent fasting induces long-lasting gut health and TOR-independent lifespan extension
- Circadian rhythms and mitochondria: connecting the dots
- Cisplatin-DNA adduct repair of transcribed genes is controlled by two circadian programs in mouse tissues
- Aging and intermittent fasting impact on transcriptional regulation and physiological responses of adult drosophila neuronal and muscle tissues
- The human circadian clock from health to economics
- Mechanisms in endocrinology: SGLT2 inhibitors: clinical benefits by restoration of normal diurnal metabolism?
- Rhythms of metabolism in adipose tissue and mitochondria
- Comparison of feeding jejunostomy via gastric tube versus jejunum after esophageal cancer surgery
- Autophagy delays progression of the two most frequent human monogenetic lethal diseases: cystic fibrosis and Wilson disease
- Facing up to the global challenges of ageing
- Diet and health.
- A diurnal rhythm in brown adipose tissue causes rapid clearance and combustion of plasma lipids at wakening
- UV-B-induced erythema in human skin: the circadian clock is ticking
- Antibiotic-induced microbiome depletion alters metabolic homeostasis by affecting gut signaling and colonic metabolism
- Excessive dayTIME sleepiness and REM sleep behavior disorders in parkinson’s disease: a narrative review on early intervention with implications to …
- Hungry for Health: Fasting’s medical benefits
- Ghrelin restores the disruption of the circadian clock in steatotic liver
- Colonic aberrant crypt formation accompanies an increase of opportunistic pathogenic bacteria in C57BL/6 mice fed a high-fat diet
- Insulin signaling and reduced glucocorticoid receptor activity attenuate postprandial gene expression in liver
- TIME travels: A 40‐year journey from Drosophila’s clock mutants to human circadian disorders (Nobel lecture)
- Temporal partitioning of adaptive responses of the murine heart to fasting
- Sirt7 regulates circadian phase coherence of hepatic circadian clock via a body temperature/Hsp70-Sirt7-Cry1 axis
- Disruption of the biological clock aggravates atherosclerosis
- Intermittent Fasting: A Potential Effective Strategy for Preventing Obesity and Type II Diabetes Mellitus
- Evidence for widespread dysregulation of circadian clock progression in human cancer
- Calorie restriction is the most reasonable anti-ageing intervention: a meta-analysis of survival curves
- Ramadan Fasting, Health, and Autophagy: Is There any Relationship?
- Interventions to promote cardiometabolic health and slow cardiovascular ageing
- Modulation of the process of aging in human organism: recent advances in biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment
- High frequency of spread through air spaces in resected small cell lung cancer
- β-Hydroxy β-methylbutyrate free acid alters cortisol responses, but not myofibrillar proteolysis, during a 24-h fast
- Integrative analysis of indirect calorimetry and metabolomics profiling reveals alterations in energy metabolism between fed and fasted pigs
- Meal timing effects on insulin sensitivity and intrahepatic triglycerides during weight loss
- Case control study on environmental, nutritional and management-based risk factors for tail-biting in long-tailed pigs
- Circadian clocks and sleep: impact of rhythmic metabolism and waste clearance on the brain
- Brainstem glioblastoma multiforme in a patient with NF1
- Modifiable lifestyle behaviors, but not a genetic risk score, associate with metabolic syndrome in evening chronotypes
- Transperitoneal versus extraperitoneal laparoscopic lymphadenectomy for gynecological malignancies: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Successful distal gastrectomy for gastric cancer with Child-Pugh class B alcoholic liver cirrhosis
- NightTIME light exposure enhances Rev-erbα-targeting microRNAs and contributes to hepatic steatosis
- Dietary Habits and Physical Fitness in Japanese Junior High School Students
- Intermittent calorie restriction enhances epithelial-mesenchymal transition through the alteration of energy metabolism in a mouse tumor model
- Role of the circadian clock in the metabolic syndrome and nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Potential roles of Dec and Bmal1 genes in interconnecting circadian clock and energy metabolism
- Relationships between circadian rhythms, timing of eating behaviors, and the human gastrointestinal microbiota
- The influences of cholecystectomy on the circadian rhythms of bile acids as well as the enterohepatic transporters and enzymes systems in mice
- The LepR-mediated leptin transport across brain barriers controls food reward
- Editorial 2. New Strides in Circadian Dysfunction in Relation to Cardiovascular Diseases
- Sphingolipids in adipose tissue: What’s tipping the scale?
- Effects of fasted vs fed‐state exercise on performance and post‐exercise metabolism: A systematic review and meta‐analysis
- Performance status and number of metastatic extra-cerebral sites predict survival after radiotherapy of brain metastases from thyroid cancer
- Particle stability during pressurized intra-peritoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC)
- The Effect of Dietary Interventions on Intestinal-associated Metabolites and Immune Parameters
- Disparities of immunotherapy utilization in patients with stage III cutaneous melanoma: a national perspective
- Circadian clock’s cancer connections
- Development and therapeutic potential of small-molecule modulators of circadian systems
- Tumor expression of miR-10b, miR-21, miR-143 and miR-145 is related to clinicopathological features of gastric cancer in a central European population
- MisTIME d food intake and sleep alters 24-hour TIME -of-day patterns of the human plasma proteome
- DNA from human polyomaviruses, MWPyV, HPyV6, HPyV7, HPyV9 and HPyV12 in cutaneous T-cell lymphomas
- Image-guided stereotactic body radiotherapy in metastatic prostate cancer
- Short‐term feeding of a ketogenic diet induces more severe hepatic insulin resistance than an obesogenic high‐fat diet
- Reliability of hunger-related assessments during 24-hour fasts and their relationship to body composition and subsequent energy compensation
- Resistance training prevents muscle loss induced by caloric restriction in obese elderly individuals: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- The taurine transporter Eaat2 functions in ensheathing glia to modulate sleep and metabolic rate
- Metabolic and neuroendocrine adaptations to undernutrition in anorexia nervosa: From a clinical to a basic research point of view
- Clinical relevance of postoperative neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio (NLR) to recurrence after adjuvant chemotherapy of S-1 for gastric cancer
- Defunctioning ileostomy is a key risk factor for small bowel obstruction after colorectal cancer resection
- Comparison of Dietary and Caloric Restriction Models on Insulin Sensitivity in Young Mice
- Utilization of hysterectomy following chemoradiation for IB2/IIA2 cervical cancer in the National Cancer Data Base
- Definitive chemoradiation in locally advanced squamous cell carcinoma of the hypopharynx: long-term outcomes and toxicity
- Predictive factors for local control and survival in patients with cancer of unknown primary (CUP) irradiated for cerebral metastases
- The Impact of EndoPredict Clinical Score on Chemotherapy Recommendations in Women with Invasive ER+/HER2− Breast Cancer Stratified as Having Moderate or …
- Synchronous pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma and hepatocellular carcinoma: Report of a case and review of the literature
- Modulation of the process of aging in human organism: recent advances in biomarkers for diagnosis and treatment
- Which is the most reasonable anti-aging strategy: meta-analysis
- Role of light-feeding phase relations on glucose metabolism
- Controlling nutritional status (CONUT) score is a prognostic marker in metastatic colorectal cancer patients receiving first-line chemotherapy
- A framework for elucidating causes and consequences of malnutrition in anorexia nervosa
- Double KRAS and BRAF mutations in surgically treated colorectal cancer liver metastases: an international, multi-institutional case series
- Combined Short-Term Glucose Starvation and Chemotherapy in 3D Colorectal Cancer Cell Culture Decreases 14-3-3 Family Protein Expression and Phenotypic …
- The emerging role of laparoscopic liver resection in the treatment of recurrent hepatocellular carcinoma: a systematic review
- The clinical usefulness of the LigaSure™ small jaw in axillary lymph node dissection in patients with breast cancer
- Predicting the ambulatory status of patients irradiated for metastatic spinal cord compression (MSCC) from head-and-neck cancer
- From early immunomodulatory triggers to immunosuppressive outcome: therapeutic implications of the complex interplay between the wavebands of sunlight …
- Preoperative pulmonary function tests (PFTs) and outcomes from resected early stage non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC)
- Impact of first meal size during prolonged sitting on postprandial glycaemia in individuals with prediabetes: A randomised, crossover study
- Role of the saturated fatty acid palmitate in the interconnected hypothalamic control of energy homeostasis and biological rhythms
- Carnitine Acetyltransferase regulates metabolic sensing in AgRP neurons
- Utilization of neoadjuvant intensity-modulated radiation therapy for rectal cancer in the United States
- Antineoplastic actions of cinnamic acids and their dimers in breast cancer cells: A comparative study
- Phagocytic activation of macrophages with serum MAF depends on engulfment efficiency and not migratory activity
- Intermittent Fasting: The Choice for a Healthier Lifestyle
- Mechanisms of the anti-aging and prolongevity effects of caloric restriction: evidence from studies of genetically modified animals
- Unusual papillary squamous cell carcinoma of the tip of tongue presenting in a patient status post heart transplant
- Constant light alters serum hormone levels related to thyroid function in male CD-1 mice
- Cost-effectiveness of multiparametric MRI in 800 men submitted to repeat prostate biopsy: results of a public health model
- Possible application of ascites-infiltrating gamma-delta T cells for adoptive immunotherapy
- Seizures and tumor progression in glioma patients with uncontrollable epilepsy treated with perampanel
- Polymorphisms of ABCB1, CYP3A4 and CYP3A5 Genes in ovarian cancer and treatment response in poles
- Glucocorticoid hormones are both a major circadian signal and major stress signal: How this shared signal contributes to a dynamic relationship between the …
- Intratumoral Accumulation and Clonal Expansion May Not Be Decisive for Rejection of Allogeneic Tumors by CD8+ T-Lymphocytes
- Metabolic flexibility as an adaptation to energy resources and requirements in health and disease
- Pressurized intra-peritoneal aerosol chemotherapy (PIPAC) via endoscopical microcatheter system
- Biomarkers of oxidative stress associated with the risk of potentially malignant oral disorders
- Dewaxed brown rice feed improves fatty liver in obese and diabetic model mice
- Intermittent fasting (alternate day fasting) in healthy, non-obese adults: protocol for a cohort trial with an embedded randomized controlled pilot trial
- Improvement in protracted wound healing by topical cream containing lipopolysaccharide derived from Pantoea agglomerans
- A novel modification of the AOM/DSS model for inducing intestinal adenomas in mice
- Calcium phosphate cement in the surgical management of benign bone tumors
- Intermittent Fating, Carb Cycling and Weight Management
- Treatment of adrenal metastases with conventional or hypofractionated image-guided radiation therapy–patterns and outcomes
- A New Scoring-system for Estimating Overall Survival After Radiotherapy of Recurrent Head and Neck Cancers
- Defining the optimal dietary approach for safe, effective and sustainable weight loss in overweight and obese adults
- Development of a Questionnaire for Monitoring Risk Factors for Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting–A NOGGO Pilot Study
- Regional cerebral effects of ketone body infusion with 3-hydroxybutyrate in humans: reduced glucose uptake, unchanged oxygen consumption and increased …
- OPG, OPN, EGF and VEGF levels at individual Breslow score stages in malignant melanoma
- Eating patterns of US adults: Meals, snacks, and TIME of eating
- The frequency and prognostic value of neutrophilia in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
- Can an automated sleep detection algorithm for waist-worn accelerometry replace sleep logs?
- Potentially malignant oral disorders and cancer transformation
- Preoperative evaluation of myometrial invasion in endometrial carcinoma: prospective intra-individual comparison of magnetic resonance volumetry, diffusion …
- The Effect of Roux-en-Y Reconstruction on Type 2 Diabetes in the Early Postoperative Period
- Curcumin and rutin down-regulate cyclooxygenase-2 and reduce tumor-associated inflammation in HPV16-transgenic mice
- The lymph node ratio is an independent prognostic factor in pancreatic cancer patients who receive curative resection followed by adjuvant chemotherapy
- GLP-1 release and vagal afferent activation mediate the beneficial metabolic and chronotherapeutic effects of D-allulose
- Quality of life following stereotactic body radiotherapy versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for vertebral metastases: secondary analysis of an exploratory …
- Predicting the risk of developing new cerebral lesions after stereotactic radiosurgery or fractionated stereotactic radiotherapy for brain metastases from renal cell …
- Prognostic value of albumin/globulin ratio in patients with upper tract urothelial carcinoma patients treated with radical nephroureterectomy
- Prognostic impact of postoperative C-reactive protein for non-small cell lung cancer following lobectomy
- Glucans and Cancer: Comparison of Commercially Available β-glucans–Part IV
- The impact of indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) expression on stage III gastric cancer
- Bile acid metabolism in liver pathobiology
- Glucagon and/or IGF-1 production regulates resetting of the liver circadian clock in response to a protein or amino acid-only diet
- Clinical characteristics of liver metastasis in nivolumab-treated patients with non-small cell lung cancer
- Is fasting safe? A chart review of adverse events during medically supervised, water-only fasting
- Usefulness of TAS-102 as third-line chemotherapy for metastatic colorectal cancer
- Metabolic aspects of aging
- CT texture analysis of ductal adenocarcinoma downstaged after chemotherapy
- Cerebral metabolic changes during sleep
- Prediction of treatment response to neoadjuvant chemotherapy in breast cancer by subtype using tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes
- Developmental exposure to the SSRI citalopram causes long-lasting behavioural effects in the three-spined stickleback (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
- Relationship between FDG uptake and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratio in patients with invasive ductal breast cancer
- A panel of biomarkers for diagnosis of prostate cancer using urine samples
- WT1-pulsed dendritic cell vaccine combined with chemotherapy for resected pancreatic cancer in a phase I study
- Safety and feasibility of single-port surgery for colon cancer in octogenarians
- Mechanisms and Potential Therapy on Disrupted Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm in Diabetes
- Mutant GATA3 actively promotes the growth of normal and malignant mammary cells
- Sigmoid colon adenocarcinoma with isolated loss of PMS2 presenting in a patient with synchronous prostate cancer with intact MMR: diagnosis and analysis of the …
- Alpha-Santalol, a component of sandalwood oil inhibits migration of breast cancer cells by targeting the β-catenin pathway
- Predictors for high microsatellite instability in patients with colorectal cancer fulfilling the revised bethesda guidelines
- Central circadian clock regulates energy metabolism
- Circadian regulation of glucose, lipid, and energy metabolism in humans
- The shielding ability of novel tungsten rubber against the electron beam for clinical use in radiation therapy
- Spermidine in health and disease
- Synchronization, oscillator death, and frequency modulation in a class of biologically inspired coupled oscillators
- Radiosensitizing effect of 5-aminolevulinic acid and protoporphyrin IX on carbon-ion beam irradiation
- Metabolic adaptation to intermittent fasting is independent of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor alpha
- Dose–function Histogram Evaluation Using 99mTc-GSA SPECT/CT Images for Stereotactic Body Radiation Therapy Planning for Hepatocellular Carcinoma Patients …
- Knockdown of angiopoietin-like 2 mimics the benefits of intermittent fasting on insulin responsiveness and weight loss
- Catumaxomab with activated T-cells efficiently lyses chemoresistant EpCAM-positive triple-negative breast cancer cell lines
- Safety of laparoscopic surgery for colorectal cancer in patients with severe comorbidities
- Color-coded imaging distinguishes cancer cells, stromal cells, and recombinant cancer-stromal cells in the tumor microenvironment during metastasis
- Pushing the limits of cancer therapy: the nutrient game
- Self-expandable metallic stents contribute to reducing perioperative complications in colorectal cancer patients with acute obstruction
- Does modifying the timing of meal intake improve cardiovascular risk factors? Protocol of an Australian pilot intervention in night shift workers with abdominal …
- Correlation of expression of tenascin C and blood vessel density in non-small cell lung cancers
- Circadian dysregulation: the next frontier in obstructive sleep apnea research
- A central-acting connexin inhibitor, INI-0602, prevents high-fat diet-induced feeding pattern disturbances and obesity in mice
- Overexpression of FGFR3 in HPV-positive tonsillar and base of tongue cancer is correlated to outcome
- Diagnostic utility of prostein, uroplakin II and SATB2 for diagnosing carcinoma of unknown primary origin: a systematic immunohistochemical profiling
- Cannabinoid receptor-1 up-regulation in azoxymethane (AOM)-treated mice after dietary treatment with quercetin
- Eribulin promotes antitumor immune responses in patients with locally advanced or metastatic breast cancer
- Mutual influence of sleep and circadian clocks on physiology and cognition
- Exploring the role of enzalutamide in combination with radiation therapy: an in vitro study
- Liver size: Waning by day, Waxing by Night
- Cost-effectiveness of carbon ion radiation therapy for skull base chordoma utilizing long-term (10-year) outcome data
- Circadian rhythms in mitochondrial respiration
- Circulating pre-microRNA-488 in peripheral blood is a potential biomarker for predicting recurrence in breast cancer
- Preoperative CA-125 value as a predictive factor for postoperative outcome in first relapse of platinum-sensitive serous ovarian cancer
- Franz Halberg: a Maverick ahead of his TIME
- Detecting novel effects of exercise or AMPK activation in human skeletal muscle
- Usefulness of preoperative 18F-FDG-PET in detecting invasive intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct
- Radiological features of brain metastases from non-small cell lung cancer harboring EGFR mutation
- Characterization of a novel mouse model with adipocyte-specific disruption via the aP2 promoter
- Differential expression of IGF-I transcripts in bladder cancer
- A small-molecule kinase inhibitor, CEP-1347, inhibits survivin expression and sensitizes ovarian cancer stem cells to paclitaxel
- Aberrant expression of PIWIL1 and PIWIL2 and their clinical significance in ductal breast carcinoma
- Carbotoxicity—noxious effects of carbohydrates
- Clinical significance of subcellular localization of maspin in patients with pathological stage IA lung adenocarcinoma
- RBPJ and MAML3: potential therapeutic targets for small cell lung cancer
- Preoperative stating of pelvic lymph nodes in prostate cancer patients via endorectal magnetic resonance imaging
- A bi-national analysis of 252 pancreatic resections for chronic pancreatitis with regard to incidental carcinoma sequence and overall postoperative outcome
- Rhythms of core clock genes and spontaneous locomotor activity in post-status epilepticus model of mesial temporal lobe epilepsy
- No deterioration in clinical outcomes of carbon ion radiotherapy for sarcopenia patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
- Correlation between Ktrans and microvessel density in different tumors: a meta-analysis
- Transcriptome analysis reveals intermittent fasting-induced genetic changes in ischemic stroke
- Recent trends in HPV infection and type distribution in Greece
- Efficacy-safety of facilitated subcutaneous immunoglobulin in immunodeficiency due to hematological malignancies. A single-center retrospective analysis
- Efficacy and safety of bi-weekly pegfilgrastim for dose-dense chemotherapy-induced neutropenia in breast cancer patients
- Inhibition of Survivin by Adenovirus Vector Enhanced Paclitaxel-induced Apoptosis in Breast Cancer Cells
- Combined Oocyte Retrieval and Robot-assisted Hysterectomy in a Super Morbidly Obese Patient with Endometrial Carcinoma
- The role of MTHFR genotype in colorectal cancer susceptibility in Taiwan
- Disease or not, aging is easily treatable
- Myelodysplastic syndrome and sweet’s syndrome are associated with a mutation in isocitrate dehydrogenase 1
- Diet-induced insulin resistance state disturbs brain clock processes and alters tuning of clock outputs in the Sand rat, Psammomys obesus
- Second primary malignancies in patients with well-differentiated/dedifferentiated liposarcoma
- Nuclear expression of CD133 is associated with good prognosis in patients with colorectal adenocarcinoma
- MEKK3 sustains EMT and stemness in pancreatic cancer by regulating YAP and TAZ transcriptional activity
- Contribution of computed tomographic angiography to pretreatment planning of radio-embolization of liver tumors
- The aging mitochondria
- Ki-67 and survivin as predictive factors for rectal cancer treated with preoperative chemoradiotherapy
- The association of matrix metalloproteinase-1 promoter polymorphisms with prostate cancer in Taiwanese patients
- Molecular cogs: interplay between circadian clock and cell cycle
- Chemotherapy or combined modality therapy for early-stage Hodgkin lymphoma
- Preoperative Short‐Term Calorie Restriction for Prevention of Acute Kidney Injury After Cardiac Surgery: A Randomized, Controlled, Open‐Label, Pilot Trial
- Programmed cell death ligand 1 expression is an independent prognostic factor in colorectal cancer
- Pilot study of probe-based confocal laser endomicroscopy with fluorescein-dripping method for liver tumors
- Clinicopathological analysis of ultrasound-guided vacuum-assisted breast biopsy for the diagnosis and treatment of breast disease
- Low-dose LNG-IUS as therapy for endometrial hyperplasia. A prospective cohort pilot study
- Enhancing and extending biological performance and resilience
- MiR-193a-5p and-3p play a distinct role in gastric cancer: miR-193a-3p suppresses gastric cancer cell growth by targeting ETS1 and CCND1
- Genomic instability in buccal mucosal cells of municipal street sweepers as evaluated by micronucleus test
- Expression of zinc finger and BTB domain-containing 7A in colorectal carcinoma
- Morphological classification of corrupted colonic crypts in ulcerative colitis
- TAp63 contributes to sexual dimorphism in POMC neuron functions and energy homeostasis
- Gallstone patients with enhanced oxidative stress biomarker superoxide dismutase (SOD1) plasma levels have significantly lower number of postoperative analgesic …
- Hypocaloric diet prevents the decrease in FGF21 elicited by high phosphorus intake
- Quality of life and radiation-induced late toxicity following intensity-modulated versus three-dimensional conformal radiotherapy for patients with spinal bone …
- Chitinase-3-like protein 1 (YKL-40) expression in squamous cell skin cancer
- Polymorphisms in TWIST1 and ZEB1 are associated with prognosis of gastric cancer patients
- Second opinion reviews for cancer diagnoses in anatomic pathology: a comprehensive cancer center’s experience
- Construction of anti-HER2 recombinants as targeting modules for a drug-delivery system against HER2-positive cells
- Quantitative structure–cytotoxicity relationship of pyrano [4, 3-b] chromones
- Clinical assessment of micro-residual tumors during stereotactic body radiation therapy for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Prophylactic effect of polaprezinc, a zinc-L-carnosine, against chemotherapy-induced oral mucositis in pediatric patients undergoing autologous stem cell …
- Deep Brain Stimulation—Possible Treatment Strategy for Pathologically Altered Body Weight?
- Delanzomib interacts with ritonavir synergistically to cause endoplasmic reticulum stress in renal cancer cells
- Phase II clinical trial of first-line eribulin plus trastuzumab for advanced or recurrent HER2-positive breast cancer
- Prognostic Significance of Neutrophil–to–lymphocyte Ratio in the Framework of the 8th TNM Edition for Breast Cancer
- Lipidomic impacts of an obesogenic diet upon Lewis lung carcinoma in mice
- Cytoreductive nephrectomy in elderly patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma in the targeted therapy era
- Novel metabolically stable PCA-1/ALKBH3 inhibitor has potent antiproliferative effects on DU145 cells in vivo
- Chemoradiotherapy-induced changes in mucinous components in rectal cancer tissue: evaluation on high iron diamine-alcian blue and Mucin 1 staining
- Transcriptional signatures in liver reveal metabolic adaptations to seasons in migratory blackheaded buntings
- Clinicopathological and prognostic significance of epithelial gremlin1 expression in gastric cancer
- Human metabolomics reveal daily variations under nutritional challenges specific to serum and skeletal muscle
- The potential of exosomes derived from chronic myelogenous leukaemia cells as a biomarker
- Inflammatory bowel disease and immunonutrition: novel therapeutic approaches through modulation of diet and the gut microbiome
- Vitamins C and K3: a powerful redox system for sensitizing leukemia lymphocytes to everolimus and barasertib
- Heterogeneity of PD-L1 Expression and Relationship with Biology of NSCLC
- Effects of central FGF21 infusion on the hypothalamus–pituitary–thyroid axis and energy metabolism in rats
- Melatonin promotes apoptosis of oxaliplatin-resistant colorectal cancer cells through inhibition of cellular prion protein
- Prognostic factors for pancreatic cancer patients treated with immune-cell therapy
- Postoperative hypofractionated radiotherapy for prostate cancer
- Cichoric acid prevents free-fatty-acid-induced lipid metabolism disorders via regulating Bmal1 in HepG2 cells
- Hydrogen sulfide is increased in oral squamous cell carcinoma compared to adjacent benign oral mucosae
- Renal pelvis carcinoma with renal vein or inferior vena cava involvement linked to early-onset lung metastasis based on CT scan diagnosis
- Hypermethylation of BRCA1 gene in meningioma in elderly males
- Synthesis and Binding of a Novel PSMA-specific Conjugate
- Elevated Neutrophil–to–Lymphocyte-ratio and Platelet–to–Lymphocyte Ratio in Myelofibrosis: Inflammatory Biomarkers or Representatives of Myeloproliferation Itself?
- Phase I-II study of short-course accelerated radiotherapy (SHARON) for palliation in head and neck cancer
- Pathological high-risk renal cell carcinoma: Trends in clinical characteristics over 25 years
- Single-source dual-energy CT as a part of 18F-FDG PET/CT: direct comparison of iodine-related and metabolic parameters in non-small cell lung cancer
- Efficacy and safety of Sorafenib in a racially diverse patient population with advanced hepatocellular carcinoma
- Skeletal muscle volume and intramuscular adipose tissue are prognostic predictors of postoperative complications after hepatic resection
- Moderate hypofractionation in patients with low-risk prostate cancer: long-term outcomes
- Phase II trial of carboplatin and pemetrexed plus bevacizumab with maintenance bevacizumab as a first-line treatment for advanced non-squamous non-small cell …
- MicroRNA-203 induces apoptosis by targeting Bmi-1 in YD-38 oral cancer cells
- Relationship between metabolic disorders and breast cancer incidence and outcomes. Is there a preventive and therapeutic role for berberine?
- Metformin-associated chemopreventive effects on recurrence after hepatic resection of hepatocellular carcinoma: from in vitro to a clinical study
- Telomeres, nutrition, and longevity: can we really navigate our aging?
- Tight junction protein 1 dysfunction contributes to cell motility in bladder cancer
- Comparison of microvessel density using nestin and CD34 in colorectal cancer
- Partial bladder boost using lipiodol marking during image-guided radiotherapy for bladder cancer
- A genitourinary cancer-specific scoring system for the prediction of survival in patients with bone metastasis: A retrospective analysis of prostate cancer, renal cell …
- Postoperative management of multiple primary cancers associated with non-small cell lung cancer
- Impact of COX2 inhibitor for regulation of PD-L1 expression in non-small cell lung cancer
- Neoadjuvant Radiotherapy with capecitabine plus bevacizumab for locally advanced lower rectal cancer: results of a single-institute phase II study
- Effects of high-fat diet and AMP-activated protein kinase modulation on the regulation of whole-body lipid metabolism
- Broad-spectrum preclinical antitumor activity of eribulin (Halaven®): combination with anticancer agents of differing mechanisms
- Extracellular Matrix–receptor Interaction Signaling Genes Associated with Inferior Breast Cancer Survival
- Impact of physiological rhythms on energy homeostasis in rodents
- Chronopathophysiological implications of orexin in sleep disturbances and lifestyle-related disorders
- Expression and prognostic impact of VEGF, CD31 and αSMA in resected primary lung cancers
- Immunosuppression induced by perioperative peritonitis promotes lung metastasis
- Influence of temperature on the volume change behavior of saturated sand
- Fisetin enhances the cytotoxicity of gemcitabine by down-regulating ERK-MYC in MiaPaca-2 human pancreatic cancer cells
- Fad diets and fasting for weight loss in obesity
- Clinical implication of the relationship between high mobility group box-1 and tumor differentiation in hepatocellular carcinoma
- Estimation of risk of normal-tissue toxicity following gastric cancer radiotherapy with photon-or scanned proton-beams
- In vitro and in vivo antitumor effects of pyrimethamine on non-small cell lung cancers
- Quantitative structure–cytotoxicity relationship of 2-(N-cyclicamino) chromone derivatives
- Prevalence of high-risk HPV in postmenopausal women with benign cervical cytology–a population-based cohort study
- Transforming growth factor-beta produced by non-small cell lung cancer cells contributes to lung fibroblast contractile phenotype
- Autophagy in cardiovascular aging
- Comparing image-guided targeted biopsies to radical prostatectomy specimens for accurate characterization of the index tumor in prostate cancer
- Preoperative prognostic nutritional index predicts long-term outcome in gastric cancer: a propensity score-matched analysis
- Tissue Rebuilding During Spontaneous Regression of Melanoma in the Melanoma-bearing Libechov Minipig
- Nutritional regimens with periodically recurring phases of dietary restriction extend lifespan in Drosophila
- Platinum-based agent and fluorouracil in metastatic breast cancer: a retrospective monocentric study with a review of the literature
- Phase I study evaluating the combination of afatinib with carboplatin and pemetrexed after first-line EGFR-TKIs
- Malignant transformation in mature cystic teratomas of the ovary: case reports and review of the literature
- Guide to popular diets, food choices, and their health outcome
- Morphological Analysis of Amoeboid–Mesenchymal Transition Plasticity After Low and High LET Radiation on Migrating and Invading Pancreatic Cancer Cells
- Salt-responsive metabolite, β-hydroxybutyrate, attenuates hypertension
- Treatment of naïve HCC combined with segmental or subsegmental portal vein tumor thrombosis: liver resection versus TACE followed by radiotherapy
- CD117 expression in squamous cell carcinoma of the oesophagus
- A Feasibility Study of Capecitabine and Oxaliplatin for Patients with Stage II/III Colon Cancer–ACTOR Study–
- Clinical impact of histological heterogeneity in the metastatic lymph nodes of patients with colorectal Cancer
- Accuracy of Risk Prediction Models for Breast Cancer and BRCA1/BRCA2 Mutation Carrier Probabilities in Israel
- Antidiabetic medication, statins and the risk and prognosis of non-endometrioid endometrial cancer in women with type 2 diabetes
- Poultry Science Journal
- Alcohol Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes and Aldehyde Dehydrogenase activity in the serum of patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Efficacy and Limitations of F-18-fluoro-2-deoxy-D-glucose Positron Emission Tomography to Differentiate Between Malignant and Benign Bone and Soft Tissue …
- Podoplanin-positive cancer-associated stromal fibroblasts in primary tumor and synchronous lymph node metastases of HER2-overexpressing breast carcinomas
- Effect of Vegetable Oil Types on Energy Expenditure, Abdominal Fat Deposition and Fatty Acid Profile of Breast and Thigh Muscles in Broilers
- The synergism of high-intensity intermittent exercise and every-other-day intermittent fasting regimen on energy metabolism adaptations includes hexokinase …
- Glucose and lipid metabolism alterations in liver and adipose tissue pre-dispose p47phox knockout mice to systemic insulin resistance
- Re-irradiation using intensity-modulated radiotherapy for recurrent and second primary head and neck cancer
- Relationship among tumor attenuation value of pre-contrast computed tomography (CT), washout rate and constituent cells in adrenal adenoma: proposition of a new …
- Radiotherapy-induced early ECG changes and their comparison with echocardiography in patients with early-stage breast cancer
- Is adjuvant endocrine therapy indicated for DCIS patients after complete surgical excision?
- Dietary patterns and breast cancer risk: a systematic review
- Modulation of exposure to static magnetic field affects targeted therapy of solid tumors in vivo
- Fertility-sparing surgery for presumed early-stage invasive cervical cancer: a survey of practice in the United Kingdom
- Additional nodal disease prediction in breast cancer with sentinel lymph node metastasis based on clinicopathological features
- Insulin translates unfavourable lifestyle into obesity
- EpCAM as a predictive marker of tumor recurrence and survival in patients who underwent surgical resection for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Effectiveness and safety of tissue expander for adjuvant helical tomotherapy in curatively resected retroperitoneal sarcoma
- Circadian Mechanisms of Calorie Restriction in Delaying Aging
- Our (mother’s) mitochondria and our mind
- Combined gemcitabine and metronidazole is a promising therapeutic strategy for cancer stem-like cholangiocarcinoma
- Acrylamide defects the expression pattern of the circadian clock and mitochondrial dynamics in C57BL/6J mice liver and HepG2 cells
- Human Intervention Studies on the Interplay between Peripheral Circadian Clocks and the Regulation of Metabolic Homeostasis
- Survey of Fish Behavior Analysis by Computer Vision J Aquac Res Development 9: 534. doi: 10.4172/2155-9546.1000534 Page 2 of 15 Volume 9• Issue 5• …
- Tyrosine kinase inhibition in HPV-related squamous cell carcinoma reveals beneficial expression of cKIT and SRC
- Bile acids and their effects on diabetes
- VC ongress of Polish soCiety of neuroendoCrinology
- Efficacy of asparaginase Erwinia chrysanthemi with and without temozolomide against glioma cells and intracranial mouse medulloblastoma
- Sub-convulsing dose administration of pilocarpine reduces glycemia, increases anxiety-like behavior and decelerates cortical spreading depression in rats …
- Stereotactic body radiation therapy for patients with early-stage prostate cancer
- Plasma stearoyl-CoA desaturase activity indices and bile acid concentrations after a low-fat meal: association with a genetic variant in the FTO gene
- Two-step intensity-modulated radiation therapy for oropharyngeal cancer: initial clinical experience and validation of clinical staging
- Tumor budding versus mismatch repair status in colorectal cancer–an exploratory analysis
- Influence of different sources and concentrations of flavors on the intake in caprine
- An agonistic antibody to EPHA2 exhibits antitumor effects on human melanoma cells
- Hypocaloric Diet Prevents the Decrease in FGF21 Elicited by High Phosphorus Intake
- Circadian Clock as the Mechanism of Caloric Restriction in Regulating mTor Signaling and Glucose Homeostasis
- The role of CHI3L1 expression in angiogenesis in invasive ductal breast carcinoma
- Adherence to guidelines during follow-up of endometrial Cancer: analysis of French health insurance database
- Repeated transcranial direct current stimulation induces behavioral, metabolic and neurochemical effects in rats on high-calorie diet
- Inhibition of asparagine-linked glycosylation participates in hypoxia-induced down-regulation of cell-surface MICA expression
- Revisioning Cellular Bioenergetics: Food as Information and the Light-Driven Body
- An exploratory study of radiation dermatitis in breast cancer patients
- Endocrine crosstalk between skeletal muscle and the brain
- Depression in choroidal melanoma patients treated with proton beam radiotherapy
- Quantitative Structure–Cytotoxicity Relationship of Furo [2, 3-b] chromones
- Differential organ-targeting and cellular characteristics of metastatic human pancreatic cancer cell lines in mouse models
- Knockdown of 14-3-3γ Suppresses Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition and Reduces Metastatic Potential of Human Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
- Stromal p16 overexpression in gastric-type mucinous carcinoma of the uterine cervix
- MART-10, a 1α, 25 (OH) 2D3 analog, potently represses metastasis of ER+ breast cancer cells with VEGF-A overexpression
- Analysis of HER family (HER1-4) expression as a biomarker in combination therapy with Pertuzumab, Trastuzumab and docetaxel for advanced HER2-positive breast …
- Tumor Enhancement on Dynamic CT: A Predictive Factor for Recurrence After Nephrectomy in Localized T1 Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Expression of sphingosine kinase-1 is associated with invasiveness and poor prognosis of oral squamous cell carcinoma
- Evaluation of injectable chitosan-based Co-cross-linking hydrogel for local delivery of 188Re-LIPO-DOX to breast-tumor-bearing mouse model
- Analysis of MSH2 Loss of Heterozygosity, Expression, and IVS10+ 12G> A Polymorphism in Sporadic Colon Cancer
- Significance of age in Japanese patients receiving sunitinib as first-line systemic therapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma: Comparative assessment of efficacy and …
- Pathophysiology in the suprachiasmatic nucleus in mouse models of Huntington’s disease
- Co-occurrence of MEN1 p. Gly111fs and AIP p. Arg16His Variants in Familial MEN1 Phenotype
- Effect of the pulsed electromagnetic field on the release of inflammatory mediators from adipose-derived stem cells (ADSCs) in rats
- Development and evaluation of talazoparib nanoemulsion for systemic therapy of BRCA1-mutant cancer
- Exocyclic sulfur and selenoorganic compounds towards their anticancer effects: Crystallographic and biological studies
- Predicting Poorly Differentiated Hepatocellular Carcinoma that Meets the Milan Criteria
- Nelfinavir induces endoplasmic reticulum stress and sensitizes renal cancer cells to TRAIL
- Effect of tissue factor on colorectal cancer stem cells
- Gene expression hallmarks of cellular ageing
- 3D culture represents apoptosis induced by trastuzumab better than 2D monolayer culture
- An overview of the emerging interface between cardiac metabolism, redox biology and the circadian clock
- A Multi-Organ Role for Nocturnin in Post-Transcriptional Regulation of RNA
- Number of resected lymph nodes and survival of patients with locally advanced esophageal squamous cell carcinoma receiving preoperative chemoradiotherapy
- Chronic health disparities among refugee and immigrant children in Canada
- Global Liver Gene Expression Analysis on a Murine Hepatic Steatosis Model Treated with Mulberry (Morus alba L.) Leaf Powder
- Continuous versus intermittent moderate energy restriction for increased fat mass loss and fat free mass retention in adult athletes: protocol for a randomised …
- Cycling efficiency during incremental cycle ergometry after 24 hours of overfeeding or fasting
- Palatable food, clock genes and the reward circuitry
- Effects of providing high-fat versus high-carbohydrate meals on daily and postprandial physical activity and glucose patterns: a randomised controlled trial
- Hapalindole H induces apoptosis as an inhibitor of NF-ĸB and affects the intrinsic mitochondrial pathway in PC-3 androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cells
- A phase I study of S-1-based concurrent chemoradiotherapy followed by gemcitabine and S-1 in metastatic pancreatic adenocarcinoma
- Calcification Targeted Imaging for the Noninvasive Diagnosis of Breast and Prostate Cancers
- Visualizing the tumor microenvironment by color-coded imaging in orthotopic mouse models of cancer
- Immunohistochemical study of mitosis-regulatory proteins in Gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine neoplasms
- Update on surgical management of small bowel neuroendocrine tumors
- Diurnal distribution of carbohydrates and fat affects substrate oxidation and adipokine secretion in humans
- Effect of simultaneous inhibition of protein kinase CK2 and thymidylate synthase in leukemia and breast cancer cells
- 4-HPR is an endoplasmic reticulum stress aggravator and sensitizes breast cancer cells resistant to TRAIL/Apo2L
- First French pilot quality assessment of the Endopredict test for early luminal breast carcinoma
- Implication of BIS in the Migration and Invasion of A549 Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells
- Radiotherapy may offer a recurrence and survival benefit in rectal cancers treated surgically with transanal endoscopic microsurgery: a systematic review and meta …
- Improving metabolic health through precision dietetics in mice
- 5-HT2A Receptors in Eating Disorders
- Preclinical evaluation of combined topoisomerase and proteasome inhibition against pediatric malignancies
- Preparation and in vitro and in vivo characterization of the tumor-specific antigen-derived peptide as a potential candidate for targeting human epidermal growth factor …
- Neural Circuits Controlling Circadian Rhythms
- Drosophila Gut—A Nexus Between Dietary Restriction and Lifespan
- Unilateral creeping destruction of deformed mandibular ramus and angle associated with extensive facial plexiform neurofibroma in neurofibromatosis type 1: A case …
- Circadian Clock Regulation of the Glycogen Metabolism in Neurospora crassa
- Super Ager: You Can Look Younger, Have More Energy, a Better Memory, and Live a Long and Healthy Life
- Liver regeneration in aged mice: new insights
- Muscarinic Modulation of Pyramidal Cell Excitability and Long Term Potentiation Across Dorsal-Ventral Axis of Mouse Hippocampus
- The longevity diet: discover the new science behind stem cell activation and regeneration to slow aging, fight disease, and optimize weight
- flexibility?[version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved with
- The Relationship between Physical Activity, Sleep Patterns and Dash Dietary Adherence among Hypertensive Adolescents: The Dash-4-Teens Program
- Hallmarks of brain aging: adaptive and pathological modification by metabolic states
- Bioinformatic Analysis of Circadian Reprogramming Events
- New mechanisms underpinning seasonality in sheep
- In non-breeding ewes the kisspeptin analog c6 triggers ovulation without progestogen priming
- Is mri suitable to study the central effect of gonadal steroids during the oestrus cycle in ewes?
- The colorful palette of neuroendocrine neoplasms in the genitourinary tract
- Regulation of reproduction and longevity by nutrient-sensing pathways
- Isochlorogenic Acid C Reverses Epithelial–Mesenchymal Transition via Down-regulation of EGFR Pathway in MDA-MB-231 cells
- 6.3 Artigo 03–Lifestyle, environmental and social effects that affect body mass index (Futura submissão ao periódico Current Biology).
- Galangin induces p53-independent S-phase arrest and apoptosis in human nasopharyngeal carcinoma cells through inhibiting PI3K–AKT signaling pathway
- Crosstalk between androgen-sensitive and androgen-insensitive prostate cancer cells
- Dropping in on lipid droplets: insights into cellular stress and cancer
- Bioinformatics Software Systems for the Study of Circadian Rhythms
- Synthesis and Structure–Activity Relationships of Tetrahydro-β-carboline Derivatives as Anticancer and Cancer-chemopreventive Agents
- In vitro elucidation of drug combination synergy in treatment of pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma
- A framework for uncovering the roles of calories and macronutrients in health and aging
- Altered circadian timing system-mediated non-dipping pattern of blood pressure and associated cardiovascular disorders in metabolic and kidney diseases
- 2-Phenylnaphthyridin-4-one derivative LYF-11 inhibits interleukin-6-mediated epithelial–to–Mesenchymal transition via the inhibition of JAK2/STAT3 signaling …
- The Weight Loss Bible: A Scientific Approach to Lose Weight and Keep It Off
- The Fountain: A Doctor’s Prescription to Make 60 the New 30
- Nutrition and ageing
- Sleep, dietary patterns and metabolic health in UK adults
- Amino acid deprivation triggers a novel GCN2-independent response leading to the transcriptional reactivation of non-native DNA sequences
- Hexokinase: A central player in the synergism of high-intensity intermittent exercise and every-other-day intermittent fasting regimen on energy metabolism …
- Investigating molecular adaptations in adipose tissue and skeletal muscle in response to intermittent fasting and exercise training
- Potent antitumour effects of novel pentabromobenzylisothioureas studied on human glial-derived tumour cell lines
- Role of the inflammation-autophagy-senescence integrative network in osteoarthritis
- Curcumin induces a fatal energetic impairment in tumor cells in vitro and in vivo by inhibiting ATP-synthase activity
- Molecular Basis and Amelioration of Mutant Lamin-Induced Skeletal Muscle Dysfunction in Drosophila
- AACR white paper: shaping the future of cancer prevention–a roadmap for advancing science and public health
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- The role of amygdala-based caspase-1 activation in regulating the behavioral response to allostatic stress
- Enjoy TIME : Stop rushing. Get more done.: 20 thought-provoking lessons.
- The real-world outcomes from high intensity interval training, intermittent fasting and whole-food diets
- A Longitudinal Analysis Of Shiftwork And Self-Reported Depression In A Police Cohort
- Effects of short-term calorie restriction on cardiovascular autonomic response, mood status, cognition and motor performance
- Keynote Speaker Abstracts
- Retinoid X Receptor Activation by the Endocrine Disruptor Tributyltin Promotes Adipose Lineage Commitment and Perturbs Adipocyte Function
- Effects of Breast Cancer and Chemotherapy on Brain and Behavior
- The effects of TIME Restricted feeding on overweight, older adults: a pilot study
- TIME –Restricted feeding plus resistance training in active females: a randomized trial
- TIME –Restricted feeding prevents obesity and metabolic syndrome in mice lacking a circadian clock
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding improves glucose tolerance in men at risk for type 2 diabetes: a randomized crossover trial
- Early TIME ‐Restricted feeding reduces appetite and increases fat oxidation but does not affect energy expenditure in humans
- Early TIME –Restricted feeding improves 24-hour glucose levels and affects markers of the circadian clock, aging, and autophagy in humans
- Adherence to TIME –Restricted feeding and impact on abdominal obesity in primary care patients: Results of a pilot study in a pre–post design
- Effectiveness of intermittent fasting and TIME –Restricted feeding compared to continuous energy restriction for weight loss
- TIME –Restricted feeding improves glucose tolerance in rats, but only when in line with the circadian timing system
- TIME –Restricted feeding restores muscle function in Drosophila models of obesity and circadian-rhythm disruption
- Safety of 8-h TIME Restricted feeding in adults with obesity
- TIME –Restricted feeding during childhood has persistent effects on mice commensal microbiota
- TIME –Restricted feeding causes irreversible metabolic disorders and gut microbiota shift in pediatric mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding improves adaptation to chronically alternating light-dark cycles
- Active TIME –Restricted feeding improved sleep-wake cycle in db/db mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates high-fat diet-enhanced spontaneous metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice
- Hypothalamic leptin sensitivity and health benefits of TIME ‐Restricted feeding are dependent on the TIME of day in male mice
- Alteration in gut microbiota caused by TIME ‐Restricted feeding alleviate hepatic ischaemia reperfusion injury in mice
- Late‐life TIME ‐Restricted feeding and exercise differentially alter healthspan in obesity
- TIME –Restricted feeding delays the emergence of the age-associated, neoplastic-prone tissue landscape
- TIME –Restricted feeding reduces high-fat diet associated placental inflammation and limits adverse effects on fetal organ development
- Effect of 8-h TIME –Restricted feeding on sleep quality and duration in adults with obesity
- TIME –Restricted eating to prevent and manage chronic metabolic diseases
- Daily rhythms in muscle mitochondria: Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding and exercise
- Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on Body Weight Metabolic Disease Risk Factors in Adults with Obesity
- TIME –Restricted eating and age-related muscle loss
- Studies on the effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on ageing and carcinogenesis
- Effects of day-TIME feeding on murine skeletal muscle growth and synthesis
- The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Mood
- The gut mucosal barrier of zebrafish (Danio rerio) responds to the TIME –Restricted delivery of Lobosphaera incisa-enriched diets
- The Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding on Metabolic Health
- TIME –Restricted feeding a High-fat Diet in Mice Elevates Plasma Concentration of Saturated Fatty Acids but Reduces Concentrations of Multiple Amino Acids (OR27 …
- Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Markers of Cardiometabolic Health
- Safety of 8-h TIME Restricted feeding in Adults with Obesity (FS18-05-19)
- TIME –Restricted feeding a High-fat Diet in Mice Elevates Hepatic Long-Chain Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Content and Modifies the Triacylglyceryl Lipidome (P21-013 …
- 199-OR: TIME –Restricted feeding Ameliorates Metabolic Dysfunction through the Restoration of Circadian Beta-Cell Function and Transcriptional Identity
- Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Peak Oxygen Uptake and Substrate Utilization
- SAT-336 TIME Restricted feeding Delays Breast Cancer Initiation and Growth in a Mouse Model of Postmenopausal Obesity
- Health Effects of Three Weeks of TIME –Restricted feeding in Apparently Healthy, Normal Weight College-Age Females
- Active TIME –Restricted feeding Potently Protects Blood Pressure Daily Rhythm in Diabetic Mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding Maintains Metabolic Homeostasis and Preserves Striated Muscle by Attenuating Obesity and Light-Induced Disruption of Circadian Rhythms …
- Lethality caused by TIME –Restricted feeding can be rescued by impairing the suprachiasmatic nucleus function
- TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice fed a high-fat diet
- Effects of 6‐weeks of TIME ‐Restricted feeding in Normal Weight Middle‐Aged and Older Adults
- Abstract P179: TIME Restricted feeding Improves Blood Pressure and Heart Rate Rhythms as Well as Activation of NOS3 and AMP Kinase in Mice on a Chronic High …
- The arrival of circadian medicine
- Effects of alternate-day fasting on body weight and dyslipidaemia in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomised controlled trial
- Circadian clock network desynchrony promotes weight gain and alters glucose homeostasis in mice
- Diet Modification and Not TIME d feeding Strategies Result in Intestinal Microbiome Alterations (P21-030-19)
- Islamic fasting leads to an increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis group: A preliminary study on intermittent fasting
- Altered circadian energy metabolism and chronobiological risk factors of chronic diseases
- TIME d feeding Protocols While Consuming a High Fat Diet Do Not Alter Gut Fungal Populations (OR23-06-19)
- Interplay between short-chain fatty acids and the circadian clock in the rhythmicity of contractility and hormone release in the gut
- The Role of Fasting Interventions on Skeletal Muscle in High Fat Diet Fed Mice
- Intermittent Fasting—What Is It and Does It Work?
- The safety and impact of a model of intermittent, TIME –Restricted circadian fasting (“ramadan fasting”) on hidradenitis suppurativa: Insights from a multicenter …
- Ingestion of red meat promotes chronic kidney disease progression
- Intermittent fasting and gut microbiota
- Food deprivation during active phase induces skeletal muscle atrophy via IGF-1 reduction in mice
- Oxygen and carbon dioxide rhythms are circadian clock controlled and differentially directed by behavioral signals
- When fasting gets tough, the tough immune cells get going—or die
- Meal timing, aging, and metabolic health
- Is limiting the timing of food intake a viable nutritional approach?
- Estradiol regulates daily rhythms underlying diet-induced obesity in female mice
- The role of TIME of food intake on upcoming liver disease in male Wistar rat
- Application of recursive partitioning method (RPM) to select the multi-frequency bioimpedance analysis (MF-BIA) raw parameters predicting appendicular skeletal …
- Salt intake and asthma in children and adolescents
- Hypomorphic expression of Pitx3 disrupts circadian clocks and prevents metabolic entrainment of energy expenditure
- Ketosis ameliorates renal cyst growth in polycystic kidney disease
- Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: Pros and Cons for People With Diabetes
- A comparison of dietary and caloric restriction models on body composition, physical performance, and metabolic health in young mice
- Two Bad Diets for Monkeys/Response
- Restricting food availability to the active period restores rhythmic activation of aortic NOS3 in high fat diet fed mice
- Temporal control of appetite by AgRP Clocks
- Intermittent fasting and its effects on athletic performance: A review
- Timing of food intake is more potent than habitual voluntary exercise to prevent diet-induced obesity in mice
- Associations of meal timing and frequency with obesity and metabolic syndrome among Korean adults
- 99-OR: Leptin Mediates Postprandial Thermogenesis through a Hypothalamic-Adrenomedullary-BAT Axis
- Examining the metabolic, physiologic and chronobiologic effects of Western diet-induced obesity in a mouse model
- The effectiveness of intermittent fasting to reduce body mass index and glucose metabolism: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Help, My Metabolism Is Low!
- A Descriptive Analysis of the Association Between the Duration of Eating Interval Over the
- Islamic fasting leads to an increased abundance of Akkermansia muciniphila and Bacteroides fragilis group: A preliminary study on intermittent fasting
- Effects of intermittent fasting on health, aging, and disease
- Intermittent fasting in cardiovascular disorders—an overview
- Association between social jetlag food consumption and meal TIME s in patients with obesity-related chronic diseases
- Daily fasting improves health and survival in male mice independent of diet composition and calories
- SAT-096 Later Timing of Energy Intake Associates with Higher Fat Mass in Adults with Overweight and Obesity
- Functional CLOCK is not essentially associated with metabolic disruption caused by sleep phase feeding in mice
- Central control of gastrointestinal motility
- The Role of Circadian Clocks in Metabolism
- Interplay between diet, exercise and the molecular circadian clock in orchestrating metabolic adaptations of adipose tissue
- When to eat: The importance of eating patterns in health and disease
- Circadian misalignment alters insulin sensitivity during the light phase and shifts glucose tolerance rhythms in female mice
- Major advances and discoveries in diabetes-2019 in review
- Anticipation of food intake induces phosphorylation switch to regulate basolateral amino acid transporter LAT4 (SLC43A2) function
- The Role of Intermittent Fasting and Meal Timing in Weight
- Fasting Physiology and Therapeutic Diets: A Look Back to the Future
- Circadian profiling reveals distinct regulation of endocannabinoid system in the rat plasma, liver and adrenal glands by light-dark and feeding cycles
- AMP‐activated protein kinase signaling regulated expression of urea cycle enzymes in response to changes in dietary protein intake
- Metabolic Syndrome: A Matter of The Heart and the Brain
- Targeting glucose metabolism to enhance immunotherapy: emerging evidence on intermittent fasting and calorie restriction mimetics
- Ketogenic diet rescues cognition in ApoE4+ patient with mild Alzheimer’s disease: a case study
- The influence of meal frequency and timing on health in humans: the role of fasting
- Intermittent Fasting and Adding More days to Life
- Circadian rhythm–dependent induction of hepatic lipogenic gene expression in rats fed a high-sucrose diet
- Intermittent fasting improves metabolic flexibility in short-term high-fat diet-fed mice
- Circadian clock genes and the transcriptional architecture of the clock mechanism
- A randomised controlled trial on the effectiveness and adherence of modified alternate-day calorie restriction in improving activity of non-alcoholic fatty liver …
- Clinical management of intermittent fasting in patients with diabetes mellitus
- Differentiating external zeitgeber impact on peripheral circadian clock resetting
- Natural products in the promotion of healthspan and longevity
- Keto microbiota: A powerful contributor to host disease recovery
- Timing tweaks exercise
- Intermittent Fasting During Ramadan and Its Effects in Individuals With Metabolic Syndrome
- Circadian rhythms and proteomics: It’s all about posttranslational modifications!
- Systemic oscillator-driven and nutrient-responsive hormonal regulation of daily expression rhythms for gluconeogenic enzyme genes in the mouse liver
- Eating rewards the gears of the clock
- Animal models of eating disorders
- Fasting may be an alternative treatment method recommended by physicians.
- Circadian rhythms: implications for health and disease
- Yaşlanma ve Sirkadiyen Ritmin Moleküler Mekanizmaları
- Late‐Night Eating‐Induced Physiological Dysregulation and Circadian Misalignment Are Accompanied by Microbial Dysbiosis
- Hedgehog signaling keeps liver clock in check
- New perspectives on chrononutrition
- Intermittent Fasting vs. Frequent Meals: What Does the Science Say?
- Transcriptional basis for rhythmic control of hunger and metabolism within the AgRP neuron
- Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Blood Insulin Levels and Insulin Sensitivity: A Literature Review, The
- Nobiletin fortifies mitochondrial respiration in skeletal muscle to promote healthy aging against metabolic challenge
- Effects of alternate-day fasting on body weight and dyslipidaemia in patients with non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: a randomized controlled trial.
- Neuronal clock coordinates appetite
- Effect of structural individual low-FODMAP dietary advice vs. brief advice on a commonly recommended diet on IBS symptoms and intestinal gas production
- Intermittent fasting induces weight loss, but the effects on cardiometabolic health are modulated by energy balance
- Interplay of central and peripheral circadian clocks in energy metabolism regulation
- A role for the biological clock in liver cancer
- An Approach to Obesity Management for Gastroenterologists and Hepatologists
- TIME -limited eating in pediatric patients with obesity: a case series
- Assessment of the metabolic effects of isocaloric 2: 1 intermittent fasting in mice
- Voluntary wheel running in the late dark phase ameliorates diet-induced obesity in mice without altering insulin action
- Timing matters: Circadian effects on energy homeostasis and Alzheimer’s disease
- Circadian clocks and insulin resistance
- The effects of circadian food entrainment on the dopamine system and behavioral measures of affect in the male rat.
- Ketogenic diets potentially reverse Type II diabetes and ameliorate clinical depression: A case study
- Continuous access to snacks from weaning onwards in female rats causes weight gain, insulin insensitivity, and sustained leptin resistance in adulthood
- Intermittent fasting and low-carbohydrate diet to improve cardiovascular risk factor in obese adolescent
- Genomics of circadian rhythms in health and disease
- Crosstalk between metabolism and circadian clocks
- Genome-wide transcriptome analysis reveals intermittent fasting-induced metabolic rewiring in the liver
- Fasting as a therapy in neurological disease
- “Gut Microbiota-Circadian Clock Axis” in Deciphering the Mechanism Linking Early-Life Nutritional Environment and Abnormal Glucose Metabolism
- Maximizing longevity and healthspan: multiple approaches all converging on autophagy
- Focus: Clocks and Cycles: Peripheral Circadian Oscillators
- Effects of Ramadan on food intake, glucose homeostasis, lipid profiles and body composition composition
- Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training on Body Mass Index and Functional Performance in Diabesity Women under Intermittent Fasting 16/8 Protocol
- Methionine restriction for improving progeria: another autophagy-inducing anti-aging strategy?
- Dysregulated iron metabolism-associated dietary pattern predicts an altered body composition and metabolic syndrome
- Impacts of high-sucrose diet on circadian rhythms in the small intestine of rats
- Cancer and the circadian clock
- Covering the Cover.
- Season’s appreciations: activities at the Halberg chronobiology Center in 2018
- Thermogenesis-independent metabolic benefits conferred by isocaloric intermittent fasting in ob/ob mice
- Rhythmic food intake drives rhythmic gene expression more potently than the hepatic circadian clock in mice
- Circadian rhythms and exercise—re-setting the clock in metabolic disease
- New insights into the circadian rhythm and its related diseases
- Fasting-refeeding impacts immune cell dynamics and mucosal immune responses
- Coordinate regulation of cholesterol and bile acid metabolism by the clock modifier nobiletin in metabolically challenged old mice
- Circadian blueprint of metabolic pathways in the brain
- The influence of fasting and energy restricting diets on IGF-1 levels in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Circadian clocks and cancer: TIME keeping governs cellular metabolism
- Modulation of frailty syndrome by diet: a review of evidence from mouse studies
- Disruption of the light cycle ablates diurnal rhythms in gastric vagal afferent mechanosensitivity
- Sex-, feeding -, and circadian TIME -dependency of P-glycoprotein expression and activity-implications for mechanistic pharmacokinetics modeling
- The differential response to intermittent fasting diet versus low calorie diet with exercise based on-866 G/A UCP2 gene variation in adults with overweight/obesity
- Potential role for the gut microbiota in modulating host circadian rhythms and metabolic health
- Obesity Biology and Integrated Physiology
- Angptl8 mediates food-driven resetting of hepatic circadian clock in mice
- Chrononutrition and the Diabetic Patient
- Off the clock: from circadian disruption to metabolic disease
- Nutrient‐sensitive transcription factors TFEB and TFE 3 couple autophagy and metabolism to the peripheral clock
- Effects of timing of food intake and fat/carbohydrate ratio on insulin sensitivity and preconditioning against renal ischemia reperfusion injury by calorie …
- At the interface of lifestyle, behavior, and circadian rhythms: metabolic implications
- Mathematical models converge on PGC1α as the key metabolic integrator of SIRT1 and AMPK regulation of the circadian clock
- Lactobacillus reuteri improves gut barrier function and affects diurnal variation of the gut microbiota in mice fed a high-fat diet
- Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting modulates SOD2, TFAM, Nrf2, and sirtuins (SIRT1, SIRT3) gene expressions in subjects with overweight and obesity
- Eating jet lag: a marker of the variability in meal timing and its association with body mass index
- 0037 Degraded Circadian Regulation Predicts Incident Physical Disability and All-Cause Mortality in Community-Based Older Adults
- Ketone body receptor GPR43 regulates lipid metabolism under ketogenic conditions
- Light, feeding and Melatonin: An Interplay in the Appetite Regulation in the Gut of Zebrafish (Danio rerio)
- Irregularity in breakfast consumption and daily meal timing patterns in association with body weight status and inflammation
- Transcriptomic Responses in the Livers and Jejunal Mucosa of Pigs under Different feeding Frequencies
- From discoveries in ageing research to therapeutics for healthy ageing
- Dietary practices adopted by track-and-field athletes: Gluten-free, low FODMAP, vegetarian, and fasting
- Current treatments on obesity
- 5 Dangerous Eating Habits That Affect Your Blood Sugar Levels
- Recurrent circadian fasting (RCF) improves blood pressure, biomarkers of cardiometabolic risk and regulates inflammation in men
- The association between the timing of energy intake and the risk of overweight and obesity among Saudi female university students
- Calorie restriction reprograms diurnal rhythms in protein translation to regulate metabolism
- Impact of intermittent fasting (5: 2) on ketone body production in healthy female subjects
- Dietary restrictions and nutrition in the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease
- TIME -of-day-dependent trafficking and function of leukocyte subsets
- Epigenetics and type 2 diabetes risk
- Mitochondrion at the crossroad between nutrients and epigenome
- Obesity Biology and Integrated Physiology
- Circadian biology and its importance to intensive care unit care and outcomes
- Relieving ER stress to target NASH-driven hepatocellular carcinoma
- Alternate-day fasting gets a safe bill of health
- Sarcopenia in renal cronic disease in conservative therapy
- Timing of calorie restriction in mice impacts host metabolic phenotype with correlative changes in gut microbiota
- Timing of food intake: identifying contributing factors to design effective interventions
- Microbiome diurnal rhythmicity and its impact on host physiology and disease risk
- The quest for digital health: From diseases to patients
- The effects of diurnal intermittent fasting on proinflammatory cytokine levels while controlling for sleep/wake pattern, meal composition and energy …
- Effects of feeding frequency of an elevated plane of milk replacer and calf age on behavior, and glucose and insulin kinetics in male Holstein calves
- Short-term intermittent fasting for weight loss: a case report
- Effect of Ketogenic Diet and Intermittent Fasting on Complete Freund’s Adjuvant Induced Inflammation in Rats.
- Whey protein concentrate limits venous thrombosis in rats
- Diabesity and mood disorders: Multiple links through the microbiota-gut-brain axis
- Plasma Concentrations of Boswellic Acids in Fasting Healthy Humans Supplemented with a Water-Soluble Boswellia Extract (78% AKBA) vs. Reference Boswellia …
- Focus: clocks and cycles: chronodisruption, metabolic homeostasis, and the regulation of inflammation in adipose tissues
- The role of brown and beige adipose tissue in glycaemic control
- Positive Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Cardioprotection
- Pilot study of novel intermittent fasting effects on metabolomic and trimethylamine N-oxide changes during 24-hour water-only fasting in the FEELGOOD trial
- Effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on lipid and lipoprotein parameters: An updated meta-analysis
- Journal: Encyclopedia of Gerontology and Population Aging, 2019, p. 1-11
- Mice microbiota composition changes by inulin feeding with a long fasting period under a two-meals-per-day schedule
- New Zealand bitter hops extract reduces hunger during a 24 h water only fast
- The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Chronic Disease in Adults: A Systematic Review
- The impact of exercise and nutrition on the regulation of skeletal muscle mass
- A biological hypothesis: is it possible that human symbiotic microbiota coding hunger genes for human beings?
- Conference report: 13th European nutrition conference: malnutrition in an obese world
- University of Manitoba MPAS Class 2019 Student Capstone Abstracts: MB_MPAS_Capstones_2019
- Effect of Ramadan fasting on weight and body composition in healthy non-athlete adults: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Aminoacidemia following ingestion of native whey protein, micellar casein, and a whey-casein blend in young men
- Focus: Clocks and Cycles: TIME to Target Stroke: Examining the Circadian System in Stroke
- Sleep loss disrupts morning-to-evening differences in human white adipose tissue transcriptome
- Nutrition-related aspects of ascites in poultry
- Chrononutrition and polyphenols: Roles and diseases
- 100th Anniversary Celebration of the Birth of Franz Halberg
- Individual metabolomic signatures of circadian misalignment during simulated night shifts in humans
- Circadian sensitivity to the cardiac glycoside oleandrin is associated with diurnal intestinal P-glycoprotein expression
- Diet therapy in the management of chronic pain: better diet less pain?
- Overview and Understanding of Human Circadian Immunology
- Multiple feeding s enhance the growth performance and feed efficiency of juvenile Litopenaeus vannamei when fed a low-fish meal amino acid-supplemented diet
- Circadian entrainment by food and drugs of abuse
- Aralıklı Açlık Diyetlerinin Ağırlık Denetimi ve Sağlık Çıktıları Üzerindeki Etkisi
- Dietary care for ADPKD patients: current status and future directions
- Associations between timing of meals, physical activity, light exposure, and sleep with body mass index in free-living adults
- Lifestyle based remission in type 2 diabetes: Implications for clinical practice
- Circadian enhancer profiling in diet-induced obese mice reveals a critical TIME window for lipid-lowering therapies
- Dietary interventions for night shift workers: a literature review
- Proliferation of nutrition sensing preadipocytes upon short term HFD feeding
- Nutrition and Cancer Prevention: From Molecular Mechanisms to Dietary Recommendations
- The physiological significance of the circadian dynamics of the HPA axis: Interplay between circadian rhythms, allostasis and stress resilience
- Protocols Using Rodents to Model Eating Disorders in Humans
- 0038 Sleeping with Low Levels of Artificial Light at Night Increases Systemic Inflammation in Humans
- PYY3-36 Efficacy is Independent of Photoperiod but Dependent on TIME of Day
- Neurogenetic basis for circadian regulation of metabolism by the hypothalamus
- Energy metabolism and intermittent fasting: the Ramadan perspective
- Circadian Rhythms and Disease
- Ad libitum weekend recovery sleep fails to prevent metabolic dysregulation during a repeating pattern of insufficient sleep and weekend recovery sleep
- Alternate day fasting improves physiological and molecular markers of aging in healthy, non-obese humans
- Fibroblast growth factors in control of lipid metabolism: from biological function to clinical application
- Efficacy of percutaneous endoscopic gastrostomy for patients with esophageal cancer during preoperative therapy
- The role for the microbiome in the regulation of the circadian clock and metabolism
- Adult primary peripheral PNET/Ewing’s sarcoma of the cervical and thoracic spine
- Immunometabolism around the clock
- Hormesis in health and chronic diseases
- You are what you eat: diet, health and the gut microbiota
- The uncomfortable workshop: exploring discomfort design for wellbeing and sustainability
- Protein quantity and source, fasting-mimicking diets, and longevity
- The function of clock input and output pathways in zebrafish
- Chronic myeloid leukemia as secondary malignancy following the treatment of Hodgkin lymphoma: a case series
- Effects of aging and diet on cardioprotection and cardiometabolic risk markers
- An overview of two decades of diet restriction studies using Drosophila
- Targeting sleep duration and timing for prevention of adolescent obesity
- Sorafenib and palbociclib combination regresses a cisplatinum-resistant osteosarcoma in a PDOX mouse model
- Rhythms of life: circadian disruption and brain disorders across the lifespan
- Diurnal influences of fasted and non-fasted brisk walking on gastric emptying rate, metabolic responses, and appetite in healthy males
- The Onset of Grade≥ 3 Neutropenia Is Associated With Longer Overall Survival in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Treated With Trifluridine/Tipiracil
- The impact of TIME of day on energy expenditure: implications for long-term energy balance
- Safety, health improvement and well-being during a 4 to 21-day fasting period in an observational study including 1422 subjects
- Circadian rhythms: a possible new player in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease pathophysiology
- Suppression of blue light at night ameliorates metabolic abnormalities by controlling circadian rhythms
- Dietary supplementation of menthol-rich bioactive lipid compounds alters circadian eating behaviour of sheep
- Dietary restriction and epigenetics: part I
- Circadian Regulation of Hormesis for Health and Longevity
- Pleiotropic chemotherapy to abrogate glioblastoma multiforme migration/invasion
- Working TIME Society consensus statements: Evidence-based effects of shift work on physical and mental health
- Preoperative detection of pleural adhesions using ultrasonography for ipsilateral secondary thoracic surgery patients
- TIME of exercise specifies the impact on muscle metabolic pathways and systemic energy homeostasis
- Cistromic reprogramming of the diurnal glucocorticoid hormone response by high-fat diet
- Yin and Yang: why did evolution implement and preserve the circadian rhythmicity?
- Reduction in glycated hemoglobin and daily insulin dose alongside circadian clock upregulation in patients with type 2 diabetes consuming a three-meal diet: a …
- Peritoneal metastases in a patient-derived orthotopic xenograft (PDOX) model of colon cancer imaged non-invasively via red fluorescent protein labeled stromal cells
- Modulation of muscle cell Insr and insulin receptor signaling by hyperinsulinemia in vitro and in vivo
- Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Prodynorphin Neuron Is Crucial for Expression of Food Anticipation in Mice
- The impact of intermittent fasting and exercise on resting metabolic rate and respiratory quotient
- Temporal gating of SIRT1 functions by O-GlcNAcylation prevents hyperglycemia and enables physiological transitions in liver
- Characteristic morphological changes and rapid actin accumulation in serum-MAF-treated macrophages
- Preoperative neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of bowel obstruction due to colorectal cancer growth
- “Diet and Exercise Will Help You Live Longer”: The Meme that Turns on Housekeeping Genes
- Mathematical modeling informs the impact of changes in circadian rhythms and meal patterns on insulin secretion
- Geroscience and the challenges of aging societies
- TIME -related eating patterns and chronotype are associated with diet quality in pregnant women
- A novel automated system yields reproducible temporal feeding patterns in laboratory rodents
- Effects of intermittent versus continuous energy intakes on insulin sensitivity and metabolic risk in women with overweight
- Effect of Food Predictability on Life Span in Male Mice
- The analgesic effect of refeeding on acute and chronic inflammatory pain
- Focus: Clocks and Cycles: It’s About TIME : Advances in Understanding the Circadian Regulation of DNA Damage and Repair in Carcinogenesis and Cancer …
- Associations of circadian eating pattern and diet quality with substantial postpartum weight retention
- Cannabinoid receptor type-1 partially mediates metabolic endotoxemia-induced inflammation and insulin resistance
- The Hippo signaling pathway in pancreatic cancer
- Survival and complication rates of metastasectomy in patients with metastatic renal cell carcinoma treated exclusively with targeted therapy: a combined population …
- Chronopharmacological strategies focused on chrono-drug discovery
- Prognostic role of pre-treatment symptoms for survival of patients irradiated for brain metastases
- Bullous lupus under nivolumab treatment for lung cancer: a case report with systematic literature review
- Is exercise best served on an empty stomach?
- Alterations of bile acids and gut microbiota in obesity induced by high fat diet in rat model
- Caloric and macronutrient intake differ with circadian phase and between lean and overweight young adults
- Focus: Clocks and Cycles: TIME is on the Immune System’s Side, Yes it is
- In the absence of UCP1-mediated diet-induced thermogenesis, obesity is augmented even in the obesity-resistant 129S mouse strain
- Preoperative neutrophil–lymphocyte ratio is a predictor of high-output ileostomy after colorectal surgery
- The significance of microRNA-449a and its potential target HDAC1 in patients with colorectal cancer
- A novel diabetic mouse model for real-TIME monitoring of clock gene oscillation and blood pressure circadian rhythm
- Is concurrent chemotherapy with radiotherapy for esophageal cancer beneficial in patients aged 80 years or older?
- The obese adipose tissue microenvironment in cancer development and progression
- Analysis of Nutrient Based Intervention for Colorectal Cancer Treatment Using Mass Spectrometry
- Primary Extracranial Meningioma of Mastoid in a Patient With History of Skin Squamous Cell Carcinoma, Lung Adenocarcinoma and Prostatic Carcinoma
- Potential pitfalls of diaphragm structural matching in carbon-ion radiotherapy for pancreatic cancer
- ω‐3 PUFAs Alleviate High‐Fat Diet–Induced Circadian Intestinal Microbes Dysbiosis
- Chronotherapeutics: Recognizing the importance of timing factors in the treatment of disease and sleep disorders
- Advances in intraluminal exfoliative cytology of gastric cancer: Oncologic implication of the sixth metastatic route (Metastasis VI)
- Effects of very low calorie ketogenic diet on the orexinergic system, visceral adipose tissue, and ROS production
- Serum lactate dehydrogenase before nivolumab treatment could be a therapeutic prognostic biomarker for patients with metastatic clear cell renal cell carcinoma
- Effects of administration of glucosamine and chicken cartilage hydrolysate on rheumatoid arthritis in SKG mice
- Influence of race, income, insurance, and education on the rate of breast reconstruction
- Fasting and its impact on skin anatomy, physiology, and physiopathology: A comprehensive review of the literature
- Initial experience of pembrolizumab therapy in japanese patients with metastatic urothelial cancer
- Panniculitis under successful targeted inhibition of the MAPK/ERK signaling pathway in a patient with BRAF V600E-mutated spindle cell oncocytoma of the pituitary …
- Targeted intraoperative radiotherapy during breast-conserving surgery for breast cancer in patients after implant augmentation
- ECCR1 and NFKB2 polymorphisms as potential biomarkers of non-small cell lung cancer in a polish population
- Warthin-like mucoepidermoid carcinoma of the parotid gland: unusual morphology and diagnostic pitfalls
- SR9009 has REV-ERB–independent effects on cell proliferation and metabolism
- Significance of elevated HMGB1 expression in pituitary apoplexy
- Abbreviated protocols versus multiparametric MRI for assessment of extraprostatic extension in prostatic carcinoma: a multireader study
- Usefulness of Monocytes/macrophages Activated with low-dose lipopolysaccharide in tumor tissue and adipose tissue of obesity
- Management of diabetes mellitus in Islamic fasting
- Correlation between radiosensitizing activity and the stereo-structure of the TX-2036 series of molecules
- Nutrient regulation of the islet epigenome controls adaptive insulin secretion
- Nutritional challenges in metabolic syndrome
- The impact of ramadan fasting on the reduction of PASI score, in moderate-to-severe psoriatic patients: A real-life multicenter study
- Circadian disruption and divergent microbiota acquisition under extended photoperiod regimens in chicken
- Cardioprotection by the mitochondrial unfolded protein response requires ATF5
- Rosiglitazone reverses high fat diet-induced changes in BMAL1 function in muscle, fat, and liver tissue in mice
- Therapeutic Outcome of> 10 Cycles of Cabazitaxel for Castration-resistant Prostate Cancer: A Multi-institutional Study
- Focus: Clocks and Cycles: Evidence for Internal Desynchrony Caused by Circadian Clock Resetting
- Dosimetric characterization of a novel surface collimator with tungsten functional paper for electron therapy
- Aging research using the common marmoset: focus on aging interventions
- From ‘targeted therapy’to targeted therapy
- Unusual karyotype in acute myelomonocitic leukemia: a case report
- Malignant peritoneal mesothelioma: treatment options and survival
- The molecular clock in the skin, its functionality, and how it is disrupted in cutaneous melanoma: a new pharmacological target?
- O-GlcNAcylation of PERIOD regulates its interaction with CLOCK and timing of circadian transcriptional repression
- Cardiovascular and Metabolic Consequences of Sleep and/or Circadian Disruption: Mathematical modeling informs the impact of changes in circadian …
- Avoiding holiday seasonal weight gain with nutrient-supported intermittent energy restriction: a pilot study
- BMAL1 controls glucose uptake through paired-homeodomain transcription factor 4 in differentiated Caco-2 cells
- New roles for prokineticin 2 in feeding behavior, insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes: Studies in mice and humans
- Maternal obesity, maternal overnutrition and fetal programming: effects of epigenetic mechanisms on the development of metabolic disorders
- Accounting for the Nutritional Context to Correctly Interpret Results from Studies of Exercise and Sedentary Behavior
- Clinical characteristics associated with lenvatinib-induced fistula and tumor-related bleeding in patients with thyroid cancer
- Multiple Trichilemmal Cysts of the Scalp
- Efficacy of dasatinib in a very elderly cml patient expressing a rare e13a3 bcr-abl1 fusion transcript: A case report
- Long-term esophageal cancer survivor treated by bypass for esophagobronchial fistula after chemoradiotherapy: A case report
- A single day of high-fat diet feeding induces lipid accumulation and insulin resistance in brown adipose tissue in mice
- Introduction to Diet, Nutrition and Cancer
- Metabolism of sleep and aging: Bridging the gap using metabolomics
- Safety and Relative Dose Intensity of Dose-dense Doxorubicin and Cyclophosphamide Followed by Dose-dense Paclitaxel
- Acupuncture vs sham acupuncture for simple obesity: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis
- APOE ε4, the door to insulin-resistant dyslipidemia and brain fog? A case study
- Choline-deficient-diet decreases fibroblasts in the circulating tumor cell (CTC) microenvironment
- An evolutionary conservation based benchmark of seven methods detecting nycthemeral rhythms in gene expression shows that only strong rhythmic signals …
- Sarcopenia is associated with impaired overall survival after gastrectomy for elderly gastric cancer
- Diurnality, type 2 diabetes, and depressive-like behavior
- Predictive factors for completion of TPF induction chemotherapy in patients with locally advanced head and neck cancer
- Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting on steatosis and inflammation of the liver in mice fed a high-fat or a high-fructose diet
- Pollen Allergy Suppression Effect by the Oral Administration of Acetic Acid Bacteria (Gluconacetobacter hansenii)
- Long noncoding RNA, ANRIL, regulates the proliferation of head and neck squamous cell carcinoma
- Circadian-hypoxia link and its potential for treatment of cardiovascular disease
- Effect of diet on the gut microbiota: rethinking intervention duration
- Autonomic nerves and circadian control of renal function
- Radiation-induced vascular damage and the impact on the treatment outcome of stereotactic body radiotherapy
- An overview of the current state of evidence for the role of specific diets in multiple sclerosis
- Promoter methylation down-regulates osteoprotegerin expression in ovarian carcinoma
- Protein supplementation in sport: source, timing, and intended benefits
- Effect of Ramadan diurnal fasting on visceral adiposity and serum adipokines in overweight and obese individuals
- Reduction of intrahepatic tumour by hepatic arterial infusion chemotherapy prolongs survival in hepatocellular carcinoma
- Ethacridine induces apoptosis and differentiation in thyroid cancer cells in vitro
- Tumor-sealing surgical orthotopic implantation of human colon cancer in nude mice induces clinically-relevant metastases without early peritoneal carcinomatosis
- Lymphopenia as a potential predictor of ipsilateral breast tumor recurrence in early breast cancer
- RAND-36-Item Health Survey: A comprehensive test for long-term outcome and health status following surgery
- Efficacy of nilotinib in a cml patient expressing the three-way complex variant translocation t (2; 9; 22)
- Wedelolactone Targets EZH2-mediated histone H3K27 methylation in mantle cell lymphoma
- In vitro anticancer activities of B6 vitamers: A mini-review
- Long-Term Survival and Complete Response to Anastrozole in Breast Cancer Patient With Cutaneous Metastases Only
- Skipping breakfast before exercise creates a more negative 24-hour energy balance: A randomized controlled trial in healthy physically active young men
- Clinicopathological study of resections of intraductal papillary neoplasm of the bile duct
- As TIME flies by: investigating cardiac aging in the short-lived Drosophila model
- Androgen Receptor as a Biomarker of Oral Squamous Cell Carcinoma Progression Risk
- Ketogenic diet and skeletal muscle hypertrophy: a frenemy relationship?
- The diurnal impact of exercise timing on the management of Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A systematic
- Fasting’the Forgotten Fortune of Fitness and Ayurveda.
- Quantitative Evaluation of Hunger in Pregnant Sows: Physiological, Behavioral and Performance Responses to feeding TIME and Frequency under Limit-Fed Regime
- Predictive factors for residual cancer in second transurethral resection for non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer
- Palliative short-course radiotherapy in advanced pelvic cancer: a phase II study (SHARON Project)
- Phase resetting of circadian peripheral clocks using human and rodent diets in mouse models of type 2 diabetes and chronic kidney disease
- Prognostic factors for colorectal cancer patients treated with combination of immune-cell therapy and first-line chemotherapy: A retrospective study
- Kisspeptin neurons in the arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus orchestrate circadian rhythms and metabolism
- Prognostic significance of IGF-1 signalling pathway in patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer
- Prognostic value of subcarinal lymph nodes in minimally invasive esophagectomy for cancer
- Intestinal clock system regulates skeletal homeostasis
- miRNAs as potential prognostic biomarkers for metastasis in thin and thick primary cutaneous melanomas
- Ovarian cancer treatment stratification using ex vivo drug sensitivity testing
- The impact of caloric restriction on the epigenetic signatures of aging
- Loss of hepatic oscillatory fed microRNAs abrogates refed transition and causes liver dysfunctions
- S-1 monotherapy after failure of platinum plus 5-fluorouracil chemotherapy in recurrent or metastatic esophageal carcinoma
- Intermittent dieting: theoretical considerations for the athlete
- Selenoesters and selenoanhydrides as novel agents against resistant breast cancer
- Eating Habits and Their Impact on Aging and Cancer
- HNF4α-deficient fatty liver provides a permissive environment for sex-independent hepatocellular carcinoma
- Meat fatty acid and purine derivatives in hair lambs in tropical climates
- International association of athletics federations consensus statement 2019: nutrition for athletics
- Microcurrent stimulation activates the circadian machinery in mice
- Prognostic value of DEPDC1 expression in tumor and non-tumor tissue of patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
- Impacts of stockbreeding on global warming
- Left ventricular speckle tracking echocardiography changes among early-stage breast cancer patients three years after radiotherapy
- Hypoxia Up-regulates HIF expression while suppressing cell growth and NOTCH activity in leukaemia cells
- Defining an intermediate-risk group for low-grade glioma: a national cancer database analysis
- Nutrient regulation of the islet epigenome controls adaptive insulin secretion
- Suppression of ERK/NF-κB Activation Is Associated With Amentoflavone-Inhibited Osteosarcoma Progression In Vivo
- P53/MDM2 co-expression in laryngeal squamous cell carcinoma based on digital image analysis
- Programming effects of maternal and gestational obesity on offspring metabolism and metabolic inflammation
- Neuroprotection of fasting mimicking diet on MPTP-induced Parkinson’s disease mice via gut microbiota and metabolites
- Dietary and plasma carboxymethyl lysine and tumor necrosis factor-α as mediators of body mass index and waist circumference among women in Indonesia
- Perampanel inhibits neuroblastoma cell proliferation through down-regulation of AKT and ERK pathways
- Comparison of mice gut microbiota before and after fasting for a day
- Inhibitors of protein tyrosine phosphatase PTP1B with anticancer potential
- The past, present and future of immunotherapy for metastatic renal cell carcinoma
- Pretreatment Neutrophil–to–Lymphocyte Ratio Predicts Survival After TAS-102 Treatment of Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer
- Usefulness of the nCounter Analysis System to Monitor Immune-related Biomarkers in PBMCs During Anti-PD-1 Therapy
- Thoracoscopic Oesophagectomy Using Prone Positioning for Oesophageal Cancer With Right Aortic Arch: A Case Report
- The Intake and Composition of Intermittent Fasting, the 5: 2 Method
- Preventive Effect of oral administration of Pantoea agglomerans-derived LPS in a hypertensive rat model upon salt loading
- Endocrine disrupting chemicals: an occult mediator of metabolic disease
- Parasite-mediated anorexia and nutrition modulate virulence evolution
- Impact of Ramadan fasting on medical and psychiatric health
- 23. Scientific View on Fasting
- Dietary behaviour is associated with cardiometabolic and psychological risk indicators in female hospital nurses—A post-hoc, cross-sectional study
- A brief guide to performing pharmacological studies in vitro: Reflections from the EORTC-PAMM Course “Preclinical and Early-phase Clinical Pharmacology”
- The suprachiasmatic nucleus; a responsive clock regulating homeostasis by daily changing the setpoints of physiological parameters
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of the combination of Vinorelbine and Lapatinib in patients with Her2-positive metastatic breast Cancer
- Undigested food and gut microbiota may cooperate in the pathogenesis of neuroinflammatory diseases: a matter of barriers and a proposal on the origin of organ …
- Abiraterone acetate and enzalutamide: similar efficacy in treating post docetaxel metastatic castration-resistant prostate cancer: single center experience
- Sodium, hypertension, and the gut: does the gut microbiota go salty?
- Evaluating Chemotherapy-induced Nausea and Vomiting and Food Intake in Patients With Gynecologic Cancer
- Postoperative inflammation is an independent prognostic factor in patients with thoracic esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- The Effect of Cicadian Therapies in Models of Neurodegenerative Disease
- Displacement of vitamin D receptor is related to lower histological grade of endometrioid carcinoma
- Metabolizable energy requirement for maintenance estimated by regression analysis of body weight gain or metabolizable energy intake in growing pigs
- Predictive factors for elevated postoperative carbohydrate antigen 19-9 levels in patients with resected pancreatic cancer
- Hepatic arginase 2 (Arg2) is sufficient to convey the therapeutic metabolic effects of fasting
- Focus: Clocks and Cycles: Circadian Responses to Fragmented Light: Research Synopsis in Humans
- Dynamic Attributes of Lipid and Carbohydrate Interactions in Biosystems
- The Effect of feeding Frequency on Appetite-Regulating Hormones, Amino Acid Response, Activity, Energy Expenditure, and Respiratory Quotient in Cats
- Intrinsic prognostic impact of tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in systemically untreated patients with early-stage triple-negative breast cancer
- Development, Validation and Reliability of the Chrononutrition Profile
- Neuropsin (OPN5) mediates local light-dependent induction of circadian clock genes and circadian photoentrainment in exposed murine skin
- Potato-Resistant Starch Supplementation Improves Microbiota Dysbiosis, Inflammation, and Gut–Brain Signaling in High Fat-Fed Rats
- Maternal night-eating pattern and glucose tolerance during pregnancy: study protocol for a longitudinal study
- High-signal-intensity MR image in the hepatobiliary phase predicts long-term survival in patients with hepatocellular carcinoma
- Clinical features of recurrence in patients without residual tumour in endometrial cancer
- Interleukin-24 transduction modulates human prostate cancer malignancy mediated by regulation of anchorage dependence
- Low tie compared to high tie vascular ligation of the inferior mesenteric artery in rectal cancer surgery decreases postoperative complications without affecting overall …
- The involvement of pregnane X receptor-regulated pathways in the antitumor activity of cisplatin
- Differential effects of alternate‐day fasting versus daily calorie restriction on insulin resistance
- Chronotype and energy intake timing in relation to changes in anthropometrics: a 7-year follow-up study in adults
- IGF-IEc expression is associated with advanced differentiated thyroid cancer
- Validation of the Dutch version of the Sleep Hygiene Scale and the relation between food intake, social media and sleep
- PPARs as nuclear receptors for nutrient and energy metabolism
- The use of single-cell comet assay on oral cells: a critical review
- Dietary Restriction, Physical Activity, and Metabolism: Potential Role of Intermittent Fasting for Reducing Obesity
- Psychosocial Distress in Follow-up Care–Results of a Tablet-based Routine Screening in 202 Patients With Sarcoma
- Dissecting the microscopic anatomy of colon crypts in Non-dysplastic sessile serrated polyps
- Prognostic Value of Quality of Life in Endocrine Therapy for Elderly Patients With Breast Cancer: A Retrospective Study
- Antitumor Effect of a Novel Photodynamic Therapy With Acetylated Glucose-conjugated Chlorin for Gastrointestinal Cancers
- ARID3A positivity correlated with favorable prognosis in patients with residual rectal cancer after Neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy
- Short-term high fructose intake reprograms the transcriptional clock rhythm of the murine extraorbital lacrimal gland
- Low IRBIT levels are associated with chemo-resistance in gastric cancer patients
- Unaccounted risk of cardiovascular disease: the role of the microbiome in lipid metabolism
- The Effects of Infection on Mosquito Rhythmic Behavior
- Adipose-specific monocyte chemotactic protein-1 deficiency reduces pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma in mice
- Impaired ketogenesis and increased acetyl-CoA oxidation promote hyperglycemia in human fatty liver
- Adult-onset Huntington disease: An update
- Simplified mass spectrometric analysis of ceramides using a common collision energy
- Clinical and prognostic significance of neoplastic spindle cells in gallbladder cancer
- The effect of shift work on eating habits: a systematic review
- Differential impact of ad libitum or intermittent high-fat diets on bingeing ethanol-mediated behaviors
- Expression of matrix metalloproteinases in intraductal papillary mucinous neoplasm of the pancreas
- Biochemical inhibition of DOG1/TMEM16A achieves antitumoral effects in human gastrointestinal stromal tumor cells in vitro
- Differential Response of BEAS-2B and H-441 Cells to Methylene Blue Photoactivation
- Neurophysiological and behavioral effects of anti-orexinergic treatments in a mouse model of Huntington’s disease
- Effect of Vitamin D2 Fortification Using Pleurotus ostreatus in a Whole-Grain Cereal Product on Child Acceptability
- Circadian clocks function in concert with heat shock organizing protein to modulate mutant huntingtin aggregation and toxicity
- Therapy Aimed to Suppress the Production of the Immunosuppressive Protein Progesterone Induced Blocking Factor (PIBF) May Provide Palliation and/or Increased …
- Nutritional and Environmental Factors Regulating Biological Rhythms of Milk Synthesis in Dairy Cattle
- RAW 264.7 macrophage polarization by pancreatic cancer cells–a model for studying tumour-promoting macrophages
- Adverse Effects Profile of Dicycloplatin (DCP) Offers Chemotherapeutic Advantage Over Cisplatin and Carboplatin
- Sinusoidal obstruction syndrome and postoperative complications resulting from preoperative chemotherapy for colorectal cancer liver metastasis
- Uridine cytidine kinase 2 as a potential biomarker for treatment with RX-3117 in pancreatic cancer
- The role of PEDF in pancreatic Cancer
- Chronic effects of high-intensity interval training on postprandial lipemia in healthy men
- Understanding quantitative circadian regulations are crucial towards advancing chronotherapy
- It is not all about regeneration: planarians striking power to stand starvation
- Bevacizumab Versus Anti-preeclamptic Drugs: Evaluation With Three-dimensionally Co-cultured Human Mini Tumors
- Sarcomatous Component in Pancreatic Adenosquamous Carcinoma: A Clinicopathological Series of 7 Cases
- Minimally invasive circumferential hiatal dissection for the treatment of adenocarcinoma of the distal esophagus and esophago-gastric junction: technical …
- Glycolytic Inhibitor 2-Deoxy-D-Glucose at Chronic Low Dose Mimics Calorie Restriction in Rats Through Mitohormetic Induction of Reactive Oxygen Species
- Circadian dysfunction in the Q175 model of Huntington’s disease: Network analysis
- Microsatellite analysis of recurrent lesions confirms merit of anatomical liver resection for hepatocellular carcinoma
- Circulating protein biomarkers to differentiate uterine sarcomas from leiomyomas
- Random Allocated Study of Wrapping Oblate for Prevention of Everolimus-associated Stomatitis in Patients With Metastatic Renal Cell Carcinoma
- Assessment of oxaliplatin-induced chronic neuropathy and anticancer efficacy through pharmacokinetic and toxicodynamic evaluation of a rat model of colorectal …
- Cardiac rehabilitation increases SIRT1 activity and β-hydroxybutyrate levels and decreases oxidative stress in patients with HF with preserved ejection …
- More random motor activity fluctuations predict incident frailty, disability, and mortality
- Marking Disappearing Colorectal Liver Metastases After Complete Response to Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy via CT–A Pilot Study
- Targeting Her2-Positive Breast Cancer Metabolism Through Dietary and Pharmacological Interventions to Improve Therapeutic Efficacy
- Ketogenic diet: a new light shining on old but gold biochemistry
- Small Lymphocytic Lymphoma: Analysis of Two Cohorts Including Patients in Clinical Trials of the German Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Study Group (GCLLSG) or …
- Exploration of the optimal shape for bone tumour biopsy
- Neoadjuvant chemotherapy increases PD-L1 expression and CD8+ tumor-infiltrating lymphocytes in esophageal squamous cell carcinoma
- Day-TIME patterns of carbohydrate intake in adults by non-parametric multi-level latent class analysis—results from the UK national diet and nutrition survey (2008/09 …
- Peroxiredoxin V Reduces β-Lapachone-induced apoptosis of colon cancer cells
- Risk factors associated with early recurrence of borderline resectable pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma after neoadjuvant chemoradiation therapy and curative …
- Transcriptional effects of dietary chlorpyrifos‑methyl exposure in Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar) brain and liver
- The Impact of Intermittent Fasting on Energy Balance and Associated Health Outcomes
- Age and ketogenic diet have dissociable effects on synapse-related gene expression between hippocampal subregions
- Oxidative DNA damage and apoptosis induced by aclarubicin, an anthracycline: role of hydrogen peroxide and copper
- The anticancer and antioxidant effects of muscadine grape extracts on racially different triple-negative breast cancer cells
- Combination of vaccine strain measles virus and nimotuzumab in the treatment of laryngeal cancer
- Contribution of caspase-8 genotypes to colorectal cancer risk in Taiwan
- Intermittent Fasting: More than Just a Dieting Trend
- The effects of graded levels of calorie restriction: XIII. Global metabolomics screen reveals graded changes in circulating Amino Acids, Vitamins, and Bile Acids in the …
- Clinical significance of NADPH oxidase 5 in human colon cancer
- Overexpression and implications of melanoma-associated antigen A12 in pathogenesis of human cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma
- Effects of course of diabetes mellitus on myocardial clock gene per2 and the mechanism.
- Increasing energy flux to maintain diet-induced weight loss
- State of the art for metastatic pancreatic cancer treatment: Where are we now?
- Interaction between the progression of Alzheimer’s disease and fractal degradation
- Skipping breakfast before exercise creates a more negative 24-hour energy balance
- The effects of Eribulin on breast cancer microenvironment identified using Eribulin-resistant breast cancer cell lines
- feeding Behavioral Pharmacogenetics of a Murine Model of the OPRM1 A118G Polymorphism
- Associations between gene polymorphisms of vascular endothelial growth factor and prostate cancer
- Brain metastasis and renal cell carcinoma: prognostic scores assessment in the era of targeted therapies
- Circulating Folate Concentrations and Risk of Peripheral Neuropathy and Mortality: A Retrospective Cohort Study in the UK
- Nutrition and Prostate Cancer Prevention
- The Imprecision of Body Weight Regulation in Response to a Lack of Compensation to Imposed Energetic Challenges
- 5-aza-2-deoxycytidine enhances the sensitivity of 5-fluorouracil by demethylation of the thymidine phosphorylase promoter
- Induction of non-apoptotic cell death by adrenergic agonists in human oral squamous cell carcinoma cell lines
- Serotonin and feeding regulation
- Skipping breakfast before exercise creates a more negative 24-hour energy balance
- Co-treatment with HIV protease inhibitor nelfinavir greatly increases late-phase apoptosis of drug-resistant KBV20C cancer cells independently of P-glycoprotein …
- The effects of meal-timing on self-rated hunger and dietary inflammatory potential among a sample of college students
- Inter‐organ communication: a gatekeeper for metabolic health
- A systematic review of the association of skipping breakfast with weight and cardiometabolic risk factors in children and adolescents. What should we better …
- Electron Microscopic Analysis of Stem Cells in Human Prostate Cancer, Including Inverted Capsule Embedding Methods for Archival Sections and Falcon Films for …
- Autophagy Promotes Survival of CHP-212 Neuroblastoma Cells Treated With Casiopeínas®
- Changes in total and segmental bioelectrical resistance are correlated with whole-body and segmental changes in lean soft tissue following a resistance …
- Clinical and Metabolic Effects of Ramadan Fasting among A Sample of Diabetic Patients Attending Qualubeya Governorate Hospitals
- The ethanol crude extraction of Cyperus Rotundus regulates apoptosis-associated gene expression in HeLa human cervical carcinoma cells in vitro
- Post-exercise dietary strategies for regulating appetite in individuals with overweight
- Forced internal desynchrony induces cardiometabolic alterations in adult rats
- Admistration of Exogenous Melatonin Improves the Diurnal Rhythms of Gut Microbiota in High Fat Diet-Fed Mice
- Dietary phosphorus intake and blood pressure in adults: a systematic review of randomized trials and prospective observational studies
- Obesity in adults: Overview of management
- Investigations of the Mechanisms of Diabetes Remission: A Focus on Adaptive Thermogenesis
- Aging circadian rhythms and cannabinoids
- Vascular Cognitive Impairment and Dementia: JACC Scientific Expert Panel
- Regulation of BS69 Expression in Cancers
- Circadian Rhythmicity in Prokaryotes☆
- Is oral mucositis occurring during chemotherapy for esophageal cancer patients correctly judged? EPOC observational cohort study
- Combined inhibition of ALK and HDAC induces synergistic cytotoxicity in neuroblastoma cell lines
- Optimizing postprandial glucose management in adults with insulin-requiring diabetes: report and recommendations
- Circadian Rhythm Phase Shifts Caused by TIME d Exercise Vary with Chronotype in Young Adults
- AXL Downstream Targeting Unravels Synergistic Drug Combinations in Ovarian Carcinoma Cells
- Serum proteomic analysis reveals vitamin d-binding protein (VDBP) as a potential biomarker for low bone mineral density in Mexican postmenopausal women
- Dietary intake regulates the circulating inflammatory monocyte pool
- Associations of food groups and cardiometabolic and inflammatory biomarkers: does the meal matter?
- Novel therapeutic approaches for Epstein-Barr virus associated gastric cancer
- Climate Change and Animal Farming
- Control and regulation of substrate selection in cytoplasmic and mitochondrial catabolic networks. A systems biology analysis
- Zfat is indispensable for the development of erythroid cells in the fetal liver
- Insulin signaling in bone marrow adipocytes
- 1-Deoxydihydroceramide causes anoxic death by impairing chaperonin-mediated protein folding
- The Effects of Western-diet, Palmitate, and TNFα on Hypothalamic Circadian Rhythms, NPY Expression, Neuroinflammation, and Cellular Insulin Sensitivity
- Integrative Cardiovascular Physiology and Pathophysiology: Impact of high-fat diet on vasoconstrictor reactivity of white and brown adipose tissue resistance …
- Association of SDF-1 and CXCR4 Polymorphisms With Susceptibility to Oral and Pharyngeal Squamous Cell Carcinoma
- The many faces of obesity and its influence on breast cancer risk
- Inhibition of Chemoresistance in Primary Tumor Cells by Camellia sinensis non fermentatum Extract Noviphenone (NPE®)
- A specific isoform of Pyd/ZO-1 mediates junctional remodeling and formation of slit diaphragms
- Circadian regulation of sleep in a pre-clinical model of Dravet syndrome: dynamics of sleep stage and siesta re-entrainment
- Personalized nutrition: Translating the science of nutrigenomics into practice: Proceedings from the 2018 American college of nutrition meeting
- Metabolic consequences of perioperative oral carbohydrates in breast cancer patients—an explorative study
- Impact of high-fat diet on vasoconstrictor reactivity of white and brown adipose tissue resistance arteries
- Human carcinogenesis: the role of age and gender
- Impact of lifestyle and clinical interventions on mitochondrial function in obesity and type 2 diabetes
- Investigation of nicotianamine and 2′ deoxymugineic acid as enhancers of iron bioavailability in Caco-2 cells
- Neuropsin (OPN5) Mediates Local Light-Dependent Circadian Responses in Murine Skin
- Suppression of food allergic symptoms by raw cow’s milk in mice is retained after skimming but abolished after heating the milk—A promising contribution of alkaline …
- Humanized monoclonal antibody blocking carbonic anhydrase 12 enzymatic activity leads to reduced tumor growth in vitro
- Cancer etiology: A metabolic disease originating from life’s major evolutionary transition?
- Milk powder fortified with potassium and phytosterols to decrease the risk of cardiovascular events among the adult population in Malaysia: a cost-effectiveness …
- Molecular interactions between pathogens and the circadian clock
- Lupane triterpenoids and new derivatives as antiproliferative agents against prostate cancer cells
- Goose, Duck and Garganey
- Immunometabolic Control of Macrophage Function by Bmal1
- Jump Start Autophagy: Activate Your Body’s Cellular Healing Process to Reduce Inflammation, Fight Chronic Illness and Live a Longer, Healthier Life
- Adipokines and bone status in a cohort of anorexic patients
- Systems biology approaches and precision oral health: a circadian clock perspective
- Characterizing circadian behaviour in the BTBR mouse model
- Geographic differences in the dietary quality of food purchases among participants in the nationally representative Food Acquisition and Purchase Survey (FoodAPS)
- Circadian Rhythms and the Transcriptional Feedback Loop
- The Inflammation Spectrum: Find Your Food Triggers and Reset Your System
- Unilaterally enlarged mandibular foramina and canal associated with hyperplastic lymphatic tissue of inferior alveolar nerve: Case report and short literature survey
- Health and Nutrition News
- Omega 3 rich diet modulates energy metabolism via GPR120-Nrf2 crosstalk in a novel antioxidant mouse model
- Psychology of Eating: From Biology to Culture to Policy
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials on the effects of turmeric and curcuminoids on blood lipids in adults with metabolic diseases
- Natural and synthetic isothiocyanates possess anticancer potential against liver and prostate cancer in vitro
- Unravelling the Antiproliferative Activity of 1, 2, 5-oxadiazole Derivatives
- The European Histamine Research Society 48th Annual Meeting, May 15–18th, 2019 Kraków, Poland
- Ketofast: Rejuvenate Your Health with a Step-by-step Guide to Timing Your Ketogenic Meals
- Resetting the clock on metabolic dysfunction
- Suppression of myopathic lamin mutations by muscle-specific activation of AMPK and modulation of downstream signaling
- The Longevity Diet: Slow Aging, Fight Disease, Optimize Weight
- The role of hypothalamic pathology for non-motor features of Huntington’s disease
- Best evidence rehabilitation for chronic pain part 5: osteoarthritis
- Sarcopenia: aging-related loss of muscle mass and function
- Small Molecule Modulators of the Circadian Rhythm: From Identification & Development to Pharmacological Potentials in Clock-related Disorders
- Insights on the Regulation of the PERIOD 2 Gene in the Cellular Response to DNA Damage
- Introduction to aging: a positive, interdisciplinary approach
- PEAK: The new science of athletic performance that is revolutionizing sports
- Running title: Biomarkers of CDDP resistance in testicular germ cell tumors Understanding the crosstalk of molecular factors and signaling pathways reveals …
- Are You What You Eat?
- Myeloid Zinc Finger 1 (MZF1) Maintains the Mesenchymal Phenotype by Down-regulating IGF1R/p38 MAPK/ERα Signaling Pathway in High-level MZF1-expressing …
- Prize Lectures
- Countering messages by the anti-vaccine movement on social media
- PL01-S01
- The Hormone Fix: Burn Fat Naturally, Boost Energy, Sleep Better, and Stop Hot Flashes, the Keto-green Way
- Circadian modulation of genome-wide RXR binding in mouse liver tissue
- Chronotype influences physical performance in adolescent soccer players
- Identifying Molecular Pathways Linking Circadian Rhythms and Neurodegeneration
- Ageing and the Drosophila circadian clock
- Investigating nutrient-sensing pathways in ageing human neural stem cells and age-related cognitive decline
- Breast cancer survivors: analysis of rest-activity circadian rhythm
- Academic achievement in Motor Science School in Milan: effect of chronotype
- Frontiers in Oncology Breast Cancer Awareness Month
- This volume is dedicated to the memory of
- Kick Diabetes Essentials: The Diet and Lifestyle Guide
- The Cyclical Ketogenic Diet: A Healthier, Easier Way to Burn Fat with Intermittent Ketosis
- Advanced Personal Training
- The Role of CD44 Variant 9 in Gastric Ulcer Repair
- 2019 AOA Research Abstracts and Poster Competition
- Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on body weight and metabolism. A systematic review and meta-analysis
- TIME –Restricted feeding alters lipid and amino acid metabolite rhythmicity without perturbing clock gene expression
- Short-term TIME –Restricted feeding is safe and feasible in non-obese healthy midlife and older adults
- TIME –Restricted feeding for the prevention of cardiometabolic diseases in high-stress occupations: a mechanistic review
- Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on the gut microbiome in adults with obesity: A pilot study
- Intermittent Fasting and Metabolic Health: From Religious Fast to TIME ‐Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding improves markers of cardiometabolic health in physically active college-age men: A 4-week randomized pre-post pilot study
- TIME –Restricted feeding (TRF) for prevention of age-related vascular cognitive impairment and dementia
- Determinants of adherence in TIME –Restricted feeding in older adults: Lessons from a pilot study
- Circadian regulation of appetite and TIME Restricted feeding
- Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on metabolic risk and circadian rhythm associated with gut microbiome in healthy males
- Circadian clock, TIME –Restricted feeding and reproduction
- A delayed morning and earlier evening TIME –Restricted feeding protocol for improving glycemic control and dietary adherence in men with overweight/obesity: a …
- TIME –Restricted feeding is associated with changes in human gut microbiota related to nutrient intake
- Effects of 4-and 6-h TIME –Restricted feeding on weight and cardiometabolic health: a randomized controlled trial in adults with obesity
- Acute effects of TIME –Restricted feeding in low-income women with obesity placed on hypoenergetic diets: Randomized trial
- Two weeks of early TIME –Restricted feeding (eTRF) improves skeletal muscle insulin and anabolic sensitivity in healthy men
- The central melanocortin system mediates the benefits of TIME –Restricted feeding on energy balance
- Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding during Ramadan on dietary intake, body composition and metabolic outcomes
- Four weeks of TIME –Restricted feeding combined with resistance training does not differentially influence measures of body composition, muscle performance, resting …
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding improves the reproductive function of female mice via liver fibroblast growth factor 21
- Peripheral circadian rhythms in the liver and white adipose tissue of mice are attenuated by constant light and restored by TIME –Restricted feeding
- Synchronization of the circadian clock by TIME –Restricted feeding with progressive increasing calorie intake. Resemblances and differences regarding a …
- TIME Restricted feeding provides a viable alternative to alternate day fasting when evaluated in terms of redox homeostasis in rats
- Therapeutic TIME –Restricted feeding Reduces Renal Tumor Bioluminescence in Mice but Fails to Improve Anti-CTLA-4 Efficacy
- TIME –Restricted feeding and Potential for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus: A Narrative Review
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding alleviates cardiac dysfunction induced by simulated microgravity via restoring cardiac FGF21 signaling
- TIME –Restricted feeding Improves Body Weight Gain, Lipid Profiles, and Atherogenic Indices in Cafeteria-Diet-Fed Rats: Role of Browning of Inguinal White Adipose …
- Protection against renal ischemia and reperfusion injury by short-term TIME –Restricted feeding involves the mitochondrial unfolded protein response
- Impaired function of the suprachiasmatic nucleus rescues the loss of body temperature homeostasis caused by TIME –Restricted feeding
- Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Markers of Cardiometabolic Health and Oxidative Stress in Resistance-Trained Firefighters.
- Plasma metabolomic changes in mice with TIME –Restricted feeding -attenuated spontaneous metastasis of lewis lung carcinoma
- TIME –Restricted feeding in rest phase alters IgE/mast cell-mediated allergic reaction in mice
- After‐Effects of TIME ‐Restricted feeding on Whole‐Body Metabolism and Gene Expression in Four Different Peripheral Tissues
- Ten-hour TIME –Restricted eating reduces weight, blood pressure, and atherogenic lipids in patients with metabolic syndrome
- Will Delaying Breakfast Mitigate the Metabolic Health Benefits of TIME ‐Restricted Eating?
- Correction to: Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on body weight and metabolism. A systematic review and meta-analysis.
- TIME –Restricted eating: benefits, mechanisms, and challenges in translation
- Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding and refeeding regimes on compensatory growth, body composition, and feed utilization in prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) culture …
- Author Correction: TIME –Restricted feeding restores muscle function in Drosophila models of obesity and circadian-rhythm disruption
- Beneficial effects of TIME –Restricted eating on metabolic diseases: a systemic review and meta-analysis
- TIME –Restricted feeding reduces the detrimental effects of a high-fat diet, possibly by modulating the circadian rhythm of hepatic lipid metabolism and gut …
- TIME –Restricted feeding prevents high-fat and high-cholesterol diet-induced obesity but fails to ameliorate atherosclerosis in apolipoprotein E-knockout mice
- Feasibility of TIME –Restricted Eating
- Two-Week Isocaloric TIME –Restricted feeding Decreases Liver Inflammation without Significant Weight Loss in Obese Mice with Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease
- TIME –Restricted feeding ameliorates maternal high-fat diet-induced fetal lung injury
- TIME –Restricted feeding downregulates cholesterol biosynthesis program via RORγ-mediated chromatin modification in porcine liver organoids
- Metabolome of Mammary Tumors Differs from Normal Mammary Glands But Is Not Altered by TIME –Restricted feeding Under Obesogenic Conditions
- The effect of 6-h and 8-h TIME Restricted feeding on body weight, glucoregulatory factors, IGF-1 and IGFBP-3 in adults with obesity
- Weight loss efficacy of 4-hour versus 6-hour TIME Restricted feeding in adults with obesity
- Effects of TIME –Restricted eating on weight loss and other metabolic parameters in women and men with overweight and obesity: the TREAT randomized …
- Food Timing, Circadian Rhythm and Chrononutrition: A Systematic Review of TIME –Restricted Eating’s Effects on Human Health
- Current research: effect of TIME Restricted eating on weight and cardiometabolic health
- TIME –Restricted feeding alters isoflurane-induced memory deficits
- TIME –Restricted feeding and lower-extremity functioning in community-dwelling older adults
- The effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on glycemic biomarkers: A literature study
- Author Correction: TIME –Restricted feeding alters lipid and amino acid metabolite rhythmicity without perturbing clock gene expression
- TIME –Restricted feeding prolongs lifespan in Drosophila in a peripheral clock-dependent manner
- An Effectiveness Study of Early or Late TIME –Restricted feeding on Body Composition–Pilot Study
- Active TIME –Restricted feeding Protects the Blood Pressure Circadian Rhythm in Diabetic Mice
- The Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on Weight: A Randomized feeding Trial
- TIME –Restricted eating as a nutrition strategy for individuals with type 2 diabetes: a feasibility study
- Effect of the p75 Neurotrophin Receptor on Glycemic Control of Obese Mice during TIME –Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding from adulthood to old age improves biconditional associative learning in geriatric rats regardless of macronutrient composition
- Determining the Fasting Length in TIME –Restricted feeding : Analysis of Endocrine Function Among Young, Healthy, Normal Weight, European Men
- Influence of aging, macronutrient composition and TIME –Restricted feeding on the rat gut microbiome
- TIME –Restricted eating effects on performance, immune function, and body composition in elite cyclists: a randomized controlled trial
- Effects of circadian Restricted feeding on parameters of metabolic syndrome among healthy subjects
- Protocol for a single-centre, parallel-group, randomised, controlled, superiority trial on the effects of TIME –Restricted eating on body weight, behaviour and …
- Effect of Varying feeding Windows on an Acute Response to Exercise Following Chronic Exercise and TIME –Restricted feeding
- TIME Restricted feeding for the prevention and therapy of lifestyle-dependent diseases: Results of a pilot study in a pre-post design
- Impact Of TIME –Restricted feeding On Cardiometabolic Health And Performance Among Firefighters
- The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Cardio-Metabolic Risk Variables in Competitive Male Runners
- Suitability of a 10% fat diet for use in TIME –Restricted feeding experiments with C57BL/6 mice
- The Effect of Early TIME Restricted feeding on the Reversal of Insulin Resistance in Type 2 Diabetics on Metformin
- TIME –Restricted feeding and Caloric Restriction Impact on Spontaneous Neoplasms in Female Mice
- Intermittent Fasting & TIME –Restricted feeding
- The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding on Metabolism and Sport Performance in Trained Male Runners
- Using Early TIME –Restricted feeding and TIME d Light Therapy to Improve Glycemic Control in Adults with Type 2 Diabetes
- The Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on Body Weight, Energy, Mood, Sleep, and Hunger Levels of Adults on Social Media
- TIME Restricted feeding on Age-Related Physiological Decline and Skeletal Muscle Function
- The Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding on Exercise-Induced Immune Parameters in C57BL/6 Male Mice
- TIME –Restricted Eating Alters Food Intake Patterns, as Prospectively Documented by a Smartphone Application
- Abstract MP17: TIME Restricted feeding Improves Cardiovascular Rhythms And Vascular Metabolism In Mice On A Chronic High Fat Diet
- The Effects of TIME Restricted feeding and Exercise on Performance and Body Composition in Healthy Mice
- Plasma metabolomic changes in mice with TIME Restricted feeding -attenuated pulmonary metastasis of Lewis lung carcinoma
- High Fat Sugar Diet Induces Skeletal Muscle Degeneration and the Beneficial Effect of TIME Restricted feeding
- The Impact of TIME –Restricted Diet on Sleep and Metabolism in Obese Volunteers
- Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding and Exercise on Immunity in Male C57BL/6 Mice
- TIME Restricted feeding Reduces Vascular Damage and Oxidative Stress in Male Mice on a Chronic High Fat Diet
- The benefits of TIME –Restricted eating
- Protocol: Protocol for a single-centre, parallel-group, randomised, controlled, superiority trial on the effects of TIME –Restricted eating on body weight, behaviour …
- Restoration of metabolic tempo through TIME –Restricted eating (TRE) as the preventive measure for metabolic diseases
- Long-term feeding of a high-fat diet ameliorated age-related phenotypes in SAMP8 mice
- Delivery method matters: omega-3 supplementation by Restricted feeding period and oral gavage has a distinct impact on corticosterone secretion and anxious …
- Retinal innervation tunes circuits that drive nonphotic entrainment to food
- Associations of TIME –Restricted eating with health-related quality of life and sleep in adults: a secondary analysis of two pre-post pilot studies
- Prevention of metabolic risks by Kalabhojanam strategy of Ayurveda
- Structural changes in gut microbiome after Ramadan fasting: a pilot study
- Effects of TIME –Restricted eating on weight loss and other metabolic parameters in women
- Effects of alternate-day fasting, TIME –Restricted fasting and intermittent energy restriction DSS-induced on colitis and behavioral disorders
- Effects of TIME –Restricted Eating on Weight Loss and Other Metabolic Parameters in Women and Men with Overweight and Obesity: The Treat Study, a …
- Retinal innervation tunes circuits that drive nonphotic entrainment to food
- Effect of intermittent fasting strategies on cardiometabolic risk factors: A systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- A TIME to Eat and a TIME to Exercise
- Regulation of glucose homeostasis by calorie restriction and periodic fasting
- Intermittent Fasting
- Studying the Relationship of Intermittent Fasting and β-Amyloid in Animal Model of Alzheimer’s Disease: A Scoping Review
- Proteomics, Digestive Diseases & Metabolism
- Meal-TIME Matters: An 8-week Randomized Control Trial to Examine the Effects of a Daily 18-hour Fast on Diet Quality in College Students
- Intermittent Fasting: Is breakfast still the most important meal of the day?
- The Impact of Diet and Fasting Protocols on Intestinal Architecture and Immune Parameters
- The Impact of TIME –Restricted Eating on Circulating Factors, Insulin Sensitivity and Circadian Rhythms
- Gpr120 mRNA expression in gonadotropes in the mouse pituitary gland is regulated by free fatty acids
- Night-TIME feeding of Bmal1−/− mice restores SCFA rhythms and their effect on ghrelin
- TIME of feeding alters obesity-associated parameters and gut bacterial communities, but not fungal populations, in C57BL/6 male mice
- Considerations for the Optimal Timing, Duration, Frequency, and Length of an Intermittent Fasting Regimen for Health Improvement
- Metabolic reprogramming in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease: evidence and therapeutic potential
- Intermittent fasting and weight loss: Systematic review
- Isolated and combined effects of TIME –Restricted eating and high-intensity interval training on glycemic control in reproductive-aged women with overweight/obesity …
- 0425 Severity of Insomnia Symptoms Differ by Cognitive Status in Adults with Down Syndrome
- Effect of a six-week intermittent fasting intervention program on the composition of the human body in women over 60 years of age
- Implications of the FAST Protocol Beyond Spirituality
- Safety and feasibility of various fasting-mimicking diets among people with multiple sclerosis
- TIME -of-day-dependent physiological responses to meal and exercise
- Effects of Ketones from Intermittent Fasting
- Association of breakfast skipping with cardiovascular outcomes and cardiometabolic risk factors: an updated review of clinical evidence
- What are the Clinical Implications on the Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Human Health: A Literature Review
- Effect of alternate-day fasting on obesity and cardiometabolic risk: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Intermittent fasting as a nutrition approach against obesity and metabolic disease
- Extending the Overnight Fast: Sex Differences in Acute Metabolic Responses to Breakfast
- The role of intermittent fasting and meal timing in weight management and metabolic health
- The Safety and Efficacy of Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss
- The physio-metabolic effects of TIME -restricting liquid sugar intake to six-hour windows during the mouse active phase: The effects of active phase liquid sugar …
- Recent evidence on the impact of Ramadan diurnal intermittent fasting, mealTIME , and circadian rhythm on cardiometabolic risk: a review
- Benefits of Intermittent Fasting: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
- Circadian rhythms in the pathogenesis and treatment of fatty liver disease
- The p75 neurotrophin receptor in AgRP neurons is necessary for homeostatic feeding and food anticipation
- Intermittent fasting: a heart healthy dietary pattern?
- Response to Comment on Jakubowicz et al. Reduction in Glycated Hemoglobin and Daily Insulin Dose Alongside Circadian Clock Upregulation in Patients With Type …
- Chrono-nutrition for the prevention and treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes: From mice to men
- Applied Nutritional Investigations
- Voluntary exercise is motivated by ghrelin, possibly related to the central reward circuit
- Natural food intake patterns have little synchronizing effect on peripheral circadian clocks
- Effects of intermittent fasting on specific exercise performance outcomes: A systematic review including meta-analysis
- Alternate-day fasting, obesity, and metabolic syndrome
- Effects of Various Conditions Related to Circadian Rhythm Disturbances on Plasma and Erythrocyte Lipids in Rats: A Peroxisomal Perspective
- Comment on Jakubowicz et al. Reduction in Glycated Hemoglobin and Daily Insulin Dose Alongside Circadian Clock Upregulation in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes …
- Food Availability Regulates Circadian Blood Pressure Rhythms in Rats
- The effects of intermittent fasting combined with resistance training on lean body mass: a systematic review of human studies
- Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for 30 consecutive days is associated with anticancer proteomic signature and upregulates key regulatory proteins of …
- Mechanisms of lifespan regulation by calorie restriction and intermittent fasting in model organisms
- Sleep, circadian rhythm, and gut microbiota
- Circadian influence on the microbiome improves heart failure outcomes
- The beneficial effects of intermittent fasting: an update on mechanism, and the role of circadian rhythm and gut microbiota
- Ketosis After Intake of Coconut Oil and Caprylic Acid—With and Without Glucose: A Cross-Over Study in Healthy Older Adults
- Metabolic switching is impaired by aging and facilitated by ketosis independent of glycogen
- Analysis of Intermittent Fasting on the Reduction of Body Fat Compared to Total Weight Loss in the Treatment of Obesity: Systematic Review
- Dietary patterns and the neoplastic‐prone tissue landscape of old age
- Maternal lifestyle interventions: targeting preconception health
- Current nutritional and pharmacological anti-aging interventions
- Free-living sleep, food intake, and physical activity in night and morning shift workers
- From fad to fact: evaluating the impact of emerging diets on the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Coordination Between Circadian Clock and Metabolism to Regulate Animal Circadian Physiology Through O-Linked N-Acetylglucosaminylation
- The Restricted Eating TIME (RESET) study Quist, Jonas S.; Jensen, Marie M.; Clemmensen, Kim KB; Pedersen, Hanne; Bjerre
- A Machine Learning Approach to Select the Type of Intermittent Fasting in Order to Improve Health by Effects on Type 2 Diabetes.
- Food anticipatory activity on circadian TIME scales is not dependent on central serotonin: evidence from tryptophan hydroxylase-2 and serotonin transporter …
- Nobiletin: Targeting the Circadian Network to Promote Bioenergetics and Healthy Aging
- Natural food intake patterns do not synchronize peripheral clocks
- Modulation of feeding behavior and metabolism by dynorphin
- Understanding Dietary Intervention-Mediated Epigenetic Modifications in Metabolic Diseases
- Applied Nutritional Investigations
- The association of energy and macronutrient intake at dinner versus breakfast with disease-specific and all-cause mortality among people with diabetes: the US …
- Keeping TIME in group 3 innate lymphoid cells
- 0427 Bicuculine Increased the Cataplexy in the Male Taiep Rats: An Animal Model of Narcolepsy with an Inherent Tubulopathy
- Multimodal approach for pain management
- The challenge of maintaining metabolic health during a global pandemic
- MiRNA Testing to Identify Candidates for Individualized Weight Loss
- Factors that affect the translation of dietary restriction into a longer life
- Effects of TIME d food availability on reproduction and metabolism in zebra finches: Molecular insights into homeostatic adaptation to food-restriction in diurnal …
- Fasting Diets: Are They Safe, Healthy, and Effective?
- Circadian control of interferon-sensitive gene expression in murine skin
- Alterations of circadian rhythms and their impact on obesity, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular diseases
- Reduced caloric intake and periodic fasting independently contribute to metabolic effects of caloric restriction
- The circadian clock, shift work, and tissue-specific insulin resistance
- Ramadan fasting during Covid-19 pandemic
- Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway integrates circadian and metabolic signals to regulate daily rhythms in protein O-linked N-acetylglucosaminylation
- Effects of Intermittent Fasting and Physical Activity on Salivary Expression of Reduced Glutathione and Interleukin-1β
- Habitual nightly fasting duration, eating timing, and eating frequency are associated with cardiometabolic risk in women
- Periodic and Intermittent Fasting in Diabetes and Cardiovascular Disease
- Intermittent Fasting: Current Evidence in Clinical Practice
- Uncovering the Specific Functions of miR-33 in Regulation of feeding and Cardiometabolic Diseases Linked to Aging
- TIME for Novel Strategies to Mitigate Cardiometabolic Risk in Shift Workers
- COVID-19 campus closures: see options for getting or retaining Remote Access to subscribed content
- Changes in the expression of genes involved in DNA methylation and histone modification in response to daily food availability TIME s in zebra finches: epigenetic …
- Evidence-based Review on Intermittent Fasting Diet
- Sex-Dependent Effects of Quadriceps Fat Content on Single Muscle Fiber Size in Older Adults
- Intermittent fasting as part of the management for T2DM: from animal models to human clinical studies
- Intermittent Fasting: A Faster Way to a Longer Life?
- Effectiveness of an intermittent fasting diet versus continuous energy restriction on anthropometric measurements, body composition and lipid profile in overweight …
- Reduced meal frequency alleviates high-fat diet-induced lipid accumulation and inflammation in adipose tissue of pigs under the circumstance of fixed feed allowance
- Can eating help treat malaria?
- Synergistic effect of feeding TIME and diet on hepatic steatosis and gene expression in male Wistar rats
- Crosstalk between circadian rhythms and the microbiota
- A Genome-Wide Integrative Study of DNA Methylation, Gene Expression, and Later Life Hand Grip Strength
- Effects of intermittent fasting diets on plasma concentrations of inflammatory biomarkers: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials: fasting …
- Intermittent Fasting for Weight Loss: Hope or Hype?
- Behavioral and social routines and biological rhythms in prevention and treatment of pediatric obesity.
- Circadian mechanisms: cardiac ion channel remodeling and arrhythmias
- Intermittent fasting and brain health: Efficacy and potential mechanisms of action
- Does the Energy Restriction Intermittent Fasting Diet Alleviate Metabolic Syndrome Biomarkers? A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Leptin-receptor neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus regulate the timing of circadian rhythms in feeding and metabolism in mice
- Circadian rhythms and obesity: TIME keeping governs lipid metabolism
- Effects of intermittent fasting and energy-Restricted diets on lipid profile: A systematic review and meta-analysis
- Limited evidence for the health effects and safety of intermittent fasting among patients with type 2 diabetes
- The Impact of Six Weeks of Intermittent Fasting, With and Without Aerobic Exercise, on Serum BDNF in Young Adult Males
- Reappraisal of the optimal fasting TIME for insulin tolerance tests in mice
- Intermittent fasting and ‘metabolic switch’: Effects on metabolic syndrome, prediabetes and type 2 diabetes
- Alternate day fasting improves physiological and molecular markers of aging in healthy, non-obese humans
- Network-like organization of the circadian system regulates metabolic homeostasis
- 0424 Effect of Chronic Intermittent Hypoxia on Global Cerebral Metabolic Rate of Oxygen Consumption in Rats
- The hepatocyte clock and feeding control chronophysiology of multiple liver cell types
- Circadian rhythms and bile acid homeostasis: a comprehensive review
- Effect of feeding frequency on the growth performance, carcass traits, and apparent nutrient digestibility in geese
- Intermittent fasting: physiological implications on outcomes in mice and men
- High-Fat Diet Alters Circadian Rhythms in Mammary Glands of Pubertal Mice
- feeding rhythms and the circadian regulation of metabolism
- Appetite control: hormones or diet strategies?
- Meal timing and subjective sleep disturbances in older men
- A Pesco-Mediterranean Diet With Intermittent Fasting: JACC Review Topic of the Week
- Circadian influences of diet on the microbiome and immunity
- Fasting Ramadan during COVID-19 pandemic: Immunomodulatory effect
- Host circadian clocks do not set the schedule for the within-host replication of malaria parasites
- High-Fat Diet and feeding Regime Impairs Number, Phenotype, and Cytotoxicity of Natural Killer Cells in C57BL/6 Mice
- Influence of postexercise fasting on hunger and satiety in adults
- Intersection of the gut microbiome and circadian rhythms in metabolism
- Altered mitochondrial metabolism in the insulin‐resistant heart
- Anticancer activity of S-glycosylated quinazoline derivatives
- Early dinner or “dinner like a pauper”: Evidence, the habitual TIME of the largest meal of the day–dinner–is predisposing to severe COVID-19 outcome–death
- Role of the microbiota in circadian rhythms of the host
- Popular Diets: Intermittent Fasting: FSHN20-47/FS409, 9/2020
- Eating Habits Changes During COVID-19 Pandemic Lockdown
- Calorie restriction and intermittent fasting: impact on glycemic control in people with diabetes
- Impact of circadian disruption on glucose metabolism: implications for type 2 diabetes
- Ramadan Intermittent Fasting and Its Beneficial Effects of Health: A Review Article
- Perturbation of the circadian clock and pathogenesis of NAFLD
- Intermittent fasting from dawn to sunset for four consecutive weeks induces anticancer serum proteome response and improves metabolic syndrome
- Energy restriction enhances adult hippocampal neurogenesis-associated memory after four weeks in an adult human population with central obesity; a randomized …
- Biochemical, Metabolic and Clinical Effects of Intermittent Fasting
- Low dose of luteolin activates Nrf2 in the liver of mice at start of the active phase but not that of the inactive phase
- Scientific evidence of diets for weight loss: Different macronutrient composition, intermittent fasting, and popular diets
- Aging and the clock: Perspective from flies to humans
- Timing and Frequency of Daily Energy Intake in Adults with Prediabetes and Overweight or Obesity and Their Associations with Body Fat
- Eating breakfast and avoiding late-evening snacking sustains lipid oxidation
- Fasting and post fasting effect of Ramadan on different seizure types in patients with active epilepsy
- Strategies for the Reduction of Adipose Tissue and Retention of Muscle Mass in Overweight Individuals
- Towards a fasting-mimicking diet for critically ill patients: the pilot randomized crossover ICU-FM-1 study
- Circadian rhythms and the gut microbiota: from the metabolic syndrome to cancer
- Metabolic Shifting: Nutrition, Exercise, and Timing
- Metabolic implications of circadian disruption
- The microbiome as a circadian coordinator of metabolism
- A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on body weight in healthy subjects aged 16 …
- Role of fasting duration and weekday in incretin and glucose regulation
- Effectiveness of nutrition interventions in vending machines to encourage the purchase and consumption of healthier food and drinks in the university setting: A …
- ILC3s gut rhythm
- Methionine restriction alleviates high-fat diet-induced obesity: involvement of diurnal metabolism of lipids and bile acids
- Intermittent Fasting as Part of the Management for T2DM: from Animal Models to Human Clinical Studies
- Association between breakfast skipping and the metabolic syndrome: the Korea National Health and nutrition examination survey, 2017
- “Circadian misalignment and the gut microbiome. A bidirectional relationship triggering inflammation and metabolic disorders”-a literature review
- FASTING-MIMICKING DIET a clarion call for human nutrition research or an additional swan song for a commercial diet?
- Microbiota can’t keep TIME in type 2 diabetes
- The effect of fasting or calorie restriction on mitophagy induction: a literature review
- How to face the aging world–lessons from dementia research
- Untangling determinants of enhanced health and lifespan through a multi-omics approach in mice
- Cardiolipin synthesis in skeletal muscle is rhythmic and modifiable by age and diet
- Saliva samples as a tool to study the effect of meal timing on metabolic and inflammatory biomarkers
- Strategies of unloading the failing heart from metabolic stress
- Circadian control of leukocyte numbers in the circulation
- Does the energy restriction intermittent fasting diet alleviate metabolic syndrome biomarkers? A randomized controlled trial
- Effects of fasting intervention regulating anthropometric and metabolic parameters in subjects with overweight or obesity: a systematic review and meta …
- Protein O-GlcNAcylation Integrates Circadian and Metabolic Signals to Regulate Animal Circadian Physiology
- Differential effects of high-fat diet on glucose tolerance, food intake, and glucocorticoid regulation in male C57BL/6J and BALB/cJ mice
- Bile acid metabolism and circadian rhythms
- Circadian rhythm of lipid metabolism in health and disease
- The gut–eye axis: lessons learned from murine models
- Intermittent Fasting Improves Lipid Metabolism Through Changes in Gut Microbiota in Diet-Induced Obese Mice
- The alternate-day fasting diet is a more effective approach than a calorie restriction diet on weight loss and hs-CRP levels
- Genome-wide circadian regulation: a unique system for computational biology
- Optimization of energy and protein levels for swarnadhara female parent stock during grower stage
- Circadian host-microbiome interactions in immunity
- The interplay between stress, circadian clocks, and energy metabolism
- Intermittent energy restriction attenuates the loss of fat free mass in resistance trained individuals. A randomized controlled trial
- Disruption in daily eating-fasting and activity-rest cycles in Indian adolescents attending school
- Chocolate for breakfast prevents circadian desynchrony in experimental models of jet-lag and shift-work
- Dietary daidzein decreases food intake accompanied with delayed gastric emptying in ovariectomized rats
- The Benefits of Intermittent Fasting on Patients with Diabetes Mellitus
- Nutritional Approaches for the Management of Nonalcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: An Evidence-Based Review
- Lifestyle factors and high-risk atherosclerosis: Pathways and mechanisms beyond traditional risk factors
- Circadian regulation of blood pressure: Of mice and men
- The future of shift work: Circadian biology meets personalised medicine and behavioural science
- High‐Fat and High‐Sucrose Diets Impair TIME ‐of‐Day Differences in Spatial Working Memory of Male Mice
- Crosstalk among circadian rhythm, obesity and allergy
- Intermittent Fasting (IF): An Approach to a Healthy body
- The effects of COVID-19 quarantine on eating and sleeping behaviors
- Intermittent fasting on health, aging and disease: what about sleep?
- Harnessing the effects of endurance exercise to optimize cognitive health: Fundamental insights from Dr. Mark P. Mattson
- Animal performance and welfare of giant freshwater prawn (Macrobrachium rosenbergii) subjected to feed restriction
- Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in 2020
- Spatiotemporal gating of SIRT1 functions by O-GlcNAcylation is essential for liver metabolic switching and prevents hyperglycemia
- Regulation and function of extra‐SCN circadian oscillators in the brain
- Calorie restriction for enhanced longevity: The role of novel dietary strategies in the present obesogenic environment
- The malaria parasite has an intrinsic clock
- Exercise training and fasting: current insights
- Leptin mediates postprandial increases in body temperature through hypothalamus–adrenal medulla–adipose tissue crosstalk
- Diet and mental health: Review of the recent updates on molecular mechanisms
- Modulation of Energy Sensing by Leucine Synergy with Natural Sirtuin Activators: Effects on Health Span
- Muscle Clocks and Diabetes
- The tight junction protein TJP1 regulates the feeding -modulated hepatic circadian clock
- Muscle‐derived GDF15 drives diurnal anorexia and systemic metabolic remodeling during mitochondrial stress
- Healthy Diet: New Rations for Individual Use
- Gut microbiota: closely tied to the regulation of circadian clock in the development of type 2 diabetes mellitus
- The role of the gut microbiome and its metabolites in metabolic diseases
- Circadian Clock and feeding Activity Regulate Daily O-GlcNAcylation Rhythms by Modulating GFAT Activity
- Brain–gut–microbiome interactions in obesity and food addiction
- Endo-bariatrics: a new paradigm for weight loss
- Dopamine D2 receptor signaling modulates pancreatic beta cell circadian rhythms
- Self-initiated lifestyle interventions lead to potential insight into an effective, alternative, non-surgical therapy for mitochondrial disease associated multiple symmetric …
- Spinning the Spatiotemporal Profile of Transcription Factors Via Intermittent Fasting
- Dopamine signaling in the suprachiasmatic nucleus enables weight gain associated with hedonic feeding
- Sex‐specific metabolic responses to 6 hours of fasting during the active phase in young mice
- The wrinkling of TIME : Aging, inflammation, oxidative stress, and the circadian clock in neurodegeneration
- Introduction to Diet, Food, Exercise, and Nutrition (D-FEND) 2.0
- A fad too far? dietary strategies for the prevention and treatment of NAFLD
- Targeting AMP-activated protein kinase (AMPK) for treatment of autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- An adipokine feedback regulating diurnal food intake rhythms in mice
- A real-world study in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus treated with gliclazide modified-release during fasting: DIA-RAMADAN
- Relating goal-directed behaviour to grazing in persons with obesity with and without eating disorder features
- Chrononutritional Modulation of Sleep and the Circadian Clock by Amino Acids
- Gut microbiota during dietary restrictions: New insights in non-communicable diseases
- Emerging roles of translational control in circadian TIME keeping
- Fixing the broken clock in adrenal disorders: focus on glucocorticoids and chronotherapy
- Circadian Rhythms and Nutrition
- Falls risk, circadian rhythms and melatonin: current perspectives
- Nutrition in cancer: evidence and equality
- Aerobic Glycolysis Couples Metabolic Syndrome to Alzheimer’s Disease
- Confusion in the nomenclature of ketogenic diets blurs evidence
- Unravelling the health effects of fasting: a long road from obesity treatment to healthy life span increase and improved cognition
- feeding Rhythms and the Circadian Regulation of Metabolism.
- Circadian disruption and human health: A bidirectional relationship
- Treating binge eating and food addiction symptoms with low-carbohydrate Ketogenic diets: a case series
- Adipose stromal cell expansion and exhaustion: mechanisms and consequences
- Ramadan intermittent fasting and immunity: An important topic in the era of COVID-19
- SSAT State-of-the-Art Conference: Advancements in the Microbiome
- Assessment of knowledge in healthcare workers about diabetes and complication attending structured workshop before ramadan.
- Trichoepithelioma
- Circadian 35
- Nutrition and its role in epigenetic inheritance of obesity and diabetes across generations
- Southern Society for Clinical Investigation Nephrology Young Investigators’ Forum
- Irregular Sleep-Wake, Non-24-Hour Sleep-Wake, Jet Lag, and Shift Work Sleep Disorders
- Akansha Bhatnagar
- 5 Dietary Treatment
- Saliva Samples as A Tool to Study the Effect of Meal Timing on Metabolic And Inflammatory Biomarkers
- Circadian Rhythm in Adipose Tissue: Novel Antioxidant Target for Metabolic and Cardiovascular Diseases
- Circadian Clock and Lipid Metabolism Disruption in Fatty Liver Disease
- Adipose monocyte chemotactic protein-1 deficiency reduces high-fat diet-enhanced mammary tumorigenesis in MMTV-PyMT mice
- TIME limited eating in adolescents with obesity (TIME LEAd): Study protocol
- Exogenous Ketones as Therapeutic Signaling Molecules in High-Stress Occupations: Implications for Mitigating Oxidative Stress and Mitochondrial Dysfunction in …
- Molecular Mechanisms of Intermittent Fasting-induced Ischemic Tolerance
- Associations of number of daily eating occasions with Type 2 diabetes risk in the Women’s Health Initiative Dietary Modification Trial
- Intermittent fasting for twelve weeks leads to increases in fat mass and hyperinsulinemia in young female Wistar rats
- Sleep health: An opportunity for public health to address health equity
- Association of periodic fasting lifestyles with survival and incident major adverse cardiovascular events in patients undergoing cardiac catheterization
- Western diet-induced obesity disrupts the diurnal rhythmicity of hippocampal core clock gene expression in a mouse model
- RCT of Harti Hauora Tamariki: a holistic family-centred programme for child health and equity
- Phosphorylation and circadian molecular timing
- Influence of long-term fasting on blood redox status in humans
- Involvement of GABAergic interneuron dysfunction and neuronal network hyperexcitability in Alzheimer’s disease: Amelioration by metabolic switching
- Sex Differences Across the Lifespan: A Focus on Cardiometabolism
- Ketosis slows the progression of PKD
- Interaction Between Circadian Rhythms, Energy Metabolism, and Cognitive Function
- The effects of meal timing and frequency, caloric restriction, and fasting on cardiovascular health: an overview
- Protein requirements of pre-menopausal female athletes: Systematic literature review
- Nutrient timing: A garage door of opportunity?
- The legacy effect in the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Increased frequency of intentional weight loss associated with reduced mortality: a prospective cohort analysis
- Effect of morning vs. Evening turmeric consumption on urine oxidative stress biomarkers in obese, middle-aged adults: A feasibility study
- Tissue‐specific deletion of mouse basolateral uniporter LAT4 (Slc43a2) reveals its crucial role in small intestine and kidney amino acid transport
- A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression of the impact of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on glucometabolic markers in healthy subjects
- The impact of intuitive eating v. pinned eating on behavioural markers: a preliminary investigation
- Diurnal, metabolic and thermogenic alterations in a murine model of accelerated aging
- Circadian mutant mice with obesity and metabolic syndrome are resilient to cardiovascular disease
- Lifestyle modifications with anti-neuroinflammatory benefits in the aging population
- Seven TIME -savers for early career researchers
- Transcriptional control of circadian rhythms and metabolism: A matter of TIME and space
- SARS-CoV2 OMT: A Relative Contraindication to Thoracic Pump Technique and an Additional Indication for the Elderly
- Effects of dietary restriction on gut microbiota and CNS autoimmunity
- Diet, gut microbiota and COVID-19
- Reliable Measures of Sarcopenia in Cirrhosis. Comment on:“The Relationship of Obesity, Nutritional Status and Muscle Wasting in Patients Assessed for Liver …
- Development and validation of nutrient estimates based on a food-photographic record in Japan
- An essential amino acid synchronises malaria parasite development with daily host rhythms
- Appetite versus Hunger
- Discomfort design
- Metabolomics reveal Circadian control of Cellular metabolism
- Circadian Clock and Metabolic Diseases
- The importance of being rhythmic: Living in harmony with your body clocks
- Negative role of sleep disturbance in the recovery of gastrointestinal postoperative patients
- Effects of shift work on the eating behavior of police officers on patrol
- The Tissue Clock Network: Driver and gatekeeper of circadian physiology: circadian rhythms are integrated outputs of central and peripheral tissue clocks interacting …
- Nutrition and healthy aging
- Circadian disruption in critical illness
- Circadian rhythms and the gastrointestinal tract: relationship to metabolism and gut hormones
- Circadian and sleep metabolomics across species
- Does Diet Have a Role in the Treatment of Alzheimer’s Disease?
- The molecular link from diet to cancer cell metabolism
- Recovery of hematocrit and fat deposits varies by cage size in food‐Restricted captive red crossbills (Loxia curvirostra)
- Association between timing of energy intake and insulin sensitivity: a cross-sectional study
- Cognitive dysfunction is a risk factor for overeating and obesity.
- Euglycemic ketoacidosis induced by therapeutic fasting in a non-diabetic patient
- Differential effects of constant light and dim light at night on the circadian control of metabolism and behavior
- Hepatic lipid catabolism via PPARα-lysosomal crosstalk
- Influence of obesity, weight loss, and free fatty acids on skeletal muscle clock gene expression
- The timing effects of soy protein intake on mice gut microbiota
- Relation Between Health-Care Medical Provider Opinion and Hemodialysis Patient Attitude Toward Fasting in Ramadan
- Reshaping circadian metabolism in the suprachiasmatic nucleus and prefrontal cortex by nutritional challenge
- The effects of intermittent fasting on glycemic control and body composition in adults with obesity and type 2 diabetes: A systematic review
- Therapeutic Effects of Licorice and Dried Ginger Decoction on Activity-Based Anorexia in BALB/c AnNCrl Mice
- Intense light pretreatment improves hemodynamics, barrier function and inflammation in a murine model of hemorrhagic shock lung
- Retinal ganglion cell interactions shape the developing mammalian visual system
- Metabolic Implications of Circadian–HIF Crosstalk
- Child health and the gut microbiome
- Paraventricular hypothalamus mediates diurnal rhythm of metabolism
- The Gut–Eye Axis: Lessons Learned from Murine Models
- Knowledge transfer by digital media: how professional practices in health promotion are impacted?
- Osteopathic Medicine and the Osteoporosis Management Gap
- MealTIME : A circadian disruptor and determinant of energy balance?
- Comparable characteristics of biologically driven eating behavior in different ethnic groups of medical students
- Eating breakfast and avoiding the evening snack sustains lipid oxidation
- The role of PPARα in autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- Current knowledge about the effect of nutritional status, supplemented nutrition diet, and gut microbiota on hepatic ischemia-reperfusion and regeneration in liver …
- Therapeutic use of intermittent fasting and ketogenic diet as an alternative treatment for type 2 diabetes in a normal weight woman: a 14-month case study
- Intermittent fasting does not uniformly impact genes involved in circadian regulation in women with obesity
- Suprachiasmatic nucleus–arcuate nucleus Axis: interaction between TIME and metabolism essential for health
- Impact of intermittent vs. continuous energy restriction on weight and cardiometabolic factors: a 12-month follow-up
- Mediators of Host–Microbe Circadian Rhythms in Immunity and Metabolism
- Mitochondrial quality control and cellular proteostasis: two sides of the same coin
- The role of ADP-ribose metabolism in metabolic regulation, adipose tissue differentiation, and metabolism
- Effects of Energy and Macronutrient Cycling on Weight Loss, Body Composition, and Markers of Health in Obese Women Participating in a Resistance-Based Exercise …
- Consequences of circadian disruption in shift workers on chrononutrition and their psychosocial well-being
- Energy restriction and colorectal cancer: a call for additional research
- Eating versus skipping breakfast has no discernible effect on obesity-related anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Browning of the subcutaneous adipocytes in diet-induced obese mouse submitted to intermittent fasting
- Circadian rhythms of mineral metabolism in chronic kidney disease–mineral bone disorder
- The role of muscle in insect energy homeostasis
- Sirtuin 1 deficiency decreases bone mass and increases bone marrow adiposity in a mouse model of chronic energy deficiency
- Naturally-derived chronobiotics in chrononutrition
- Impacts of Calorie Restriction and Intermittent Fasting on Health and Diseases: Current Trends
- Nutritional Ketosis and photobiomodulation remediate mitochondria warding off Alzheimer’s disease in a diabetic, ApoE4+ patient with mild cognitive impairment: A …
- Development, validation and reliability of the Chrononutrition Profile-Questionnaire
- Autonomic Rehabilitation: Adapting to Change
- Ketotherapy as an epigenetic modifier in cancer
- Exploring therapeutic targets to reverse or prevent the transition from metabolically healthy to unhealthy obesity
- Diet diurnally regulates small intestinal microbiome-epithelial-immune homeostasis and enteritis
- Gut microbiota mediates intermittent-fasting alleviation of diabetes-induced cognitive impairment
- cGAS suppresses genomic instability as a decelerator of replication forks
- Abnormal eating patterns cause circadian disruption and promote alcohol-associated colon carcinogenesis
- Chronic inflammation in the context of everyday life: dietary changes as mitigating factors
- Nutritional Interventions in Cancer Cachexia Prevention and Treatment
- Aging in the Perspective of Integrative Medicine, Psychoneuroendocrineimmunology and Hormesis
- Self-eating for muscle fitness: autophagy in the control of energy metabolism
- Protein and mitochondria quality control mechanisms and cardiac aging
- Metabolic and cardiovascular consequences of shift work: The role of circadian disruption and sleep disturbances
- Intermittent Fasting (IF) Promotes Longevity through Alterations of the Mammalian Target of Rapamycin (mTOR) and the Epigenome
- Switching host metabolism as an approach to dampen SARS-CoV-2 infection
- and meta-analysis [version 1; peer review: awaiting peer review]
- Nutritional Strategies in Prediabetes: A Scoping Review of Recent Evidence
- Daily intermittent fasting in mice enhances morphine-induced antinociception while mitigating reward, tolerance, and constipation
- Eating behavior (Duration, content, and timing) among workers living under different levels of urbanization
- Manipulation of the Gut Microbiota Attenuates the Negative Effects of High-Fat Diet
- Circadian rhythms in hormone-sensitive lipase in human adipose tissue: relationship to meal timing and fasting duration
- Metabolic rivalry: circadian homeostasis and tumorigenesis
- Nutritional Signaling and Aging
- Analysis of Western diet, palmitate and BMAL1 regulation of neuropeptide Y expression in the murine hypothalamus and BMAL1 knockout cell models
- When rhythms meet the blues: circadian interactions with the microbiota-gut-brain axis
- Energy and caloric restriction, and fasting and cancer: a narrative review
- Basic chronobiology: what do sleep physicians need to know?
- The insect circulatory system: structure, function, and evolution
- A Multi-Faceted Approach to Weight Loss: A Case Report
- Cancer as a disease of old age: changing mutational and microenvironmental landscapes
- Impact of Diet and Meal Timing on TIME -Of-Day Dependent Hippocampal Function
- The interrelationship between inflammatory cytokines and skeletal muscle decay from the viewpoint of circadian rhythms
- Top 10 dietary strategies for atherosclerotic cardiovascular risk reduction
- Intermittent fasting in Ramadan in patients on maintenance hemodialysis: Relation to malnutrition, inflammation, body composition and quality of life
- The intestinal microbiota fuelling metabolic inflammation
- Circadian regulation of hedonic appetite in mice by clocks in dopaminergic neurons of the VTA
- Ramadan 2020 and beyond in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic: Challenges and scientific evidence for action
- Resolution of Metabolic syndrome with reduction of visceral adipose tissue in a 47 year old patient with Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Lifestyle interventions beyond diet and exercise for patients with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Chronotype and adherence to the mediterranean diet in obesity: Results from the opera prevention project
- Effect of dietary changes from high-fat diet to normal diet on breast cancer growth and metastasis
- Epigenetic role of N 6-methyladenosine (m 6 A) RNA methylation in the cardiovascular system
- Fasting inhibits aerobic glycolysis and proliferation in colorectal cancer via the Fdft1-mediated AKT/mTOR/HIF1α pathway suppression
- Loss of function in the Drosophila clock gene period results in altered intermediary lipid metabolism and increased susceptibility to starvation
- The beneficial effects of physical activity and weight loss on human colorectal carcinoma cell lines
- Timing in drug absorption and disposition: The past, present, and future of chronopharmacokinetics
- Gut microbiota composition modulates inflammation and structure of the vagal afferent pathway
- Beneficial effects of the ketogenic diet on nonalcoholic fatty liver disease: A comprehensive review of the literature
- Impact of intermittent fasting on body weight in overweight and obese individuals
- Systems level understanding of circadian integration with cell physiology
- High fat diet induced obesity alters endocannabinoid and ghrelin mediated regulation of components of the endocannabinoid system in nodose ganglia
- Physical activity has numerous beneficial effects on metabolic and inflammatory processes
- Oncogenic miRNAs identified in tear exosomes from metastatic breast cancer patients
- Prioritized research for the prevention, treatment, and reversal of chronic disease: recommendations from the lifestyle medicine research summit
- Cranial strain patterns associated with concussions
- Fasted condition in multicomponent training does not affect health parameters in physically active post-menopausal women
- The inflammatory environment mediated by a high-fat diet inhibited the development of mammary glands and destroyed the tight junction in pregnant mice.
- Effect of adrenergic agonists on high-fat diet-induced hepatic steatosis in mice
- Biological TIME keeping: Scientific background
- Personalized Nutrition and Lifestyle Interventions in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus: A Case Report.
- The role of mitochondrial calcium homeostasis in Alzheimer’s and related diseases
- JARID1a Ablation in the Liver Alters Systemic Metabolism and Adaptation to feeding
- Administration of exogenous melatonin improves the diurnal rhythms of the gut microbiota in mice fed a high-fat diet
- Lifestyle Medicine Center for Brain Aging and Neurodegenerative Diseases
- Impact of contamination factors on the COVID-19 evolution in Senegal
- Probing metabolic memory in the hepatic response to fasting
- Characterising a Weight Loss Intervention in Obese Asthmatic Children
- Natural Fermentation of Cowpea (Vigna unguiculata) Flour Improves the Nutritive Utilization of Indispensable Amino Acids and Phosphorus by Growing Rats
- Changing the tone of clinical study design in the cannabis industry
- Association Between Circadian Rhythm with Resting Metabolic Rate in Overweight\Obese Women
- Advances in the Involvement of Gut Microbiota in Pathophysiology of NAFLD
- How to Manage a Patient with Weight Regain
- Clinical Efficacy of Mesenteric Lift to Relieve Constipation in Traumatic Brain Injury Patients
- Comparison of Metabolic Effects Between High Aerobic Capacity and Low Aerobic Capacity in Rats Subjected to Intermittent Fasting and Caloric Restriction Diets
- Dietary peptides in aging: Evidence and prospects
- Absorption of glucosamine is improved by considering circadian rhythm and feeding TIME in rats
- Healthy Lifestyle Recommendations: Do the Beneficial Effects Originate from NAD+ Amount at the Cellular Level?
- Calorie restriction and aging in humans
- Intermittent Fasting and Metabolic Switching: A Brief Overview
- Evidence-based clinical advice for nutrition and dietary weight loss strategies for the management of NAFLD and NASH
- Treatment of obesity in mitigating metabolic risk
- Diurnal control of blood pressure is uncoupled from sodium excretion
- Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors as Molecular Links between Caloric Restriction and Circadian Rhythm
- Nutrition and longevity–From mechanisms to uncertainties
- Hepatic lipid metabolism is affected by a daily 3-meal pattern with varying dietary crude protein with a pig model
- Epigenetic contribution to obesity
- Aging and the biological response to liver injury
- Signaling pathways of dietary energy restriction and metabolism on brain physiology and in age-related neurodegenerative diseases
- Novel insights into the metabolic action of Kiss1 neurons
- The effects of foods on blood lipids in non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)-a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Effect of diurnal intermittent fasting during Ramadan on ghrelin, leptin, melatonin, and cortisol levels among overweight and obese subjects: A prospective …
- Decreased brain and muscle ARNT-like protein 1 expression mediated the contribution of hyperandrogenism to insulin resistance in polycystic ovary …
- Phosphorylation of mouse intestinal basolateral amino acid uniporter LAT4 is controlled by food-entrained diurnal rhythm and dietary proteins
- ACCEPTED (Pre-Proof)
- Intermittent starvation extends the functional lifeTIME of primary human hepatocyte cultures
- Effect of carnosine supplementation on lipid profile, fasting blood glucose, HbA1C and insulin resistance: A systematic review and meta-analysis of long-term …
- Single-cell transcriptomics allows novel insights into aging and circadian processes
- Ramadan fasting in health and disease (2019): A narrative review
- Effects of fasting during Ramadan on seizure control and quality of life in patients with epilepsy
- Dietary Energy Modulation and Autophagy: Exploiting Metabolic Vulnerabilities to Starve Cancer
- Consummatory, feeding Microstructural, and Metabolic Effects Induced by Limiting Access to Either a High-Sucrose or a High-Fat Diet
- Simulated shift work during pregnancy does not impair progeny metabolic outcomes in sheep
- Differential effects of leptin administration on feeding and HPT axis function in early-life overfed adult rats
- Maternal high linoleic acid alters placental fatty acid composition
- Intermittent fasting: what questions should we be asking?
- Complement in Reproductive White Adipose Tissue Characterizes the Obese Preeclamptic-Like BPH/5 Mouse Prior to and During Pregnancy
- Dietary restriction for prevention of contrast-induced acute kidney injury in patients undergoing percutaneous coronary angiography: a randomized controlled …
- Dietas populares: Ayuno intermitente
- Reference gene optimization for circadian gene expression analysis in human adipose tissue
- A Literature Review on Intermittent Fasting
- Theabrownin from Pu-erh tea together with swinging exercise synergistically ameliorates obesity and insulin resistance in rats
- Molecular mechanisms and physiological importance of circadian rhythms
- A high-salt/high fat diet alters circadian locomotor activity and glucocorticoid synthesis in mice
- Dynamic remodeling of white adipose tissue by intermittent fasting
- Fluoxetine mimics the anorectic action of estrogen and its regulation of circadian feeding in ovariectomized female rats
- Circadian rhythm and its association with birth and infant outcomes: research protocol of a prospective cohort study
- The Light/Dark cycle disruption affects hepatic function both in metabolic parameters and tissue structure in a nocturnal desert rodent: Gerbillus tarabuli
- Cancer in the Fourth Dimension: What is the impact of circadian disruption?
- The Powerful Roles of Nad+ in Anti-Aging
- Associations of diarised sleep onset TIME , period and duration with total and central adiposity in a biethnic sample of young children: the Born in Bradford study
- Eating versus skipping breakfast has no discernible effect on obesity-related anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and meta-analysis [version 2; peer …
- Dietary choices and habits during COVID-19 lockdown: experience from Poland
- Temporal dietary patterns are associated with obesity in US adults
- Treatment of functional hypogonadism besides pharmacological substitution
- Longitudinal Study of Body composition and energy expenditure in overweight or obese Young Adults
- Cross-sectional and longitudinal agreement between two multifrequency bioimpedance devices for resistance, reactance, and phase angle values
- Saccharin supplementation inhibits bacterial growth and reduces experimental colitis in mice
- Precision Medicine in Lifestyle Medicine: The Way of the Future?
- Hormesis: A potential strategic approach to the treatment of neurodegenerative disease
- Diverging metabolic programmes and behaviours during states of starvation, protein malnutrition, and cachexia
- Feto-maternal crosstalk in the development of the circadian clock system
- Hunger associations with meal timing and adherence to meal timing recommendations for weight loss
- Abnormal food timing promotes alcohol-associated dysbiosis and colon carcinogenesis pathways
- Circadian regulation of the biology of allergic disease: clock disruption can promote allergy
- Effectiveness of osteopathic manipulative medicine vs concussion education in treating student athletes with acute concussion symptoms
- Forging forward together: Transforming scientific practice to accelerate scientific progress
- Disruption of circadian rhythms: A crucial factor in the etiology of infertility
- Unexpected Association of Desacyl-Ghrelin with Physical Activity and Chronic Food Restriction: A Translational Study on Anorexia Nervosa
- Dietary wheat amylase trypsin inhibitors impact Alzheimer’s disease pathology in 5xFAD model mice
- Siphonaxanthin, a carotenoid from green algae Codium cylindricum, protects Ob/Ob mice fed on a high-fat diet against lipotoxicity by ameliorating somatic stresses …
- Effects of diet on sleep: a narrative review
- Meal timing alone alters lipid oxidation rate without affecting corticosterone in mice and humans
- Specificity of transaminase activities in the prediction of drug-induced hepatotoxicity
- Efficacy and Safety of Polaprezinc (Zinc Compound) on Zinc Deficiency: A Systematic Review and Dose–Response Meta-Analysis of Randomized Clinical Trials …
- Effects of Fasting-Mimicking Diet and Specific Meal Replacement Foods on Blood Glucose Control in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized …
- Healthy food to support healthy life
- Evaluation of reference gene suitability for serial qRT-PCR measurements of human adipose tissue from obese women undergoing sleeve gastrectomy …
- Divergent Response to the SSRI Citalopram in Male and Female Three-Spine Sticklebacks (Gasterosteus aculeatus)
- The enhancement of fat oxidation during the active phase and suppression of body weight gain in glycerol-3-phosphate dehydrogenase 1 deficient mice
- Blood glucose and insulin values on daily profile, m value and meal tolerance in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)
- The Peripheral Circadian Clock and Exercise: Lessons from Young and Old Mice
- The neuropeptide VIP confers anticipatory mucosal immunity by regulating ILC3 activity
- Effect of combined citrulline supplementation and resistance training intervention on muscle mass, mitochondrial respiratory capacity, and ccf-mtDNA in cancer …
- Current and emerging treatment options to prevent renal failure due to autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease
- Sleep Disorders in Critically Ill Cancer Patients
- Chronotheranostics and chronotherapy-frontiers for personalized medicine
- β-cell replenishment: Possible curative approaches for diabetes mellitus
- Exploring the microbiome’s potential role in severe COVID-19: possible implications for prevention and treatment
- Shotgun Lipidomics Discovered Diurnal Regulation of Lipid Metabolism Linked to Insulin Sensitivity in Nondiabetic Men
- Effects of protein supplementation in fitness world: A 12-week cross-over studio
- Methods detecting rhythmic gene expression are biologically relevant only for strong signal
- Therapeutic Potential of Whey against Aging Related Cytological Damage of Adenohypophysis of Rat
- Influence of long-term fasting and intermittent fasting on the cognitive abilities
- Deconstructing circadian disruption: assessing the contribution of reduced peripheral oscillator amplitude on obesity and glucose intolerance in mice
- Resetting the aging clock: implications for managing age-related diseases
- Geroprotective and senoremediative strategies to reduce the comorbidity, infection rates, severity, and lethality in gerophilic and gerolavic infections
- Changes in Hematological Parameters of Sprague Dawley Rats with Use of Cyclosporine and Nigella Sativa
- Comparing the effects of 5: 2 intermittent fasting and continuous energy restriction when combined with resistance training on body composition, muscular strength …
- Ageing, Drosophila melanogaster and Epigenetics
- The circadian clock protein REVERBα inhibits pulmonary fibrosis development
- A CLOCK-binding small molecule disrupts the interaction between CLOCK and BMAL1 and enhances circadian rhythm amplitude
- Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction in the Management of Chronic Pain and Its Comorbid Depression
- Melatonin relations with energy metabolism as possibly involved in fatal mountain road traffic accidents
- Is caloric restriction associated with better healthy aging outcomes? A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Circadian gene clock participates in mitochondrial apoptosis pathways by regulating mitochondrial membrane potential, mitochondria out membrane permeablization …
- The safety of Ramadan fasting following percutaneous coronary intervention
- Intermittent fasting 5: 2 diet: What is the macronutrient and micronutrient intake and composition?
- Ketogenic diets as treatment of obesity and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Acupuncture versus sham acupuncture for simple obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Circadian Control of Blood Pressure and Renal Electrolyte Excretion
- Lower body weight in rats under hypobaric hypoxia exposure would lead to reduced right ventricular hypertrophy and increased AMPK activation
- The impact of supervised beego, a traditional Chinese water-only fasting, on thrombosis and hemostasis
- Biological Rhythms and Aging
- Transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteomic underpinnings of daily exercise performance and Zeitgeber activity of endurance training
- Intermittent Calorie Restriction Ameliorates Behavioral Changes and Tau Hyperphosphorylation in Chronic Immobilization Stress in Rats.
- The impact of supervised beego, a traditional Chinese water-only fasting, on thrombosis and hemostasis
- Consistent morning exercise may be beneficial for individuals with obesity
- Alternate Day Fasting Combined with A Low Carbohydrate Diet for Weight Loss and Weight Maintenance
- The Microbiome in Health and Disease from the Perspective of Modern Medicine and Ayurveda
- Histological and Immunohistochemical Evaluation of the Ameliorating Role of Propolis and/or Intermittent Fasting on Induced Oral Mucositis in Albino Rats.
- Behavioral Circadian Timing System Disruptors and Incident Type 2 Diabetes in a Nonshift Working Multiethnic Population
- Comparison of cardiovascular autonomic activity (heart rate variability and baroreceptor sensitivity) in young healthy females during fasting and hyperglycaemia
- Nutritional domains in frailty tools: Working towards an operational definition of nutritional frailty
- Physical activity and diet shape the immune system during aging
- Systemic muscle wasting and coordinated tumour response drive tumourigenesis
- Dynamic thiol/disulfide homeostasis in metabolically healthy obese adolescents
- Mood‐related central and peripheral clocks
- A population-based gene expression signature of molecular clock phase from a single epidermal sample
- Nutritional Epigenetics
- Biological Versus Chronological Aging: JACC Focus Seminar
- Adipose tissue-liver crosstalk during pathologic changes caused by vinyl chloride metabolites in mice
- Bmal1 integrates mitochondrial metabolism and macrophage activation
- 20 Biological Rhythms and Aging
- Potential circadian rhythms in oligodendrocytes? Working together through TIME
- Risk factors related to weight gain for chines during home confinement in COVID-19 Pandemic: an observational retrospective study
- Lactotrehalose, an analog of trehalose, increases energy metabolism without promoting Clostridioides difficile infection in mice
- A Molecular Index for Biological Age identified from the Metabolome and Senescence-associated Secretome in Humans
- Nutritional and behavioral approaches to body composition and low-grade chronic inflammation management for older adults in the ordinary and COVID-19 TIME s
- Manipulating Cellular Energetics to Slow Aging of Tissues and Organs
- Influence of Glutamine and Branched-Chain Amino Acids Supplementation during Refeeding in Activity-Based Anorectic Mice
- Substrain specific behavioral responses in male C57BL/6N and C57BL/6J mice to a shortened 21-hour day and high-fat diet
- The timing of fasting leads to different levels of food consumption and PYY 3–36 in nocturnal mice
- Ramadan intermittent fasting affects adipokines and leptin/adiponectin ratio in type 2 diabetes mellitus and their first-degree relatives
- Rib Somatic Dysfunction Among General Surgical Patients
- Conditioning Medicine
- Type 1 diabetes mellitus impairs diurnal oscillations in murine extraorbital lacrimal glands
- Obstructive sleep apnea, shift work and cardiometabolic risk
- Ahara vidhi
- Intermittent fasting benefits on alpha-and beta-cell arrangement in diet-induced obese mice pancreatic islet
- The dayTIME feeding frequency affects appetite-regulating hormones, amino acids, physical activity, and respiratory quotient, but not energy expenditure, in …
- The Making and Breaking of RNAs: Dynamics of Rhythmic RNA Expression in Mammals
- The roles of gut microbiota and circadian rhythm in the cardiovascular protective effects of polyphenols
- Impact of the Intestinal Microbiota on Host Energy Homeostasis and Intestinal Epithelial Biology in Anorexia Nervosa
- Circadian Clock and OxInflammation: Functional Crosstalk in Cutaneous Homeostasis
- Dietary Selenium Supplementation Does Not Attenuate Mammary Tumorigenesis-Mediated Bone Loss in Male MMTV-PyMT Mice
- Stratifying nutritional restriction in cancer therapy: Next stop, personalized medicine
- Practice locations of Michigan ophthalmologists as a model to compare practice patterns of DO and MD surgical subspecialists
- The association between chronotype and dietary pattern among adults: a scoping review
- Fasting before or after wound injury accelerates wound healing through the activation of pro-angiogenic SMOC1 and SCG2
- 14. Making Medicine Work in the Anthropocene: Tenets of a Meta-medicine for Complex Adaptive Systems in Precarious TIME s
- Nutrient signaling pathways regulate amyloid clearance and synaptic loss in Alzheimer’s disease
- The ageing epigenome and its rejuvenation
- Adjusting iron and vitamin A status in settings of inflammation: A sensitivity analysis of the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of Anemia …
- Integrative Epigenomic and Transcriptomic Analysis Reveals Robust Metabolic Switching in the Brain During Intermittent Fasting
- Integrated approach of yoga and naturopathy alongside conventional care: A need of the hour healthcare strategy in the management of COVID-19 in India …
- Lower Postprandial Thermogenic Response to an Unprocessed Whole Food Meal Compared to an Iso-Energetic/Macronutrient Meal Replacement in Young Women …
- Cognitive function and brain plasticity in a rat model of shift work: role of daily rhythms, sleep and glucocorticoids
- Intermittent Administration of a Modified Fasting-Mimicking Diet Reduces Intestinal Inflammation and Promotes Repair to Ameliorate Inflammatory Bowel Disease in …
- Melatonin relations with energy metabolism as possibly involved in fatal mountain road traffc accidents
- Metabolic inflammation and insulin resistance in obesity
- Diversity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells: circuits and functions
- The importance of redox status in the frame of lifestyle approaches and the genetics of the lung innate immune molecules, SP-A1 and SP-A2, on differential outcomes …
- Circadian Misalignment of the 24-hour Profile of Endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol (2-AG) in Obese Adults
- Longevity: translation of aging theories into action
- Neuronal mechanisms that drive organismal aging through the lens of perception
- Quantifying diet intake and its association with cardiometabolic risk in the UK airwave health monitoring study: a data-driven approach
- The Promise of a Golden Era for Exploring the Frontiers of Aging, Metabolism and Redox Biology
- Administration timing and duration-dependent effects of sesamin isomers on lipid metabolism in rats
- The concept of coupling in the mammalian circadian clock network
- Impact of circadian and diurnal rhythms on cellular metabolic function and neurodegenerative diseases
- Circadian regulation of membrane physiology in neural oscillators throughout the brain
- Effects of timing of acute and consecutive catechin ingestion on postprandial glucose metabolism in mice and humans
- Effects of rapid weight loss on judo athletes: a systematic review
- Management of Hepatogenous Diabetes in a Liver Transplant Patient Through Blood Sugar Regulation: A Case Report
- How to Have the Energy: Your nine-point plan to eating smarter, improving focus and feeding your potential
- What model of nutrition can be recommended to people ending their professional sports career? An analysis of the Mediterranean diet and the CRON diet in the …
- Effects of intermittent starvation on the survival, growth, and nutritional status of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium borellii Nobili, 1896 (Decapoda: Caridea …
- Chrono-nutrition and diet quality in adolescents with delayed sleep-wake phase disorder
- Standardization of laboratory practices and reporting of biomarker data in clinical nutrition research
- Atlas of Exercise Metabolism Reveals TIME -Dependent Signatures of Metabolic Homeostasis
- Environmental Chemical Obesogens
- Hepatic lipid droplet homeostasis and fatty liver disease
- Body fat gain and loss differentially influence validity of dual-energy x-ray absorptiometry and multifrequency bioelectrical impedance analysis during simultaneous fat …
- Long-term sucrose solution consumption causes metabolic alterations and affects hepatic oxidative stress in Wistar rats
- Gestational diabetes mellitus treatment schemes modify maternal plasma cholesterol levels dependent to women s weight: Possible impact on feto-placental vascular …
- Myeloid-specific Asxl2 deletion limits diet-induced obesity by regulating energy expenditure
- Chrono-nutrition
- Gut microbiota interaction in host lipid metabolism
- The Effects of Exercise on the Fasting Ketone Production Curve: A Randomized Crossover Study
- The fluctuations of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) in the amygdala in fear conditioning model of male Wistar rats following sleep deprivation …
- Research Article Circadian Clock and OxInflammation: Functional Crosstalk in Cutaneous Homeostasis
- A novel third mesh-like myometrial layer connects the longitudinal and circular muscle fibers-A potential stratum to coordinate uterine contractions
- Hypolipidemic and Hypoglycaemic Effect of Wholemeal Bread with Amaranth (Amaranthus dubius Mart. ex Thell.) on Sprague Dawley Rats
- Portable Ultrasonography to Assess Adult Hepatosteatosis in Rural Ecuador
- Moonshots for aging
- Redesigning an undergraduate nutrition course through active learning and team-based projects enhances student performance
- A Characteristic Expression Pattern of Core Circadian Genes in the Diurnal Tree Shrew
- Metabolic Changes in Polycystic Kidney Disease as a Potential Target for Systemic Treatment
- The use of metformin to increase the human healthspan
- HFD refeeding in mice after fasting impairs learning by activating caspase-1 in the brain
- Identification of an endocannabinoid gut-brain vagal mechanism controlling food reward and energy homeostasis
- Short-Term, Combined Fasting and Exercise Improves Body Composition in Healthy Males
- Increases in motor unit action potential amplitudes are related to muscle hypertrophy following eight weeks of high-intensity exercise training in females
- Black edible films from protein-containing defatted cake of Nigella sativa seeds
- Healthcare Shift Workers’ Temporal Habits for Eating, Sleeping, and Light Exposure: A Multi-Instrument Pilot Study
- Transferrin receptor functionally marks thermogenic adipocytes
- Rodent models of obesity
- Practical guidance in genome-wide RNA: DNA triple helix prediction
- Influence of the exposome on skin cancer
- Tele-monitoring of cancer patients’ rhythms during daily life identifies actionable determinants of circadian and sleep disruption
- Impact of nutrition on cardiovascular function
- Core clock gene Bmal1 deprivation impairs steroidogenesis in mice luteinized follicle cells
- Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Affects Offspring’s Epigenome. Is There a Way to Reduce the Negative Consequences?
- Pathophysiologic mechanisms of concussion, development of chronic traumatic encephalopathy, and emerging diagnostics: a narrative review
- Underlying susceptibility to eating disorders and drug abuse: Genetic and pharmacological aspects of dopamine D4 receptors
- Role of Pharmacokinetics in Chronotherapeutics
- Circadian and cardiovascular dysfunction in the Huntington’s disease mouse models
- Prior exposure to long-day photoperiods alters immune responses and increases susceptibility to parasitic infection in stickleback
- Five evidence-based lifestyle habits people with diabetes can use
- Gearing up for the Future: Mitigating Dysregulated Inflammation in Aging and Facets of Obesity
- Pancreatic Islets of Langerhans: Adapting Cell and Molecular Biology to Changes of Metabolism
- Alcohol and liver clock disruption increase small droplet macrosteatosis, alter lipid metabolism and clock gene mRNA rhythms, and remodel the triglyceride …
- Exposure to static magnetic and electric fields treats type 2 diabetes
- Circadian Clock and Complement Immune System—Complementary Control of Physiology and Pathology?
- A Single Bout of 36 Hours of Fasting in Humans Induces Potent Immunomodulatory Effects on Macrophage and Upregulates the Circulation of Multiple Metabolites …
- Metalloproteinase PAPP-A regulation of IGF-1 contributes to polycystic kidney disease pathogenesis
- Genetic variation regulates opioid-induced respiratory depression in mice
- COVID-19: From Global Understanding to Personalized Action
- Pycnogenol® Supplementation Attenuates Memory Deficits and Protects Hippocampal CA1 Pyramidal Neurons via Antioxidative Role in a Gerbil Model of Transient …
- The Nutrition Assessment of Metabolic and Nutritional Balance
- Rheological Characteristics of Soluble Fibres during Chemically Simulated Digestion and Their Suitability for Gastroparesis Patients
- Multi-organ transcriptomic profiling reveals differential regulation of the immune system among the brain-liver-fats organ network of short-term fasted mice
- What Model of Nutrition Can Be Recommended to People Ending Their Professional Sports Career? An Analysis of the Mediterranean Diet and the CRON Diet …
- Exploring the Prox1 SUMO-switch in hepatocytes
- Misadjustment of diurnal expression of core temperature and locomotor activity in lactating rabbits associated with maternal over-nutrition before and during …
- Reconciling periodic rhythms of large-scale biological networks by optimal control
- Effects of Broccoli and Carrots on Fecal MicroRNA Expression in Infants: A Short-term feeding Study
- Differential regulation of the immune system in a brain-liver-fats organ network during short-term fasting
- Intermittent Fasting Cohort Study “InterFast”
- Association of meal timing with dietary quality in a Serbian population sample
- Circadian Secretion of Glucagon-like Peptide-1
- The Basics of Nutrition: A Primary Rehabilitation Intervention
- Waist circumference as a vital sign in clinical practice: a Consensus Statement from the IAS and ICCR Working Group on Visceral Obesity
- The Therapeutic Ketogenic Diet: Harnessing Glucose, Insulin, and Ketone Metabolism
- Fasting and Prayer: Can It Help in the Resolution of Modern Diseases of Culture?
- Multi-omics analysis of the intermittent fasting response in mice identifies an unexpected role for HNF4α
- Identification of a circulating amino acid signature in frail older persons with type 2 diabetes mellitus: Results from the Metabofrail study
- Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals: An Occult Mediator of Metabolic
- The effects of nutritional ketosis induced by Bigu-herbs regimen and ketogenic diet on diseases and aging
- The fluctuations of metabotropic glutamate receptor subtype 5 (mGluR5) in the Amygdala in fear conditioning model of male Wistar rats following sleep deprivation …
- Impact of meal frequency on anthropometric outcomes: a systematic review and network meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Recent advances in modulators of circadian rhythms: an update and perspective
- Dysregulated lipid metabolism links NAFLD to cardiovascular disease
- Thermoneutrality and immunity: how does cold stress affect disease?
- The Pick’n Mix Diet: Choose from 10 Proven Diets to Reach Your Goal in 10 Weeks
- Narici, M, De Vito, G, Franchi, M, Paoli, A, Moro, T, Marcolin, G, Grassi, B, Baldassarre, G, Zuccarelli, L, Biolo, G, di Girolamo, FG, Fiotti, N, Dela, F, Greenhaff, P …
- Neuroinflammation and Precision Medicine in Pediatric Neurocritical Care: Multi-Modal Monitoring of Immunometabolic Dysfunction
- Dietary patterns and interventions to alleviate chronic pain
- Circadian clock and sirtuins in diabetic lung: a mechanistic perspective
- Targeting mitochondrial fitness as a strategy for healthy vascular aging
- Thirty years of translational research in Mobility Medicine: Collection of Abstracts of the 2020 Padua Muscle Days
- Consequences of Obesity and Chemotherapy on the Gustatory System
- Ramadan and diabetes: a narrative review and practice update
- Boundless
- Supplementing Dietary Nutrients
- Intraindividual double burden of overweight or obesity and micronutrient deficiencies or anemia among women of reproductive age in 17 population-based surveys
- Elucidating the Role of Light-induced Circadian Disruption on Atherosclerosis in Apolipoproteine-deficient Mice
- Circadian Rhythms and Brain Metabolism Across the Lifespan
- The Stem Cell Activation Diet: Your Complete Nutritional Guide to Fight Disease, Support Brain Health, and Slow the Effects of Aging
- Data-driven insights from immunogenomics, metabolomics, and clinical mental health data
- Association of Metabolic Improvements Following Sleeve Gastrectomy with Circadian Rhythm Alterations
- Eating behaviors and strategies to promote weight loss and maintenance
- Genetically Dissecting Basal Forebrain Circuits Underlying Eating Disorders
- The Effects of Obesity and Exercise on Healthspan, Cancer Incidence, and Lifespan in a Mouse Model of Radiation-Induced Cancer
- Genetically Dissecting Basal Forebrain Circuits Underlying Eating Disorders
- Can blood-circulating factors unveil and delay your biological aging?
- Training Needs Analysis: A VR training tool to improve weight‐related communication across healthcare settings
- Understanding the crosstalk of molecular factors and signaling pathways reveals novel biomarkers of cisplatin resistance in testicular germ cell tumors
- Association between anemia and household water source or sanitation in preschool children: the Biomarkers Reflecting Inflammation and Nutritional Determinants of …
- Circadian Medicine: The Role of the Circadian Clock Mechanism in Cardiovascular Health and Disease
- Metabolic, traumatic, and miscellaneous diseases
- Hallmarks of aging in kidney from mice submitted to genetic and nutritional intervention
- Role of Protein Kinase CK2 in Aberrant Lipid Metabolism in Cancer
- Innovations in Geroscience to enhance mobility in older adults
- Old brains in a new world: A manuscript thesis
- Regulatory mechanisms of fasting
- Colon cancer-associated transcript-1 enhances glucose metabolism and colon cancer cell activity in a high-glucose environment in vitro and in vivo
- Always Eat After 7 PM: The Revolutionary Rule-Breaking Diet That Lets You Enjoy Huge Dinners, Desserts, and Indulgent Snacks# While Burning Fat …
- Intraindividual double burden of overweight and micronutrient deficiencies or anemia among preschool children
- Novel Approaches to Improving Opioid Analgesic Therapy
- APOE as a Metabolic Regulator in Humans, Mice, and Astrocytes
- Dietary Energy Partition: The Central Role of Glucose
- Dietary energy partition: the central role of glucose
- A Multi-State Evaluation of the Knowledge of the Background and Dangers of Popular Fad Diets Among Cooperative Extension Agents in Family And Consumer …
- XV Latin-American Symposium on Chronobiology
- Infectious disease heritability is a poor predictor of response to selection in disease prevalence.
- This volume is dedicated to the memory of MM BURGER
- Gastrointestinal Function and Metabolic Responses to Fasted Exercise; Implications for Food, Energy Intake and Obesity
- Investigation into the effect of almond consumption on ectopic fat, endothelial function and other cardiometabolic disease risk factors: an observational study …
- Keto-Green 16: The Fat-Burning Power of Ketogenic Eating+ The Nourishing Strength of Alkaline Foods= Rapid Weight Loss and Hormone Balance
- Maternal nutrient metabolism and requirements in pregnancy
- Agriculture-1 Plants and Pest Management Chair: Joey Mehlhorn
- Cancer metabolism: phenotype, signaling and therapeutic targets
- The Role of the Circadian Clock in Hippocampal Aging and as a Therapeutic Target in Alzheimer’s Disease
- College Students’ Perceptions of Popular Diets and Orthorexia Nervosa
- Downstream Pathways of Glucagon Receptor Agonism in Obesity
- Bile acid metabolism in health and disease: An update
- Drosophila as a Model for Myosin-Induced Dilated Cardiomyopathy
- Behavioral Chronopharmacology of Cannabinoids in Young and Aged Mice
- The OMAD Diet: Intermittent Fasting with One Meal a Day to Burn Fat and Lose Weight
- Does Relative Energy in Sport Undermine Bone Health?
- Your Miracle After Miracle Life Celebrate Your Essence, Celebrate Your Eternity
- The Investigation of the GIT2-RXFP3 Synergistic System and Its Potential Role in Aging and Age-related Disorders
- Bio-engineering
- Faith and Reason: Biopolitical Pastoralism and the Making of the Modern Paleolithic Subject
- TIME –Restricted feeding and metabolic outcomes in a cohort of Italian adults
- TIME Restricted feeding and mental health: A review of possible mechanisms on affective and cognitive disorders
- Association between TIME Restricted feeding and cognitive status in older Italian adults
- Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding in weight loss, metabolic syndrome and cardiovascular risk in obese women
- Early or delayed TIME –Restricted feeding prevents metabolic impact of obesity in mice
- Effect of early TIME –Restricted feeding on the metabolic profile of adults with excess weight: A systematic review with meta-analysis
- Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on anthropometric, metabolic, and fitness parameters: a systematic review
- Eight-hour TIME –Restricted feeding improves endocrine and metabolic profiles in women with anovulatory polycystic ovary syndrome
- Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on body weight, body composition and vital signs in low-income women with obesity: A 12-month randomized clinical trial
- Early versus late TIME ‐Restricted feeding in adults at increased risk of developing type 2 diabetes: Is there an optimal TIME to eat for metabolic health?
- Changes in body weight and metabolic risk during TIME Restricted feeding in premenopausal versus postmenopausal women
- TIME –Restricted feeding is associated with mental health in elderly Italian adults
- NADH inhibition of SIRT1 links energy state to transcription during TIME –Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding normalizes hyperinsulinemia to inhibit breast cancer in obese postmenopausal mouse models
- TIME –Restricted feeding protects the blood pressure circadian rhythm in diabetic mice
- The Effects of a Macronutrient-Based Diet and TIME –Restricted feeding (16: 8) on Body Composition in Physically Active Individuals—A 14-Week Randomised …
- A muscle-centric view of TIME –Restricted feeding for older adults
- Identification of factors influencing motivation to undertake TIME –Restricted feeding in humans
- Impact of TIME –Restricted feeding on adaptation to jet lag in mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding and circadian autophagy for long life
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding combined with aerobic exercise training can prevent weight gain and improve metabolic disorders in mice fed a high‐fat diet
- TIME –Restricted feeding alters the efficiency of mammary tumor growth
- Sex-and age-dependent outcomes of 9-hour TIME –Restricted feeding of a Western high-fat high-sucrose diet in C57BL/6J mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding induces Lactobacillus-and Akkermansia-specific functional changes in the rat fecal microbiota
- TIME Restricted feeding Reduces Inflammation and Cortisol Response to a Firegrounds Test in Professional Firefighters
- TIME –Restricted feeding Restores Obesity-Induced Alteration in Adipose Tissue Immune Cell Phenotype
- TIME ‐Restricted feeding prevents depressive‐like and anxiety‐like behaviors in male rats exposed to an experimental model of shift‐work
- TIME –Restricted feeding mice a high-fat diet induces a unique lipidomic profile
- Effects of feeding TIME on Markers of Muscle Metabolic Flexibility Following Acute Aerobic Exercise in Trained Mice Undergoing TIME Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding in Commercial Layer Chickens Improves Egg Quality in Old Age and Points to Lack of Adipostat Activity in Chickens
- Beneficial Effects of Early TIME –Restricted feeding on Metabolic Diseases: Importance of Aligning Food Habits with the Circadian Clock
- TIME –Restricted feeding attenuates gluconeogenic activity through inhibition of PGC-1α expression and activity
- TIME –Restricted feeding restored insulin-growth hormone balance and improved substrate and energy metabolism in MC4RKO obese mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding in Mice Prevents the Disruption of the Peripheral Circadian Clocks and Its Metabolic Impact during Chronic Jetlag
- TIME –Restricted feeding during Puberty Ameliorates Adiposity and Prevents Hepatic Steatosis in a Mouse Model of Childhood Obesity
- The rationale and design of a Mediterranean diet accompanied by TIME Restricted feeding to optimise the management of type 2 diabetes: The MedDietFast …
- TIME Restricted feeding Regulates Molecular Mechanisms with Involvement of Circadian Rhythm to Prevent Metabolic Diseases
- TIME –Restricted feeding improves blood glucose and insulin sensitivity in overweight patients with type 2 diabetes: a randomised controlled trial
- TIME –Restricted feeding prevents metabolic diseases through the regulation of galanin/GALR1 expression in the hypothalamus of mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding rescues high-fat-diet-induced hippocampal impairment
- Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on Fitness Variables in Professional Resistance Trained Firefighters
- Supplementation with Phaseolus vulgaris Leaves Improves Metabolic Alterations Induced by High-Fat/Fructose Diet in Rats Under TIME –Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding drives periods of rapid food consumption in rats fed a high-fat diet with liquid sucrose
- Sequential diets and weight loss: Including a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet with and without TIME –Restricted feeding
- TIME –Restricted feeding regulates circadian rhythm of murine uterine clock
- TIME –Restricted Eating to Improve Cardiovascular Health
- The effects of calorie restriction and TIME –Restricted feeding on igf1 serum level and lipid profile in male wister rats with previous obesity
- The effect of 4-h versus 6-h TIME Restricted feeding on sleep quality, duration, insomnia severity and obstructive sleep apnea in adults with obesity
- An Eight-Week TIME –Restricted feeding Study Reduces Body Weight in College Students: A Pilot Study
- TIME –Restricted eating for the prevention and management of metabolic diseases
- Differential effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on circadian locomotor activity, food intake and body weight gain in BALB/cJ and C57BL/6J mice
- TIME –Restricted feeding near dawn entrains long-term behavioral changes through the suprachiasmatic nucleus
- Clock-modulated checkpoints in TIME –Restricted eating
- TIME –Restricted feeding promotes skeletal muscle function in diet-and genetic-induced obesity through shared and unique pathways
- TIME –Restricted eating and circadian rhythms: The biological clock is ticking
- An Investigation into the Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on Mood State in College Students: A Randomized 8-Week Trial
- TIME –Restricted feeding prevents deleterious metabolic effects of circadian disruption through epigenetic control of β cell function
- Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding on supramaximal exercise performance and body composition: a randomized and counterbalanced crossover study in healthy …
- Effect of TIME Restricted eating on body weight and fasting glucose in participants with obesity: results of a randomized, controlled, virtual clinical trial
- Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on 24-h rhythm in phototactic behavior of zebrafish
- Effect of 4-H TIME Restricted feeding on Body Weight, Leptin Concentration and Lipid Profile in Healthy Non-Obese Male Wistar Rats
- TIME –Restricted Eating and Metabolic Syndrome: Current Status and Future Perspectives
- TIME Restricted eating for the prevention of type 2 diabetes
- Impact of TIME Restricted feeding on glucose metabolism and metabolic health
- A smartphone intervention to promote TIME Restricted eating reduces body weight and blood pressure in adults with overweight and obesity: a pilot study
- Abstract MP14: The Effect Of TIME –Restricted feeding On 24-hour Ambulatory Blood Pressure: Results From The TIME –Restricted Intake Of Meals (TRIM) Study
- The Effects of TIME –Restricted feeding versus a Normal Diet on Lean Body Mass in Active Individuals
- Metabolome-microbiome responses of growing pigs induced by TIME –Restricted feeding
- HYP-FAST trial study protocol: a phase II, single-center, open-label RCT comparing the effect of early TIME –Restricted feeding on blood pressure control versus …
- Similar late effects of a 7-week orthodox religious fasting and a TIME Restricted eating pattern on anthropometric and metabolic profiles of overweight adults
- TIME –Restricted Eating Improves Quality of Life Measures in Overweight Humans
- TIME Restricted eating as a weight loss intervention in adults with obesity
- Effects of orthodox religious fasting versus combined energy and TIME Restricted eating on body weight, lipid concentrations and glycaemic profile
- Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on Anthropometric Measures, Body Composition, Eating Behavior, Stress, Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) and …
- Effect of 4-h TIME Restricted feeding on body weight, leptin concentration and lipid profile in healthy non-obese male Wistar rats
- The Window Matters: A Systematic Review of TIME Restricted Eating Strategies in Relation to Cortisol and Melatonin Secretion
- Four Weeks of 16: 8 TIME –Restricted feeding on Stress, Sleep, Quality of Life, Hunger Level, and Body Composition in Healthy Adults: A Pilot Study on Wellness …
- Abstract P203: TIME –Restricted feeding Attenuates Hypertension In Mice
- Effect of TIME Restricted feeding on Metabolic Risk and Circadian Rhythm Associated With Gut Microbiome in Healthy Males
- Perspective: TIME –Restricted Eating Compared with Caloric Restriction: Potential Facilitators and Barriers of Long-Term Weight Loss Maintenance
- TIME Restricted feeding Modifies Day-Night Rhythms in Heart Rate and Cardiac Conduction
- The Role of Inositol Phosphate Multikinase (IPMK) in TIME Restricted feeding in Animal Model
- Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on Body Weight and Cardiometabolic Risks: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
- The Effect of Early TIME –Restricted feeding on the Diet Quality, Self-Efficacy, and Sleep of College Students
- 99-OR: Effects of Early TIME –Restricted feeding during Gestation on Offspring Glucose Homeostasis in Mice
- Pilot Clinical Trial of TIME –Restricted Eating in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
- Abstract MP50: TIME Restricted feeding Reduces Interleukin 17a Production Associated With Western Diets
- Maintain host health with TIME –Restricted eating and phytochemicals: A review based on gut microbiome and circadian rhythm
- TIME –Restricted Eating, Intermittent Fasting, and Fasting-Mimicking Diets in Weight Loss
- Abstract P282: TIME Restricted feeding In Mice On A Chronic High Fat Diet Leads To Reduced Aortic Damage And Oxidative Stress
- TIME –Restricted Eating: A Novel and Simple Dietary Intervention for Primary and Secondary Prevention of Breast Cancer and Cardiovascular Disease
- TIME –Restricted feeding And Brisk Walking in Overweight and Obese Adults
- Evaluating Relationships Among Sleeping and Eating Habits and Measures of Health in a Human TIME ‐Restricted feeding Study
- Applicability of TIME –Restricted eating for the prevention of lifestyle-dependent diseases in a working population: results of a pilot study in a pre-post design
- Missing puzzle pieces of TIME –Restricted -eating (TRE) as a long-term weight-loss strategy in overweight and obese people? A systematic review and meta-analysis of …
- Early or Delayed Onset of Food Intake in TIME –Restricted Eating: Associations with Markers of Obesity in a Secondary Analysis of Two Pilot Studies
- Continuous energy restriction (CER) plus 16/8 TIME –Restricted feeding improve body composition and metabolic parameters in overweight and obese, but no …
- TIME –Restricted Eating for 12 Weeks Does Not Adversely Alter Bone Turnover in Overweight Adults
- Protocol: Isolated and combined effects of high-intensity interval training and TIME –Restricted eating on glycaemic control in reproductive-aged women with …
- Pilot Clinical Trial of TIME –Restricted Eating in Patients with Metabolic Syndrome
- Assessment of Eating Behaviors and Perceptions of TIME Restricted Eating During Pregnancy
- Effects of TIME –Restricted Meals and Risk of Metabolic Diseases
- TIME Restricted feeding Ameliorates Cardiac Dysfunction and Impaired Cardiac Metabolism Induced by Simulated Microgravity
- Watching, keeping and squeezing TIME to lose weight: Implications of TIME –Restricted eating in daily life
- Night‐Restricted feeding improves locomotor activity rhythm and modulates nutrient utilization to accelerate growth in rabbits
- TIME –Restricted feeding and Aerobic Performance in Elite Runners: Ramadan Fasting as a Model
- TIME ‐Restricted eating and concurrent exercise training reduces fat mass and increases lean mass in overweight and obese adults
- The Effect of Four Weeks Dietary Intervention with 8-Hour TIME –Restricted Eating on Body Composition and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors in Young Adults
- Implementation of Christian Orthodox fasting improves plasma adiponectin concentrations compared with TIME –Restricted eating in overweight premenopausal women
- Restricted feeding Resets Endogenous Circadian Rhythm in Female Mice Under Constant Darkness
- Intermittent fasting: promising premises or broken promises?
- Effects of Christian Orthodox fasting versus TIME –Restricted eating on plasma irisin concentrations among overweight metabolically healthy individuals
- Restricted feeding modulates peripheral clocks and nutrient sensing pathways in rats
- TIME –Restricted Eating, Weight Loss, and Metabolism
- The Effects of TIME –Restricted Eating versus Standard Dietary Advice on Weight, Metabolic Health and the Consumption of Processed Food: A Pragmatic …
- Can intermittent, TIME ‐Restricted circadian fasting modulate cutaneous severity of dermatological disorders? Insights from a multicenter, observational, prospective …
- The Potential Benefits of TIME –Restricted Eating and the Health Implications for the Inland Empire
- Food as Medicine: Prevention Is Better, but Could It Cure?
- Four Weeks of 16/8 TIME Restrictive feeding in Endurance Trained Male Runners Decreases Fat Mass, without Affecting Exercise Performance
- The effects of TIME –Restricted eating vs. standard dietary advice on weight, metabolic health and the consumption of processed food: A pragmatic randomised …
- Isolated and combined effects of high-intensity interval training and TIME –Restricted eating on glycaemic control in reproductive-aged women with overweight or …
- TIME Restricted Eating: A Dietary Strategy to Prevent and Treat Metabolic Disturbances
- TIME d Restricted feeding in adult rats using standard chow or Western diet causes different response to food behavior
- Diabetes and Insulin Resistance Show Association With Femoral Instead of Abdominal Adipocyte Size in Asian Indians
- Intermittent fasting in science and practice; what are the effects on weight and cardiometabolic health?
- Once-daily feeding is associated with better cognitive function and health in companion dogs: Results from the Dog Aging Project
- TIME Restricted Eating: A Look into the Lifestyle
- DayTIME Restricted feeding Modifies the Temporal Expression of CYP1A1 and Attenuated Damage Induced by Benzo [a] pyrene in Rat Liver When Administered …
- La alimentación con restricción de tiempo en la fase oscura del ciclo circadiano y/o la dieta occidentalizada causan hiperlipidemia mixta en las ratas
- Energetics of Rhythmic feeding
- TIME Restricted Eating for the Reversal of Metabolic Syndrome
- Reducing NAD (H) to amplify rhythms
- Effect of Restricted feeding on Metabolic Health and Sleep-Wake Rhythms in Aging Mice
- Protocol for a randomised controlled trial on the feasibility and effects of 10-hour TIME –Restricted eating on cardiometabolic disease risk among career …
- TIME -optimized feeding is beneficial without enforced fasting
- Intermittent fasting: from calories to TIME restriction
- Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 as a Potential Biomarker for Improved Locomotion and Olfaction Detection Ability after Weight Reduction in Obese Mice
- Chrono‐nutrition: From molecular and neuronal mechanisms to human epidemiology and TIME d feeding patterns
- The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Quality of Life and Happiness: A Randomized Control Trial
- Sleep promoting neurons remodel their response properties to calibrate sleep drive with environmental demands
- Reply: Food as Medicine: Prevention Is Better, but Could It Cure?
- Role of nutritional intervention on metabolic health and autophagy
- Flozins, Fasting, and the Fruition of Heart Failure Prevention
- Effect of Various Types of Intermittent Fasting (IF) on Weight Loss and Improvement of Diabetic Parameters in Human
- Intermittent fasting for obesity and related disorders: unveiling myths, facts, and presumptions
- Carbohydrate intake and circadian synchronicity in the regulation of glucose homeostasis
- Intermittent fasting in paediatric critical illness
- Diurnal rhythms and obesity
- Effects of early vs. late TIME –Restricted eating on cardiometabolic health, inflammation and sleep in overweight and obese women: a study protocol for the …
- Prolonged nightly fasting and lower-extremity functioning in community-dwelling older adults
- Hexosamine biosynthetic pathway and O-GlcNAc-processing enzymes regulate daily rhythms in protein O-GlcNAcylation
- Chrono-nutrition has potential in preventing age-related muscle loss and dysfunction
- Circadian autophagy drives iTRF-mediated longevity
- Food hardness influences the progression of age-related hearing loss in mice
- Timing of food intake in mice unmasks a role for the cardiomyocyte circadian clock mechanism in limiting QT-interval prolongation
- The effects of intermittent fasting regimens in middle-age and older adults: Current state of evidence
- Intermittent fasting: is there a role in the treatment of diabetes? A review of the literature and guide for primary care physicians
- An Intermittent Fasting Mimicking Nutrition Bar Extends Physiologic Ketosis in TIME Restricted Eating: A Randomized, Controlled, Parallel-Arm Study
- Eat, Train, Sleep—Retreat? Hormonal Interactions of Intermittent Fasting, Exercise and Circadian Rhythm
- Intermittent fasting: a health panacea or just calorie restriction?
- Ayuno Intermitente, Suplementación Nutricional y Entrenamiento de Resistencia como Estrategia para la Pérdida de Peso Corporal: Una Actualización
- Rhabdomyolysis: An Unfortunate Complication of Intermittent Fasting
- Circadian Rhythm, Energy Metabolism, and the Gut Microbiome: a Review
- Effectiveness of intermittent fasting to potentiate weight loss or muscle gains in humans younger than 60 years old: a systematic review
- Antiaging diets: Separating fact from fiction
- Circadian Rhythm Disruption Influenced Hepatic Lipid Metabolism, Gut Microbiota and Promoted Cholesterol Gallstone Formation in Mice
- fasting off “the coviD-19”
- Protocol for setup and circadian analysis of inverted feeding in mice
- Engineered diets to improve cancer outcomes
- Fasting and Caloric Restriction for Healthy Aging and Longevity
- Gastrointestinal Vagal Afferents and Food Intake: Relevance of Circadian Rhythms
- The metabolic impact and beneficial effects of different energy restriction protocols in rats: an alternative health plan
- The Effect of Circadian Intervention on Sleep and EEG in Model of Huntington’s Disease
- New Horizons: Circadian control of metabolism offers novel insight into the cause and treatment of metabolic diseases
- The association between overnight fasting and body mass index in older adults: The interaction between duration and timing
- Metabolic pathways and therapeutics to promote resilience, rehabilitation and delayed aging
- Intermittent Fasting
- Machine Learning-based Meal Detection Using Continuous Glucose Monitoring on Healthy Participants: An Objective Measure of Participant Compliance to Protocol
- Intermittent Fasting Decreases Oxidative Stress Parameters and Increases Total Antioxidant Capacity
- Short Term Intermittent Fasting: Another Path to Weight Loss
- Toward a better understanding of intermittent fasting effects: Ramadan fasting as a model
- Leptin receptor neurons in the dorsomedial hypothalamus regulate diurnal patterns of feeding , locomotion, and metabolism
- Evidence that overnight fasting could extend healthy lifespan
- Intermittent Energy Restriction, Weight Loss and Cardiometabolic Risk: A Critical Appraisal of Evidence in Humans
- Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Cognitive Acuity in University Students
- Metabolomic Changes are Predictive of Aging in Laying Hens
- TIME to eat reveals the hierarchy of peripheral clocks
- The Effect of Fasting Sunnah Mondays and Thursdays on Body Composition, Blood Pressure, and Blood Glucose Levels
- Sex Disparities in Thermoregulatory and Metabolic Responses to Mild Cold Exposure Largely Explained by Differences in Body Mass and Body Surface Area
- Interaction between dietary cellulose content and food intake in cats
- A multi-tissue multi-omics analysis reveals distinct kineztics in entrainment of diurnal transcriptomes by inverted feeding
- Effects of irregular feeding on the daily fluctuations in mRNA expression of the neurosecretory protein GL and neurosecretory protein GM genes in the mouse …
- Effect of Intermittent Fasting Strategies on Cardiometabolic Risk Factors: A Systematic Review and Network Meta-Analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
- Intermittent Fasting and Sleep: A Review of Human Trials
- Intermittent fasting-a potential approach to modulate the gut microbiota in humans? A systematic review
- Gastrointestinal Vagal Afferents and Food Intake: Relevance of Circadian Rhythms. Nutrients 2021, 13, 844
- Neonatal overfeeding during lactation rapidly and permanently misaligns the hepatic circadian rhythm and programmes adult NAFLD
- The role of the molecular circadian clock in human energy homeostasis
- Effects of Colchicine on Measures of Lipolysis in Adults With Obesity
- Intermittent fasting for the prevention of cardiovascular disease
- Beyond calorie restriction: aging as a biological target for nutrient therapies
- Eating Dinner Early Improves 24-h Blood Glucose Levels and Boosts Lipid Metabolism after Breakfast the Next Day: A Randomized Cross-Over Trial
- Secretin Receptor-Deficient Mice Exhibit Robust Food Anticipatory Activity
- Applied Nutritional Investigations
- Recent Evidence on the Impact of Ramadan Diurnal Intermittent Fasting, MealTIME , and Circadian Rhythm on Cardiometabolic Risk: A
- Diet and Circadian Rhythms: Implications for Aging and Longevity
- Is Intermittent Fasting for You?
- Intermittent Fasting: Fast or Fad: The Science behind today’s fasting Regimens
- Why We Eat Too Much, Have an Easier TIME Gaining Than Losing Weight, and Expend Too Little Energy: Suggestions for Counteracting or Mitigating These …
- Effects and Risks of Intermittent Fasting on Weight Reduction
- The effect of ketogenic diets on neurogenesis and apoptosis in the dentate gyrus of the male rat hippocampus
- Diabetes Mellitus and Glucose Metabolism
- Nutritional Psychiatry: How Diet Affects Brain through Gut Microbiota
- Likelihood-based tests for detecting circadian rhythmicity and differential circadian patterns in transcriptomic applications
- Intermittent Fasting: The Solution to Overeating and Food Conservation
- Meal Intervals And Weight Trajectories In Adults Using The Daily24 Mobile Application: A Prospective Cohort Study
- Differential weight loss with intermittent fasting or daily calorie restriction in low‐and high‐fitness phenotypes
- Daily Timing of Meals and Weight Loss After Bariatric Surgery: a Systematic Review
- Late Eating and Blood Pressure Control and Cardiometabolic Risk Factors Among Hypertensive Adults: Results from the Korea National Health and Nutrition …
- Selecting Intermittent Fasting Type to Improve Health in Type 2 Diabetes: A Machine Learning Approach
- Effects of intermittent fasting combined with resistance training on body composition: a systematic review and meta‐analysis
- Promoting Environmental Health, Sleep, and Nutrition Through Chronobiological Approaches
- The effects of exercise and intermittent fasting on health: a systematic review
- The importance of keeping TIME in the liver
- Intermittent fasting in the prevention and treatment of cancer
- Recent advances and health implications of dietary fasting regimens on the gut microbiome
- Intermittent Fasting: Clinical Considerations
- Eating Timing: Associations with Dietary Intake and Metabolic Health
- Intermittent Fasting Alleviates Cognitive Impairments and Hippocampal Neuronal Loss but Enhances Astrocytosis in Mice with Subcortical Vascular Dementia
- Circadian timing of eating and BMI among adults in the American TIME Use Survey
- Gut microbiota modulation as a possible mediating mechanism for fasting-induced alleviation of metabolic complications: a systematic review
- Intermittent Versus Continuous Energy Restriction for Weight Loss and Metabolic Improvement: A Meta‐Analysis and Systematic Review
- Effect of intermittent fasting on non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: systematic review and meta-analysis
- Prolonged, controlled dayTIME versus delayed eating impacts weight and metabolism
- Fasting and its outcome on human health: A Review
- Molecular mechanisms of dietary restriction promoting health and longevity
- Intermittent Fasting and the Possible Benefits in Obesity, Diabetes, and Multiple Sclerosis: A Systematic Review of Randomized Clinical Trials
- Brain–Gut–Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity
- Intermittent fasting in paediatric critical illness: The properties and potential beneficial effects of an overnight fast in the PICU
- Intermittent Fasting for Treatment of Metabolic Disorders
- Fasting for Cardiovascular Health
- Everything I Wanted
- Mice held at an environmental photic cycle oscillating at their tau-like period length do not show the high-fat diet-induced obesity that develops under the 24-hour …
- Effects of Intermittent Fasting on the Circulating Levels and Circadian Rhythms of Hormones
- Probiotics and High Fiber-Rich Diets Have Anti-Inflammatory Properties and Decline Chronic Kidney Disease Progression
- Molecular mechanisms of circadian rhythm and its influence on the pharmacokinetics of drugs
- Systematic analysis of differential rhythmic liver gene expression mediated by the circadian clock and feeding rhythms
- Long-term moderate caloric restriction and social isolation synergize to induce anorexia-like behavior in rats
- Weekly One-Day Water-Only Fasting Interventional Trial for Low-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol Reduction (WONDERFUL)
- Accuracy of Intermittent Fasting Guidance in Blogs Used by Personal Trainers from a Gym in South Africa
- Metabolic impact of intermittent fasting in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus: a systematic review and meta-analysis of interventional studies
- Dietary Intervention Impacts Immune Cell Functions and Dynamics by Inducing Metabolic Rewiring
- Later meal and sleep timing predicts higher percent body fat
- The Influence of Intermittent Fasting Regimens on the Regulatory Mechanisms of Metabolic Health
- Association between Irregular Meal Timing and the Mental Health of Japanese Workers
- Dietary Interventions in Autosomal Dominant Polycystic Kidney Disease
- Anti‐aging effects of intermittent fasting: a potential alternative to calorie restriction?
- Circadian mechanisms in medicine
- Can intermittent fasting be helpful for knee osteoarthritis?
- Interconnections between circadian clocks and metabolism
- A Muscle-Centric Perspective on Intermittent Fasting: A Suboptimal Dietary Strategy for Supporting Muscle Protein Remodeling and Muscle Mass?
- COVID-19 and obesity: Fighting two pandemics with intermittent fasting
- Cardiometabolic Benefits of Intermittent Fasting
- The Influence of Intermittent Fasting Regimens on the Regulatory Mechanisms of Metabolic Health
- Dietary restriction and/or exercise training impairs spermatogenesis in normal rats
- TIME -Limited Eating and Continuous Glucose Monitoring in Adolescents with Obesity: A Pilot Study
- Spatial analysis of gut microbiome reveals a distinct ecological niche associated with the mucus layer
- Impact of a Single 36 Hours Prolonged Fasting Period in Adults With Type 1 Diabetes–A Cross-Over Controlled Trial
- Diurnal variations of brown fat thermogenesis and fat oxidation in humans
- Much ado about eating: Intermittent fasting and post-stroke neuroprotection
- The importance of 24-h metabolism in obesity-related metabolic disorders: opportunities for TIME d interventions
- Eating architecture in adults at increased risk of type 2 diabetes: associations with body fat and glycaemic control
- feeding -induced resistance to acute lethal sepsis is dependent on hepatic BMAL1 and FXR signalling
- High-fat feeding disrupts daily eating behavior rhythms in obesity-prone but not in obesity-resistant male inbred mouse strains
- Deficiency of intestinal Bmal1 prevents obesity induced by high-fat feeding
- How do you solve a problem like misinformation?
- Dietary compounds regulating the mammal peripheral circadian rhythms and modulating metabolic outcomes
- The ketone body β-hydroxybutyrate mitigates the senescence response of glomerular podocytes to diabetic insults
- A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults
- On Energy Balance and Weight Control—Is a Calorie a Calorie?
- Modulatory Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Adipose Tissue Inflammation: Amelioration of Cardiovascular Dysfunction in Early Metabolic Impairment
- Transcriptomic analysis reveals niche gene expression effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate in primary myotubes
- Effects of Ramadan and Non-ramadan Intermittent Fasting on Body Composition: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- Effect of High-Intensity Interval Training and Intermittent Fasting on Body Composition and Physical Performance in Active Women
- Circadian clocks in the digestive system
- Maternal intermittent fasting during pregnancy: a translational research challenge for an important clinical scenario
- Circadian regulation of cardiac muscle function and protein degradation
- Research gaps in Ramadan fasting studies in health and disease
- Synchronization between peripheral circadian clock and feeding -fasting cycles in microfluidic device sustains oscillatory pattern of transcriptome
- Intermittent Fasting
- Association of circadian rhythm and related genes with nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Associations between Fasting Duration, Timing of First and Last Meal, and Cardiometabolic Endpoints in the National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
- Ramadan Fasting Improves Body Composition without Exacerbating Depression in Males with Diagnosed Major Depressive Disorders
- The ups and downs of caloric restriction and fasting: from molecular effects to clinical application
- Current Evidence and Directions for Intermittent Fasting During Cancer Chemotherapy
- Importance of circadian timing for aging and longevity
- Beneficial effects of a decreased meal frequency on nutrient utilization, secretion of luteinizing hormones and ovarian follicular development in gilts
- Brain–Gut–Microbiome Interactions and Intermittent Fasting in Obesity. Nutrients 2021, 13, 584
- Sleep, circadian rhythms, and type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Migraine and Fasting
- Study on the Effect of Intermittent Fasting on Body Mass Index, Physical Activity and Sleep in Adults.
- Intermittent fasting & performance: The iFast clinical trial protocol
- Current treatment paradigms and emerging therapies for NAFLD/NASH
- Fasting drives the metabolic, molecular and geroprotective effects of a calorie-Restricted diet in mice
- Effect of Epidemic Intermittent Fasting on Metabolic Syndrome: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis of Randomized Controlled Trials
- Imperial Satiety Protocol: A new non‐surgical weight‐loss programme, delivered in a health care setting, produces improved clinical outcomes for people with obesity
- Exercise with Energy Restriction as a Means of Losing Body Mass while Preserving Muscle Quality and Ameliorating Co-morbidities: Towards a Therapy for …
- Delayed meal timing, a breakfast skipping model, increased hepatic lipid accumulation and adipose tissue weight by disintegrating circadian oscillation in rats …
- Effect of epidemic intermittent fasting on cardiometabolic risk factors: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials
- Gut microbiota as a transducer of dietary cues to regulate host circadian rhythms and metabolism
- Preferential Metabolic Improvement by Intermittent Fasting in People with Elevated Baseline Red Cell Distribution Width: A Secondary Analysis of the WONDERFUL …
- Optimizing Diet in Patients with Diabetes
- Light intensity alters the effects of light-induced circadian disruption on glucose and lipid metabolism in mice
- Regulation of diurnal energy balance by mitokines
- Clinical Indications for Use of Intermittent Fasting in the Management of Individuals at Risk for Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus
- Dietary strategies may influence human nerves and emotions by regulating intestinal microbiota: an interesting hypothesis
- The hepatic monocarboxylate transporter 1 (MCT1) contributes to the regulation of food anticipation in mice
- Meal Timing and Glycemic Control during Pregnancy—Is There a Link?
- Two‐meal caloric restriction induces 12‐hour rhythms and improves glucose homeostasis
- feeding frequency affects the growth performance, nutrient digestion and absorption of growing pigs with the same daily feed intake
- The Impact of High-Fat Diet and Restrictive feeding on Natural Killer Cells in Obese-Resistant BALB/c Mice
- Novel Nutritional and Dietary Approaches to Weight Loss for the Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease: Ketogenic Diet, Intermittent Fasting, and Bariatric Surgery
- Transcriptomic Effects of Healthspan-Promoting Dietary Interventions: Current Evidence and Future Directions
- South Asian Journal of Humanities, and Social Sciences (SAJHSS)
- Disruption of the circadian rhythms and its relationship with pediatric obesity
- Relationship between circadian rhythm and severity of psoriasis and obesity
- A role for exercise to counter skeletal muscle clock disruption
- Intermittent fasting contributes to aligned circadian rhythms through interactions with the gut microbiome
- Circadian Rhythm, Clock Genes, and Hypertension: Recent Advances in Hypertension
- Metabolic consequences of obesity and type 2 diabetes: Balancing genes and environment for personalized care
- Dietary intake regulates white adipose tissues angiogenesis via liver fibroblast growth factor 21 in male mice
- Dysregulation of the Hypothalamic–Pituitary–Testicular Axis due to Energy Deficit
- Zeitgebers of skeletal muscle and implications for metabolic health
- How Does Fasting Affect Cognition? An Updated Systematic Review (2013–2020)
- Comparison of sequential feeding and continuous feeding on the blood glucose of critically ill patients: a non-inferiority randomized controlled trial
- Alternative diets among adolescents: facts or fads?
- Liver-specific dysregulation of clock-controlled output signal impairs energy metabolism in liver and muscle
- Metalized polyamide heterostructure as a moisture-responsive actuator for multimodal adaptive personal heat management
- Dietary restrictions modulate the gut microbiota: Implications for health and disease
- Intermittent and periodic fasting, longevity and disease
- Potential role of intermittent fasting on decreasing cardiovascular disease in human immunodeficiency virus patients receiving antiretroviral therapy
- Chronobiological traits predict the restrained, uncontrolled, and emotional eating behaviors of female university students
- Dual-vector gene therapy restores cochlear amplification and auditory sensitivity in a mouse model of DFNB16 hearing loss
- Enhanced weight and fat loss from long-term intermittent fasting in obesity-prone, low-fitness rats
- The association of energy and macronutrient intake at dinner vs breakfast with the incidence of type 2 diabetes mellitus in a cohort study: The China Health and …
- Glucagon regulates the stability of REV-ERBα to modulate hepatic glucose production in a model of lung cancer–associated cachexia
- Effects of Ramadan Fasting on Gastrointestinal System.
- Physiological responses to acute fasting: implications for intermittent fasting programs
- A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults
- Is there any role of intermittent fasting in the prevention and improving clinical outcomes of COVID-19?: intersection between inflammation, mTOR pathway …
- Optimal Diet Strategies for Weight Loss and Weight Loss Maintenance
- Obesity and insulin resistance: Pathophysiology and treatment
- Meal timing, Sleep and Cardiometabolic Outcomes
- Caloric Restriction May Help Delay the Onset of Frailty and Support Frailty Management
- Delay first active-phase meal, breakfast-skipping model, increases the risk of metabolic disorders in females rats
- Circadian control of brown adipose tissue
- PE083: Lobeglitazone stimulates production of specific resolvins, which inhibit hepatic fat accumulation and NLRP3 inflammasome activation
- Greater adherence to the dietary approaches to stop hypertension dietary pattern is associated with preserved muscle strength in patients with autosomal dominant …
- Achieving consensus in multilateral international negotiations: The case study of the 2015 Paris Agreement on climate change
- Multi-TIME scale Rhythmicity of Blood Glucose and Insulin Delivery Reveals Key Advantages of Hybrid Closed Loop Therapy
- Skin-like low-noise elastomeric organic photodiodes
- Inhibition of Antiestrogen-Promoted Pro-Survival Autophagy and Tamoxifen Resistance in Breast Cancer through Vitamin D Receptor
- Clinical Implications for Women of a Low-Carbohydrate or Ketogenic Diet With Intermittent Fasting
- Tuning up an aged clock: Circadian clock regulation in metabolism and aging
- Circadian disruption and human health
- Eat, sleep, repeat–endocrine regulation of behavioural circadian rhythms
- The utility of animal models for studying the metabo-psychiatric origins of anorexia nervosa
- Autophagy and aging: diet, exercise, and the link with the target of rapamycin complex 1 (TORC)
- Fasting: How to Guide
- Impact of religious fasting on metabolic and hematological profile in both dyslipidemic and non-dyslipidemic fasters
- TIME of eating and cardiorespiratory fitness in patients with heart failure with preserved ejection fraction and obesity
- 6. Beneficial effects of intermittent fasting on lipid profile and histotexture of heart in swiss albino mice
- Late-evening food intake is highly prevalent among individuals with type 2 diabetes
- Circadian Rhythms, The Gut Microbiome, and Metabolic Disorders
- Circadian Misalignment and Metabolic Disorders: A Story of Twisted Clocks
- Nutritional basis of type 2 diabetes remission
- Effects of the SGLT2 Inhibitor Dapagliflozin on Energy Metabolism in Patients With Type 2 Diabetes: A Randomized, Double-Blind Crossover Trial
- Eccentricity-paced monsoon variability on the northeastern Tibetan Plateau in the Late Oligocene high CO2 world
- Visible and infrared dual-band imaging via Ge/MoS2 van der Waals heterostructure
- Physiological Responses of Post-Dietary Effects: Lessons from Pre-Clinical and Clinical Studies
- Dietary approaches for management of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease: A clinician’s guide
- The Association of NightTIME Fasting Duration and Prostate Cancer Risk: Results from the Multicase-Control (MCC) Study in Spain
- Intermittent Fasting and Gut Microbiota
- Appealing to the Gut Feeling: How Intermittent Fasters Choose Information Tab Interfaces for Information Acquisition
- Chronobiology and Chronotherapy of Osteoporosis
- Best practices in the management of overweight and obesity
- Team Science: American Heart Association’s Hypertension Strategically Focused Research Network Experience
- Impact of Intermittent Fasting Regimens on Circulating Markers of Oxidative Stress in Overweight and Obese Humans: A Systematic Review of Randomized …
- Evidence gaps and potential roles of intermittent fasting in the prevention of chronic diseases
- Ultrasound modulation of macaque prefrontal cortex selectively alters credit assignment–related activity and behavior
- Effect of Dietary Methionine Deficiency Followed by a Re-feeding Phase on the Hepatic Antioxidant Activities of Lambs
- Association of Rotating Night Shift Work with Body Fat Percentage and Fat Mass Index among Female Steelworkers in North China
- Timing of food intake drives the circadian rhythm of blood pressure
- The effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on liver function in healthy adults: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression
- The gendered nature of authorship
- Fasting Interventions for Stress, Anxiety and Depressive Symptoms: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
- The Role of Life Style Modifications in Comprehensive Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease Treatment
- Ramadan Fasting Dietary Patterns and Gastrointestinal Discomforts
- Chromatin architecture at susceptible gene loci in cerebellar Purkinje cells characterizes DNA damage–induced neurodegeneration
- Loss of Sirt6 in adipocytes impairs the ability of adipose tissue to adapt to intermittent fasting
- The future of healthy aging: translation of geroscience discoveries to public health practice
- Ramadan Fasting and Patients with Renal Disorders: A
- Circadian rhythms in the tissue-specificity from metabolism to immunity: insights from omics studies
- Hepatic transcriptional responses to fasting and feeding
- The liver-clock coordinates rhythmicity of peripheral tissues in response to feeding
- Ramadan Fasting and Patients with Renal Problems: A Literature Review
- Diet composition influences the metabolic benefits of short cycles of very low caloric intake
- Calorie Restriction as a New Treatment of Inflammatory Diseases
- The Food-entrainable Oscillator Is a Complex of Non-SCN Activity Bout Oscillators Uncoupled From the SCN Circadian Pacemaker
- Development of a Mobile App for Ecological Momentary Assessment of Circadian Data: Design Considerations and Usability Testing
- Fasting and fasting-mimicking diets for chemotherapy augmentation
- The effect of accelerated rehabilitation nursing on postoperative recovery, nutritional status, and psychological status in patients with gastric cancer
- Circadian variations of vasoconstriction and blood pressure in physiology and diabetes
- feeding Rhythm-Induced Hypothalamic Agouti-Related Protein Elevation via Glucocorticoids Leads to Insulin Resistance in Skeletal Muscle
- Role of High Energy Breakfast “Big Breakfast Diet” in Clock Gene Regulation of Postprandial Hyperglycemia and Weight Loss in Type 2 Diabetes
- Approach to Obesity in the Elderly
- Does intermittent fasting associated with aerobic training influence parameters related to the gut-brain axis of Wistar rats?
- Gut microbiota in obesity
- Mammalian circadian systems: organization and modern life challenges
- Alternate Day Fasting Combined with a Low Carbohydrate Diet: Effect on Sleep Quality, Duration, Insomnia Severity and Risk of Obstructive Sleep Apnea in Adults …
- Impact of intermittent energy restriction on anthropometric outcomes and intermediate disease markers in patients with overweight and obesity: systematic review and …
- Chronotype and cardio metabolic health in obesity: does nutrition matter?
- Impact of Dietary Restriction Regimens on Mitochondria, Heart, and Endothelial Function: A Brief Overview
- Eating duration throughout a rotating shift schedule: a case study
- Lipid molecular TIME line profiling reveals diurnal crosstalk between the liver and circulation
- Recent advances in the field of caloric restriction mimetics and anti-aging molecules
- Importance of health education for the prevention of cardiovascular diseases in obese individuals: an integrative review
- Chronobiology and Metabolism: Is Ketogenic Diet Able to Influence Circadian Rhythm?
- Use of continuous glucose monitoring in obesity research: A scoping review
- Nutritional interventions for spinal cord injury: preclinical efficacy and molecular mechanisms
- Recognizing Eating Activities in Free-living Environment using Consumer Wearable Devices
- Is there an ‘ideal’diet for patients with NAFLD?
- Clock at the Core of Cancer Development
- Circadian rhythms in cardiac metabolic flexibility
- 4′-demethylnobiletin-rich fermented Citrus reticulata (ponkan) attenuated the disturbance in clock gene expression and locomotor activity rhythms caused by high-fat …
- Nutritional Intake by Meal TIME Zone in Geriatric Patients Is Related to Nutritional Assessment Index
- Korean Red Ginseng Ameliorates Fatigue via Modulation of 5-HT and Corticosterone in a Sleep-Deprived Mouse Model
- Skeletal muscle NOX4 is required for adaptive responses that prevent insulin resistance
- Observational study of lipid profile and c-reactive protein after a seven-day fast
- Secondary Logo Journal Logo
- Pelagic diatoms communicate through synchronized beacon natural fluorescence signaling
- Only TIME will tell: the interplay between circadian clock and metabolism
- The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Brain and Cognitive Function
- The influence of fasting and caloric restriction on inflammation levels in humans: A protocol for systematic review and meta analysis
- Clock at the Core of Cancer Development. Biology 2021, 10, 150
- Heterogeneous returns to college over the life course
- The effect of caloric restriction and fasting on cancer
- CLN7 is an organellar chloride channel regulating lysosomal function
- Treatment with the BCL-2/BCL-xL inhibitor senolytic drug ABT263/Navitoclax improves functional hyperemia in aged mice
- Non‐pharmacological management of hypertension
- Circadian Rhythms within the Female HPG Axis: From Physiology to Etiology
- Trends in Nutrition: An Overview of Popular Diets and Supplements for Athletes
- Comparison of physiological and clinical markers for chronic sprint-interval training exercise performed either in the fasted or fed states among healthy adults
- Effects of dietary restriction on neuroinflammation in neurodegenerative diseases
- Weight Loss: Diet Options
- The Function of Gastrointestinal Hormones in Obesity—Implications for the Regulation of Energy Intake
- Cardio-Oncology: Understanding the Intersections Between Cardiac Metabolism and Cancer Biology
- TGFBR3L is an inhibin B co-receptor that regulates female fertility
- A randomized controlled trial to isolate the effects of fasting and energy restriction on weight loss and metabolic health in lean adults
- Circadian Rhythms, Disease and Chronotherapy
- Diet-Induced Obesity Impairs Outcomes and Induces Multi-Factorial Deficiencies in Effector T Cell Responses Following Anti-CTLA-4 Combinatorial Immunotherapy in …
- Nitecap: An Exploratory Circadian Analysis Web Application
- Late-life intermittent fasting decreases aging-related frailty and increases renal hydrogen sulfide production in a sexually dimorphic manner
- Morphological and functional diversity of intrinsically photosensitive retinal ganglion cells
- Basic Biology of Rhythms and the Microbiome
- Beyond the Paradigm of Weight Loss in Non-Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease: From Pathophysiology to Novel Dietary Approaches
- Effects of intermittent (5: 2) or continuous energy restriction on basal and postprandial metabolism: a randomised study in normal-weight, young participants
- The impact of circadian timing on energy balance: an extension of the energy balance model
- Intermittent Fasting Inhibits High-Fat Diet–Induced Atherosclerosis by Ameliorating Hypercholesterolemia and Reducing Monocyte Chemoattraction
- Secondary Logo Journal Logo
- Updates on mitochondria, calorie restriction, and aging
- Current concepts, opportunities, and challenges of gut microbiome-based personalized medicine in nonalcoholic fatty liver disease
- Video surveillance methods to evaluate individual feeding response in rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss, Walbaum)—implications for feeding regime …
- Are periods of feeding and fasting protective during critical illness?
- Obesity: Overview of Weight Management
- A Narrative Review of Dietary Approaches for Kidney Transplant Patients
- Adipose Tissue, Appetite, and Obesity
- Diet-altered body temperature rhythms are associated with altered rhythms of clock gene expression in peripheral tissues in vivo
- Distribution of dietary protein intake in daily meals influences skeletal muscle hypertrophy via the muscle clock
- Nutrition Strategies to Promote Wellness, Address Inadequate Nutrition, and Support Stress Reduction
- Landscape modification by Last Interglacial Neanderthals
- MRE11-dependent instability in mitochondrial DNA fork protection activates a cGAS immune signaling pathway
- Misexpression of genes lacking CpG islands drives degenerative changes during aging
- SGLT2 Inhibitors as Calorie Restriction Mimetics: Insights on Longevity Pathways and Age-Related Diseases
- Predictors of progression in autosomal dominant and autosomal recessive polycystic kidney disease
- Prevention and Treatment of Obesity for Cardiovascular Risk Mitigation: Dietary and Pharmacologic Approaches
- Microorganisms Profile and Antimicrobial Resistance Pattern in Outborn Neonates in Northern India: A Hospital-Based Observational Study
- Little Ice Age abruptly triggered by intrusion of Atlantic waters into the Nordic Seas
- Impact of Fasting on Cardiovascular Outcomes in Patients With Hypertension
- Zfhx3-Mediated Genetic Ablation of the Mouse SCN Abolishes Light Entrainable Circadian Activity While the Food Entrainable Oscillator Remains Intact
- Bridging the gap: A geroscience primer for neuroscientists with potential collaborative applications
- Why the Pegan Diet Makes Sense.
- feeding frequency affects glucose and lipid metabolism through SIRT1/AMPK pathway in growing pigs with the same amount of daily feed
- Intermittent Fasting Effect on Weight Loss: A Systematic Review
- Chronodisruption by chronic jetlag impacts metabolic and gastrointestinal homeostasis in male mice
- Intermittent administration of a fasting-mimicking diet reduces intestinal inflammation and promotes repair to ameliorate inflammatory bowel disease in mice
- Maternal intermittent fasting before mating alters hepatic DNA methylation in offspring
- Circadian clock dysfunction in human omental fat links obesity to metabolic inflammation
- Systematic Review The effects of Ramadan intermittent fasting on liver function in healthy adults: A systematic review, meta-analysis, and meta-regression
- Harnessing the Benefits of Endogenous Hydrogen Sulfide to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease
- Association Between Sleep Pattern, Anthropometric Indicators, and Metabolic Risk Factors
- Reduced feeding Frequency Improves Feed Efficiency Associated With Altered Fecal Microbiota and Bile Acid Composition in Pigs
- Breakfast Skipping, Weight, Cardiometabolic Risk, and Nutrition Quality in Children and Adolescents: A Systematic Review of Randomized Controlled and Intervention …
- The hepatocyte insulin receptor is required to program rhythmic gene expression and the liver clock
- Is There a Functional Role of Mitochondrial Dysfunction in the Pathogenesis of ARPKD?
- The Effects of Exercise on Hunger and Satiety Hormone Concentrations Over a 36-Hour Fast: A Randomized Crossover Study
- Metabolic Response to DayTIME Dry Fasting in Bahá’í Volunteers
- An examination of eating misalignment: The discrepancy between preferred and actual timing of food intake
- MisTIME d malaria parasites re‐synchronise with host feeding ‐fasting rhythms by shortening the duration of intra‐erythrocytic development.
- Achieving an Optimal Fat Loss Phase in Resistance-Trained Athletes: A Narrative Review
- FGF21 Promotes Proliferation and Estradiol Synthesis in Porcine Granulosa Cells
- Dietary Interventions in Liver Diseases: Focus on MAFLD and Cirrhosis
- Metabolic Strategies in Healthcare: A New Era
- A scoping review of chronotype and temporal patterns of eating of adults: Tools used, findings, and future directions
- Ice core evidence for atmospheric oxygen decline since the Mid-Pleistocene transition
- Intermittent fasting compromises the performance of eutrophic rats submitted to resistance training
- Designing Relevant Preclinical Rodent Models for Studying Links Between Nutrition, Obesity, Metabolism, and Cancer
- The Association of the Consumption TIME for Different Food with the Cardiovascular Disease and All-Cause Mortality Among Diabetes Patients
- Beneficial gut microbiome remodeled during intermittent fasting in humans
- Zfhx3-mediated genetic ablation of the SCN abolishes light entrainable circadian activity while sparing food anticipatory activity
- Association between daily number of eating occasions with fasting glucose and insulin sensitivity in adults from families at high risk for type 2 diabetes in Europe: the …
- Intermittent fasting enhances long-term memory consolidation, adult hippocampal neurogenesis, and expression of longevity gene Klotho
- Normal Versus Slowly Processed Pasta and Post-Prandial Glucose Homeostasis in Healthy Subjects: A Pilot Study
- Body mass index and outcomes in ischaemic versus non-ischaemic heart failure across the spectrum of ejection fraction
- Restructuring the gut microbiota by intermittent fasting lowers blood pressure
- Different Molecular Weight Black Garlic Melanoidins Alleviate High Fat Diet Induced Circadian Intestinal Microbes Dysbiosis
- Homeostasis Disrupted and Restored—A Fresh Look at the Mechanism and Treatment of Obesity During COVID-19
- Metabolic Consequences Of Weight Reduction
- Mathematical modeling of mammalian circadian clocks affecting drug and disease responses
- Organic neuromorphic electronics for sensorimotor integration and learning in robotics
- Secondary Logo Journal Logo
- Optimal Dietary Approaches for Those Living with Metabolic Syndrome to Prevent Progression to Diabetes and Reduce the Risk of Cardiovascular Disease
- Unravelling the impacts of western-style diets on brain, gut microbiota and cognition
- Identification and Validation of Nutrient State-Dependent Serum Protein Mediators of Human CD4+ T Cell Responsiveness
- Is fasting during Ramadan challenging for diabetics?
- The effect of intermittent fasting on mortality in patients with type 2 diabetes and metabolic disease with high cardiovascular risk: a systematic review
- The roles of dietary, nutritional, and lifestyle interventions in adipose tissue adaptation and obesity
- RNA sequencing reveals niche gene expression effects of beta-hydroxybutyrate in primary myotubes
- Cellular and physiological circadian mechanisms drive diurnal cell proliferation and expansion of white adipose tissue
- Circadian rhythms in ischaemic heart disease: key aspects for preclinical and translational research: position paper of the ESC working group on cellular biology of the …
- A multi‐level assessment of the bidirectional relationship between aging and the circadian clock
- Content Validation of a Chrononutrition Questionnaire for the General and Shift Work Populations: A Delphi Study
- The Christian Orthodox Church Fasting Diet Is Associated with Lower Levels of Depression and Anxiety and a Better Cognitive Performance in Middle Life
- Meal and Sleep Timing before and during the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Cross-Sectional Anonymous Survey Study from Sweden
- The association of minerals intake in three meals with cancer and all-cause mortality: the US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey, 2003–2014
- Optimizing Chronic Pain Treatment with Enhanced Neuroplastic Responsiveness: A Pilot Randomized Controlled Trial
- Effects of dayTIME dry fasting on hydration, glucose metabolism and circadian phase: a prospective exploratory cohort study in Bahá’í volunteers
- Effects of caloric restriction diet on arterial hypertension and endothelial dysfunction
- Ketogenic Diet, Circadian Rhythm and Aging
- Circadian Rhythms of the Hypothalamus: From Function to Physiology
- Effects of intermittent fasting on liver physiology and metabolism in mice
- Synchrony between daily rhythms of malaria parasites and hosts is driven by an essential amino acid
- Roadmap on biology in TIME varying environments
- Current Evidence-Based Treatment of Obesity
- Circadian rhythms in infectious diseases and symbiosis
- Nutritional Ketosis in Parkinson’s Disease—a Review of Remaining Questions and Insights
- The effect of calorie intake, fasting, and dietary composition on metabolic health and gut microbiota in mice
- The Effects of Monday Thursday Fasting on Blood Pressure and Oral Hygiene Level on Clinical Dental Profession Student
- A review of effects of calorie restriction and fasting with potential relevance to depression
- Accelerated forest fragmentation leads to critical increase in tropical forest edge area
- Impact of Ramadan fasting on disease activity in patients with multiple sclerosis: a multicenter study
- An exploratory investigation of the impact of ‘fast’and ‘feed’days during intermittent energy restriction on free-living energy balance behaviours and subjective states in …
- Food reinforcement and habituation to food are processes related to initiation and cessation of eating
- A Wrinkle in TIME : Circadian biology in pulmonary vascular health and disease
- A six-month periodic fasting reduces microalbuminuria and improves metabolic control in patients with type 2 diabetes and diabetic nephropathy: a randomized …
- The continuum of disrupted metabolic tempo, mitochondrial substrate congestion, and metabolic gridlock toward the development of non-communicable diseases
- Inevitable interlinks between biological clock and metabolism in mammals
- Fasting and Exercise in Oncology: Potential Synergism of Combined Interventions
- Lipocalin 2 mediates appetite suppression during pancreatic cancer cachexia
- Examining the Role of Exercise Timing in Weight Management: A Review
- The Circadian Physiology: Implications in Livestock Health
- Gut microbiota—a positive contributor in the process of intermittent fasting-mediated obesity control
- Clock-Modulating Activities of the Anti-Arrhythmic Drug Moricizine
- Sleep and circadian disruption and the gut microbiome-possible links to dysregulated metabolism
- Effects of codon usage on gene expression are promoter context dependent
- Diurnal changes in the murine small intestine are disrupted by obesogenic Western Diet feeding and microbial dysbiosis
- Chronic circadian shift leads to adipose tissue inflammation and fibrosis
- 24-h Glycaemic profiles in peritoneal dialysis patients and non-dialysis controls with advanced kidney disease
- Translating around the clock: Multi-level regulation of post-transcriptional processes by the circadian clock
- PPARs in liver physiology
- What influences the “when” of eating and sleeping? A qualitative interview study
- New integrative approaches to discovery of pathophysiological mechanisms triggered by night shift work
- Modulation of circadian clock by crude drug extracts used in Japanese Kampo medicine
- Evaluating the beneficial effects of dietary restrictions: A framework for precision nutrigeroscience
- Dietary patterns affect Parkinson’s disease via the microbiota-gut-brain axis
- Recommendations for Ramadan fasting to patients with cardiovascular diseases; Turkish Society of Cardiology consensus report
- Identification of changes in sleep across pregnancy and the impact on cardiometabolic health and energy intake in women with obesity
- The Impacts of Short-Term NMN Supplementation on Serum Metabolism, Fecal Microbiota, and Telomere Length in Pre-Aging Phase
- Small-molecule modulators of the circadian clock: Pharmacological potentials in circadian-related diseases
- Exploring the role of the circadian timing system in the control of metabolism and the consequence of lighting disruptions
- Intermittent fasting implementation and association with eating disorder symptomatology
- Does four-week consecutive, dawn-to-sunset intermittent fasting during Ramadan affect cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy adults? A systematic review, meta …
- Effects of Dinner Timing on Sleep Stage Distribution and EEG Power Spectrum in Healthy Volunteers
- Ecology of asynchronous asexual replication: the intraerythrocytic development cycle of Plasmodium berghei is resistant to host rhythms
- Associations of diarised sleep onset TIME , period and duration with total and central adiposity in a biethnic sample of young children: the Born in Bradford …
- Soft artificial electroreceptors for noncontact spatial perception
- Metabolism and metabolic disorders and the microbiome: The intestinal microbiota associated with obesity, lipid metabolism, and metabolic health—Pathophysiology …
- Independent associations of sleep timing, duration and quality with adiposity and weight status in a national sample of adolescents: the UK Millennium Cohort Study
- Dietary interventions for obesity: clinical and mechanistic findings
- The Molecule Clock and Neurodegenerative Disease: A Stressful TIME
- Iodine is one of the odds for therapeutic armamentarium against feline polycystic renal disease
- Intermittent and Periodic Fasting, Hormones, and Cancer Prevention
- Comparative effects of calorie restriction on health span and in-sulin resistance: classic calorie restriction diet vs ketosis-induc-ing diet
- Association of Meal and Snack Patterns With Mortality of All‐Cause, Cardiovascular Disease, and Cancer: The US National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey …
- Within-Day Energy Balance and Metabolic Suppression in Male Collegiate Soccer Players
- Is there a role for melatonin in the ICU?
- Timing and Composition of Last Meal before BedTIME Affect Sleep Parameters of Night Workers
- Circadian rhythms and the gut microbiome synchronize the host’s metabolic response to diet
- The Effects of Two Different Dietary Regimens During Exercise On Outcome of Experimental Acute Kidney Injury
- Five days periodic fasting elevates levels of longevity related christensenella and sirtuin expression in humans
- Effects of the Clock Modulator Nobiletin on Circadian Rhythms and Pathophysiology in Female Mice of an Alzheimer’s Disease Model
- Hypothalamic REV-ERB nuclear receptors control diurnal food intake and leptin sensitivity in diet-induced obese mice
- Effects of Calorie Restriction on Health Span and Insulin Resistance: Classic Calorie Restriction Diet vs. Ketosis-Inducing Diet
- Emerging non-pharmacological interventions in ADPKD: an update on dietary advices for clinical practice
- Neuroimmune Interactions and Rhythmic Regulation of Innate Lymphoid Cells
- Energy Balance and Control of Body Weight: Possible Effects of Meal Timing and Circadian Rhythm Dysregulation
- Intermittent Hypoxia and Hypercapnia Alter Diurnal Rhythms of Luminal Gut Microbiome and Metabolome
- Impact of Religious Activities on Quality of Life and Cognitive Function Among Elderly
- Central and Peripheral Clock Control of Circadian feeding Rhythms
- Circadian Rhythm and Melatonin in Liver Carcinogenesis: Updates on Current Findings
- Targeting circadian PER2 as therapy in myocardial ischemia and reperfusion injury
- The Effects of Ramadan fasting on Heart Transplant Recipients
- A comparative review of established diets for prevention of cardiovascular disease and newer dietary strategies
- Animal Models for Anorexia Nervosa—A Systematic Review
- High-resolution fluorescence-guided transcranial ultrasound mapping in the live mouse brain
- The intestinal mycobiome as a determinant of host immune and metabolic health
- Aging and Cancer: The Waning of Community Bonds
- Ramadan Fasting Leads to Shifts in Human Gut Microbiota Structured by Dietary Composition
- Circadian Clock, Sleep, and Diet
- Calorie intake rather than food quantity consumed is the key factor for the anti-aging effect of calorie restriction
- Targeting whole body metabolism and mitochondrial bioenergetics in the drug development for Alzheimer’s disease
- A high-fat diet catalyzes progression to hyperglycemia in mice with selective impairment of insulin action in Glut4-expressing tissues
- Personalized medicine using neuroimmunological biomarkers in depressive disorders
- Sleep and Metabolic Syndrome
- Meal Timing of Subtypes of Macronutrients Consumption With Cardiovascular Diseases: NHANES, 2003 to 2016
- Post-oral sensing of fat increases food intake and attenuates body weight defense
- A Clinical Perspective of Low Carbohydrate Ketogenic Diets: A Narrative Review
- Circadian disruption-induced metabolic syndrome in mice is ameliorated by oat β-glucan mediated by gut microbiota
- The Impact of the Circadian Clock on Skin Physiology and Cancer Development
- The circadian clock and metabolic homeostasis: entangled networks
- Shingles after COVID-19 Vaccination
- Harnessing the Benefits of Endogenous Hydrogen Sulfide to Reduce Cardiovascular Disease. Antioxidants 2021, 10, 383
- Absence of Circadian Rhythm in Fecal Microbiota of Laying Hens under Common Light
- Impact of supervised beego, a traditional Chinese water-only fasting, on thrombosis and haemostasis
- Weight Loss & Inch Loss through an Online Intermittent Fasting Programme
- Association between energy intake under‐reporting and previous professional nutritional counselling in low‐income women with obesity: A cross‐sectional study
- The ten defining characteristics of a well-formulated ketogenic diet
- Antiobesity, hepatoprotective and anti-hyperglycemic effects of a pharmaceutical formulation containing Cecropia pachystachya Trécul in mice fed with a hypercaloric …
- Differential effects of sulfur amino acid-Restricted and low-calorie diets on gut microbiome profile and bile acid composition in male C57BL6/J mice
- The role and its mechanism of intermittent fasting in tumors: friend or foe?
- Sprague Dawley Rats Gaining Weight on a High Energy Diet Exhibit Damage to Taste Tissue Even after Return to a Healthy Diet
- Bigu-Style Fasting Affects Metabolic Health by Modulating Taurine, Glucose, and Cholesterol Homeostasis in Healthy Young Adults
- Development and validation of the self-rating of biological rhythm disorder for Chinese adolescents
- Manipulating age-related metabolic flexibility
- Dietary Approaches To Obesity Treatment
- A TIME ly call to arms: COVID-19, the circadian clock, and critical care
- Gastrointestinal distension by pectin-containing carbonated solution suppresses food intake and enhances glucose tolerance via GLP-1 secretion and vagal …
- Hepatic metabolic regulation by nuclear factor E4BP4
- Effects of exercise on cellular and tissue aging
- Proteomics analysis of adipose depots after intermittent fasting reveals visceral fat preservation mechanisms
- The influence of fasting and energy-Restricted diets on leptin and adiponectin levels in humans: a systematic review and meta-analysis
- Autonomic Nervous System in Obesity and Insulin-Resistance—The Complex Interplay between Leptin and Central Nervous System
- Daily caloric restriction limits tumor growth more effectively than caloric cycling regardless of dietary composition
- Biopharmaceutics and Pharmacokinetics Considerations
- Clocks, cancer, and chronochemotherapy
- Low-voltage magnetoelectric coupling in membrane heterostructures
- Impact of COVID-19 on Children and Young Adults With Type 2 Diabetes: A Narrative Review With Emphasis on the Potential of Intermittent Fasting as a …
- Ramadan fasting and liver diseases: A review with practice advices and recommendations
- Serotonin, food intake, and obesity
- Quantitatively analyzing the failure processes of rechargeable Li metal batteries
- Role of circadian rhythm and autonomic nervous system in liver function: a hypothetical basis for improving the management of hepatic encephalopathy
- Transcriptomic, proteomic and phosphoproteomic underpinnings of daily exercise performance and Zeitgeber activity of training in mouse muscle
- Weight loss, hypertension and mental well-being improvements during COVID-19 with a multicomponent health promotion programme on Zoom: a service …
- Effects of gut metabolites and microbiota in healthy and marginal livers submitted to surgery
- COVID-19 Pandemic in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil: A Social Inequality Report
- Dietary Approaches to Lowering LDL-C
- Circadian rhythm in hypothalamic leptin receptor (Ob-Rb) mRNA expressions and cerebrospinal fluid and circulating glucose and leptin levels in lactating rats
- Effect of glucose on reduced glutathione level in Malay uncomplicated type 2 diabetes patients
- Adherence to Mediterranean Diet Measured through Medi-Lite Score and Obesity: A Retrospective Study
- A frequency-amplitude coordinator and its optimal energy consumption for biological oscillators
- Endogenous circadian regulation and phase resetting of clinical metabolic biomarkers
- Circadian Rhythms in Bacterial Sepsis Pathology: What We Know and What We Should Know
- XPA is susceptible to proteolytic cleavage by cathepsin L during lysis of quiescent cells
- Improvement of Non‐Alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease in Mice by Intermittent Use of a Fasting‐Mimicking Diet
- Knowing Well, Being Well: well-being born of understanding: Dietary Research Done Right: From Je Ne Sais Quoi to Sine Qua Non
- The circadian system: From clocks to physiology
- The functional medicine approach to atrial fibrillation: can a cure for atrial fibrillation be found in the gut?
- Astrocyte clocks and glucose homeostasis
- Serum proBDNF is Associated with Changes in the Ketone Body Beta-Hydroxybutyrate and Shows Superior Repeatability over Mature BDNF: Secondary …
- Aging selectively dampens oscillation of lipid abundance in white and brown adipose tissue
- Randomized controlled trial of once-per-week intermittent fasting for health improvement: the WONDERFUL trial
- Comparative proteomic profiling reveals a pathogenic role for the O‐GlcNAcylated AIMP2–PARP1 complex in aging‐related hepatic steatosis in mice
- Aging: All roads lead to mitochondria
- Dietary Restriction Induces a Stable Metabolic Obesity Phenotype in Drosophila Melanogaster
- The Effect Of Ramadan Fasting On Glucose And Insulin Homeostasis And Some Biochemical Parameters In Healthy Iraqi Students Of Fallujah Medicine, A Pilot Study
- Addiction-like response in brain and behavior in a rat experimental model of night-eating syndrome
- Multidisciplinary In-Depth Investigation in a Young Athlete Suffering from Syncope Caused by Myocardial Bridge
- Nutritional Recommendations for People with Type 1 Diabetes Mellitus
- The feeding microstructure of male and female mice
- Understanding Circadian Mechanisms of Sudden Cardiac Death: A Report From the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute Workshop, Part 2: Population and …
- PER2-mediated ameloblast differentiation via PPARγ/AKT1/β-catenin axis
- Per3 length polymorphism in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus
- Effects of ad libitum food intake, insufficient sleep and weekend recovery sleep on energy balance
- Does four-week consecutive, dawn-to-sunset intermittent fasting during Ramadan affect cardiometabolic risk factors in healthy adults? A systematic review, 2 …
- Immunological Impact of Intestinal T Cells on Metabolic Diseases
- Mitochondrial dynamics and mitophagy in skeletal muscle health and aging
- Efficacy of dietary and supplementation interventions for individuals with type 2 diabetes
- Short-term high fat diet alters genes associated with metabolic and vascular dysfunction during adolescence in rats: a pilot study
- As You Fast: The Physiological And Spiritual Principles Of Fasting
- Thermal lesions of the SCN do not abolish all gene expression rhythms in rat white adipose tissue, NAMPT remains rhythmic
- Circadian Rhythm Regulation and its Impact on Intestinal Microflora
- Impact of calorie restriction and intermittent fasting on periodontal health
- Light stimuli and circadian clock affect neural development in Drosophila melanogaster
- The gut microbiome
- Fasting augments pyrrolizidine alkaloid-induced hepatotoxicity
- Ten things to know about ten cardiovascular disease risk factors
- Environmental Conditions and Sincerity affects Cortisol and Β-Endorphins Plasma Levels in Young Healthy Subjects Undergoing Dawood’s Fast.
- The Role of 20-HETE, COX, Thromboxane Receptors, and Blood Plasma Antioxidant Status in Vascular Relaxation of Copper-Nanoparticle-Fed WKY Rats
- Integrative Longitudinal Analysis of Metabolic Phenotype and Microbiota Changes During the Development of Obesity
- Changing the conversation from ‘chronic disease’to ‘chronic health’
- Novel Strategies for Healthy Brain Aging
- Circadian Clock-Controlled Checkpoints in the Pathogenesis of Complex Disease
- Role of the gut microbiota in regulating non-alcoholic fatty liver disease in children and adolescents
- Circadian Rhythm Modulation of Microbes During Health and Infection
- Diabetes and Obesity
- Establishment of strigolactone-producing bacterium-yeast consortium
- Quantification of Accidental Gluten Contamination in the Diet of Children with Treated Celiac Disease
- Effect of traditional Chinese medicine nursing on postoperative patients with gastric cancer and its impact on quality of life
- A ketogenic diet attenuates acute and chronic ischemic kidney injury and reduces markers of oxidative stress and inflammation
- Consumption of dietary fat causes loss of olfactory sensory neurons and associated circuitry that is not mitigated by voluntary exercise in mice
- The relationship between host circadian rhythms and intestinal microbiota: A new cue to improve health by tea polyphenols
- Adherence and Dietary Composition during Intermittent vs. Continuous Calorie Restriction: Follow-Up Data from a Randomized Controlled Trial in Adults with …
- Association between diet and sleep quality: A systematic review
- Multiomics Analyses Reveal Dynamic Bioenergetic Pathways and Functional Remodeling of the Heart During Intermittent Fasting
- Photoperiodism in voles
- A New Zealand green-lipped mussel oil-enriched high-fat diet exhibits beneficial effects on body weight and metabolism in mice
- Metabolism in the Midwest: research from the Midwest Aging Consortium at the 49th Annual Meeting of the American Aging Association
- Integration of feeding behavior by the liver circadian clock reveals network dependency of metabolic rhythms
- Dietary Approaches and Health Outcomes: An Evidence Analysis Center Scoping Review
- Impact of sedentarism due to the COVID-19 home confinement on neuromuscular, cardiovascular and metabolic health: Physiological and pathophysiological …
- A Higher Intake of Energy at Dinner Is Associated with Incident Metabolic Syndrome: A Prospective Cohort Study in Older Adults
- Transcription factors of the core feedback loop in the molecular circadian clock machinery: internal TIME keeping and beyond
- High Calorie Diet with a Combination of Intermittent Restriction Affects the Reproductive Cycle and The Weight of Mice (Mus Musculus)
- The circadian clock and inflammation: A new insight
- Ramadan fasting during the COVID-19 pandemic; observance of health, nutrition and exercise criteria for improving the immune system
- Polyphenols Modulating Effects of PD-L1/PD-1 Checkpoint and EMT-Mediated PD-L1 Overexpression in Breast Cancer
- Gut microbiota and its importance in the development of obesity and insulin resistance
- Intermittent Hypoxia and Hypercapnia Alter Diurnal Rhythms of Luminal Gut Microbiome and Metabolome
- Dietary intervention as a therapeutic for cancer
- Enemy or ally? Fasting as an essential regulator of immune responses
- Day-night variations in the concentration of neurotransmitters in the rat lumbar spinal cord
- Lack of food intake during shift work alters the heart transcriptome and leads to cardiac fibrosis and inflammation in rats
- Model learning to identify systemic regulators of the peripheral circadian clock
- A clinical practice for the hippocampal neurogenesis by chronobiological therapy
- A human liver chimeric mouse model for non-alcoholic fatty liver disease
- Melatonin, Clock Genes, and Mammalian Reproduction: What Is the Link?
- Metabolic dysfunction in OSA: Is there something new under the sun?
- REV-ERB nuclear receptors in the suprachiasmatic nucleus control circadian period and restrict diet-induced obesity
- The effect of religious fasting and dehydration at Ramadan on choroidal thickness and Retinal vessel densities, measured with optical coherence tomography …
- Ketogenic Diet Practices for Weight Management and Health Outcomes
- Onion component, isoalliin, stimulates feeding and activates the arcuate nucleus neuropeptide Y, ghrelin-and Ninjin’yoeito-responsive neurons
- Real-TIME CDC Consultation during the COVID-19 Pandemic—United States, March–July, 2020
- Association between Breakfast Skipping and Body Weight—A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Observational Longitudinal Studies
- TIME Transition of Routines in Fast Food Consumption-Importance to Public Health.
- Lifelong physical activity attenuates age-and Western-style diet-related declines in physical function and adverse changes in skeletal muscle mass and inflammation
- Impact of Energy Turnover on the Regulation of Energy and Macronutrient Balance
- Hyperinsulinemia in Obesity, Inflammation, and Cancer
- Food Preferences of Patients with Citrin Deficiency
- The Effect of Aerobic Exercise Training Frequency on Arterial Stiffness in a Hyperglycemic State in Middle-Aged and Elderly Females
- The effects of graded calorie restriction XVII: Multitissue metabolomics reveals synthesis of carnitine and NAD, and tRNA charging as key pathways
- Endothelial deficiency of insulin-like growth factor-1 receptor (IGF1R) impairs neurovascular coupling responses in mice, mimicking aspects of the brain aging …
- The Effects of Intermittent Fasting on Type 2 Diabetes
- Obesity in patients with type 1 diabetes: links, risks and management challenges
- Is Water-Only Fasting Safe?
- Acute Beetroot Juice Supplementation Attenuates Morning-Associated Decrements in Supramaximal Exercise Performance in Trained Sprinters
- Regulation of hepatic circadian metabolism by the E3 ubiquitin ligase HRD1-controlled CREBH/PPARα transcriptional program
- Examining commonalities and differences in food groups, nutrients, and diet quality among popular diets
- Young-onset carcinogenesis–The result of Perinatal and early life Metabolic influences on the Epigenome
- Health promoting behaviors in low-income overweight and obese women in Korea: an exploratory qualitative study
- Orphan Nuclear Receptor RORγ Modulates the Genome-Wide Binding of the Cholesterol Metabolic Genes during Mycotoxin-Induced Liver Injury
- Molecular regulation of brain metabolism underlying circadian epilepsy
- Safety of Every-Other-Day Fasting in the Treatment of Spinal Cord Injury: A Randomized Controlled Trial
- Nutritional Interventions Targeting Gut Microbiota during Cancer Therapies
- Nutrition in Patients with Type 2 Diabetes: Present Knowledge and Remaining Challenges
- Relationships between Pre-Stroke SARC-F Scores, Disability, and Risk of Malnutrition and Functional Outcomes after Stroke—A Prospective Cohort Study
- Diet and exercise in NAFLD/NASH: Beyond the obvious
- BI-1 ameliorates myocardial injury by activating the mitochondrial unfolded protein response and FUNDC1-related mitophagy in cardiorenal syndrome type 3
- 12, 13-diHOME as a new therapeutic target for metabolic diseases
- Tick-Tock Consider the Clock: The Influence of Circadian and External Cycles on TIME of Day Variation in the Human Metabolome—A Review
- The Circadian Clock Gene, Bmal1, Regulates Intestinal Stem Cell Signaling and Represses Tumor Initiation
- Longitudinal agreement of four bioimpedance analyzers for detecting changes in raw bioimpedance during purposeful weight gain with resistance training
- Metabolic homeostasis: it’s all in the timing
- Shiftwork and light at night negatively impact molecular and endocrine TIME keeping in the female reproductive axis in humans and rodents
- A low-carbohydrate ketogenic diet and treadmill training enhanced fatty acid oxidation capacity but did not enhance maximal exercise capacity in mice
- Snacking patterns throughout the life span: potential implications on health
- Redox changes in obesity, metabolic syndrome, and diabetes
- Chronic Jetlag-Induced Alterations in Pancreatic Diurnal Gene Expression
- DayTIME eating prevents internal circadian misalignment and glucose intolerance in night work
- Effect of Ramadan Fasting on Sleeping Pattern and Nutritional Status of International Students at Nanjing-China
- Effects of High Glucose and Lipotoxicity on Diabetic Podocytes. Nutrients 2021, 13, 241
- Mammary Tumorigenesis and Metabolome in Male Adipose Specific Monocyte Chemotactic Protein-1 Deficient MMTV-PyMT Mice Fed a High-Fat Diet
- Why meals during resting TIME cause fat accumulation in mammals? Mathematical modeling of circadian regulation on glucose metabolism
- Genetic risk scores for cardiometabolic traits in sub-Saharan African populations
- Effects of melatonin supplementation on eating habits and appetite-regulating hormones: a systematic review of randomized controlled clinical and preclinical trials
- Influence of high-intensity interval training and intermittent fasting on myocardium apoptosis pathway and cardiac morphology of healthy rats
- Transcriptomic analysis of human and mouse muscle during hyperinsulinemia demonstrates insulin receptor downregulation as a mechanism for insulin …
- Effects of aerobic training and resistance training in reducing cardiovascular disease risk for patients with prediabetes: A multi-center randomized controlled trial
- Visceral Adiposity and Cancer: Role in Pathogenesis and Prognosis
- In Pursuit of Healthy Aging: Effects of Nutrition on Brain Function
- Repeated exposure to challenging environmental conditions influences telomere dynamics across adult life as predicted by changes in mortality risk
- Diet and Microbiota-gut-brain Axis In Relation to Tail Biting in Pigs: A Review
- Emerging trends and focus of human gastrointestinal microbiome research from 2010–2021: a visualized study
- Motor training improves coordination and anxiety in symptomatic Mecp2-null mice despite impaired functional connectivity within the motor circuit
- Hydrogen Sulfide Restored the Diurnal Variation in Cardiac Function of Aging Mice
- Circadian rhythm as a therapeutic target
- Association between risk of type 2 diabetes and changes in energy intake at breakfast and dinner over 14 years: a latent class trajectory analysis from the …
- Circadian regulation of transporter expression and implications for drug disposition
- The Role of Obesity-Induced Perivascular Adipose Tissue (PVAT) Dysfunction in Vascular Homeostasis
- Circadian Rhythms in Resting Metabolic Rate Account for Apparent Daily Rhythms in the Thermic Effect of Food
- Circadian Regulation and Clock-Controlled Mechanisms of Glycerophospholipid Metabolism from Neuronal Cells and Tissues to Fibroblasts
- Cell-type specific circadian bioluminescence rhythms recorded from Dbp reporter mice reveal circadian oscillator misalignment
- A prospective study of the relationships between movement and glycemic control during day and night in pregnancy
- Effects of a low-carbohydrate high-fat diet combined with high-intensity interval training on body composition and maximal oxygen uptake: A systematic review and …
- Clinical practice advice on lifestyle modification in the management of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in Japan: an expert review
- Nightly fasting duration is not associated with the prevalence of metabolic syndrome among non‐shift workers: The Furukawa Nutrition and Health Studymx
- Dietary Restriction for Kidney Protection: Decline in Nephroprotective Mechanisms During Aging
- Obesity Management and Prevention of Cardiovascular Disease
- Is there a relationship between the ketogenic diet and sleep disorders?
- Nutritional control of intestinal stem cells in homeostasis and tumorigenesis
- Short-term fasting reshapes fat tissue
- Roles of circadian clocks in cancer pathogenesis and treatment
- Specific TIME Determinism: Circadian Rhythm of Microbial Community Assembly Patterns Under Common Light in Feces of Laying Hens
- Circadian clock precision, health, and longevity
- Health-Related Lifestyle Profiles in Healthy Adults: Associations with Sociodemographic Indicators, Dispositional Optimism, and Sense of Coherence
- Diabetes mellitus and cardiovascular diseases: nutraceutical interventions related to caloric restriction
- The acute effect of fasted exercise on energy intake, energy expenditure, subjective hunger and gastrointestinal hormone release compared to fed exercise in …
- Different expressions of clock genes in fatty liver induced by high-sucrose and high-fat diets
- Hyperinsulinemia and its pivotal role in aging, obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cancer
- Clock knockdown attenuated reactive oxygen species-mediated senescence of chondrocytes through restoring autophagic flux
- Mitochondrial contributions to vascular endothelial dysfunction, arterial stiffness, and cardiovascular diseases
- Brazilian Journal of Exercise Physiology
- The nurse’s role in providing strategies and advice on weight management
- Manifestations of gene expression profiles in human right atrial myocardium caused by mechanical stretch
- Continuous Ketone Monitoring: A New Paradigm for Physiologic Monitoring
- The Gut Microbiome: Potential Clinical Applications in Disease Management: Novel Approaches Using Diet and Nutraceuticals to Reduce Manifestations of …
- A cross-sectional evaluation of the relationship between social jetlag and diet quality
- Daily Rhythm of Fractal Cardiac Dynamics Links to Weight Loss Resistance: Interaction with CLOCK 3111T/C Genetic Variant
- Strong and Bitter Vegetables from Traditional Cultivars and Cropping Methods Improve the Health Status of Type 2 Diabetics: A Randomized Control Trial
- Mitochondrial disease, mitophagy, and cellular distress in methylmalonic acidemia
- Clock‐controlled arylalkylamine N‐acetyltransferase (aaNAT) regulates circadian rhythms of locomotor activity in the American cockroach, Periplaneta americana …
- Clocks, viruses, and immunity: lessons for the COVID-19 pandemic
- Religious Fasting of Muslim Patients After Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery: a Modified Delphi Consensus
- Factors affecting unmet healthcare needs of low-income overweight and obese women in Korea: analysis of the Korean National Health and Nutrition …
- Behavior Testing in Rodents: Highlighting Potential Confounds Affecting Variability and Reproducibility
- An isocaloric moderately high-fat diet extends lifespan in male rats and Drosophila
- CircadiOmic medicine and aging
- Impact of dietary fat composition and quantity in pancreatic carcinogenesis: Recent advances and controversies
- Targeting Cardiovascular Risk Factors Through Dietary Adaptations and Caloric Restriction Mimetics
- The Brain’s Reward System in Health and Disease
- The Effects of Sex Hormones on Food Intake, Body Weight, and Fat Composition: A Cross-Species Analysis
- Circadian Clocks, Sleep, and Metabolism
- Health benefits of dietary chronobiotics: beyond resynchronizing internal clocks
- Cross-species screening platforms identify EPS-8 as a critical link for mitochondrial stress and actin stabilization
- Identification of SCARA3 with potential roles in metabolic disorders
- Urinary Proteomics of Simulated Firefighting Tasks and Its Relation to Fitness Parameters
- Circadian NAD (P)(H) cycles in cell metabolism
- Regeneration, Rejuvenation, and Replacement: Turning Back the Clock on Tissue Aging
- The essential role of recurrent processing for figure-ground perception in mice
- The exon-junction complex helicase eIF4A3 controls cell fate via coordinated regulation of ribosome biogenesis and translational output
- Susceptibility rhythm to bacterial endotoxin in myeloid clock-knockout mice
- Nerve injury and repair in a ketogenic milieu: A systematic review of traumatic injuries to the spinal cord and peripheral nervous tissue
- Production and economics of probiotics treated Macrobrachium rosenbergii at different stocking densities
- Tick-Tock Consider the Clock: The Influence of Circadian and External Cycles on TIME of Day Variation in the Human Metabolome—A Review. Metabolites …
- Meta-analysis of effect of vegetarian diet on ischemic heart disease and all-cause mortality
- Nutritional Aspects of Cancer Therapy
- Effects of iron and zinc biofortified foods on gut microbiota in vivo (Gallus gallus): A systematic review
- Early manifestation of gait alterations in the Tg2576 mouse model of Alzheimer’s disease
- Effects of maternal obesity on placental phenotype
- Recovery 18 from training
- The impact of diet on weight and metabolic outcomes in patients with double diabetes: a systematic review
- Současné trendy v oblasti alternativního stravování
- Circadian clock protein BMAL1 regulates melanogenesis through MITF in melanoma cells
- Spaceflight Modulates the Expression of Key Oxidative Stress and Cell Cycle Related Genes in Heart
- Pterostilbene influences glycemia and lipidemia and enhances antioxidant status in the liver of rats that consumed sucrose solution
- Early growth response protein 1 mediates the effect of insulin on leptin transcription in adipocytes
- Protein requirements for master athletes: Just older versions of their younger selves
- The Microbiota and the Gut–Brain Axis in Controlling Food Intake and Energy Homeostasis
- What should we advise MAFLD patients to eat and drink?
- Ripened Pu-Erh Tea Improved the Enterohepatic Circulation in a Circadian Rhythm Disorder Mice Model
- Associations of Dietary ω-3, ω-6 Fatty Acids Consumption with Sleep Disorders and Sleep Duration among Adults
- Inflammation causes remodeling of mitochondrial cytochrome c oxidase mediated by the bifunctional gene C15orf48
- Circadian rhythms in neurodegenerative disorders
- The roles of the LIM domain proteins in Drosophila cardiac and hematopoietic morphogenesis
- Every-other day fasting prevents memory impairment induced by high fat-diet: Role of oxidative stress
- Disease Implications of the Circadian Clocks and Microbiota Interface
- Habitually skipping breakfast is associated with chronic inflammation: a cross-sectional study
- Effects of Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Analogue and Fibroblast Growth Factor 21 Combination on the Atherosclerosis-Related Process in a Type 2 Diabetes …
- A systematic review and meta-analysis of animal models of binge eating-Part 1: Definitions and food/drink intake outcomes
- The Cardiometabolic Health Benefits of Sauna Exposure in Individuals with High-Stress Occupations. A Mechanistic Review
- In Silico, In Vitro, and In Vivo Analysis Identifies Endometrial Circadian Clock Genes in Recurrent Implantation Failure
- Iodine Nutritional Status and Related Factors among Chinese School-Age Children in Three Different Areas: A Cross-Sectional Study
- Effect of probiotic supplementation along with calorie restriction on metabolic endotoxemia, and inflammation markers in coronary artery disease patients: a …
- Mental Health Benefits of Exercise and Genistein in Elderly Rats
- NAD+ metabolism and its roles in cellular processes during ageing
- Multivariate analysis of NMR‐based metabolomic data
- Different enzymatic associations in diets of broiler chickens formulated with corn dried at various temperatures
- The Beneficial Effects of Ramadan Fasting from the Medical and Sociocultural Perspectives.
- Combination of Anoectochilus roxburghii Polysaccharide and Exercise Ameliorates Diet-Induced Metabolic Disorders in Obese Mice
- Role of dietary modifications in the management of type 2 diabetic complications
- Dietary nutrition for neurological disease therapy: Current status and future directions
- Mechanistic and Other Relevant Data
- Identifying the Predictors of Self-Management Behaviors in Patients with Diabetes Based on Ecological Approach: A Systematic Review
- Turning Back the Clock on Aging? A Perspective on Selected Mechanisms and Therapeutic Avenues
- Obesity and endocrine-disrupting chemicals
- Spaceflight induced disorders: potential nutritional countermeasures
- Pregnant Women Living with Obesity: A Cross-Sectional Observational Study of Dietary Quality and Pregnancy Outcomes
- The effect of morning vs evening exercise training on glycaemic control and serum metabolites in overweight/obese men: a randomised trial
- Cellular aging in vitro recapitulates multi-tissue epigenetic aging in vivo
- Reversion to regular diet with alternate day fasting can cure grade-I non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in high-fructose-intake-associated metabolic …
- Late eating is associated with cardiometabolic risk traits, obesogenic behaviors, and impaired weight loss
- Implications of Circadian Rhythm in Stroke Occurrence: Certainties and Possibilities
- Effects of Aerobic Exercise on Rats with Hyperandrogenic Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome
- γ-Oryzanol produces an antidepressant-like effect in a chronic unpredictable mild stress model of depression in Drosophila melanogaster
- Evolutionary epigenomic analyses in mammalian early embryos reveal species-specific innovations and conserved principles of imprinting
- Potential Use of Exosomes as Diagnostic Biomarkers and in Targeted Drug Delivery: Progress in Clinical and Preclinical Applications
- Effects of diurnal exercise timing on appetite, energy intake and body composition: A parallel randomized trial
- A Low-Protein High-Fat Diet Leads to Loss of Body Weight and White Adipose Tissue Weight via Enhancing Energy Expenditure in Mice
- Conservative Treatment for Childhood and Adolescent Obesity: Real World Follow-Up Profiling and Clinical Evolution in 1300 Patients
- In-Season Nutrition Strategies and Recovery Modalities to Enhance Recovery for Basketball Players: A Narrative Review
- Oncostatin M sensitizes keratinocytes to UVB-induced inflammation via GSDME-mediated pyroptosis
- Evaluation of genetic differentiation and genome-wide selection signatures in Polish local sheep breeds
- β-hydroxybutyrate as an Anti-Aging Metabolite
- Effects of high glucose and lipotoxicity on diabetic podocytes
- Novel role of xanthine oxidase-dependent H2O2 production in 12/15-lipoxygenase-mediated de novo lipogenesis, triglyceride biosynthesis and weight gain
- Goals in Nutrition Science 2020-2025
- Circadian clock: a regulator of the immunity in cancer
- Biochemistry of Desire: The Biosemiotics of Advertising to Bacteria
- Prevalence and demographic, substance use, and mental health correlates of fasting among US college students
- Deletion of AMPA receptor GluA1 subunit gene (Gria1) causes circadian rhythm disruption and aberrant responses to environmental cues
- American Journal of Preventive Cardiology
- Dietary restriction transforms the mammalian protein persulfidome in a tissue-specific and cystathionine γ-lyase-dependent manner
- Ramadan fasting in health and disease (2020): A narrative review
- Moderate Mocha Coffee Consumption Is Associated with Higher Cognitive and Mood Status in a Non-Demented Elderly Population with Subcortical Ischemic …
- Hallmarks of health
- Congress Partners
- Group housing and social dominance hierarchy affect circadian activity patterns in mice
- Drosophila melanogaster: A Powerful Tiny Animal Model for the Study of Metabolic Hepatic Diseases
- Transcriptomic Analysis of Laying Hens Revealed the Role of Aging-Related Genes during Forced Molting
- Tolerability and Safety of a Novel Ketogenic Ester, Bis-Hexanoyl (R)-1, 3-Butanediol: A Randomized Controlled Trial in Healthy Adults
- Effects of Periodic Religious Fasting for Decades on Nutrient Intakes and the Blood Biochemical Profile
- Aging Induces Hepatic Oxidative Stress and Nuclear Proteomic Remodeling in Liver from Wistar Rats
- Is muscle and protein loss relevant in long‐term fasting in healthy men? A prospective trial on physiological adaptations
- Research progress on the interaction between circadian clock and early vascular aging
- The effect of intermittent energy restriction on weight loss and diabetes risk markers in women with a history of gestational diabetes: A 12-month randomized control …
- Comparison of expression patterns of six canonical clock genes of follicular phase and luteal phase in Small-tailed Han sheep
- Intermittent leucine deprivation produces long-lasting improvement in insulin sensitivity by increasing hepatic Gcn2 expression
- Postnatal Iron Supplementation with Ferrous Sulfate vs. Ferrous Bis-Glycinate Chelate: Effects on Iron Metabolism, Growth, and Central Nervous System Development …
- Common Muscle Metabolic Signatures Highlight Arginine and Lysine Metabolism as Potential Therapeutic Targets to Combat Unhealthy Aging
- Central Neurocircuits Regulating Food Intake in Response to Gut Inputs—Preclinical Evidence
- Does bariatric surgery improve cardiac autonomic modulation assessed by heart rate variability? A systematic review
- Epigenetic landscape in blood leukocytes following ketosis and weight loss induced by a very low calorie ketogenic diet (VLCKD) in patients with obesity
- Applications of cosinor rhythmometry in pharmacology
- Identification of conserved transcriptome features between humans and Drosophila in the aging brain utilizing machine learning on combined data from the …
- The final fate of food: On the establishment of in vitro colon models
- Impact of Liver and Pancreas Diseases on Nutritional Status
- Pathogenesis of insulin resistance and hyperinsulinemia associated to obesity and TIME line of appearance of these conditions in Type 2 Diabetes
- Circadian Clock Gene Period Contributes to Diapause via GABAeric-Diapause Hormone Pathway in Bombyx mori
- Factors affecting unmet healthcare needs of low-income overweight and obese women in South Korea: analysis of the Korean National Health and Nutrition …
- Effect of Religious Fasting in Ramadan on Blood Pressure: Results From LORANS (London Ramadan Study) and a Meta‐Analysis
- Obesity, Senescence, and Senolytics
- The Importance of Age-Friendly City on Older People’s Continuity and Life Satisfaction
- Association Between CLOCK 3111 T/C Polymorphism with Ghrelin, GLP-1, Food Timing, Sleep and Chronotype in Overweight and Obese Iranian Adults
- FTO and PLAG1 Genes Expression and FTO Methylation Predict Changes in Circulating Levels of Adipokines and Gastrointestinal Peptides in Children
- miR-149-PARP-2 Signaling Regulates E-cadherin and N-cadherin Expression in the Murine Model of Endometrium Receptivity
- Fasting ameliorates oxidative stress: A review of physiological strategies across life history events in wild vertebrates
- The sedentary (r) evolution: Have we lost our metaboli c flexibility?[version 1; peer review: 2 approved, 1 approved
- Effect of TIME –Restricted feeding on body composition and cardio-metabolic risk in middle-aged women in Taiwan
- Circadian disruption and metabolic disease risk
- Obesity in C57BL/6J mice fed diets differing in carbohydrate and fat but not energy content
- Feed deprivation over 16 days followed by refeeding until 75 days fails to elicit full compensation of Procambarus clarkii
- Targeting senescent cells for vascular aging and related diseases
- Effects of physiologic inputs on autophagy
- Potential Effect of the Circadian Clock on Erectile Dysfunction
- Targeting autophagy: lifestyle and pharmacological approaches
- The role of modified Mediterranean neuroprotective diet on emotion, cognition, and depression
- Metabolism and Medicine: The Metabolic Landscape of Health and Disease (Volume 2)
- Metabolism and Medicine: The Physics of Biological Engines (Volume 1)
- Effect of three feeding strategies (automatic, ad libitum demand-feeding and TIME –Restricted demand-feeding ) on feeding rhythms and growth in European sea bass …
- feeding , growth, and blood chemistry of the tambaqui (Colossoma macropomum) held under self-feeding and TIME –Restricted automatic feeding conditions
- TIME –Restricted self-feeding causes fin damage of Atlantic salmon
- The Impact of TIME Restricted feeding in Crohn’s Disease
- Should You Eat Breakfast While Fasting–Early TIME Restricted feeding VS Late TIME Restricted feeding
- Effects of feeding TIME on Markers of Muscle Metabolic Flexibility Following Acute Aerobic Exercise in Trained Mice Undergoing TIME Restricted feeding …
- What options does a grazing ruminant have? The effect of fasting and Restricted feeding TIME on the ingestive and processing behavior of cattle.